Team Argument

We’ve got spirit!


This year, it seems that many teams are out together on the road sharing training time, feelings and coffees—both international and national. Will all the team training rides pay off? So with all this together time, will this be your team’s best year ever? 




What does your $300 dues get a rider? Seems steep…

Cat1-3 what do you offer the riders besides the right to buy a Sommerville Kit.


will the designated leadout train get “chai”ded if they don’t deliver earl grey to the line for the win?


Who ever is paying $300 a month to be on some shitty local NYC team is really getting jacked. What teams would these be? $3600 a year in dues could get you a new bike (budget racer), full kit for the spring, summer and fall, and lots race entries.

Now stop talking out of your ass. $300 bones in team dues to race for a club team is very high. Many teams charge $0 dues and just have you pay for the kits at a discount.

Please explain Sommerville what your dues get a racer…


…it’s a manhattan tea party revolt! down with the tyranny of paying to ride! no taxation without podium representation!


Guys talk about which teams are the best… How about the teams you would most want to hang with and ride with. Maybe not the best but the most fun to be on.

That is really what most racers at the Cat1-4 level should focus on.


you hit the nail on the head.

some folks take this stuff a weeeee bit too seriously….

chill out, ride your bike with teammates, wear a cool team kit, and go for that xtra beer. if you’re a cat 5, you’re allowed several bottles of cerveza with that pizza, ’cause it doesn’t matter. cat 4, only a few (unless you’re a perpetual cat 4, in which case cat 5 limits apply). cat 3, only a couple, tops. cat 1, well, only half a bottle of michelob ultra for you, pal.


foundation pays its riders to win. WSU cheats to win. sommerville charges its riders for the opportunity to win. where is the fun?


I was surprised to learn people pay to be on a team and for clothing. Then I realized I was on a team with a kick ass type-A manager who works every deal and sponsor. Our team hasn’t paid for basic kit supplies for 3 years or so. Our team parties are paid for. Last year the team paid for several of us to go to LA for a sponsor’s event. Next year we’re probably adding team coaching. All that and there’s still money left for charity, and everyone is happy to kick in for things like the MS ride.


Probably because they don’t have rich fuckers that wanna hide their money from the gov’t so they donate it to a team full of jackoffs who only race for them because they get paid to be an amateur.

Perhaps you guys haven’t noticed the yearly migration by many local riders, who seem to follow the scent of money. Yeah, they may be decent, and win some races, but they’re still not pro. It only breeds riders with distorted senses of entitlement.

Why you guys feel you deserve shit for free is beyond me, none of us deserve much of anything. Companies are not giving out as much as they used to, and there’s no reason why they should.

You guys would do well to invest in something other than your enlarging egos, and fancy soaps from johnathan adler.


let’s assume for a second that some of your points may be valid…

what’s the incentive of joining a team that charges you $300 annually versus a team that doesn’t charge you anything? and might give you free tea?


Not to be obtuse, but there are 4 Burrowes Brothers, and Horace and Paul look a lot alike. I think a lot of confusion stems from there.


but do all the brothers use adler soap?

really now, can’t we all just drink some chamomile and get along, honestly?


CERA rage? Or, maybe he had a personal experience with soap while as a guest of the state… Note the keywords/phrases in his response:

“team full of jackoffs”
“get paid to be an amateur”
“follow the scent”


In certain areas, the fall is a time for each team to select a weekend ride and anyone that is interested in meeting/joining the team shows and rides at a social pace the first half, and hammer-time (o…o-o…o…) the way back as a test of skills, fitness and compatability. Maybe that can be attempted here in the Big Ring Apple…?

NYVC: State Line
SS: Triangle Ride
Found: CP
Emp: West Point

Then you don’t have all this “soap dish-talk soup” shenanegans!
Have a great winter! See you at the roller races! NYD Bear Ride! Spring Series! Bethel!

Stop talking smack, and grow up already! (Did I just contra-dick myself?)

David Sommerville

Sommerville Sports Information

We have numerous membership benefits which are listed online and some of which are outlined below.

Our rock solid management and advocacy based programs are implemented with proven structure for all levels of commitment provide an environment that allows maximum growth potential for members.

Our programs including Elite, Development, Masters, Junior, U23 for both Track and Road, Multi-Sport programs, coaching, managed training rides, media support, clinics, race promotion, rider management, Support and access to club owned equipment just to list a FEW of the elements.

Sommerville Sports will be around LONG TERM because we use a different business model that is advocacy based and not Sponsorship based.

90% of most USAC teams using the Sponsorship based model AT BEST last 2 years. Just look at the number teams THIS YEAR that have folded and the large number of riders looking for somewhere to land.

Sommerville Sports has already signed 14 new members for 2009 and over 15 others in the application process for review!

There is a “Scholarship” program in place for rider needing assistance and or Junior riders.

Yes, we do provide “Support” for certain members who qualify holding Elite and Junior status. The BASIC support level for Elite riders is over $1200 in equipment, clothing, coaching, management just to list a few aspects.

$300 Total Membership Dues are broken down like this:
$75 in club dues
$225 in Clothing kit which has value greater than this amount

Membership Fee:
$75 is $6.25 a MONTH…. less than what a large chain store coffee and surgery treat costs!

Another example of other local club –
CRCA basic membership charge is $58
The equivalent amount of CRCA clothing is $262
Total $320

(The above is based on CRCA standard Blue/Yellow clothing, sub team clothing can cost more or less depending on manufacturer and or support.)

Our basic club clothing kit has numerous items to maintain a consistent brand image between members. Its also provides a level of clothing that would last a season.
The value of this kit is over the listed $225 cost due to sponsorship supplementation.

Hopefully this information will clarify some aspects about Sommerville Sports.

David Sommerville
Director Sportif
Sommerville Sports


surgery treats are usually pretty expensive. if its a treat, is it considered elective? if so, insurance won’t pick it up either, so…


does the basic somerville kit include the blue, white, AND pink versions?

that’s more variety than some NFL teams.

baby cobra

Not amusing. doesn’t fuck with hormones, just your red blood levels. But nice attempt at being witty and incorporating current events in your joke.


Its strange how guys rag on people trying to do a good thing.

If you don’t wanna pay money to join a team, then don’t. ok?


baby cobra …. only 12 hours late with an inanely irrelevant comeback. nice. is it 1pm already? time for your nappy-poo, cranky wittle earfworm


What do you mean Cera doesn’t mess with hormones? Look at how angry you’ve gotten since you started your use…


never mix cera with red zinger. it’ll incite road rage and erratic bike handling. i’ve found that chamomile with a splash of hgh is very soothing.


$300 or so for the year, which includes dues and a team kit? What’s suspicious about that, you ninny? Damned fine bargain if you ask me.

All this talk about suspicious soap on a rope and rich people diverting their hard earned pimpin’ money into bike racing (the horror!) makes me need some tea to calm down. Waiter, can I have a tea please? I’d like one Tea Leoni to go, wrap that up for me right quick. Thanks.


“For some reason I think the Sommerville thing is some sort of scam. Sounds very suspicious to me.”

Hey, the Jerk Store called……


Does anyone know what the Empire roster for ’09 looks like? I think Deeny and Chodroff are gone…but who is coming on board? Will they continue there progression forward and get better? I’m guessing big things.

In my book NYC Sponsor = NYC team. I know Sherry gets guys from both the city and from around the region – but it’s a NYC team.


every team except mine is a pyramid scheming cult bent on keeping ME from winning. what’s up with that? how can we stop their diabolical plot?


First of all I would very much like to say to all you wealth cat 4 that has nothing better to do. Look very deep into your hearts and your closets, you will eventually find out that your wife or your eldest child is (fucking the mail man). Sommerville, very nice guys, We stand united Guys are the closest i’ve seen in a very long time. That is why they’re winning and you fool are not coming close. Why don’t you fools ask the cat 1,2 guys if they’ve ever had a problem with the wsu boys. But insted you fools just open your mouth and asshole and accuse the team of cheating. How could you cheat when 90% of the time some from the team is off the front. Sommerville is doing the right thing by building (his) team the right way, just let him be. Did you fools saw that his teeeeeeeeeeeeeam. Oooops im sorry i am the mail man and mmmmmmmm whose wife i’m gonna fck this week. Remember, i know your names. Thank you fools peace and much love to my fellow cat 4

Ps you intelligent ones please correct my grammer or ar which one foooooooools.


This is how i know you people don’t have anything better to do. Lets now have a very long drawn out conversation about the milk man. Sorry, do not have time another wife this week or is it weak mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Never past 8th grade jerks, coming girls milk man will make time for all you wives.


isnts “mail man” mean he freudian or at lease redundunce??? not that there is anything wrong with that, but at lease he can say so, i liquor in front and poker from back!

can i play soundtrack from night rider now…


For anybody needing a dedicated Time Trial rig – here is an offer that ya cant refuse.
All you need is wheels and peddles to pull up to the gate.

Giants frame (L) frame specification accomodates a wide range of rider sizes. Any rider from 5’8 or taller can configure a comfortable position.

I’m moving to L.A. and could use all the gas money I can get because I’m road tripping it!!



Which bike companies are sponsoring which teams?

Cervelo – Empire?
Jamis – Sakonnet?
Champion Sys – Specialized?
Sommerville – ???
Cyfac – NYVC(or Cannondale next year)
Cannondale – Sid’s? and Comedy?
MooGoo Bikes – Hu Tiu Racing?

etc etc

David Sommerville

Chang Sheng Kai makes our bikes for our team.
Small company, hand built and painted, produced using full dedacciai tubing and carbon throughout.


I think:

Mengoni gets free Jamis as does Sakonnet
Fiordi and Targetraining get free Cannondales
Kenda get free raleighs
IF free IFs

They are likely the only teams besides Empire that get free bikes. The others are just sponsors in the form of a discount price.


Most on NYVC received their 2008 Cyfac frames gratis in exchange for the significant exposure the team provides. SRAM and Reese Peanut Butter Cup are hoping to secure similar deals in 2009.


A new company from HK.They are the OEM suppliers for some of the high end bike companies. Gai Pan, he is the BF of the founder of the company.


My lactose threshold is 1.21 gigawatts. Does Moo Goo have dairy? That would be of concern since I’m lactose intolerant. Actually, I’m intolerant in general, but lactose intolerant more specifically.


Well, try “Hiu tu”, it is one of the sub-product tht moo-goo makes.
It help you with lactose level.
But stay away from Gawchee

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