Tour of Cali Chat Room

Section head text.

We’re SOOO proactive here, but better late than never.

Some ToC topics:
Check out Neal Rogers’ interview with Tom Boonen over at VeloNews. Is it me or does he gradually adopt an Austrian accent halfway through the interview? Is it in deference to euro Tom, or is it a tribute to the governator?
Cipollini’s yelling at the other sprinters to get off his lawn.
George gets his annual California asphalt ride.
This will be Astana’s last race until the Vuelta.
What’s with that underpass just before the finish in Santa Rosa? You follow the leadout for what feels like an eternity on pins and needles, then they disappear from view and some random guy pops out the other side and wins.



Results don’t tell the whole story. I just finished reading “A Peiper’s Tale”, by Alan Peiper– he was a great rider and won all kinds of races early in his career. But he found a niche on the powerful Panasonic team as a domestique– he loved his job and was highly valued. Danielson’s 2007 results show that he may be a different rider than we’d like him to be– maybe he’s finding his niche.


A ratio of 8 would mean he’s putting out around 476 watts at threshold.

Geez, if he could only stay healthy and get his head together.

Johnny Twelve-Point Wylde

A stage win at a Grand Tour is huge. That said, Danielson is overrated.

But his problem isn’t “getting his head together.” It’s that he doesn’t have the skill to save energy and make the right choices in a tight field.


2007 – Discovery Channel
Team Win Tour of Belgium
-supported overall winner Vladimir Gusev
3rd: Stage 3, Time Trial – Tour of Belgium

Team Win Tour de Georgia
-supported overall winner Jani Brajkovic

Team Win Vuelta a Castilla y Leon
-supported overall winner Alberto Contador

Team Win Paris – Nice
-supported overall winner Alberto Contador

Team Win Amgen Tour of California
– supported overall winner Levi Leipheimer

2006 – Discovery Channel
6th: Overall – Vuelta a Espa


I think he may be the most over rated Rider in the peloton, all hype, and watts to weight.. i heard he almost has 8 per kilo, but where is the list of wins??

Haig M.

Tommy D’s been “on the brink” since about 1999, so he’s almost ready!! Give ‘um a break. Anyone catch Gavi Epstein & Peter Salon’s great rides in Belize?


I think I saw Dom Rollin using power cranks when he rode away today. He did have a helmet on, and what looked like an earpiece, he could have been listening to an ipod….


not sure, but i think you get tested when you place in races. george might be tested more since he is placing more.


not sure, but i think you get tested when you place in races. george might be tested more since he is placing more.


That’s why Odessa brought the dogs…they’re tasting Levi’s food.

I’m digging the coverage. Not for the cycling coverage, but for Brian and Martin’s constant snide commentary on the coverage:

“Ah, here’s our wildlife photographer again, giving us another great shot of the greenery by the side of the road”

Sheer gold!


After crossing the line yesterday it looked like Cipo was giving Cavendish an earful which had nothing to do with the sprint. Wonder whether he was pissed about Cavendish using a team car to get back on after the crash in the finishing circuits (not sure how Cipo managed to get back on at those speeds) or whether Cipo was blaming him for the crash that took out most of the Rock team.


Just read the expanded velonews story where they suggest that Cavendish may have caused the crash and Cipo received the same penalty of hanging on a team car to get back on. Guess he was yelling at him for causing the crash.


he doesn’t “deserve it”
how could he be that much better?
could he? i want to believe
i’ve been a witness each year
i cannot sign his petition
we know enough about his team


he was citing personal problems once for his lack of results, referring to his young wife/girlfriend . you would never in a million years hear Lance, Eddy, Benard, Big Mig, Johan, Moreno, or any classics star say that, he needs to toughen up or his career will be over as a pro tour rider very soon

just askin'

here’s a question – USADA lets you look up how many times an athlete was tested each year on its website. most athletes get tested once. then there’s a bunch who get tested 5 or 6 times. and rarely anyone is tested over 8 times. hincapie got tested 10 times. I only found two other athletes on the site who got tested so much in one year. Does anyone know USADA protocol on this? Are they testing so much to eliminate something? Or was it because he wore the jersey for so many days at ToM that he was auto tested each of those days he wore it?


Schmalz, have you been sick so many times that you can spot a virus over choppy, pixelated cycling tv coverage? Variations in skin tone and body language, perhaps? Flu-dar?

Johnny Twelve-Point Wylde

Danielson should do a year riding crits in New Jersey and Floyd on Tuesday nights. Then head back to Europe.


Illness, actually it’s been reported that Creed and R&R guys have had it, and it’s the reason for Farrar dropping out – plus it is simply ravaging the cast of “American Idol”. Did I type that out loud?

Luis Diaz

The camera work and signal quality is terrible.

Agree with Alan, these peeps need a Director, and European-owner-of-a-bike director.

Cancellara is awesome.

Alan Atwood

I’ve been watching over the ‘net at the race website; coverage is OK but boy could they use a director!! Combine that with the cyclingnews text and I stay pretty well informed.

I have to admit; watching the descent from Sierra Road to the finish on Wednesday was dramatic and fun. I cannot believe that Cancellara make it with the first chase group; if he can repeat those performances he might win this damn thing!!

Feel bad for Ferrar; someone fire that hotel chef for f’ing up the food.

Might just have to go watch next year.



1 hour of coverage and half of it is bullshit repeated cliches from Phil and Paul, highlights from the previous day, and promotion for their hockey games. Camera work sucks and the picture breakups are endless.


hincapie finally showing how good of a climer he is when he is not of the Lance program,
Horner once again has a classy ride showing he is so close to being one of the best,

Danielson showing how much he is lacking when the big boys dial it up (he should have stayed state side for a few more years)all the watts in the world but very few results

Fabian is un real i wish they showed him bridging back on he had the ride of the day for sure

the coverage sucked i think the motor cycle cams were drunk, and satelite photos would have been closer than the copters. when will an american race show the sprint for the lesser placings??


yea…..Woody I hear that. Pulled out the “Citizen Kane” DVD soon after I saw it. eerily creepy performances by 2 different generations!


That film rocked – too bad D D Lewis may not win Best Actor because of politics. Depp was snubbed for 3 years in a row. “Sweeeny todd” doesnt hold a candle to “blood”.
dEF win best Pict though.

Woody Allen

I’ve abundant my boy,,,,I’ve abundant my boy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I’VE ABUNDANT MY BOY.
thats the best seen ever


“I’m sorry Daniel. If ‘Versus’ has a camera and I have a computer – there it is (hold up middle finger) thats the stream see. And my stream reaches acroooooooossss the country…I drink…your…milkshake! {sluuuurrrpp} I drink it up!

Versus ‘ha’


That Rock Racing commercial gives me a headache. It’s edited like some circa ’94 Heavy D and the Boyz video.

Also, someone at Cadillac is going to poop their pants if they read Michael Ball’s cycling press clips.


turn it on now, if you can–horner, zabriskie (!), leipheimer, pena, rubiera and two rabobanks up the road on the final climb… good stuff


dude, if you don’t want to know what happens, there are better places to be lurking than the “Tour of Cali chat room”…


i won’t give away the finish… but i will say that Dave Z + David Millar + Fabian Cancellara = a paceline with some healthy wattage… that’s all i’m sayin’.


i was in cali. i lived in DC when bill clinton was president… and god those were good times. i bet the post-tour celebrations with cipo are going to be great. i mean… cipo meets silicon valley… mmmmm silicon

A cycling fan .

heres a topic for you.
love him or hate him. I think that Michael Ball might be on to something. when he suggested that perhaps the cyclist should form some kind of union
it can only protect them
I dont know if you guys know this but Operation Puerto stared with soccer..
maybe the worlds best union
UEFA the european soccer union
put a stop to that investigation.only to protect its members.
and to prevent such companies like ASO or RCS to monopolized the sport.
and only let the teams they want inn to play.
Im not a Johann B. fan but I think the team has been dale a big blow.
now who’s to say next year they only led inn team that only have europeans inn?
or maybe teams who “donate” the biggest bribes.
Huh something to think about.
Talkes among your selfs.
got to go to work.

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