Spring Harriman Registration

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News from Alan Atwood: Registration for the Spring Bear Mountain Classic on May 13th opens on Thursday 2/15 at noon. Don’t miss it!

More news: the junior field has it’s own race this year. Get the word out and get the juniors to turn out.



I shouldn’t set you up– I’m concerned that, for fear of getting closed out, riders will commit to registering before they’re certain of their ability to attend. If riders’ situations change when the race date approaches, they may be stuck with an entry they can’t use, and lose their money, or have to scramble to find someone to buy their entry.

On the other end, there are riders who will get closed out now by riders who may not show up then.

To Eugene

I understand your point of view about riders registering early, but if I open this up 3 weeks before the race, it creates an awful lot of work for me to get done in a short time frame. By opening it now, I have 3 months to do that same workload. Makes it less stressful when I can do a little at a time instead of having to commit 2 full days to doing everything at once.

Hope that helps.


Brian G

Hopefully, with such a quick fill up on cat 4 there’s some way that more of us can get in. I’m on the waitlist as of 12:16

speaks to the popularity of our sport.


I think it says more about the number of Cat 4s in general, whether we need to upgrade or not. 100 spots in a popular race close to NYC isn’t enough. Not that I am saying we need to add more races or spots, just that there are many of us who like to do major local races.

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