Tour doh france

Stage 2

Call me crazy, but I think Chavanel will win today.

Coffee is going into tummy, the fuse it lit

Crash, looks like the guy broke his ridding cheek.

Oh wait you dont ride with your cheek? get up!

For all your lance haters out there. The man look strongs today. Schmalz is going to cry to sleep tonight.

True fact, those boots help with ED.

Had a friend suggest this yesterday

"if ale-jet ends up causing a bunch sprint crash, can we start calling him "ale-qaeda"?

Seriously, Jens is cool enough. But I get douche chills when masters riders put on those compression boots and talk about him. "WHAT WOULD JENS DO?"  mmm he owuld walk away from the conversation.

I have the out takes of the conversation bwtween Tyler and Bob. Bob asked him about his coppercab videos. Ugly answer.

 Tyler Farrar Gets worked up when he is teased about the ginger virus.

Super tricky course today. I wish they would go to the pack and show us if any facorited are in trouble.

It always cracks me up when they show the front of the pack, looks like they’re just ridding tempo. So the back, looks like a bomb has gone off.

I think today must be a weekday, I don’t hear any gun shots outside.

Cervelo says fuck that, we need to win the stage. Everyone came to race.

Did Luigi go so fast on the down hill he cause others to crash?

For those don’t  have the tour tracker, your missing out on awesome commentry. Really?! no, not really

Due to request, I’m showing my ass.

No I don’t paul.

Cav is swinging at the back

This decent, will be scary. The good thing for anyone droped is the pack generally goes slower on the decents, so you can catch up. Now why would I know that?

Chavanel must of blown past bigheart to get back up,,,  well hell now’s hes droping everyone

Pick your winners!

You can "morn" the loss of a teammate who’s still alive,

Fuck, this is actually a pretty damn good race

We have a race people

How much time will he lose on the downhill?  the lotto guy should catch up


did I call it? yes,,, crash and lotto caught up. I" so cool.

oh not good,, what the fuck happened?!

did fabian go so fast on the down hill he caused the crash?

This is great for the break



WHats up with SAXO? did they not hear or see about his crash?

SAXO will push his ass across the gap if they have to,, are you seeing this? andy is just flying by dudes

Oh classicamano, why don’t you wait ?

The whole of the pack is waiting for Andy, I hope CVV gets in on that wait.

Schmalz,, crashes on the decents. Lance his behind, andy s, and cvv as well.

Paul just said poor conta only has 1 teammate with him, as he was surrounded by 4

Luigi, please.

Both schlecks have gone down

CVV will not be waited for.

Cervelo will get flack for this, but they want to win the stage. GC favorties on other teams don’t help them.

The cervelo lead group should get caught

they;re not making any time on the break,and its just hunt pulling.

Its a rainy and slick decent that took guys out

Cervelo has stopped pulling. gap is going back out. Favorites should catch back on

Cadel will regret not taking time today

Lance group is back on, lets see if radio shack goes to the front. to make sure the schlecks dont get back on

Sitll havent seen CVV, not good.

I’m a bit suprised they dont have more teammates with them

Looks like the schlecks will make it back

CVV will not

the race is picking up,, if cvv isnt with 30 seconds, he’s fucked.. dose he spit on babies the way to bike races? he’s got some bad mojo

Well, fuck. We went from having a great race to not having a race anymore.

Back to smartass jokes.

Radio shack is is getting on the front.

Looks like my pick won today. I’m really good.

 I"m suprised, cadel didnt force the issue enither did cervelo. Sometimes you need to take your time when you can. Its not always pretty

From my favorite twitter


"roads are dry, how ironic is that?" who are you, fucking alanis morissette?


Paul also just said "forever more" I dont have a joke for that

boooooooo, luigi. I dont think they’ll do sprint points.

ok folks thats it. Schmalz may be taking over from here. Or we might have a suprise for everyone. Stay tuned.



Isn’t Cav Petacchi’s best leadout guy? Every time Asthma-jet wins it’s because Cav’s taken himself and anyone who can beat the Jet out.

Dylan Rivnut

i was expecting cav to start referring himself in the 3rd person.

frankie “cav, can you tell me why you caused another crash yesterday? did you spit on anyone afterwards?”


VDV crashed, no idea where he is right now. They showed him briefly, looked like he couldn’t hold teammate’s wheel.

Ill Pirata

After a ride first, I like to hit the couch with a cold one taking swigs for every cliché like:

“Jens is a boxer, battling his machine”
“Lance is present and correct”
“He brought his suitcase of courage”
“Dave Zabriskie is the World’s most aerodynamic man”
“All of the big boys are riding as close as possible to the front end”
“If you want to know why there are breakaways, this is it!”

I now take shots for every time Sherwen redirects Liggett who seems to lose his way a lot lately.

I’m now drunk. Does Phil have dementia?


has a good point. Riders are going to be going down all week – should the sprints be called off everytime a G.C. favorite is affected? I saw a lot of guys waiting for new bikes. So was there a complete video team car black out or could they have video but not in the front seats? Anyone know what the exact ruling is?


They could’ve ridden neutralized ’til 3k to go, then let the green jersey contenders sprint it out if they felt like it. As it is Cavendish isn’t penalized for getting dropped on a cat 3 or 4 climb.

Svein Rucker

obviously we werent there so we don’t know the circumstances regardind the crashes on the descent. some riders suggested that it was impossible not to crsh it was so slippery… but, frankly, can’t blame the organizer for a wet descent… at some point it is understood that the conditions are a major player on this sort of race. It is ok to wait, but once together it should also be ok to race, they should have sprinted!

lorenzo rivnut

Yes, conditions play a role in the race. But when you have a motorcycle crash and spill oil on a wet descent, you have to take action. They should have neutralized the race and let the pack descend in a safe controlled fashion and then let them resume the race. Are they too dumb to realize that if you have no one racing, because they crashed, you have no race.

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