Training Trip argument

Fly to ride fly?


I’m writing to you from my training camp in my brother’s laundry room in Iowa, and a question comes to mind. Have others has the same opportunity this year? Have you traveled this year to get some training done? Did you fly out to Arizona, California, perhaps even South Dakota?




i was going to venture to florida and spend a week, but the friend i was going with f-d some shit up and couldn’t go, and i didn’t want to go by myself. kinda bummed, but next year.

anyway, i think it’s kind of crucial to get the heat flowing through you again, after being used to the cold. hmm.


if you are going to come back and spend the spring racing around here, why would you need to get used to anything but shitty cold?


drago was such a pussy with all that eastern bloc pampering. you want to get tough, train like a hardcore american athlete. leave the wife and kids at home. the robot will take care of them.


but I’m booked for the Tour of Cali. in a week. The peak from that is sure to allow me to dominate the middle of the pack in the 3/4’s. Watch out, I’ll be the guy with the tan screaming “watch your line,” and “get outta the jogger’s lane.”


I am thinking that all the roller workouts are getting to me and I am not sure if they are all that effective after all. On Sunday I kinda sucked on the group ride and was just wondering if I am maybe just becoming a slightly overweight pussy. Not sure if a training camp would get me on the right track again but two years ago we had the opportunity to go to LA to take part in the Acura bike ride which is part of the LA Marathon week-end. It was supposed to be a casual ride but as inspired Cat 4’s we turned it into a full on 27 mile crit and after that did some wonderful rides in the LA area. It was the first weekend in March and I had great form at the beginning of that season. I should maybe just suck it up and get out there.


I’m heading to Berkeley for 8 days at the end of the month with my bike and will have plenty of time for 2-4 hour rides. Can anyone reccomend any good rides in the area?

Also — to continue an ongoing conversation, Virgin America charges $50 for a bike each way, but with the base roundtrip ticket price coming in at $259 (including taxes and fees). $359 seems pretty reasonable all things considered.

sam s


Bike across the Golden gate to Marin and climb Mount Tamalpais (Bear Mountain X 2) ride the switchbacks down the other side to Hwy 1 at Stinson Beach and take that beautiful road back south to Golden Gate.

Also the Paradise Loop route in Marin is great.


sprint hard down telegraph ave. to get yourself some fat slice pizza, and have a few bong hits later for dessert. threshold training at its finest.


This person thinks their FTP is their max 20 min effort! All that post shows is that despite all their investement in time and $ they have not a clue about how to train. FTP=what you can do for an hour max effort outside! If the guy can do 370 for 60 minutes then I am scared.


This person thinks that these arbitrarily-defined acronym-initial-things are some kind of universal, agreed-upon language!

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