Tour day Schmalz Stage 13

Wet and French

The Tour this year, like an episode of Barney Miller, has been configured to have most of the action happen towards the end. Today’s stage will be the beginning of the chain of events that will metaphorically end with a defiant Abe Vigoda standing over a pile of vanquished criminals with his smoking sidearm in his hand. My memories of most of the story arcs of Barney Miller episodes are a little hazy, of course, but I’m pretty sure that’s the way 75% of them ended. And, yes, I know that I am shamelessly pandering to the younger demographic these last two stages with my references to Shields and Yarnell and Abe Vigoda, but I refuse to apologize.

Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4
Stage 5
Stage 6
Stage 7
Stage 8
Stage 9
Stage 10
Stage 11
Stage 12

Today the Tour starts hitting some more serious hills, with two cat 2s, two cat 3s, and a cat 1 climb. The climbs aren’t at the end of the stage, so any GC shake ups will have to come from a Hinault approved big attack, instead of a last k jump to a hilltop finish. The most likely candidate for this type of attack is Cadel Evans, and typing out that sentence almost made my keyboard melt.

But, of course, the most significant shake up in the GC battle happened when Levi Leipheimer went to get his wrist x-rayed. It’s not good form to kick a man when he’s down, so I will take the classy route and not comment on Levi’s retirement in any manner except for restrained respect. I will say that losing Levi is a terrible blow for awareness, and Lance will be wingman-free in his back of the bus videos. But to be honest, it looked like he was phasing Levi out of the shows anyway, word on the street says that he was thinking of replacing him with Kloden – who is rumored to be able to do a dead on Carol Channing imitation.

Stage 13

103k to go, it’s a rainy day out there and there’s a group of 3 riders out ahead which includes Chavanel, Perez Moreno, and Haussler, they are at 8:59. They are a strong group, but it’s a long wet way to the finish.

95k to go, and I’m cheating on Phil and Paul by watching the VS internet feed – as they actually show the race. Astana starting to go to the front.

93k to go, and the better Feillu jumps away from the field. And how odd is it that one Feillu is a climber and the other is a sprinter? Are they like a French Laurel and Hardy brother duo? And yes, that’s another reference for the kids out there.

Frankie and Levi interview – Levi’s wrist didn’t start hurting until later in the night.

Pelli Bawm Chicka Bawm Bawm and Martinez go for the polka dot sprint, and they shoulder each other! Somewhere Abdoujaparov just giggled. Martinez gets it.

83k to go, the break is dropping time like a Real World cast member drops their girlfriend back home.

80k to go, the big climb of the day is coming up, and Linus is making a move on the descent.

And since we’re on the radios today, we can give you the feed of Johan Bruyneel’s transmissions. He pops off a free form spicy verse.
"A wet Linus riding a spicy race.
I grunt in saucy approval."

Linus does have a good chance at this stage, he’s finished off the front by himself on a mountain stage before, but he’s sandwiched in between the pack and the break, he’s got about 20 seconds. Mmmmm, Linus sandwich. Oops, did I type that out loud?

On a programming note, I’ve been able to make a graphic representation of the phallometer – so I remember to keep track of the points. Lance’s current status is at 94.

70k to go, Linus is still hanging on out front at 30 seconds, it seems he’s taking the Hinault route today. Somewhere in Italy, Toto is watching the Tour, thinking to himself, "I should’ve hit that when I had the chance."

68k to go, and we get our first on-camera whizz of this Tour! How have I not seen more of this?

67k to go, Linus has about a minute and a half on the field now. He might just get chased down by Astana for spiteful reasons, as Linus said some naughty things about awareness earlier in the season.

"This is not positive for the credibility of cycling," said Gerdemann, winner of the Tour of Germany. "But there’s nothing anyone can do about it."

Hmmm, I wonder if Lance remembers that quote?

66k to go, Haussler and Chavanel are dropping Perez, who is not riding in a very Euskaltel manner.

Haussler and Chavanel have a chat on the hill, they have to decide whether they should let Linus join and concede the title of "prettiest breakaway rider". Chavanel thinks he’ll keep the title, but who is he kidding?

64k to go, and in a shocking development, Astana is at the front.

They show Cav in the hill – to make everyone else feel better.

Saxobank is massing at the front adding to the pace to see who they can drop.

Lance is looking not so fresh in the group. It looks like they are dropping Wiggo also. Paul says that it’s surprising to see Moreau drop back – and somehow doesn’t break into laughter.

Linus is about to get caught. Awareness avenged.

61k to go, Haussler and Chavanel are grinding their way to the summit like a pair of sloths in mating season.

Linus is now getting spit out of the front group like a prune at a toddler’s birthday party. Lance just said, "Who’s got prunes?!"

This descent is going to be eventful in the rain.

60k to go, Lance at the front of the group, Phil and Paul swooning.

Pelli Bawm Chicka Bawm Bawms the mountain points.

It seems that Contador was in front of Lance at the summit, has his race radio shorted out?

Phil and Paul mention that Virenque holds the record for the most mountain’s jerseys, neglecting to mention the fact that he was perhaps also the biggest dick to ever hold the polka dot jersey.

53k to go, Haussler dropping Chavanel on the descent. This descent could end up screwing more racers than CERA ever did.

47k to go, Chavanel descending like a, hmm, what nationality would Cav say here?

Feillu and Batman sound effect Txurruka are chasing now.

45k to go, Chav should be able to catch back up to Haussler on the climb.

I feel that I should mention how much more interesting today’s stage would be without race radios, but apparently the UCI’s mind has been changed – they hate to see the Hog cry.

Let’s have a Hog haiku shall we?
It’s a long day out
When you are in the team car
Pushing the aged

35k to go, so Chav has to catch Haussler on the hill to then try and match his descent on the other side on the hill? Does that sound probable?

29 k to go, Haussler has gained time on Chav, he’s at a minute now. If Haussler wins that would be two wet victories for Cervelo, a fact that mean absolutely nothing.

Phil and Paul mention that Menchov had some trouble on the climb, is he trying to infringe on Levi’s Bad Day in the Mountains™ trademark? Cause that’s totally uncool with Levi out of the race.

25k to go, Chavanel at two minutes down, looks like fear has boned the French again.

23k to go, Silence Lotto is at the front to try and set up something for Cadel. A situation which I imagine is like being the opening band for Stryper.

22k to go, Andy Schleck pulls over to get a battery change for his Leapster.

21k to go, only a wet ride downhill separates Haussler and a victory. That same decent will separate Chavanel’s man onions from their normal position in his scrotum.

Txurruka is dropping Feillu in the race to be overlooked.

18k to go, Txurruka gives Chavanel an encouraging tap on the butt, Chav’s butt not in the mood to be encouraged.

15k to go, Haussler has enough time to descend like pensioner at the post office and still win. And I can’t believe I haven’t mentioned that Haussler is wearing a white kit in the rain today. Maybe Chav dropped back to save himself the sight of Heinrich’s man crack.

Heinrich has to be careful of the white lines out there – insert obligatory Boonen joke here.

5k to go, Haussler has enough time to choreograph a Fosse style victory celebration – there’d better be some jazz hands.

We have a shot of the Garmin team car, Matt White telling the team about the dicey 180 before the finish.

1k to go, Haussler begins with a soft shoe. He adjusts the regrettable crotch arrow of his Cervelo bib shorts, and bursts into tears at the line.

Haussler takes it – Australia rejoices, Germany digests a sausage in celebration.

Now we just have to wait and watch to see if anyone has a "Levi moment" at the end. And yes, I should be much classier. 

It looks like Thor SMASH may have SMASHed his way to the green jersey.



…explanations forthcoming as to the makeup and occupants of the Phallo-meter?

I really wish the VS. live webcast would work at my company…


i mean, cmon…get a little emotional it’s a big deal and all.
A dream come true. Actually, even feel free to shed a tear or
the friggin finish line when you know there are 8 jillion
cameras on you. C’mon Mo-boy. Hold it the frick together.
you rode 160 miles like a man, how about 45 more seconds.
Really good for the image of cycling made up of two distinct
groups: 1) hopped up junkies and 2) crying little babies.


lancearmstrong big surprise, had antidoping control @ the finish. Keep looking, nothing to find xcept hard work & sacrifice. Never was, never will be.


those cervelo kits must have special anti-crotchtal/anti-crackage white fabric, ‘cuz no snausages or canyons visible.


Or maybe the soigneurs spray paint the crotchal/buttcrack regions of all the riders white before they pull on the bibs.

Non-EPO laced spraypaint, of course.


If I won a Tour de France stage I’d be crying, sucking my thumb and asking for my blankey, thank you very much. That kid has more balls than you ever will.


real men cry my friend.
I’m sure that sitting in that little cubicle must make you wanna cry too once in a while.
come on, let it go.


Wow, who cares if he broke down. Probably nervous about what people will think of a sprinterish type winning a stage like that by 6/7 mins? (and no hangover can compare to the day after a juiced up ride like that). Just sayin’.


Why wouldn’t dickcheney be at the scale of 100? totally discredits the meter to have him at the bottom, I mean c’mon Dan… Have you ever seen a poster child for phallometer phame and guiness world record holder status??


Just so we are clear – the phallometer counts down to zero, which is the ultimate in dickiness.


the haussler dude that won the stage dropped everyone on his way to victory. that kid is the hardcore. he can cry if he wants to. he still the hardcore. THE.HARD.CORE.

on other news… who brought bottles to the hog today? who is the replacement?


r MY hero,thanks for the dickiness phallometric correction…

I will never question you again, well maybe but that will have to do with your manloviness of a cetain team type1 rider who reamins nameless for me…


“Oompin floogin bork bork bork foto feenish, yah!”

I peed in my chamois a little from that.

Comic Book Guy

Comic book guy says:
“There is no emoticon for what I am feeling right now!!!”

WTF!!!! With “Friends” like Lance & Dave Z. pulling for AG2r in the finish who needs enemies. That was just disgusting to keep a legend in his twighlight from putting on the Maillot Jaune one more time.

I won’t even get started on Cav sprinting for 1 measly f%cking point!!!

I feel for you George. You were royally screwed by the people you served all those years,. I say you spill the beans on Lance’s “training methods”.


Are you sure it wasn’t AC who wanted the team to chase? LA and GH are friends. GH and AC are not.


Incredible how Lance can lie without showing even a hint of shame. He was so outrageous that even Liggett and Sherwen had to point out that Astana led the chase. 20 points off the phallometer.

Comic Book Guy

GH is no GC threat. It was (probably) his last time to get yellow ever. Why would AC be bothered? but “someone” told Astana to pull in the front of AG2r and I could bet the house it wasn’t AC. And what’s w/garmin pulling. That’s just plain “American on American crime”.This Garmin/Columbia “beef” is as stupid and useless as that “East Coast/ West Coast Rap beef” ten years ago. All it did was completely disrespect a man who has earned the Peloton’s it all these years.


GH for Cav arogance…just look at how they tried to stack the front so Cav could get a ppoint across to Hushie…


LA should loose at least 25 points for all the dickiness today.

I mean, he’s supposed to be, like your best friend — why did Astana chase? cause Lance is a dick.


Yes, it was so obvious that even Ligget was upset — WTF was Lance talking about. If Astana don’t chase, GH gets it.


But what was Hincapie doing? He seemed caught in two minds between going for the stage win and the yellow jersey. In the last 10k rather than just driving it, he was following wheels, slowing and starting. But maybe he didn’t have the legs at this point.

From what I saw, Astana pushed it until Hincapie was still in yellow by a couple of minutes. Then others took over, including (why?) Garmin. And yeah, very weird that Colombia should value a point for Cavendish over a yellow jersey (for a day or two) for Hincapie.

All quite odd.

crash hat

Columbia got screwed on both fronts. Green jersey is SMASHED for sure unless Thor’s legs fall off. It’s not like they’ve had a bad tour so far though, 4 stage wins? I’m sure they will complain about today though… Well they finally got some teams to help with the chasing!

their (leadout/non-leadout/block thor in) was a bit ridiculous to watch though..


he looked absolutely stunned at what had happened, and I think LA did not have to smile so much about george not getting it, even after they had ridden tempo to help him out , yer right , whatever.

WTF were garmin bloody doing though, Its tough enough riding against european teams being an american team without your own teams riding against you, they knew he was not in contention for GC.

I think Columbia at the end were actually setting false leadout tempo just to mess with the chase, martin kept sitting up everytime he got to front, they left it as late as they could.

It would actually be funny if the AGR italian actually won it all now due to stupid in fighting, east coast / west coast thing, does that mean we are going to see more pellet guns.


I’ve always said Lance was a dick. Today he proved it. Astana pulled more than 5 seconds off George. Period.

George isn’t one of my favorites, but Lance sure as hell should’ve refused to chase.


Forgot actually, just got back from france myself riding and watching the tour, on the day that contador attacked something funny happened.

When riding back down the final climb with all the pros passing by, one of my friends was riding down behind levi and kloden, all they did the entire time was moan about lance and how he kept yelling at them to pull and doing bugger all himself,

must have been a fun evening meal for astana what with AC attacking as well, FUN TIMES !

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