The Shot Argument

Section head text.

Every year, there’s someone out there taking “the shot.” They have decided that this is the year they find out how far cycling can take them and they will try to maximize their training. Their professional lives will suffer, and their personal lives will be put on hold in an effort to get to that next level of cycling. Are you taking “the shot” this year? If so, shouldn’t you be running the radio spectrometer on your urine instead of reading this blather?

Personally, I always come back every year at my awesome level of mediocrity, so this doesn’t really apply to me.


I love it too...

Who would you be comparing JT & Mihael to? Yourself?
JT almost always puts in a solid effort during a race, be it for the team or himself. When Mihael was in race shape he was one of the fastest finishers around in a cat 1-2 race. I’m pretty sure we all do this as a hobby at this point, killer.
-Haig M

JT puts in a lot of effort in races?

LOL he seems like a crystal cranker most of the time

Not as much as Mihael though

....and to you EUGENE

You can accept the fact that I simply made a mistake while typing or I am talking about a "her" that you might know.


Wow, that’s an amazingly backhanded compliment.

And if I commit murder, but was "only kidding", would it be all right?

Also, "Haven’t been up her…" must be a Freudian slip, eh? You’re a mess.

Haven't been up her since yesterday....

However, Chris M, relax. When I made those comments about JT I was only kidding. I was actually laughing as I was typing. It seems like JT did not take it too seriously and thats good. It always amaze me how someone always try to take the higher ground in a situation thats sooooo not serious. What, it make you feel so much like a man. Stop it dude. You are probably one to sign your name only when you have something good to say. Part of what makes this thing fun is ability to remain anonymous. And someone signing his or her name doesn’t really mean anything because it wouldn’t validate whatever statement they made. Besides, there are people who visit this site that you don’t even know. Would it really make a difference. Yeah, I do agree that some people take it too far. Enjoy it for what it is. You probably laughed at the comments about JT before you decided to hang on his left nut.

That said, every bike race needs a JT. Someone who’s ratio of effort to success is very low. However, they never stop trying.

I love it..

… that I unintentionaly I shifted the attention from Ken to JT. Goes to show you, it’s not easy being a celeberty. Just as Paris or Schmalz



hater boys, wtf? how many times do i have to tell you? don’t let ken know how jealous you are of him, his talent, his dedication and focus. now you have tipped your hands. and DON’T rile JT. he will kick your ass.
am i going to have to come up there again?

Anonymously Eddie Burlem

I told a teammate just this past Sunday that I wanted to Hug JT. He makes me smile when I see him.

The locals race scene is better with JT.

His loyal teammate



JT, I had the same experience a couple years ago at Branch Brook. I was trying to bridge up to the break along with Mike Norton and John Durso, and after I took a couple of what I thought were hard pulls Norton asked me why I was blocking. When I explained that I was killing myself, he suggested I might want to sit on.

Eugene won that race.


A while back (a long while), JT and I were on the same team, and 3 of our best riders left our squad at the end of the season. This was devastating. We asked each other, "What are we going to do now?" Then one of us said, "Well, I guess we’re going to have to step up, then".

The following Spring, JT and I we’re in nearly every successful breakaway in the March/April races (P,1,2,3 field), each of us taking turns scoring top-5 results every weekend, sometimes on both days. Oh, and thanks for the prize money, anon.

actually anon is right about some things

A story from the Harriman p-1-2 in 1999:

A serious break got away in the middle of the second or third lap and no one from my team (Metro-SBCG) was in it. I was just suffering and sure I wouldnt’ finish, so I go to the front for a little while with one other teammate and we tried to chase along Seven Lakes Drive to benefit another guy on our team, who had the potential to do well. And while I’m giving it my all for a mile or two, I hear some guy from the field telling the guys behind us to "go around — they’re blocking." Ouch, that hurt. But I guess that’s what it looked like — we weren’t going fast enough.


Sorry, but while I do suck a lot of the time...

…I don’t suck all the time. I’ve had some little accomplishments on the bike — challenging myself in big events and doing well in some small events.

PS, I don’t say hello (knowlingly) to people I rag on here — I’m obnoxious all-around. And at least I’m willing to put my name on my behaviour.

Hey Campo

For the piece and photos I was talking about, just go to, look at the "tech" section at upper left and click the "track bikes galore" link – it’s from the N. American hand-built bike show.

– Jon

Chris M

So funny how all the negative attacks on this site come from anon idiots, while those of us who sign names and stand up actually attempt to contribute and be largely positive. Meanwhile, this ass comes on and anon attacks the whole group – and then adds further insult by directly attacking JT, who rarely if ever is rude to others (deliberately argumentative maybe, but still not rude) – talk about a hypocrite. Go home dude… or at least man up, since you are apparently such a manly rider that we should all know who you are anyway…

JT, I have seen you attack from 5th position in the field

and never passed the guy in second place. I thought you were just trying to move up but then I heard you tell your teamate how hard your move was and you didn’t think you had anything left.

PS. that was on the first lap.

You aint lying

I have seen JT attack out of the saddle with every ounce of energy. Sit, take a look back and the field is pacelining right on his wheel. It sure sucks when you attack and the field passes you before you sit back in your saddle. Total blow to the ego.

To: Albin & JT

I have to make a small correction to my previous statement. Its not the site thats pathetic, its this particular protion of the site that is. I actually visit this site a lot but get sick to my stomach when what you guys talk about. My name isn’t important JT. I happen to know who you are but me knowing you or you knowing me does not matter. I am not talking to you guys personally in my first statement. You guys talk crap about each other and attack each other and blast stupid meaningless comments all over the place and when you see the person you are talking about you say hello and have nothing but nice things to say to their faces. Look deep within yourself. Thanks JT for contributing to my winning. Small as it is I still appreciate it.

ditto what Albin said

Just don’t read the stuff here and don’t post if you think it’s lame.

Or if you can’t help yourself, share your name and tell us about cooler/better stuff we should be doing. You have a life right? Share it.


"Maybe you guys should stop typing and go train. Stop the bitching."

Look in the mirror. You’re one of us.

Whats with you guys:

This site is pathetic. A sorry place for all to meet. A total waste of time. What kind of riders are we producing here?
I realize that its always the same names and initials that show up on this site. I also notice that these are the guys who contribute to my winnings in races. For that I would like to say thanks. Maybe you guys should stop typing and go train. Stop the bitching. Grow up. Get a life. Most of your friends, wives, husbands, boyfriend, girlfriends have no clue what you guys are on here doing. You should be ashamed of yourself.

About Ken Harris

Ken’s talent is not his power on the bike. It’s his willingness to punish himself in training and racing week afterweek. That’s the talent. The power is the outcome.


I have a little more talent and a lot less dedication than some might think. Or more precisely, I don’t have the willpower to do heavy training consistently. I can do a few key workouts every week or so, but not with enough consistency — my mind or my knees crack.

Passion for sure.


Ken and the guys are far out.
Spin is in, man. Ride to live.
The Dow is up 20 points
what’s up with that?

Just ride, man– see you in the Flushing leas.
Good ride in Branch Brook.

I am sorry I didn't really mean that

Just trying to stir something up. Sorry Kevin. I think you are a hell of a bike racer.


You guy are really acting civil… What’s up!
Ken, Kevin, King are super.
Jon, I can’t access that site.

We should just ride our bikes already and forget about where you fit.
Spain lost more than half its races and pro riders last year
not a good prospect for cycling.
That tour of China is looking might good now.


Kevin, Barjne Riis is well known as being the real "Mr. 60%"….I don’t doubt he was in the big ring.

Is Ken writing all those good things about himself....

Hmmmm. Because everytime I hear someone talk about him its normally 75 percent negative. Just stating the facts.

Ken has passion, talent and dedication

We all have passion for bike racing, Ken has more, we all have some talent, Ken has more, we are all some what dedicated, clearly Ken has more. An example of someone who has the same passion and dedication, but not the talent is JT. aka JFT. Some people have talent not the dedication, you get the point. There are lots of people I respect in different areas of my life, Ken is one of them.

I guess its fun for little people to make them selves feel better after spending tons of money, time, and talking about racing with their friends and colleagues, yet can never muster a result.



i’m just guessing, that a lot, could be more than half, of the crca makes more than 93k, including ken.


ok…schmalz…i think there has been enough talk about ken in this thread to warrant a t-shirt, or an as the toto turns episode.

leave the guy alone! if ken wants to train like crazy, and attack like a raped ape then fine…it keeps it interesting. at least he is willing to try something, versus being nay-saying pack filler. and yes…ken is a great guy doing alot for us all via the crca…


Much as I loathe the expression, "it’s all good," it is an appropriate one. Whatever works for each individual. 93k or Ken, or whomever. Jeff King is on the money about Ken. Nice guy, strong and generous with his tome for the club. TS

kevin molloy

The time i realized being a pro was not in the cards….

… i was 2 feet away from bjarne riis at the 1996 Tour 2k from the top of the Hautacam (approx 15k pyrenean climb that i did the day before in the 39×23) …and he was in the big ring (i even have the photo)

Jeff King

One thing I can say about Ken Harris is that he is crazy strong on a bike, dedicates his time to the club by being President, only gets flamed becuase he is really good and is an extremely nice guy.

That is a few things but they are true.

beer and weed

since when does enjoying a beer rule out success as a bike racer?
it’s the perfect recovery drink. On the other hand, anyone who can smoke weed and race has a real gift, aerobically.


we all know that many domestic pros only get expenses covered and are not paid any meaningful salary, right? And this is after making a successful "Shot" that lands them on a division 3 team as a domestique. I guess we can all dream, but at some point the successful shot maker realizes that he is spending 8 months of the year living away from home, making no money, and that "the life" just plain sucks as a career choice in this country. Sooo, we may as well keep pretending that each park race is a stage of the tour, enjoy the glory on the weekends, then return to our cubicles on monday to talk about what could have been during the week on this website!!!

Self Employed 48year old Cat 7

I am totally taking my shot this year. I bought a $1400 pair of carbon wheels, a power meter, and a ton of Assos clothes. I intend to drop 5lbs to bring me to 5’5" 225lbs so I can put some serious hurt on the other riders in Central Park this year.

What wins?

I think they are impressive to you. And does agressive means you attack constantly at pointless intervals during a race. Impressive you say! Are you a cat 6? I think half the time ken gets in break is because others are tired of sprinting down hill. And I don’t mean tired physically. Good riders look at Ken and laugh, cat 6 riders thinks he is impressive.

Chris M

Jesus, someone compliments Ken and suddenly some gutless anon ass decides to compare him to the next level up and belittle his accomplishments as an amateur NYC rider. I say just look at the record – and see his aggressiveness at any race – and then tell us his wins arent impressive. Haters suck, and thats you, pal…

he has a job..

He’s self employed as a digital retoucher, as am I. It’s plenty demanding but does give you some time flexibility if you work at home.


I am in love with Ken. He is sooo sexy. Those tight shorts just hugs his ass. Can’t wait to see hime at the races.

Ken Harris need to stop

Enough already. And who says he dominates club races. Don’t get me wrong. Ken is a very strong rider. Certainly not the strongest and certainly not the smartest when it comes to reading a race. If you look at Ken Harris’s wins, non of them are of any real caliber. Park races? Is that it? There are so many other riders with half his talent who wins twice as many races. If Ken does not get away on his own chances are he isn’t going to win.

That said. I think someone should hire this guy. I think he needs a job. I make 93k per year working 8 1/2 hrs per day. I come home after picking up the kids and only after doing homework with them and eating diner with the wife can I go out and train and I still win more races than he does. He has to ask himself at 40+ is it worth it?


i feel like there is always more shot to take. like no matter how hard i train, i could always quit my job and train more. or get divorced.

forget the shot, i want the jump. i’m hoping i make the jump to awesome this year.

Reports of the King's death have proved premature

Ken was in Florida for a few weeks of holiday and some solid warm weather training. He has not moved there permanently, is not trying to become pro, and I believe he is back as of a few days ago.

Next time I head to France, I would like to go on record that I am NOT looking for a spot in the Tour!!!

that didn't come out right

I don’t want to end my comment on Harris with lame. I wish him the best and hope he really goes for it this year.


I hope his move is just seasonal cause when the warm months roll around in FL he may find himself retrieving his bike off of somebody’s roof!

Harris in Florida?

If he’s doing that to take the shot and be the best he can be, going to big events and trying to take it up a notch, more power to him.

But if he’s doing it so he can dominate club races, it’s kinda lame.

no future?

I’d turn pro if I could, just for the experience and go back to "regular life" afterwards. But face it, unless you slay all in the lower categories in your first year or two of cycling, it’s unlikely you the ability to be a pro. There are a few exceptions.

And I'll raise you one Voigt. . .

actually before I hit "send" I meant to add: "AND" he’s got to go right back out there and do all over again the next day with no recovery, which makes it doubly impressive. . . he needs no slack from me!

Re: K.H. I don’t know if this is true, but face it: he’s doing what 9 of 10 riders would secretly just love to do if they could only find a clear way through their conscience. You should thank him, because you can admire and envy him, and experience "true gone-ness" vicariously through his exploits. I personally admire him. Nutter he may be, but his intent has always seemed completely honest. That’s refreshing. I’ve never been able to understand the attacks he’s provoked here in the past.


Turn Pro? Yes, I really want to quit my job so I can make 1/10th as much doing something much harder and that has no future.
And by "no future", I mean, unless you are one of the top 100 cyclists in the world you make f-all and destroy any chance you have of having a real career.


GG: except that Coggan’s FTP is ideally determined when a rider is fully rested, and Voigt’s is from the middle of a the tour and probably the end of a stage. So give him some slack.


Talk about the shot – what about Ken Harris up and moving to FL to train out of some trailer and ride all day like a full pro? Now thats dedication – or is it just crazy for a 40+ year old to go and drop it all for riding a bike? And whats with FL – land of the humid flat road and gray hair as a choice to train in? I say he’s over the deep end…

george g.

ouch! impressive numbers, but at 76 kg/168lbs, Jens is a large rider (by European pro standards, at least). Interestingly, his functional threshold would be @415W, or 5.47W/kg, according to this data, putting him (according to Coggin’s scale) "merely" in the "Exceptional/e.g. domestic pro" range. At his weight, to be a contender for a podium place at the Tour, he would have had to stomp out a whopping 510 watts for that 20 minutes!

This is perhaps the most useful thing about power meters: they provide very cost-effective psychotherapy for the fantasy-prone who need a little extra help controlling their magical thinking and keeping their lives in perspective.


look at the stage 10 file–for over two hours, he averaged 342 watts, over 400 normalized, and he GOT DROPPED.

Prospect Park

I cant wait to be the first rookie 45 year old pro! I know this will be my year.

If not there is always making fun of fat masters in the park.


Is there any other sport where one can hope to turn pro late in life? Does this make cycling perfect for the delusional?

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