Traffic Argument

Section head text.

The arguments now seem to be taking on a life of their own. No sooner do we post one, then another presents itself. Last week’s argument about the Gimbel’s ride, brought up the subject of riding in a group and breaking traffic laws. So – when do you blow off traffic rules? Do you do it constantly? Since I ride almost exclusively in Jersey, I think my experience is a little different. I have a constant police escort. It sounds cool, but you have to tip them…



I got a speeding ticket outside of Chicago on my bike a couple of years ago. It was the proudest moment of my cycling life.


why do you feel the need to tell us. Just go already. Your presence will be missed and therefore we will know you have left. No need to warn us.


of a tendency to stop when leading a group – for the safety of all. If I’m by myself, I’ll cruise through. It seems exactly opposite to those posting last where they attack at the lights in order to gap the group – weak…


Whenever I’m on point I alert those closest to me and let them make the decision. Personally I will blow right through them unless a cop is visible.

Anal about traffic

as I see it is when a group is shattered and approaching a light on a major road that is about to switch to red. The first few guys make it safely, and everyone else follows even though they are well gapped so that by the time the last guys go through the light has been red for a while. It is one thing when the entire Gimbels group is together and the light goes red and the group rolls through, but another to have individual riders continue through.

Hey, if you want to risk life and limb and possibly the right to ride on certain roads (see Piermont/Nyack) by cutting traffic in these situations, go for it. But is it really worth it just to make sure you stay with the “peloton” on a training ride?

p.s. Riding by myself I go through lights if it’s sensible, but not in a situation where I’ll be cutting off traffic or pedestrians.


in my car, why would I on a bike. It’s only illegal if you get caught, and only dangerous if there are other speeding cars. Oh, and danger is my middle name.

Jerry Sianfeld not Larry Craig

I’l bet that sonner or later.this would
turn to a gay discutoin even if this has nothing to do wit that topic.
so face it. you’re gay.
not that theres anything wrong with it.


wtf is with the constant larry craig postings. was that incident that interesting or titillating? OMG, someone is a closeted gay. how is that funny? how could you think it’s still funny 3 months later? how dumb are you?

an Infant

To wtf. yeah I think its funny becouse people like him give us a bad name
and lie to them selfs if you’re gay
your gay.
and this is not the
so get that stick out of your ass.
no punt inttended.


I look for cops but if none are present go through red lights. also, if I’m making a left i’ll cross the road before the intersection so i don’t have to wait like a car in the middle of the intersection…much safer this way.


only freds stop for red lights.
the only cops that will give biker a ticket are scooter and bike cops. ignore other cops and lights.


On a city street: $150. – mail it in

In CP: $200. – must appear in criminal court. They seem to have stopped ticketing for this

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