Train with Credit Agricole

Section head text.

April 11-19, 2008



Mike Fraysse Sports is proud to announce that we will be hosting the Calyon-Credit Agricole Professional Cycling Team’s spring training camp April 11-19, 2008, at our world-renowned cycling-specific training center in Catskill Mountains of upstate New York.
Fresh off a month of racing in France, the Calyon-Credit Agricole Pro Cycling Team will use this spring training camp as a final hard block of training to bring on peak form for the rest of the season. Besides taking advantage of the mountainous rural roads surrounding the training center, the team will also utilize Mike Fraysse Sports Resort’s sophisticated computrainer testing and bike fit services, as well as the coaching of 2-time US Olympic Team manager and US Bicycling Hall of Famer, Mike Fraysse, to give them the critical edge against competition in 2008.
Riders of all ages and abilities are invited to join the team and experience first-hand what it’s like to live and train like a pro a training camp. Camp attendees will have the rare opportunity to live and train right alongside the pros during their stay. Participants will accompany the team on vehicle-supported training rides each day, and will also have the use of the resort’s computrainer testing, roller, gym, and bike fit facilities and services. Discussions and clinics will be held each night after dinner on a wide array of topics, from racing tactics, to nutrition, to how to turn pro out of the amateurs, and beyond. Young riders will have the opportunity to network and impress pro team directors, while participants of all ages will get to rub elbows with the pros and experience what it’s like to live and train like a pro at training camp.
For more information, visit
Registration may be completed via by following the link or by contacting us via phone or email to request an application.
Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have.
Yours in Cycling,
Mike Fraysse Sports, LLC.
(800) 994-3335




This isn’t credit agricole that Thor Hushovd is on. It is Calyon-Credit Agricole. Guys like Mike Norton are on the team. They are a great team but not the team with Thor Hushovd. You all should really come. The camp is run by Mike Fraysse who is the former olympic coach and arguably the best cycling coach in the United States. The camp is run at his training center in Glen Spey, NY. I recommend that you all should go as it will really get you in shape for the upcoming season.

Calyon- Credit Agricole’s website is

Hope to see you there

oldie but goodie

wait … can you actually be in the same state as thor? what exactly are the terms of the restraining order?

From Scandinavian viking mythology, Thor was the thunder God. With the hammer blow, he created the lightening flash. Thor, pronounced

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