Training Race Argument

Section head text.

Last day of Schmalz vacation, and he emails in an argument:

Which races do you consider to be training races? Early spring races? Tuesday night races? And why are people obsessed with being in shape in July? What’s so great about July? If you’re out freezing off your onions, shouldn’t you at least try to race and win? Plus, a win might get you a free victory-salute body-language critique.



Race your way to fitness or train your way to racing???
How many of you training racers actually try soemthing different tactically or physically? Light gears/heavy gears? at the back punching tickets/off the front at any pause? organize a chase/bridge to the break?
Who has a plan and sticks to the plan? At least O’D admits to throwing out the playbook, going by gut, and then monitoring his output… please stand up!


“Normally his eighth place finish wouldn’t put him into the automatic controls, and he was not chosen as a random control. Phinney requested that he be subjected to a doping control at his team’s cost so he could have a chance at being awarded the record.”


(or some other city chock filled with floundering type A personalities)could this type of inane thread exist. Photos. Drug tests. Calling people “fat asses”… I guess we’ve got too much time on our hands, and too few climbs.


“at the expense of his team”?

I think he is going to be phenominal. 17 years old and beating top top guys in the persuit. Outstanding!!


wasn’t automatically tested, he requested to be at the expense of his team, so he could be eligible to own the 3K record he hit during the 4K race.


1. Always say “please” and “thank you”
2. Hold hands when you cross streets
3. Bring enough to share with everybody

Someone sane

1) The guys who do well in “training races” usually kick butt in other times of the year.
2) Pictures are cool. Whining about no pictures is not cool. I’m not sure what’s more thankless – promoting races (but making money), officiating races, or taking photos. I try to say thank you to the marshals and officials at the races.
3) Make up your minds – are park races too hard with guys like Will Riff, Morras, Joao, Loehner, Rashad, Wilson, Ricky, Gavin, etc in the race or are they too easy? If they are so easy, how come the guys who win, are never the ones who say so?
4) No matter what happens, if you race your bike you are going to do the spring series; no results posted or not.


the toughest race around her is the race to get out of your girlfriend’s apartment with my clothes on before you get there.

Luis Diaz

Under USAC/USCF rules there is no such thing as a “Training Race”

Under the rules, if you get dropped on ANY race, you cannot jump back in.

Check the USAC rulebook if interested in what the penalty could be.


Are they spiking the water in London or has Justin just flipped? A tax on riders to subsidize this trash? You gotta be kidding.


Not sure I can think of any races around here where you can drop out and then jump back in within the rules. I suppose you can do it, but better not place since you will be DQ’d for sure. And CRCA is $10 unless they increased it this year.


for some people a cat 4 park race feels like the tour de france. others don’t think anything that doesn’t have the word “stage” or “mountain” isn’t a real race. Whatever, your choice…


it’s my understanding that the difference between a training race and a real is in the rules. in a race designated as a training race, if you get dropped you can get back in. this lets you try things and take chances that you may not in a real race. i don’t mean take dangerous risks i mean perhaps try to bridge to a break or make an attack that you would not in a real race because you could blow up and get dropped and than you’re day is done and you’re out $30 bucks. on that note, training races, as i’ve seen, are less expensive, around $10 so again, you feel better if you try things that don;t work out..


other than floyd, which isnt even 10 bucks, when was the last time you saw a 10 dollar race around here? Thats not the definition of a training race. Most races are for training purposes of some sort or another, fine tuning fitness, gaining fitness. That doesn’t mean you can’t give it a go and try to get in the mix and win it. Personally, if I drop the cash and flash the license, its a race, the training comes along with it.

And no, I’ve never pulled extra so I get a good photo, and from what I’ve seen, its hard enough to get everyone else to pull long enough to even consider it a pull, I’m pretty sure no one else does that either.

We shouldn’t have to pay money for drug testing, USAC should be on top of things, and show up randomly, but, most of these races around here are total garbage and fly below the radar. Then again, if you’re lightin up to rip people’s legs off in the spring series, you are an idiot anyways.

Every B racer

true. lets pay money to make sure that no one’s cheating to win in a cat 4 park race. you a-holes take this shit WAY too seriously.

btw, getting a good picture of myself in a race is the only reason i show up to CRCA races in the first place!


Doping, photographs, prize money…how about get a pro contract, then moan about this stuff and whether or not it’s worth it for you to try to win a “training” race. Otherwise, have fun, race hard, and hope you don’t look too geeky in the photos that do show up…


you might win more often if you paid the $2 to keep dopers out of the races. I’d like to see drug testing purely so the accusations can stop and legitimate winners who are talented and work hard can actually enjoy their wins.


as it is i used to win more money for less entry fee.. now promoters will collaborate on who is running races and when so they don’t interfere with each other. well i think if you get your own day for your race your prize list should be 1 grand minimum for the 1/2/3. think about it… 30 bucks by 80 people is 2,400. don’t think you can get 80 people? do a 1/2/3 race and a 4/5 race then… less fields, less cop time, less expense, happier riders. i’m just saying raise the winnings… raise the level of racing, level of exposure, racers ability to race every week… and it’s all good.

Fat Boy (Jay Mueller)

I am watching NY1 right now and apparently being obese is now a risk factor for dementia (Alzheimer’s disease), especially if you carry your fat in the gut. Less so if you carry it in your ass.

They said something about people who have fat in both their ass and their gut, but I forget what it was.

Patrick Demarchelier

Zello I am zery interested in taking zees bike photos you all describe here for my next portfolio, pleez send me your CVs


you picture hounds are the worst, pay your mom to come take pictures of you next time and you’ll have them right away.


I do need them that badly. As a matter of fact, while at the front, in a break, I was doing a pull thinking “man I gotta pull off,” then I noticed the photographer further up the road and thought “I’ll just pull to him, then pull off.” How sick/narcissistic is that? And don’t tell me it hasn’t crossed your mind. Then after all that work, no picture!


I would be willing to personally contribute to the photographers to reward them for their efforts and time. Maybe someone can organize this.


without pix, I’m going through withdrawal. NYVC is like a crack dealer, they get you hooked, and then cut ya off.

Local Racer

I think the person(s) doing the Pics and video are really great, But I think the promoters should kick back $1.00 per racer at each event to NYVELOCITY to compensate the Photographer’s for their efforts. think of it as a donation. Then I am sure their will be plent of pics every week. Face it we all look foward to the Pics.


do you need photos that badly? is it the only way to prove you were there. Wait, you prly aren’t in any cause you gotta be at the front. Nevermind.


i don’t know about anyone else, but i have a lot of endurance training in at this point and like the early races to get in some higher end work. thus i don’t race them that seriously and accelerate a lot for no real reason except to train.


yup, right next to Surprise and Gayhead.

[insert obligatory ‘not that there’s anything wrong’ with that here]


I treat them as serious races and when I’m not (like I am now) I treat them as training races mostly just to ease the pain of not being competitive.


i’m bored with this topic. there seemed to be 87 jackholes fighting for position 45 guys deep in the park last weekend. i think all of them would love to be wilson. i would too for that matter.

this is a non-point.

Sam F.

… seem to be a lot of peoples cup of tea since they just came off a few months of not racing. Everyone seems super motivated to do well early in the season (at least everyone i know) then after mid-april i hardly see these people again until next march. I think most (definitely not all) people go into ‘training races’ with a pretty aggressive attitude because we enjoy racing and competition otherwise we would not be doing this. And ,yes, i agree that for some of us ‘training races’ are the only races we get to do because of other obligations… Has nothing to do with being slobs or bad racers..

Joe Friel

If any of you have read my book, you would know that 90% of your races are “training.”
Ideally you pick a few events that suit you strengths and do everything to win. All other races/events are designed to sharpen your skills.
If you are in a position to win go for it, but the goal is to use these ‘other’ races to build towards your peak and bigger goals.


guys who are hardly fat slobs but have demanding careers &/or kids. and who only race in the park because sneaking out at 6am for a few hours is about all they have time for? not everyone has the time to drive all over god’s green earth all summer & sleep in motels for days on end. great for you if you do though.


for a lot of people every race is a training race. the same 10 people win every race, pretty much. every one else is doing it for fun and to stay in shape.


Fat guys who race in the local parks only do not come out for the big regional races. The die hards that keep racing from March – October are the only ones left in the dead of the summer. Plus, racing against the MA, VT and upstaters is much tougher in JUly than racing against the slobs in the park.


I think we all agree that spring is for training because all of us (those who run off to warm places for camps in Feb/Mar excluded) are still finding our legs. Thing is, we may be going kinda slow, but the playing field is still pretty even, so winning still feels great (Im guessing here) and counts just like the rest of the year. Is winning a big July race over 70 mi with climbing a bigger achievement than winning a 30 min Branchbrook circuit? Yeah, no doubt. doesnt mean it isnt cool to win in Newark too though. Cant take anything away from a guy strong enough to beat all of us in March even in a shorter race for sprinters. We see same guys winning or doing well in similar type races in summer, so its all the same in the end, just faster or slower in diff times of year. Of course the climbers never win in spring ’cause they dont have climbing races, so for them its just sit-up time in March – but they sit up in similar races in July, so no biggie.

pom pom

I consider the Early spring stuff to be training races, although i dont really do much better in real races. the difference is that i dont get as upset when i get dropped in the early season. besides, no one starts training in october to peak for branchbrook.

the previous post had it right, the competition is much tougher come may and early summer.

im glad i got that off my chest.


in july the competition is more even. since the conditions are more condusive to training more are training and more are fit. being strong in spring in relations to the competition isn’t the same as being strong in july. the sping races are training races. they are for building.

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