Trophy Argument

Section head text.

Once again, we have another excellent argument suggestion. Personally I love having to do as little as possible. This must be what it feels like to be a super business guy editor type. I feel like J. Jonah Jameson.

The argument is: How do you mark your successful races? Do you save the prize money envelopes, which are all you get at most races if you’re in the money? Do you save the numbers? How long? Why don’t promoters offer better trophies or medals? Is money all we care about?

I used to keep my race numbers, until I had way too many. I wanted to get rid of them, but unfortunately they had become a load-bearing addition to my house.



I’ze dwiven and waste with Arj Langley 1000’s of miles – both…and if he said the TT was at Fitchburg, well then that’s the way he gets it.


First, the race wont close out, there are no per se limits that we’re close to hitting. Registration, we extended thru tomorrow at 10am, when we can first get around to working up the Start lists.

As far as splitting the 4/5s, well, its too late now, and secondly, combining 4/5s is pretty standard at TT’s. there are people like Dave Linenberg (won Kingwood overall, beat gisler, etc.) who are 5s, never race on the road, just TT’s and Tri’s, etc. and they will race 4/5, or Masters. i dont think its bad keeping it combined, nor an issue if it were to be split up , in advance. a lot of times, you dont get a lot of riders at these events. On this occassion, 200+ is a big list.
just makes it all the more interesting.

and, not that it matters, while most TT’ers do take some satisfaction from results within their own category, i would guess we ALL look atour times relative to overall times. I could win the m35 by a margin, but if only came in 6th or 7th overall, i’d be less than pleased.

TTs are a race against time, and yourself. not sure categories are relevant at all.


Ok, so there are a LOT of 4’s and 5’s. I do not however see Accardi registered, and he is who I would have put my money on. So who is it going to be? Anyone call the podium for the 4/5 group??

Lobbyist for poor fragile 5's

With that many people in the 4/5 how about splitting the group into 2. Are the Westwood Race Directors listening?


Former Mountain Outfitter – Sakonnet – Targetraining rider is currently top 20 on GC at the Tour of Missouri after getting top ten on stage 2. Very nice riding!


Men 2 1 Arnal, Alvaro Human Zoom/Pabst Blu 16:56.4
2 Boone, Andrew Kenda/Raleigh Racing 17:01.5
3 Walch, Toby Mechanical Services/ 17:02.9
4 Zmolik, Daniel CRCA / Empire Cyclin 17:14.5


Hey 526, if you want autographs from the NJ trio, I bet you could get them to do it. Just go up and ask. I hear they are amazingly down to earth in spite of their otherworldly powers.


Gisler took a pee at the turn around in the NJ State TT but we’ll see on Sunday. All I say is that Aspholm’s time was 17:11 at Fitch and Zmolik’s was 17:14 and to make the comparison even more real let’s look at the winner at Fitch, Arnal, who’s time was 16:56 and the same Arnal was beaten by 20 seconds in the NJ State TT by Gisler.


Zmolik’s time was 52:30 and Margarite was 53 and change. Times in the NY TT was slightly faster than for NJ for the same rider so it could be that the course was a little faster. Gisler I think was 52:40 in NJ but Troy was 54:47 I think. The Westwood guys love their TT’s and I think they will be prepared but I agree that experience could make all the difference.


Many of the riders in the NYC area has done some of these “NRC events, UCI events, racing in Belgium, France, Italy, etc” and we get to race against them here in the small pond. We get our asses kicked but it’s kinda cool. Keep your big ponds. We recently had our hair cut and went out and got real jobs and now we do this big fish small pond thing and we are just fine with it.

I know all

1) JB will run Astana and take all the good Disco guys with him except for Hincapie. Announcement to come after TOM.
2) Hung Bear winners jersey in a display case. Much better than the $100 I won.
3) No Foundation TT guys for Silvermine??


you see how many guys are registered for silvermine? like 230 or so. wild.
even wilder is that it looks like there are 15 to 20 TTT teams.

i didnt see zmolik on the individual categories; might need an asterick near their scoring if they win, like Roger Maris.

i might have to ride out there just to watch. is that on 7lakes below bear towards route 17? i guess, how far from palisades is it?


Its Aspholm. Who is betting against Aspholm is all i gotta say!

His nickname is the Flying Fin.
Kimball’s i thin is the Killer Texan.
Gisler is just Simplee Fast.

Flying Fin & Killer Texan and Simplee fast.

Oh, and not that it matters, but they won the NJ TTT CHampionships 2 or 3 years running, WHOMPING other fields. Those exact 3.

I’m all for someone to knowck those NJersey punks off their smug little pedastle, but i’ve been racing CRCA and NJ stuff for years. ASPHOLM, KIMBALL, GISLER….repeat that a few times and then, with respect to anyone else, tell m you’d part hard earned bucks on the line!

Love odonnell and his crew; goldman fast, did well this past weekend in my field; cosgrove a player. but ASPHOLM, KIMBALL and GISLER.
all day every day.


Loehner won nationals with Saturn in TTT. They still hold US record for 100km for that ride. I think he was also on the podium in ind. TT. TTT is different and experience counts.
Zmolik did, I think, sub 52 minutes NY states, and is TT-ing consistently all season. He beat some good names in Christiana TT.
Margarite got second in CRCA champs. Definetely a strong team.

WV Zero is super strong too, as results from last year show. Roger is a machine and always dangerous.

This is gonna be awesome. Get ready to rumble!!!


Could you please tell us where the big pond is? I would just hate to waste my time to go to this small pond event where only riders from the greater NYC area will be present.


The cool thing about Tour de ‘Toona is that the entire road is blocked off for all fields. No double-yellow rule makes it really fun, especially on the downhill. It’s so pro.


Subject: SIlvermine Start times and other Silvermine news

FROM: Silvermine Time Trial

Silvermine start times – not just yet, but you’ll have them, i’m just about certain, TOMORROW sometime late morning.

**Registration is extended to Midnight TONIGHT – Due to the heavy last minute registrations, we’re going to extend the registration deadline to midnight tonight.

Get your cycling buddies to sign up! the weather, and i hope we’re not JINXING it, looks phenomenal.

Team Time Trial – we’ve had a ton of riders signing up for the Team event as well as their individual categories! Sweet! gonna make for a hard fun day for many! I strong recommend it. First, you’re there anyway.
Secondly, if you have not done a Team Time Trial, let me tell you it is the MOST fun you can have on a bike, bar none!!! And you will thusly be deserving of a far bigger lunch! You’ll have earned that extra scoop of fat free frozen yogurt!!

If you are interested in doing the TTT it, sign up on line . Don’t sweat performance or results. Its just a great way to go out and work together with your buddies, the guys you’ve trained with all season. And together, you can do great stuff on your bikes in a team fashion, for an official time.

If ANYONE needs some help with funding the TTT event, or the individual categories, let me know. My Company, Trade Manage, and I will subsidize those who need a little help with the entry fees. This sport aint cheap, but I would cringe to hear that someone didnt race and lay it on the line because they were concerned about the economics. Call me 201 602 8272, but better email me. I’m forgetful.

But i still need the names of your teammates, your team, you, and license#s before midnight.

When i get in tommorrow, we’ll download the bikereg data, add any last emailing riders…we’ll have to put those doing the individual categories as well as the TTT near the first start times for their individual races so can get back. Not a lot of options there.

We’ll then try to sort the start list, keeping all category riders together or near other riders from their categories. And we’ll TRY to give deference to reversing the order of the current NJBA TT Cup Series riders, atleast the top few, in the event those categories are in contention.

You can register here:

And you can check back tomorrow for start times. I’ll also shoot one more email around with start times, etc. tomorrow.

When this is over, i know you’ll miss the season, so get it while you can!
Come out and have fun!


Steve G


But yall know that Loehner got a medal in the Pan Am Games (you know, an international competition among countries in the Americas) riding for the US National Team. Back in the day.


Word on the street is that Kimball has been a bit, uhm , soft this season. Roger is packing on weight for his CX season, something like 12, 15 lbs…and Gisler was last seen huffing and puffing at that Park Ridge Ride.
I’m not stating Fact…i’m just stating what i hear!

My money is on Empire. Zero shot that big -haired , BonJovi loving, Bruce Springsteen worshipping Exit 158 lovin’ NJersey-ites are beaten the harden NY crew. no how. no way.


I am a CRCA member and great fan of the Empire team but beat the WV team zero? No way. Zmolik is a great TT’er as he has clearly shown in both the club champs and the other TT but Gisler went under 53 minutes in the NJ state TT champs, Aspholm is one of the top guys in the greater NY area as he often demonstrates in RR’s and TT’s and while Troy is maybe a little slower, he is still pretty fast. They all climb well too. The only thing is that the Empire guys will be fresh as they are not doing the ITT. That might get them close but I still think WV will take it.


Trophies are excessive. I like the cash with the addition of a simple medal. It’s a nice reminder of a specific victory years later, and easy to store.


diff in drive time is 30-40minues, not 1hr+

and the thing is Waitsfield and Burlington are great places to hang out. Did you ever hear of anyone from NYC saying “Oh yeah, my girlfriend and I are heading to Altoona for the holiday weekend.”

Nice race though, and some friendly people

philip marlowe

I a big fan, but don’t become too enamored of your own cleverness, you seem to be flying perilously close to the sun latley. It would be a mistake to underestimate the resourcefulness of NYers. You are not the only cleaver cyclist in this city, and it would be a shame to me if you were unmasked, much less entertaining.


I had a good time at Toona this year, got some cash, probably only something like 50$ but they havent sent it. None of my team mates got their dough either this year. I heard they were like WAY WAY in the red this year so I bet no one who didn’t get paid the day of will receive their checks.


I hadn’t looked at this since earlier today. Apparently I’ve made an absolute buffoon of myself, publicly.

Sal, you’re right; I completely misunderstood Mr kwk’s post and was wrong. I think this is clear, and thankfully the only person humiliated was me. I apologize to him. I only wish that this wasn’t my real name, since I doubt I’ll be living this down anytime soon. And if the mistake wasn’t humiliating enough, the suggestion that I was engaged in some elaborate brassiere joke has me pretty chagrined. This is really pretty mortifying.

some dude

i walked away with around $1200 and 2 really cool mugs after placing 2nd in the Tour De Toona GC as a Cat. 4 (3rd TT, 1st RR, KOM, Sprint jersey) a while back. on the drive home it even seemed like pro bike racer might be a viable career option. then i upgraded and the good feeling was gone. regardless, toona remains one of the most generous amateur races i can think of. i am surprised at how many NYC racers make the 6+ hour trek to VT for GMSR and how few make the 5 hour trip to Altoona each year for 4 times the prizes. not to mention a free dinner for all racers after the road race and free food and drinks before and after each stage.

CRCA Junior Dev/Orbea

I sware I saw Andy Shen in my High school this week…was that you or do you have a clone running around…my school’s on west 48th


i won a 10K running race in France once, and received: 100 francs (about $20 bucks at the time); 2 green pillows; a small painting of a bicycle; a bag of chocolates; a bouquet of flowers; a cup with the name of the host town.


“If you win the turkey race, do you get a turkey?”


Though many participants donate the turkeys back to a charity


Can get their own velocity. See that “start your own velocity” button at the top of this page? toomuchschmalzvelocity soon to launch…


won a bottle of champagne at a club race. good prize, because for once my wife thought bike racing was a worthwhile endeavor.


a pair of Look pedals (when clipless pedals were a very new, exotic item) plus a bag of apples and big can of maple syrup from the farm of a local luminary (and former Olympian and US National Ski Team coach).

Very rocking prizes. Gave the syrup to my grandmother a few weeks later which made her happy.

The CRCA Team Cup Trophy is pretty sweet – that was fun to get (for a year) too.

Bigget cash prize was $200 which was not bad.


My money is on O’Donnell, Goldman and Cosgrove. 3 State Champions (NJ, NJ, NY) amongst them. The helmet camm’d O’Donnell would be best served to leave the recorder at home and just slice/dice.

Whats with this Cosgrove guy? didnt see results for him in any of the recent TT’s other than NYS TT which he won.

Haven’t seen Aspholm in the TT’s either, or Kimball for that matter.

I say Empire takes it all. They are riding Fresh.

is it $15 per rider, or $15 for the entire TTT squad? how do you time it, front wheel fo the third rider? just 3 right?

litty fan

“haha yes how dare they take a huge and longstanding field of solid riders from the club and offer them an incentive to race using team tactics for a team prize.”

Every race rewards that stuff. Don’t understand why there has to be another award on top of that.


Now you see Will, the problem I see with team 2 is that even though I believe that you will be able to keep up with the likes of Gisler and kie. I don’t think that the combination of the 3 of you will be as strong as the other 3 and it is not that I think either of your teamates are slow, not at all. They are just slower than Kimball who is the slowest of the other 3. When Troy is the weakest link in a team, then that team is hot as shit.


Like this series winner of the FBF races for Cat 4’s and Cat 3’s older than 35. Along comes this 50 year old guy and wins this big ass trophy after winning the series. That is just so weird and dishonest. How could they limit the competition to cat 4’s and 3’s over 35 and allow this very talented 50 year old cat 3 to win the whole series? Such a dishonest bunch of people.


Oh great. Now the club hands out a prize titled B Field Challenge Winner or whatever and its dishonest? They are lying to us all or something? They are cheating the Club Champion of his/her rightful glory by awarding a prize to the fastest B rider of the year? Get real Litty. The chorus of complaints from present/past club champions feeling overshadowed by the B winner is, um, nonexistent!

Will O'Donnell

I admit that it’s a bit of a stetch to think that Goldman/Cosgrove/O’Donnell will trounce Team Zero, but I would take odds of one minute down. I am going to say that it will be less and we may even surprise you. What is this “Empire” team of which you speak. 🙂 Bring it on people. (all in good fun!)


haha yes how dare they take a huge and longstanding field of solid riders from the club and offer them an incentive to race using team tactics for a team prize. What a bizzare and silly idea! Prizes should only be given to the fastest Cat 1s right? The rest are just posers. Wait, just the top pro. One guy/gal in the USA deserves a prize.


Just saying it wasn’t me. He was interesting and accurate, whereas I usually get caught up in my own goofball storylines that usually have nothing to do with the race itself.


Creating a group of peers for the sake of competition is one thing (that’s what categories are for). But to call the winner of this group some type of champion is weird (and dishonest).


but no others from Empire? WVelo Team Zero might have a fight on their hands but I would still give it to them (maybe 20 seconds)


It is almost like limiting some competition to CAT 4’s only and then limit it to say CAT 4’s that are older than 35 like the Green Mountain Stage Race. Very strange indeed.


AH, yes, the shiny little medals!!! we love those little medals, valueless to everyone but those that work hard to earn them.

At Silvermine, we have about $1500 in Accelerade/Endurox product, about $800 in Maxxis courcheval tires and a few hundred bucks in cash. Luckily, CFacas is a proud VW member and gets us like 40 big $50 jugs of the white powder, and Maxxis provides product also.

so shiny medals have given way to REAL BOOTY! big $50 jugs will go 3 deep. its a good investment. Pay $X to race hard and maybe you get back $5 more in Accel Gel!!!!

Come race the Silvermine TT> if anyone needs some help financially, but specifically related to being able to afford the entry fee, email his company is subsidizing entries for those who could use a little support.

FYI, i say no shot that cosgrove goldman and odonnell beat aspholm kimball and gisler. lets review…ASPHOLM…..kimball….GISLER. thats like USCF Trojans taking on the Indianapolis COlts.
its anybody’s up, go hard, and win.


Limit the race only to club members, to eliminate outside competition. Then limit it to mid-level riders, to eliminate stronger competition. Then give a special award to the winner of this narrowly defined group.

B cup is one of the stranger competitions around.


I won a basket of food in one race in 84 and then a turkey in a nj race in november later that year. That was cool. But the ones that I have held onto for the longest are medals from races I was really happy to place in. Of course, winners or leaders jerseys of any type are the king.


I’ve won a few dorky plaques and medals over the years and I never know what to do with them. But I like it when there are merchandise prizes. I once won a set of tires and a mini-tool at a road race, and a pint glass and a pair of socks at a cross race.

The first and best prize I ever won was a turkey, for 5th place at the C field. I gave it to my sister since she lives near the park; I believe it’s still in her freezer. That same year someone was putting up fifths of Wild Turkey for primes. Now that’s a good trophy.


yeah you better be damn fast ’cause 3/4 is a tough field at FBF for sure. JJ has dominated the sprints for years, and there are always others pushing the pace if you think you are getting away. I have big respect for the winners at FBF this year. At some point JJ’s legs will falter, but how old will he have to get?!!


after seeing the big ass FBF trophies this year, i have decided to drop down to the 3/4 race next year since i’m old enough to do so. my sandbagging will have a mission and that mission is a giant trophy.


is not easy to win with JJ winning most of them last year so don’t for a moment think that it will be as simple as dropping down to the 3/4 field to get a win.


I could not help noticing one particular team, well actually two of them, registered for the team event. The Team zero from Westwood with Gisler, Aspholm and Kimball and then the Team 2 with O’Donnell, Goldman and Cosgrove. My prediction is that they will be first and second in the order I’ve listed them and at this point I think there might be a 1 minute margin between the two teams and the 3rd team might be as many as 2 minutes down on team 2. Now if Empire could sign up with a 3 man team this might change because I think Smolik, KH and Molloy might provide some resistance for the WV team zero (not beat them but it might be close). So how about it Empire? Do it for the club.

Master hack

Stating the obvious, both are nice. And speaking of, did Harlem Skyscraper ever end up paying out? I never got paid, and would at least like to cover the cost of that bottle of Malt liquor I bought myself afterwards to celebrate my good fortune.


ok…food choice (a bit of a stretch) however I think if a few teams put thier heads together and used their legs as a squad alot of those wins could have ended up differently. Ugli has a fantastic sprint and he’s also “smart” tactically. He knows where to be when his team mates arent around to freight train the line. That counts for alot (natural talent aside). This applies to the A field as well. There’s a reason why Empire did well early. They were well drilled. The other teams looked at this and decided to go at it from different angles. Bandits sqeaked out a couple wins when Empire were crushing races early on. It can be done. No one is untouchable (except gulla and Smilies TT times)

Shameless Silvermine Plug

I believe Silvermine offers little medals. I still have mine from lowly cat 5 racing a few years back. Go get yours. Sign up on bikereg now!

Chris M

“A good result can be as subtle as what you ate that morning or who’s wheel you followed that went nowhere.”

Sooo not true, dear sir. If we set the bar of “standout” as being a mutiple field passing a-la-Gulla, then you may be correct. Thats more than rare – its now legend. Still, I can name a dozen riders easily if I go check results to provide examples of B riders who were clearly advantaged with talent and strength when they were in the field. Lets just take 2006. Last year I recall that Ugli could probably win the sprint even if he downed half a bottle of motor oil pre-race. There was no one close. What would Rashad have had to eat to lose the points race in July where he took EVERY sprint in the race? How about Olsen? Would skipping a bananna have doomed his multiple wins? Oh, and lets not forget the dominating performance of Mecray! OK, I won by a chin whisker (twice) – so in my case, without that “full fat” poppy seed muffin, I might have lost after all. Who knows. Lets just say I dont hear people clamoring to call me stand-out. But lets not suggest that riders in the B field are typically separated in wins by an errant food item choice. Esp in a 1 hour park race. Please.


Why not have a B-Cup “Chase” like in NASCAR? Since so many people move up, why not have the last three or four races of the year be like the playoffs. The top 4 teams make it, or top 6. something like that. This would make it more important.


The trophies are A field and Womens.
Wasnt there a trophy or some sort of award Cup given to the team that won the B challenge?


I think our viewpoints on this one will stem from marginal utility. If you win a lot, or have one a lot in the past, you probably have a reasonable supply of trophys, plaques and ribbons. You might not need any more sitting around collecting dust. $30 may be more useful to you than another trophy. I, on the other hand, have one small trophy from my cat 5 days, and nothing since. That trophy sits on my son’s dresser and he is very proud of it. (I am too, I guess). I’ve won a tiny bit of cash here and there, but I’d happily trade the odd $20 I’ve picked up for something a bit more permanent.


No cup, only a challenge, for B’s.
There is but one Cup per year.

One rider requested a downgrade for the sake of the Challenge last year and was denied. As such, the only instance of attempted “sandbagging.”

The medals usacycling gives out are pretty sweet — I’m definitely keeping mine for a long time. Most others, not so.


Firstly I most confess I am a fan of your new blog and your post but judging by your own sense of decorum you might be disturbed to know KWK is using his real name, we know who he is, and you are not. So you are really breaking tacit rules when you bash him, just the kind of thing that would seem to upset you.


on my computer table from my one second place finish in a CRCA club race last year. Until I’m down to my last twenty bucks, I’ll keep it as a pleasant reminder.


Very true about the kicking and screaming point. Some teams actually do need the support in the A field to make run for the cup there. Having another bullet in the holster helps. to each his own..well put.


Long after you have spent the prize money on something you will soon forget, the trophies are yours forever.
Charlie I. still gives trophies at the end of the Floyd Bennett Field series. Keep up the Great Work Charlie!


new club members knew what the cup trophy looked like, I bet most of them would covet it no matter which field it was won in. As a matter of fact, the A and B trophies are identical except for the text at the base. Its a pretty impressive object. Definitely a nice looking trophy.

Helium Bagger

“It’s strange that riders in the b-field that do well in the early season immediately abandon the competition”

Many don’t care about that competition and want to move up to a more competitive less sketchy field or also have teamates in the A field.

To each their own. Doesn’t seem like there’s been much sandbagging in CRCA races this year and I’ve never heard of anyone getting booted to the A field kicking and screaming.


“A good result can be as subtle as what you ate that morning or who’s wheel you followed that went nowhere.”

Or even what sort of TP you used, and where, and how.


Since there are many site visitors who aren’t NYCers, they may not get what’s going on. B-cup is a race series, within the CRCA, for the B riders.

Please continue– it’s getting fun.


“B Cup should be ended”?

You can’t possibly be serious. What makes you so superior and judgmental? Is this some sort of misguided black humour? This is precisely the sort of low-brow commentary that’s seems all-to-common on this site. Apologies as I’m new here, but this is just disgraceful. There just isn’t another word for it. Was it a joke? If so, I don’t think it was funny, nor do I think anyone else does, either, “kwk,” so please keep your comments to yourself. I don’t know why the rest of you tolerate this. While they may be low in numbers (and nonsensical postings, I’ll bet!), the women on this site are a vital part of this community. There is a great article on this site featuring a former female Olympic athlete, and an intelligent and spirited defense by another woman of that very same article. (It should surprise no one that it was, of course, a woman who provided an intelligent and well-written defense.) (Also, I meant female former Olympic athlete, not a former female.) Perhaps you don’t prefer B cups, Mr “kwk,” but there are those of us who are unconcerned with the cup size and frankly don’t see its relevance to a cycling discussion. (Especially those that are leg men.) We don’t come here to hear sexist commentary, Sir. Please cease and desist.


the b-cup argument should be a separate topic on another day. As for today’s topic, i only save race numbers when i come in first place in state/national championships. other than that, i don’t save anything. I also save those gigantic checks you get for winning a big pro race. And, when possible, i save the underwear of the groupies i sleep with.


Whats missed here is the fact that most teams have the bulk of riders for at least close to a full season, so the competition is decent. Every year there are a small group of riders in both C and B that are clearly too strong to remain, and those guys need to move up. Skews early season results maybe, but the larger base of riders remains, and the cup promotes team riding and tactical skills practice. Good thing.


It’s strange that riders in the b-field that do well in the early season immediately abandon the competition that they could help thier respective team win if they stuck with it. The level of competition also suffers. The same successful rider cant win EVERY b race. Eventually they get figured out and thats the fun of racing. The c-field should take pride in thier events as well and make them as fun as possible and not be so quick to move up only to get mediocre results with selfish indiv. racing goals.

Chris M

CRCA race wins – I scrape a bit of horse dung from my face, place in petrie dish, and hang on bike wall for memories, posterity and science experiment all in one.

Regional Races: If I get top 10, I take pics, photo shop out the guys ahead of me, then hang pic on wall next to horse dung with caption “Another great win for Chris 7/15/07”

All this goes on wall next to my bowling trophies, and my now-framed gold-starred papers from 4th grade. My trophy wall rocks.

Low self-esteem and proud of it

Every amateur sport gives trophies, but we get a little bit of cash. It’s usually never enough money to actually do much with, except buy a cheap lunch. I’m not winning anything anymore (since I’m now old and slow), but I would rather have a $20 Trophy than a $20 cash prize.


but I kept the cat 5 trophies I won in the spring series and they are displayed rather prominently in our house together with the two medals I won for completing two marathons. In the first I 5800th and in the other there wasn’t so many entrants and so I was like 2600th. Then there’s the Acura bike ride medal. No places awarded but medals for everyone. Nobody needs to know this. I’ll keep these well earned prized posessions (even though the are cheap plastic crap). On a more serious note, I am very proud of my CAT4 Bear Mountain plaque and I think more promotors should give such plaques to winners as it is rather special and a great reminder of that day’s great race.

Helium bagger

B cup doesn’t promote much sandbagging but it isn’t much of a cup since the strong early season teams often have a bunch of upgrades. Not necessarily the case every year but sometimes. It adds a little something extra so why not keep it if some want to focus on it.

vet obsvr.

wish there were color distinguishing for CRCA teams that win the Team Championship to be issued the following season. + the 50+ and 40+ club champ should be allowed to differentiate the crca badge or something in a manner that sets oneself apart from the field.


i race home, log in to nyvelocity, and type “where’s the pics” then I’ll surf over the and see if anything’s going on with britney spears. then ill come back, type “where’s the pics!?!?!?” making sure to include appropriate punctuation. then ill hit and see if lindsay’s been up to no good again. then I’ll come back, make sure I hit the cap locks key, and punch in “PICS?!?! WHERE ARE THE PICS?!?!?” then I surf around looking for naked pics of that high school musical person, I dont know what high school musical is, but I figure naked pics are a good substitute right now. then i’ll come back and make sure I turn it up a notch by making it personal “ANDY!!!! PICS?!?! WHERE ARE THE PICS?!?!?” and that usually works. wait, how do you define “successful race?” we might have different definitions. im talking about one I finish where there’s someone with a camera


How little I finish down on the winner. If I ever won a race I would give the money back if it was a charity event (Berger, Naugatuck, Morgenstern etc). The only trophie I would ever want in my house is the Roubaix Cobble.


More Races should award winners Jerseys or artsy trophies like the Roubaix Cobble rather then the money. Money gets blown on food after the race but a winners jersey or cool trophie can last a while.

Comments are closed.