TV Argument

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The thaw seems to be upon us, but schedules and road conditions can still conspire to put me on my trainer. This is where my “training TV” becomes an absolutely essential piece of equipment. So, what do you watch on your indoor training battles? I find that I cannot watch cycling while I train as I have seen any tape or DVDs I own at least 5,000 times. I concentrate mostly on the History Channel (mmmm, war…) or maybe something on the NFL network, especially if they are doing a profile of past Dolphins teams. Csonka, Csonka, Csonka!



I don’t ride a trainer or rollers at home. Use all the cardio machines at my gym (and spin classes!!!) to pass the winter hours. Am I going to get my a$$ kicked next week????


I thank heavens for the 2-hour "24" episodes and strings of "Seinfeld" reruns. And the last 2 "American Idol" episodes at least pass the time. Then there was "Top Chef," where I would try to ride over to the TV to eat some of that food.


Any past year Tour DVDs. Techno tunes. 3 days block. All 1 hour 30 minutes threshold work. Rest on the fourth day. Next week, repeat them again.


Cranky, I’d like to take this opportunity to flame you, but in a gentle way:
Shaw rote, "i swear i passed a Deno’s rider coming down Mt. Lemmon"
Settel wrote, "[It] was me".

They saw each other. I’m pretty sure you’re man, Rob, was not involved.


As Noel Coward said, TV isn’t for watching it’s for being on.
Reason enough to get your riding level up to the point where you’re participating in a televised event.


shaw – i believe you saw rob marcinko at mt. lemmon – he rides for ct. coast cycling. he is in tucson for the week.


TV is never as intolerable as when I’m on the trainer, but for some reason audiobooks aren’t nearly as boring. Podcasts are great, too. Plenty of awesome free stuff out there, especially Radiolab from WNYC. Get an education while you suffer.


My PC has a TV tuner card with an S-video output, and a DVD burner. With Win XP Media Center (or now with Vista Premium) you can set your PC up to record any show any time the PC is turned on. Once the show is recorded, you can play the recording on a TV in front of your bike and/or burn the show to a DVD and watch it any where you have a DVD player.

I find that I ride faster watching cyclist racing than if I watch the NFL, or basketball, or NASCAR…


To Shaw – Deno’s rider was me, Tony Settel. My cell is 914-960-0036. Riding tomorrow at 10 from Sabino Canyon. Will be at corner of Tanque Verde and Catalina (access road to Mt. Lemmon) at 10:45ish. Welcome to come along. Give me a call after 9am. TS


agreed…I watched the first half of the super bowl on a trainer. it was mostly commercials. Still love football though.


If i watch Breaking away one more time, I’m going to stick a knife in my eye. although that’s not nearly as bad as when i used to use the old Carmichael CTS training tapes. riding a trainer indoors while watching other people ride trainers indoors. Scintillating.


i’m in tucson, AZ and i swear i passed a Deno’s rider coming down Mt. Lemmon. Anyone know who it is and how to contact him. i need a riding partner.

Ken S.

Last couple of weeks it has been audiobooks. Then I discovered I actually COULD ride the rollers without hands. I’d never crashed off the rollers, and now here I was no-handed, and I thought, Hey, I’m the sh$t, these rollers are nothin’, I’m gonna graduate to So last night I watched last year’s Paris-Roubaix. There I was, humming along nicely, and there was George’s wreck. That horrible, helpless crash. I was okay, but then they replayed it nice and slow and it hurt to look at and down I went, straight off the rollers and bouncing around the floor, in some weird sympathy with George.


My PC has a TV tuner card with an S-video output, and a DVD burner. With Win XP Media Center (or now with Vista Premium) you can set your PC up to record any show any time the PC is turned on. Once the show is recorded, you can play the recording on a TV in front of your bike and/or burn the show to a DVD and watch it any where you have a DVD player.

I find that I ride faster watching cyclist racing than if I watch the NFL, or basketball, or NASCAR…


On my PC I record every stage of evry cycle race I can find through out the spring and summer, burn them to DVD, and watch those when I can’t get outside on the bike in Ohio. With all of the stage races, I can easily get 50 rides in without watching a repeat.

Rob H

Luckily for me, I’m pretty new to the sport so I find watching coverage old TdF’s is working well. But, after having gone through the one I have 3 times now, I’m sharing your problem… I only have one thing to say: Entourage Seasons 1 & 2 on DVD.


Al Gore killed my TV, and DVD player. After watching the DVD of Inconvient Truth my DVD player died and could not be revived. Then when he appeared at the grammys the top half of my TV when black, and never recovered. So I am holding a grudge since I can’t watch anything while I ride anymore. I’ve tried to read which is a failure, and now am just stuck with the radio.

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