Spins Hangover

Section head text.

What a night last night. The Pack of Pennsylvania Punishers swept in to kick some NYC backside, claiming all semifinal spots. Kasper Jessen took the win. Full results will be forthcoming.

After sleeping the roller races off, it’s time to start posting the evidence. Here’s a video from last night’s party. Granted it’s a little dark and it might have been taken by the Irish Rogue’s surveillance system, but it’s video nonetheless. If you took any video yourself, feel free to email us the youtube link. Note to self: if you’re going to pass off video duty, be sure to explain how your camera works, or you’ll get 120 minutes of blank tape.

<object width=”425″ height=”355″><param name=”movie” value=”http://www.youtube.com/v/2FiHFeFT8J4&rel=1″></param><param name=”wmode” value=”transparent”></param><embed src=”http://www.youtube.com/v/2FiHFeFT8J4&rel=1″ type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” wmode=”transparent” width=”425″ height=”355″></embed></object>



Then I guess that makes biking dopers dumber than baseball dopers, because the bikers risk it all, while the baseball dopers risk nothing.

Chris M

Im not sure I really need to point this out again – but for the baseball player, chinese farmers and cyclists have about the same relevance from a salary perspecive. Yes, maybe 2 years = 15 days baseball salary – so what? To the player receiving the suspension, it equals 4% of his year, and at no cost to his fitness or ability to play well on return (or ability to survive or feed his family or go clubbing or buy his McMansion for that matter). As such, its a token penalty vs the cyclist penalty, no matter what the actual dollar amount. Get real.


N Cedar St & Shaft Rd, Hazleton, PA 18201, USA
google satellite it check out the football field to the bottom left of the arrow


Funds were raised; great time had by seniors, middle-agers, and juniors on a cold night. Thx. to all the organizers on the stage and behind the scenes at ‘our’ club’s event.


…helps me enjoy my recently-acquired role.

And one loud voice out of 10 kids– that’s pretty good, considering the ratio of loud-mouthed anonymous adults on this site.


a fun-loving free thinker who doesn’t take this stuff (or himself) too seriously. And who isn’t afraid to sign his name. you’re right, we *do* need more like him.


For most of those guys equates to 2 years pay for most pro cyclists. On that basis, the suspension doesn’t sound so crazy to me.

Chris M

…’cause thats no doubt how multimillionaire baseball players think of their position – as relative to pro cyclists. They also probably spend the two weeks lying awake at night thinking about how they just lost a whole lifetime of pay compared with a typical Chinese rural farmer. Then they are back to work so fast they forgot they were gone, and rest content knowing that the chances in their sport of getting caught again are like 1 in 1000 or something.


I don’t think Chinese rural farmers have any relevance in this discussion.

Someone suggested that a 15 day suspension was a joke. Presumably from the perspective that cyclists get suspended for a much longer 2 year period. But I think the penalties are relatively comparable from a lost wages perspective.

I will admit, though, that the cycling penalty is much more severe than baseball’s 15 days when you consider that a 2 years hiatus from the peleton could very well be a career ender. But whatever. Dopers are dopers. They all suck. We can agree on that.


next auction see if you can dig up some vintage crca jerseys. i’d bid on one of those.

connor, stay above the fray. i suspect the vast majority support you guys.


I still think conner made a good point saying:
“i guess people didn’t realize that it was for juniors, or maybe they just don’t care like you?”

Asking if you care, is not name calling. An adult answer would be “I care, just not enough to bid on csc” If 11:52 was there, he’d either fit in those 2 categories or 3)didn’t have $. Point well made by alex is that “what you bid on” is secondary to where your donation is going.

I don’t agree with 11:52 that “csc kits are for csc riders” Wearing a csc jersey should be no diff than wearing a rangers jersey, we are allowed to be pro fans, guys. If you feel you can only wear your local team kit, that sounds a bit narrow.

So there, I have a fashion difference of opinion with 11:52, no need to get emotional.

connor sallee

cool, because i really care about what you think, especially since you aren’t even confident enough to post your name.

bash me, and stay anonymous, that’s genuine.

maybe now that you read alex’s post, you’ll realize what i was getting at. thank you alex. i’m done here, you’d think that 30 year old guys would act older than middle-schoolers.


connor, you need to be quiet, your just making things worse for yourself and looking like a fool. Do yourself a favor and stop inflaming the situation.

connor sallee

ahaha whatever, this makes me laugh. you’re taking it way too seriously. i’m not trying to win any fans, i’m just stating my opinion. if my opinion makes me seem ‘full of myself,’ than so be it, i don’t care. at least i post my name, boss.

Alex R

I guess it’s to be expected from the same anonymous folks. The silent auction was about raising funds for the CRCA junior racing program. If you read the flyers, you would have known this. I knew the money was going to go to the junior program, so I bid what I could.

connor sallee

yeah, not really at all. andy and schmalz do a great job and i’m sure this sort of thing will continue. i don’t really think my comments are worthy of destroying the team…? i hate how everyone freaks out about the most pointless crap, acts like their true feelings are hurt and then go on a tangent like they’re about to die, complaining about how this site is so ‘juvenile.’ blowing things way out of porportion – how can you expect to have fun when people are knocking each other…

and jeaaa i’ll party with you guys! the real nyc people, who like to have fun on the internet.


the monkey-shit fight started with connor’s shot across the bow to no one in particular at 12:45…pretty aggressive unprovoked comments in my opinion…don’t doubt the enthusiasm but that attitude is not the way to rally people to support your efforts and works counter to the efforts put in by andy, schmalz and others to win broader support for the team…


I didn’t really believe it!
When I actually saw Erin I was suprised.
Gracious as always Erin was excited to particpate and bring the guys.
This is shaping up to be the event we always wanted back in the days of the basement in brooklyn. I heard riders say it should be a weekly series. Thanks to everyone who helped put this pendulum in motion.
It is exciting to see our juniors watching our former juniors on the road to China.


When I was in my teens the last thing I wanted to do was get up at the crack of dawn and train for hours for a sport no one gave a shit about. These guys show dedication at a young age and focus there energy on a positive outlet. Stop hating on these guys and worry about oneself and the youth out there are are in real need of help.

goes around

This site has operated at such a juvenile level lately it’s finally attracting some real juveniles. Good work everybody!


You should be stroking something else, you jerk off. Connor Sallee sounds like someone you ought to party with, not denigrate. Now crawl back in your hole.


don’t know anything about him but he sounds like a punk. not exactly inspiring a desire to support him.

craig cook

Great to see CRCAJrDev is geting props and support. Thanks to everyone , especially Joao and Eugene for picking up the ball when I left. And maor thanks to Andy and Dan for taking fund raising to a new level. I hope to see all of you around if they ever let me out of here. Connor, Liam, Khary et. al: I’m not actally riding my bike anymore, but if I was and jumped in on collegiate racing Mr. Frey would be my teammate:
the lessons are here to read: maturity and thoughtfulness…also his profile on the Princeton admissions page:


Aloha-a reference to the attitude of friendly acceptance. It also refers to a powerful way to resolve any problem, accomplish any goal, and also to achieve any state of mind or body that you desire. Keep riding.

connor sallee

now, this is all me defending myself.

all i was saying is that the silent auction was a benefit for our team (thank you alex). 11:52 decided to hate on the fact that someone would buy a pro team kit, i hated on that by saying why alex probably bought that stuff.

3:17 – a senior size smackdown? please tell me any way in which i’m worthy for a smackdown, seriously. i’m just contributing to my freakin club.

3:25 – well champ, it actually looks like people do care, maybe ask the 100 or so people there last night. ..how was hanging out by yourself last night? and yeah, please read the previous post in which i thanked everyone for their gracious support. get your facts straight.

and so i’ll say it again – thank you for everyone who came for the juniors last night, we really appreciate all your help and support. without you guys, there’s a big chance that CRCA wouldn’t even have a junior team. i had a great time, and it was totally worth sucking in school today.


Not many people care about you Connor…
now how about” Thanks everyone who showed up for supporting juniors”?


He kicks serious ass in cross and most of the top Juniors can hang with anyone in NYC on the bike. They are very thankful for the support.

connor sallee

the auction was more for the juniors, not really so much for getting a new kit.

i guess people didn’t realize that it was for juniors, or maybe they just don’t care like you?


#1) Unknown CRCA guy: “I bet he would have done a lot better if it was CRCA only.”
#2) Zmolik: “I have a date tomorrow morining.”
Another guy: “Who dates in the morning??”
Zmolik: “Busy chicks. I date anytime!”

Alex R

It was a lot of fun. By the size of the crowd and the noise they made, I think others also had fun. Thanks to all the folks who took the time and effort to put this together. I’m wondering why so few people participated in the silent auction? I bid on a bunch of items expecting someone else to easily out bid me. I ended up going home with a full CSC kit.

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