Special Thursday Argument

Section head text.

Now that we have few days of experience with the new site under our belts, I think it’s time we get back to what we’re best at – sniping, debating, arguing, and taking shots at one another – Andy is a TTer! There, that felt better!

Riis, Zabel, Telekom – so many confessions to contend with! Are these confessions of past misdeeds proof that Greg Lemond was right – that keeping a secret is a terrible weight? Or is it that these guys are trying to get out ahead of the investigations to save a PR fiasco?

And since these misdeeds are either out of the statute of WADA limitations, are they in effect, toothless? Are these guys doing us any favors by coming forward?

While were at it, I also have a confession, I confess that it’s a burden to be so awesome…



and hackers, spoofers, punk-assed marks and mark-assed marks, flim flammers and scallywags


by posting ip addresses, you open up posters to potential virus and hacking attacks. just suggesting


I shouldn’t do that anymore, sorry. This might take some of the fun out of me complimenting myself. Can we go back to the old way, my ego is taking a hit.


I’ll look like a jack ass if I respond to myself. Sorta like if I said how smart of a race I rode


Well, an IP address will only get you so far. For instance, my IP address looked up via ARIN WHOIS, wil tell you the following:
Optimum Online (Cablevision Systems) NETBLK-OOL-5BLK (NET-68-192-0-0-1) –
Optimum Online (Cablevision Systems) OOL-CPE-RMSYNJ-68-193-20-0-22 (NET-68-193-20-0-1) –

# ARIN WHOIS database, last updated 2007-05-30 19:10
# Enter ? for additional hints on searching ARIN’s WHOIS database.

Which says basically who my provider is. What the IP address thing does is it prevents people from hiding multiple personalities from readers sharp enough to compare the numbers

Chris M

I’m curious to see whether we hear from the likes of Coach L and others again with this IP ID stuff. Sometimes silence speaks volumes.


Why are people railing against it, it tried to answer all the complaints people had about the old one, then people complain about that. I don’t get it.


I have a confession to make. The time has come to put the cards on the table. I have done things which I now regret and which I wouldn’t do again, at least now that this site has started IP tracking. I am speaking, of course, of the use of performance-enhancing pseudonyms (PEPs).

I have posted comments anonymously, using a variety of aliases. For a while, it was part of my everyday life. I didn’t notice any side effects, other than that I was posting faster, and my recovery after a hard day of posting was improved. I administered the PEPs myself.

I can console myself with the thought that those who know me have faith in me. Like everyone else, I have made mistakes in my life. Those were my decisions and my mistakes, and I have to take the responsibility. I don’t wish to point a finger at anyone. I am doing this today because I wish for velocitynation to have a good future.

Ethan Atkins

UCI President Pat McQuaid has reacted to Friday’s news that Evil Matt Howard has admitted to posting under pseudonyms during his career, saying that the decision to own up was a brave one, but that he also hoped that the Evilite would return his old pseudonyms.

“My reaction is the same as the reaction to the two Coach Ls yesterday,” he told Cyclingnews on Friday evening, speaking from the Pan-American cycling championships in Caracas, Venezuela. “It is sad that this has been the case, that they have had to resort to posting anonymously during their career. However, by the same token you have got to recognise that it was a brave decision of the three, EMH included, to do this and own up.

Although recent days have brought bad publicity, he said that in the long run, this may be for the best. “I think it is a very good thing for the future because it is allowing us to make a fresh start to the sport of cycling. Also, it is worth bearing in mind that these are confessions and activities that were going on in 2006. We are dealing with the sport in 2007, so it has completely changed. There is much stronger controls, there much higher ethical values of the teams, so you have to realise that we are talking about the sport a long time ago. Things are better now.”

Mr. 60

All of these admissions have given me the courage to come clean.

From now on I will be known as Mr.60%*


if that IP address tracking malarky was ever retroactivated I’d never be able to set foot in New York again. Thinking back…oooohhhhh the poor folks I anonymously slandered.


i cheat in almost all my races. i frequently ignore the warnings and continually pump up my tires beyond their recommended PSI. sometimes by as much as 10-15 PSI more. i do this to gain a slight advantage over other racers, but i suspect the practice is widespread (you know who you are!).


for Bjarne to apologize to Basso for being so hypocritical. Oh, and how is the Blue Wall of Silence still keeping it together. Could it be the godfather Lance will crush all that come up against him? Or maybe they are all clean.


I’ll have to become more sophisticated and intellectual so that I can provide discussion that shark jump accuser would be happier with. He did offer some deep insights after all.


Oh, wait, that would be my porn name – first pet and street right? How do we figure out the Puerto thing again?

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