Style Argument

Section head text.

There are some spectacular local examples of cycling stylishness. Sometimes these mavens of style (we’re talking gear, position, pedal stroke, the whole enchilada) are fast, sometimes they’re not. But they look good. And isn’t that just as important?

Disclaimer: we had this idea for weeks, but put it on hold due to the tour. So this isn’t a veiled attempt at a MX thread. Lay off the MX!

And while we’re at it, can we call Schmalz Dan ‘The Body’ Schmalz? No reason, other than to mock him.


Rider Guy

Looks pretty good. Classic design, classy layout, but straight-forward. Well-done all around. In fact, looks better than 90% of the sub-team kits.


JPR – Cant remember actually what it looks like. I remember a burgandy color and one dude that bitches for an entire race. Jury still out but leaning to the thumbs down.


NYSketchers- Ok the colors are a good start but it needs hardcore refinement. Like maybe one more pass. The bibs work (a little); the jersey? needs work. I think maybe one less color and a Font facelift. Babylon bikes – I like this kit. Love the way the bib and jersey works. Easy to spot. Would look fantastic with Cervelo team bikes. “hint”
JPR – Cant remember actually what it looks like. I remember a burgandy color and one dude that bitches for an entire race. Jury still out but leaning to the thumbs down.
Sleepy Hollow (old kit) I think the only squad that uses purple or violet -not sure. I’m surprised more teams dont jump on some rendition of purple with another color. + I never see any pinks either. the Collegiate squad from Vassar had a friggen sweet pink kit + that team from Canada (Garneau/optic?) loved it.
Target Training – like the colors + the team bike looks good too. The font I’m not so wild about. graphically solid kit though. USI ( see Bicycling )


Princeton review- guys argyle works with pastels not primary’s but I’ll give you a pass for the effort. Red and blue though? WSunited – another victim of the red and blue’s + your font is sorta weak. It gets a bit lost with that wierd blue you’re using. Sakonnett – Liked the 05′ kit but these new ones your’re donning are ok. The orange needs pop though ala Rababank. Bibs are sweet with the CRCA moniker. Only kit that does this – nice. Bicycling – Jury is still out but I’m leaning towards sorta boring.
Remax – I think the only kit that looks good red & blue. It reminds me of the union jack a bit. Good kit (still). Kissena – Another orange and blue. Actually good font, but guys really, it needs a face lift. missed opport. for 07′. Radical Media – They’ve got the colors but the font situation needs help. Lots of potential with the right graphics here. Sanchez – much to conservative. It seems like they change every year but its so subtle that it looks the same, have some balls gents. I know you’re yellow and blue is a tough combo so, I dont know, work the fonts! South Afr. – A very nice kit. nice bold colors but the font gets lost. fix that and you got somethin. The flagsmanship helped your cause. whats up with team helmets? Advil/chpstk, – Fantastic example of blue/yellow use. Would’ve liked to have seen the bibs all blue though. Maybe just the TT kit does this. fine threads nonetheless ladies.

Hey editor cant wait to read the site’s take.

Alex -ed

We have been threatening to do precisely this kind of article for years, stay tuned by critiques from real fashion designers..


“in my oppion there is no room in cycling for arrogant, pussy-footed, fashion-conscious, flamboyant, attention-starved vanity cases.”

There is no room, because the room is already filled up with such cases.


Who’s responsible for Foundation’s kit this year? What happened with this? I suppose we’ll get use to it. It seemed to get better every year except this one. Waay to busy. DC racing – like the concept but the mustard yellow kills it a little. Razorfish – nice, seems like they could’ve pushed it a little more with the colors. Affinity – actually pretty original. rockin fonts. Velocity – something new is in order. Sids – Big graphics nice touch. would have pushed the chevron graphic a little more. lots of potential we’ll see nxt season. ML – still graphically superior (inherently) fell short with the dark blue helmets though. Setanta – a bit indifferent but nice move going to the burgandy. DKNY – black isnt the new anything when the whole kit is black. like the stripe though. Adler – jersey rocks – bibs suck (could potentially rival ML. if the bib improves.) Empire – kinda boring – more graphics but keep it simple. We only know its you in a break cause of the black and the cervelo’s. less black more colors. Bandits – another good kit. Colors are there the graphic works well too. nxt season should be a little different I hope. Organics – hire a color consultant quick. the 06′ kit looked better. Green has good potential (use it) add white bring back the orange swirl. Comedy Centr. – change it up ladies its been a few years. maybe more white to match those blinged out bikes you ride. Iron Riders – graphics seems way to busy. keep it simple. hate the font! get rid of that. Sotheby’s – not at all interesting. 2 colors, both blue? c’mon! BVF – good concept, nice font, best local kit using yellow. Deno’s WW.- boorrrinnng. need a new concept. less colors at such a small scale. Fiord F – Best kit using red. good color usage all around. Maybe too much red.
Champion sys. – never got why they introduced blue. nice combination though. Maybe punch up the orange. Font looks good. Mengoni – will they ever have color other than a leader jersey? Toga – best kit using black. Bold white in your face fonts (simple) with a good blue. good kit. Yellow green Toga- friggen nightmare, get rid of it. what’s up with two concepts anyway? do you race against one another?

Chris M

I just cant shake the image of Tinkoff group rides with Toto regaling the group about all the times he has been off the front in the Tour. Of course lots of “pshaw” Italian facial expressions and one hand off the bar at all times waving around for emphasis.


Do you think that the wierd look on Landis’ face and Hincapie’s brown fingers have anything to do with each other?

Cat.6 Racer

Can’t Beat Cipollini’s style he was King, Who else would come to a TT in a Zebra pattern Skin suit?… By the way M.L. has hands down the most stylish Team Kit in NYC.


Thanks for the Toto link – I really feel closer to him now, like a true fan. Gotta love the “Glory and Acknowlegement” line – priceless!


Toto and I are kindred spirits.
I would also love to live in a < small castle > and count my gold ingots while listening to various music.


Documentaries? He likes documentaries and drives a Rav4? I mean, the Ducati was obligatory, but the affinity for documentaries threw me for a loop. Not the love of pizza, though.


I thought the same thing. Just shows you don’t need a high IQ to ride well. Of course this site proves that every day.

hate hairy arses

The nysketches kits enable you to see clearly the butt crack and hair. I prefer not to ride behind them. I think the skin colored section of the kit was a BIG mistake.


for those that don’t think pros care about style…here’s a quote from john vaughters

“What is a huge result? Was Fabian Cancellara wearing the yellow jersey for a week and winning two stages a huge result? It’s very plausible that was done clean, and I think that’s a pretty darn good result,” Vaughters said. “Yes we will win, but isn’t it really more important to be cool?”

Ben D

Its like Clark Kent in reverse. I think those Brikos contain magical sprint powers. I’d like to think Cippolini was riding through some small Mexican village back in the early 90’s when he saw some kid, an adoring fan, like in the classic Mean Joe Green Coke commercial, Cippolini hands the kid his Brikos and its been Cat 5 dominance ever since.


I watched MX uncork a sprint last night at FBF, and the dude has some serious kick. He finished 2nd, but was closing down on the leader the whole way to the line. Sunglasses or whatever, the man can move.

Chris C

is as stylish as Pomade.

“Under the new restrictions, effective August 6, 2007, morning vehicular access will be limited to the West Drive from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.”


anyone remember the “dos and don’ts” section? It was funny as shit. maybe our intrepid local bike paparazzi can recreate it on two wheels.

MQ Marco Quezada

you all wish you can pull this off
Pic #9. Ben you want pics
I know, I know Yuo said lay off The MX.
But you cant have a style section with out him. the ultimate. awsome got to love him


give me a break, dude. the reason you started coming to this site in the first place is because they post pictures of you.


in my oppion there is no room in cycling for arrogant, pussy-footed, fashion-conscious, flamboyant, attention-starved vanity cases.


I thought cycling was for arrogant, pussy-footed, fashion-conscious, flamboyant, attention-starved vanity cases?


Do you get upgrade points if you race a 3/4 and get say 10th overall but 1st of the 4s? Just wondering


Post Gimbles or Post Race (ESG included) can be seen smoking a Marb. and possibly drinking a BUD just after getting off the bike. NOW thats PRO


Nice guy and if you ride next to him in races you can actually smell the pre-race cigarette on his clothes. Pretty gross but also pretty old school. I like the DC Racing kits.


Especially when he was in Axis color with the white shoes, black socks thing. Fly. KMolly and J-Lo are almost as fly

Sarah Chubb’s got it this year.

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