Transportation Alternatives Roller Race

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You had every reason to go and race him unless you are over seas writing this, sitting in your loft apartment in NYC, or driving around in your wifes station wagon?

You know where to find him…


Is Lacorte posting again as someone else? What a loser. Silly rabbit, there’s no such thing as a cupcake fan.

what it is

Agreed; I wrote about there being no such thing as a cupcake fan, but I am a little amused that the overtly pro Lacorte stuff is just too easy to see through as being Lacorte. I mean, there are guys who win around here a lot more, and have less internet “fandom”. Wonder why that is?

Also, maybe because the T-town guys didn’t show up last time, and aren’t suppose to show this time, Lacorte will actually come instead of chickening out.

Because Cupcake fans want to know?

Heard he was in heavy duty training these days with Whiteman. What are you up to LaCupcake? Can you come out a play?

Cupcake Fan

You mean he will have to come out of training to give a wooping? What about it LaCorte you game?

Hipster Olympic Medalist

For the “citizen’s” category – does it mean that a usacycling license is not required in order to participate?

Who else?

What if renewed license has not arrived yet? Seems to be taking a little longer this year. Is printing the lic from USCF web site good enough? So Alan will be there… Great! Here we go. time to take back the 500TT Qualifier to NY..

Alan Atwood

You can print an Authorization to Ride from your account. If your renewal has been processed, you should show an expiration date of 12/31/08

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