Stage 17 TdS/NYVCreed Mp3 archive

A franken page of fun

Today’s stage promises to be a dramatic one as the race once again goes into the Pyrenean cols known as the Circle of Death, Midwestern college students know the Circle of Death to be: Old Style, Goldschlager, Jaeger and a husky gal with a chili dog—but this Circle of Death involves mountains. The uphill finish on the Tourmalet serves as Andy Schleck’s last opportunity to gain time before Saturday’s time trial, and he has promised to attack, here’s what he says on cyclingnews:

"The Tour is ending and I’m running out of time. I can’t wait until he has a bad day. There’s only one chance left and that’s tomorrow. I’ve got to try everything," he said to the media gathered at his feet.

"I know I need to be in yellow for the start of time trial to have a chance of winning the Tour. If I have the jersey I’ll be really motivated in the final time trial. I don’t know if 30 seconds or a minute would be enough. I’d prefer to have two minutes. I was really bad in the Rotterdam time trial but now things are different after three weeks of racing. I think I can do something."

There you have it, the only way it could be clearer would be if Andy spelled it out in magnetic letters on the fridge. It’s tough talk, but he has seemed a little stronger than Berto in the mountains this year, so he may be able to attack and gain some time, barring any difficulties from his Duplo gruppo.

Stage 16 saw Pierrick Fedrigo win the race from a break of 8, besting none other than Lance Armstrong, in Lance’s defense the last time he sprinted for a win Andy Schleck was in training pants, but let’s not dwell on 2005…

Live Race

It’s a wet, rainy race—you could almost call the conditions "Belgian"—that sentence just made five Spaniards wet their orange pants.

148.4k to go, Sammy Sanchez has crashed and is slow getting back onto his bike, Contador goes to the front and asks the group to slow down, Andy Schleck throws his sippy cup at Alberto.

Sastre attacks anyway and is trying to bridge up to the lead group.

The gap to Sammy Sanchez and karma is 2:27.

Sanchez may be able to catch on if the peloton takes a nature break, especially if Lance takes one, as it can take him upwards of 20 minutes to take a leak.

139.3k to go, Sanchez is back, Lance still whizzing.

126.4k to go, Sastre has his teammate Konovalovas with him, they still haven’t made it to the front group.

123.8k to go, the break is getting to the Marie Blanque, Lance shakes it and rejoins the peloton.

119k to go, Flecha is in the break, but so is teammate Boasson Hagen, and I have to think that the Hoag has the upper hand for the win here.

118k to go, Burghardt dropping out of the break. Thor SMASH tail gunning the pack, he will probably bid the pack farewell at the Soulor, adieu SMASH!

111k to go, there’s going to be a big wet descent. Watch for Euskaltels to fly off the side of the mountains.

105k to go, Sastre is not making it to the front group. He continues anyway, he’s in 15th place at 9:02, and he’s trying to move up on the GC, right now, he’s gained 6 minutes on the pack, making him virtual 5th. 

87.7k to go, Tommy Voeckler is taking a whiz! France presses its face to the screen.

69.9k to go, Berto whizzing. Andy doesn’t attack?

57.2k to go, Sheep! Vino sprints up to get phone numbers.

Audio broadcast begins here.


Louis Fork

That wink at the finish line made me reach for the rape whistle. I hope someone has talked to Andy about Bad Touching.

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