The Love Crank

Section head text.

No Gambling!

No fake money minted for roller races.

There will not be gambling at the Love Crank. Ten phony bills won’t be handed out at the door. You can’t bet on whatever you want: who wins a heat, how many pedal strokes before someone crashes, will Cupcake flash his guns. Whoever doesn’t end up with the most bills at the end of the night won’t win a prize. Cheating is encouraged. We don’t care if you earn your bills with lapdances or wedgies and intimidation.

Don’t do this.

Date change!!

It’s a day of love, so premature, er, exuberance is to be expected. Due to circumstances beyond our control, The Love Crank has been moved up a week to February 6. I know this is going to interfere with everyone’s training, peaking for the big day and all, but what can we do? Still, we guarantee a good time WILL be had by all. Look for more surprises in the coming days.

We’re going to push our luck one more time and roll with another roller race. Same drill as before, except we don’t have to share time with any bands!

Thanks to the generosity of Champion Systems, the winner’s jerseys have landed!

The Guest of Honor (in the bottle)




This is what I mean about hiding. It is just wrong. If you can’t saying anything nice, don’t say anything at all. Ingnore in Perry. Your rollers rock man. The best around.


"Perry, WTF"…. "you burn out!" …"Go and attend another wood stock"…"How is my naked painting coming out ?" , blah, blah.

Lots of thoughts– must be a man-crush. Perry should be flattered.


Perry, WTF…. You writing a book…? jeez… The limit would be like a 50X14 or some shit… Just bring the FXXXXX rollers and let the racers do what they have to do… God dam you are getting paid… WTF! "according to the tire six + the gear ratio" – shut the hell up. You don’t even know what the hell you are talking about, you burn out! Go and attend another wood stock or some shit and make sure bunde and his girl friends from asia show up! I would like to left there dresses up. How is my naked painting coming out ?

Dave Perry

–from 2006 USCF rule book
"In roller races, either road or track bicycles may be used. All classes are restricted to a development of 7.69 meters (25 feet 3 inches), and cranks must be at least 165 millimeters long."

A ty

to Jan 29,2007 by anonymous

You really think you can beat orcutt, JP, or lacourte? Eugene, yeah my grandmother can beat Eugene. But come forward and put your name and some money up. Let’s get this started. My money is on JP. But come on let’s make some $$$$$$

Are you for real Dave?

"Dave Perry

Jan 6,2007 by anonymous

Speaking of "January champions,"
let’s consider team Champion Sisters-Sommerville Sports.

When Jared Bunde, Tom Bencivenga and David Sommervielle
return from their three-week junket of UCI 2.2 Asian stage racing, what kinda form are they gonna have?

How much for their appearance fee at the next roller race?
Ooops, I forgot, ladies race for free"

Please Dave, you boysr will need to sit this one out. You must be kidding right? Bunde on rollers? Better yet, Sommerville? So Sommerville get to ride for free on ladies night huh?


No fork mounts, no holders! Fork mounts are for people like Lacourt, orcutt, Eugene, and JP.
Use whatever pedals you want. You mentioned you are new, then use look style, after all it is your ass.
There is a gear restriction.

Ric Stagg




So, about the Love Crank….

1. Will this race have (1) fork mounts, (2) holders or neither?

2. Should I wear lycra shorts or will cycling attire be laughed at?

3. What type of pedals are used in the race–toe clips, clipless (Look-style?)?

Thanks for all serious or nonserious answers.

polish hammer

There was 1 keg of beer worth ~$100 and organizers charged $20 admission to ~100 people? that’s $1900 in their greedy pockets. BETTER HAVE MORE BEER ‘CAUSE I’M COMING.

Don Sasso

Hey King. I can’t be there because yer sister and I will be thumbing it out to a Mason’s Convention in Reno. You better hope I don’t pop the big question, or anything else for that matter.


Hello Mr. King didn’t you ride on the girlie fork mount roller races? Oh yeh, that don’t count, so it has been about ten years then. I would be careful….


Cyclotour Guide books & the New York Bicycling Coalition (the statewide bicycling advocacy organization) maintain a major bicycling event list.
Please email the roller race information to as per the form at the bottom of the web page:
I would have sent you the form but I don’t have an email address.
It is nice to see more winter indoor spinning events and some outdoor mtb events.

Jeff King

Wow, that picture of the 3 Bandits all up in Wiswell’s grill is a little scary. I made a promise to myself (and my teammates) before I went that I would be mature and not embarrass myself or them; I just got carried away.

I hope that doesn’t scare anyone away from giving roller racing a try. In my defense, I had some coin on Wiswell so I was just managing my investment. That kid Wiswell is a man on the bike and I knew he could take it; he won that race.

To Don Sasso: I just saw that you called me out down below. I haven

Have it login all of the time

So that people stay honest. You guys act like a bunch of babies. I thought talking to other women were bad but you guys act like three year old’s. Geez, grow up.


you guys are ridiculous. half your hits come from people wanting to check out the hate. get your priorities in order. either have it log in all the time or just let people read what they came here to read. man up and make a decision.

Dave Perry

Last week our ‘Chump Systas’ rode 505 miles at 27 mph.
Bundissimo finished 11 minutes behind winners from Iran,
who, let’s speak the truth, were not rolling with the same dice.

What’s this I hear… Floyd’s coming?


Who are we kidding? Our local races are training races. They are too short and not challenging and technical enough.


"And the Champion ‘Sisters’ will STILL be in good form come August. Check their results from last year. It’s a fantastic opportunity to get to race over there. Don’t be jealous. Might be nice to see them all racing the rollers though."

Yes, a lot of people are buying the hype of periodization. A lot people assume you can only peak once in a season.We all know the Tour starts in July! There are places (Belgium) in the world which has racing ALL YEAR round. Just because Lance and other Tour champs dicking around at what they called "base miles" during the off season it does not mean every pro are doing the same thing. It is laughable when people assume you will burn out just because you ride harder in this time of the year. I don’t mind traveling around the world racing though. 😀

Hey to all from Malaysia!

We’ll either be really ready for the roller races in Feb or never want to get on a bike again.

Here are some numbers from stages 5 and 6. I think the craziest part is that this is after 3 100+ mile stages and a mountain stage with 35-40 miles of climbing. Here it is:

Stage 5-77 miles mostly flat:

overall average-29.2 mph
Average of first hour alone-30.2
Average of last kilo with a 200-250 meter climb-33.5
Pack finishing speed (cause my ass didn’t win!)-40 mph.

Stage 6-91 miles w/rolling hills:

Overall average-28.2 mph
Average of first hour alone-29.2 mph
Last 3 km average with pack finish and lots of crashes-35 mph.



seriously tom, you and the "sisters" (zing!!) must be crazy. what an ill-conceived plan–using an opportunity provided by bike-racing to travel the world over? talk about short-sighted, man. i mean, did you even think about may? somerville, spring series, newark… THE FIRST TUESDAY AT FLOYD!!?? to think, you wasted your time going to eurasia or something, rather than riding to the orchard for the 700th time and then staring at the cyclingpeaks cadence pie chart. the arrogance… you’ll regret that one, boy.

Tom and the C sisters in Malaysia

It’s 5 weeks actually Dave, but to be exact I guess it is 3 weeks of racing in total. . I know it’s no 40 mile ride-to the 40 mile ride-back home 40 miles-in Florida ride, but it’s still pretty tough. Today was short; 100 miles in monsoon-like weather. Poor Bunde, spent 70k up the road solo only to be caught within 1 k of the sprint bonus. That’s bike racing as they say, an A+ for courage and an F for luck. Tomorrow is a little tougher because it’s a "mountain day" which, judging from the looks of the rest of Malaysia should be a lot like Harlem hill and prospect hill COMBINED! Crazy right? 😉 what also doesn’t help is the strength of the field. I’d compare it to a peak-season B field (a strong one too!) in central park. Yes, that fast! I might even (boldly, if I may) compare the south china seas field to the A’s since there was a guy in world champ stripes, a Russian national champ, an Asian games multi medal winner as well as a handful of others with a long list of credentials.Now I know what you’re thinking, "why do you do it tom? Why do you travel all around the world getting your ass kicked in?" to tell you the truth I really don’t know myself. The answer must lie somwhere’s in the folds of it all, tucked between these funny toilets that shoot water up my ass and turn #2 in Shen Sen China where I left half my knee cap last week.

See you all in March…

Tommy B.


"let’s consider team Champion [Systems]-Sommerville Sports"

If they take a break after they return, then go back to base miles for a while, they should be ok. It’s possible to finesse a long season like that. But if they try to maintain form from now ’till September, then they’ll go out like this:

more than January Champions...

And the Champion ‘Sisters’ will STILL be in good form come August. Check their results from last year. It’s a fantastic opportunity to get to race over there. Don’t be jealous. Might be nice to see them all racing the rollers though.

old story

I’ve heard that complaint a lot over the years.
There are places in the world where cycling &
racing goes on full tilt all year. Keying on far away or International races that are important to the individual for what ever reason should not evoke scorn if they happen to take place in January. World Cup ADT
How do you plan your season? By how many races you finish?

Dave Perry

Speaking of "January champions,"
let’s consider team Champion Sisters-Sommerville Sports.

When Jared Bunde, Tom Bencivenga and David Sommervielle
return from their three-week junket of UCI 2.2 Asian stage racing, what kinda form are they gonna have?

How much for their appearance fee at the next roller race?
Ooops, I forgot, ladies race for free.

Dave Perry

This is not St. Pauli girl’s first roller race
by any strech of your imagination.

A film from 1928, "Die Carmen von St. Pauli"
has scenes of people betting on womens roller racing
in a bar on Reeperbahn, in St. Pauli, Hamburg, Germany.

That’s our old St. Pauli girl, we can be thankful to her.


Hey wait a minute. I didn’t get to drink at all last time when I raced because there was none left. What the hell, now we have to pay half price? Come on guys?


let the bands play…
it is not like you have to pay them..
Andy tell the story of the bars owner…
Great story
Orcutt, I’ll save some for you.


Didnt go but I’m sure the heat was out of control @ spillage. Maybe a industrial fan might be needed, maybe (2) to push air out and suck air in if possible. That would also kill the he-man aroma that probably was permeating the party!!! Or maybe that was Dan’s cologne – "Evening in the Out house";)


the dudes need to ventilate the place. seriously overheating, and i wasn’t even a-rollerin’. second, they ran out of st pauli girl. what, they think cyclists can’t drink? now they know better. it’s great that 169 even offers to host the event, but this time they really ought to have enough beer. my spring training doesn’t start ’til march, so i’ll be ready to knock ’em back.

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