The fear argument


Today’s argument is a reader submission, which we always appreciate, as it allows us more time to get to know “us”. Today’s subject is fear. Do you ever find yourself scared in a race? Do you get unnerved during a descent or a sprint? And does that sense of fear hurt your chances for success, or does it motivate you in a “fight or flight” way? 

And there’s an enhanced level of difficulty today, you don’t get to name any person or team specifically. For example, something like “schmalz’s mighty sprint terrorizes me and makes me void my bowels slightly” would not be acceptable, it may be poetic and accurate, but not not acceptable in today’s argument. 




I was mad at AVD for starting a race in complete darkness but then I realized that I’m an adult and could’ve just not raced. But that was scary.


being mid-pack in the downhill right turn at lasker rink in a cat 5 race gives me looser stool than munching a can of fat free pringles.


my biggest fear is crashing out through no fault of my own. if i do something stupid, and crash because of it fine. but when some idot ruins my day, my week, or month because of a crash… something to fear.


Men who cycle a lot reportedly suffer a lot more ED than athletes in other sports. That sometimes worries me.

Hard to know, since few would talk about it, how true this is anecdotally (though sometimes I wonder if the tone of many discussions on Nyvelocity might reveal some frustration being vented in other ways).


cyclists with ED, who subsequently stay away from women, out of embarrassment, will only get faster.

women make you slow, just like alcohol. sounds gay and boring but it’s the truth, ya heard.


for voluntarily taking part in this sport. We risk serious injury everytime we get into a pack and exponentially so during a sprint. But we still keep coming back again and again and again.

The rest of the world just shakes its collective heads at our bad fashion and risk taking behavior.

Me? I’m looking forward to Saturday morning with a mixture of dread and excitement…a great feeling…


There’s been 11 messages. Am I off probation? I’m scared of getting hurt and wasting all that winter training.


I am scared my wife will discover the two credit cards I have maxed out on this stupid sport. Scared because she will deny me my right to be embarrassed in the bed room even more, thanks to my Arione-induced ED.


I am afraid of gluing my own tubulars. It’s kind of stupid but I’d rather trust the stoned mechanic to do a better (read: safer) job than I will.


I think there is a dotted line between risk inherent in the sport and “dangerous situations”…yes I think about serious injury/feel some fear on descents that have shitty pavement (the fate of Hank Vogels @ Fitchburg several seasons ago)

and feel a bit of skepticism in races that group 4 categories together…Pro,1,2,3…that’s crazy! the race condition in not necessarily dangerous, but the difference in skill level can be significant…dangerous.


but fear is the only thing that stops me from placing. As the positioning and wind up for the bunch (more like the whole goddamn field) sprint occurs I let others pass me even though I have a full tank with a 1200 watt peak. This is because I’m not confident in my bike handling (I don’t know how to protect my front wheel) and have ptsd from a previous crash.


at “masters” age i am much more afraid of heart disease/high blood pressure/diabetes that comes with a sedentary lifestyle than getting injured.


My three fears in cycling:

1. Park races when the roads are wet – it is not if, but when the crash will occur.
2. 50+ mph downhills in a pack – major sphincter tightener upper.
3. Decending the ramp on the NY side of the GW bridge – irrational, I know.


I fear that point early in every season where I am inbetween my off-season belt hole and my in-season belt hole. Do I go saggy or a tad too tight?


Last year at Fitchburg: Bombing down the hill right after the start at 45mph, in the rain and wind, with 100 other dudes, with deep dish carbon hoops. The resulting moisture in my chamois was not from the precipitation.


Been racing for 8 years. I still have this irrational fear that I’m going to be in the front row on the starting line for a race.
The whistle blows and I slip clipping into my pedals causing a pile-up behind me.
The fear of humiliation is greater than the fear of pain.


Your fear came to life during the 3/4 start at Grant’s. Alan sends them off and three seconds later a smattering of guys are on the ground.

Oh and I checked – they were all 3’s….


i fear one day i’m going to kick one of those annoying little dogs paraded about in central park as a fashion accessory, as its moronic owner lets the overgrown rat wander into the road as they chat on cell phone and as i ride by….


seriously the bear descent is some scary shit when you are neutral the first time down. tastes like burning.


same day sign up
no moto
no kinder, gentler, upper catter sitting in
guys running up the rec lane knocking cones into the pack
the sound of carbon pileup directly behind



is plenty (at least for cat 3 and lower) if you can deliver it at the end of a race, especially if you have a long sprint rather than an explosive sprint. Of course, to be able to do that at the end of the race, you usually need to be capable of 1400+ in training.


I’m puny and lucky to put out 1100 but have won a few sprints by either going early, positioning behind the right guys, and most of all luck. Head to head, I easily loose most sprints.


I fear my low level of fitness and the subsequent suffering I endure as I am too ashamed to downgrade to Cat 4, as I will have no chance of getting back to my glory days.


that when Agritubel folds after this season Schmalz will have to retire the Tour day Schmalz since they were responsible for approximately 115% of his jokes.


I fear that Nascar sponsors will move into cycling, bringing Tyvek, Tide and Prestone-inspired jerseys into the newbie wardrobe.


You mean ugly kits, right? It’s been done, check out Foundation. That shit if FUGLY.

And hey, I like my Pink Floyd jersey. It makes me look thin.


if you are older, race masters. varying levels of fitness. some fit enough to hang in any field, some old stars, and some old farts who are happy to just do a fast pack ride and not get dropped.


I fear that just as my field rounds Cat’s Paw and I get myself into position and straighten out my sunglasses and adjust my gloves, Marco will see a guy walk past eating a McDonald’s breakfast sandwich, think to himself, “Mmmm,” get distracted, and miss my photo.


if i hire a bunch of strippers to distract the pack, where should i have them position themselves (pun intended….) so i can quietly attack & get away? boathouse? tavern?


I fear that just as my field rounds Cat’s Paw and I get myself into position and straighten out my sunglasses and adjust my gloves, Marco will see Carmen Electra walk past eating a McDonald’s breakfast sandwich, think to himself, “Mmmm,” get distracted, and miss my photo.


I fear how the name of this argument has stuck a Siouxsie and the Banshees song of the same name in my head:

I get the feeling — I’m not alone
I get the feeling — it’s someone I don’t know
Do you ever have the strange sensation
when you’re standing mighty tall
to jump from 17 floors and crash into freefall

but then fear takes control — fear of the unknown

Imagine two complete strangers
who suspect they were meant to be
both in need of love and affection
yet their suspicions prevent something heavenly

Fear takes control — fear of the unknown

Aware of what will hurt you
you’re prepared to remain this way
so sad yet safe with your afflictions
afraid to start a brand new day

We all get the strangest feeling
when we’re standing mighty tall
to jump from 17 floors and crash into freefall

but then fear carries all — fear of the unknown
fear takes its toll — fear of the unknown

Aware of what will hurt you
you’re prepared to remain this way
so sad yet safe with your afflictions
afraid to start a brand new day


I’ve been scared half to death countless times, in terms of oh-my-god-i’m going-to-die terror (on motorcycles, getting hit by a car in traffic (while on a bike), getting attacked by a guy with a metal pipe at 3am in the Bad Old Days of NYC etc…) but i’ve never once had the urge to void. explain?


Just have to make a comment to fine line:

“together…Pro,1,2,3…that’s crazy! the race condition in not necessarily dangerous, but the difference in skill level can be significant…dangerous.”

I admit it that it might appear crazy but, I can tell you that many Cat 1’s and 2’s ride like 4’s – and in some cases the cat 3 wins – case in point

-Alex Gulla – spanking dudes a few years ago
-Will Rifflemacher – going from a 4 to a 1 in less than 2 years
-Guys that raced for me – as 3’s were spanking people Tommy B, Jason Beerman, Rob Wing
-Philip Capalla – still a 3 and can kick most 1’s buttocks
-Lastly – Neil Bedzek – wins the p/1/2/3 field in CP against my rider Wilson Vasquez who has been a 1 for a LONG LONG time.

My take on this is if you are good – you are going to win – the category just makes it longer for you to get to race with better guys. To be honest, I would rather the USCF adopt the UCI rules and forget this point system. If you have a UCI license as a 4 and you go overseas to race – you are most likely competing with guys who are pro or close to that level. Chances are you will get spanked – but the experience will be good – and your legs speed up – maybe making you a faster racer – and a better racer because you will have no choice but to learn to take turns and descend at the speeds these racers go.

In regards to this thread. I think my biggest fear is falling down and breaking my clavical again in 3 places is my biggest fear. 3 years have passed and it still hurts bad.

Lastly – Both Champion System and Empire are in Redlands competing – wish us both luck representing NY.



following a very short guy in orange jersey who has won a few tour stages down a mountain near my old home in basque country …. one hairpin so sharp i always ended up on the wrong side of the road … let me go up forever …. i dont care how big and slow I am …. but downhill is too scary


Full Field Cat4 sprints after racing 75 miles and taking your pulls up front but still having to contend with the 30 wheelsuckers of the 45 total riders that started the race and are still hanging on hrs later thinking they can all win the sprint…still afraid of that one and have the 2 surguries and a giant scar on my blown open elbow to never forget it by.


I didn’t mean to be critical of cat 3 & 4 riders physical talents, and I didn’t mean to make it seem like 2’s and 1’s are perfect…a friend of mine came into cycling from a rowing background. He was an amazing athlete, just not a skilled cyclist.

True everyone can crash, but that’s because shit happens. F1 drivers crash even though they have incredible driving talent. Take a grandmother off of park avenue, switch her Mercedes for a F1 and the likelihood of a crash due to lack of skill goes way way up.

Chances are, most of our (NYC) cat 3’s don’t have international experience. They may have the legs to win, but I still believe that in terms of skills, it take some time to be able to bark with the big dogs.

ex. put a very very super fit cat 3 in an NRC P,1 or P,1,2 crit…most will not have the handling skills to get out of the back, hold a position, or think about mixing it with the pros during a real leadout.

Big love the the NYC team heading to Redlands


i fear a lot of the descents. you crash once on a fast one and it puts the fear of god into you. i hate the bear neutral start. someone always breaks too hard and blows a tire making it sound like someone just fired a m-80 right next to you. it’s weird though, if i get into a break i’m too tired to worry about the descents. need to go into break every hilly race i guess.

i raced fitchburg once, but ever since reading the Vogels story i’m afraid to go back.


The descent after the Brandon Gap KOM this year was terrifying. Descending over 50mph on crummy pavement with the yellow line rule and 100 other riders was not fun.


A lot of local racers (including 3s, 4s, and 5s) have experience working as messengers. If that doesn’t help them “bark with the big dogs,” then I don’t know what will


Red Hook Crit = absolute idiocy

Enjoy the extreme clusterfucking and watch out for the “near-certain bus and car traffic” on the course. I’ll race an AVD CP race ANY DAY over this fixter crap.


lack of humility scares me…Yes 3’s, 4’s, and 5’s might be messengers, but that is NOT!!! NOT!!! NOT!!! high level bike racing. Tom Danielson even said going from the domestic pro peloton to the Euro peloton and races like Flanders, Giro, etc., took some extreme getting use to. The small roads, wind, tempo, the sheer length of the races and the resulting fatigue, they all effect your skill, test them, or expose the lack there of.

Look people, there is a extreme lack of humility in the local peloton, and that is what scares me most. People’s egos are so bloated (just because they brought a pro tour bike w/ zipps) that they are uber (yes uber) quick to say “I can do that,” never bothering to acknowledge what they need work on. News flash big slim “experience working as messengers” does not help you bark with the big dogs.


isnt msngrng more about LSD tolerance than Lactate Tolerance?
Racing is about needing to win, msngrng is about needing to get high during/after work…


messengers and faux messengers alike, think they get fast riding over the williamsburg bridge in the AM and PM.


What I love about Ray is that after all these years he still thinks bike racing is actually really cool and we all want to go race in Belgium to find our legs and our courage. Truth is, 99% of us just wanna race in central park and go drink a belgian beer. I do respect the enthusiasm though. Go Ray!


I fear Donald Fehr. I fear Fear Factor. I fear Cape Fear. I fear that lawyers will sue the Castelli shorts off Toto. And Dan. I fear that I’m running out of fears to fear.

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