Special Hangover

Happy time

Schmalz is off making Playdoh sculptures at father’s day in kindergarten. I’m basking in the glow of…something that happened last night. So I propose a post partisan lovefest today, for today there are no climbers, today there are no sprinters, today we are all frighteningly myopic weekend warriors.



looking for an apartment to rent, mebbe something close to the GWB. fort lee, perhaps. i’ll even pay a small fee. anyone have any suggestions? feisty landlord not an issue…


There was a massive diverse crowd of about 5k people celebrating outside an Obama campaign headquarters on Broadway in the 100’s last night. They eventually flowed out into the street stopping traffic. People were cheering and setting off fireworks like it was new years. Then a huge group of young people (from Columbia U. someone said) marched down and merged with the larger group causing a NYC bus to stop in the middle of the swarm of revelers. The bus could not proceed but instead of complaining the New Yorkers on this bus stuck their heads out the window and cheered the crowd on. The crowd then roared back.

Never seen anything like it. Very cool.it.


andy, surprised you’re basking in the glow … a JMcC win would’ve kept your girl in the spotlight for 4 more years … no doubt ms. shen voted for O about 20x for the exact same reason


Obama looks like he’d be a pretty good climber.

Listening to Rush Limbaugh have a meltdown, just for the fun of it.

Buh-Bye, suckers….


If nothing else came out of that absurd email thread it was be damn sure you don’t rent an apartment from that dude.


people have gotten lulled into complacency sitting at keyboards and typing things they wouldn’t say in person. especially to people they don’t know.

if you’re going to take a lesson from last night, make it this: if you don’t know someone, mind your business. and if you’re not going to mind your business, mind your tone. and if you’re not going to mind either your business or your tone, well – be prepared for unexpected consequences.

i am not advocating or defending anyone’s actions (but i found the whole f-cking thing hysterical and i sincerely thank them both). but situations like that are easily avoidable, if you want to. also, one of the guys has been around the scene/community, and one (to my knowledge) hasn’t. i think newbie should show some respect before speaking out of turn. so if the young pup got a little lickin … i can live with that.


I hear you but, knowbody i dont care how long they have been riding circles around central park has the right to do that.

It’s not about how long someone has been around and how long the other is. That makes no difference.


the new CRCA member (i’m assuming since he is a cat 5) maybe should have kept his mouth shut–but what the fuck is lattanzi doing calling the guy? classic shit right there.


Did you ever see someone walk into a garbage can because they weren’t paying attention and then proceed to throw the garbage can in the middle of the street or kick it like the garbage can did something wrong.

Thats what happened.


funny that the new guy comments actually caused more of a disruption than the apartment posting. people put things for sale and apartments there all the time.


“I’m not sayin he was right, but you’re sayin a foot massage don’t mean nothing, and I’m sayin it does.

I’ve given a million ladies a million foot massages and they all meant somethin. We act like they don’t, but they do – that’s what’s so fuckin cool about em.

This sensual thing’s goin on that nobody’s talkin about, but you know it. And she knows it. Fuckin Marsellus knew it. And Antwan? Antwan shoulda known fuckin better. That’s his fuckin wife, man. He ain’t gonna have a sense of humor about that shit.”


i don’t see that problem with latanzzi taking it off line to have a little talk mano a mano after some newbie insults him publicly. the newbie then comes back on line looking for others to fight his battles.


not saying he had the right.

just saying if you’re going to mouth off to someone you don’t know – be prepared for consequences. new fish got taught a valuable lesson last night, for virtually free.


Lesson learned? Why would you assume that? What was the lesson?

Dont call me out on my off topic post or i will call you and threaten you? The dude is like 40 years old, calling people about a message board post like that is just well….sad.


cat 5 guy whipped out the rulebook:

From: Cat 5 Guy
Subject: Re: CRCA Net Fort Lee apartment for rent
To: crcanet@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, November 4, 2008, 7:45 PM


By joining the group, you agree to:

Not share email addresses or other contact information obtained through the group in any public forum
Use discretion in making commercial postings. Occasional for-sale ads are fine, as are offers of services related to bike racing and training. But please don’t post the same information often
Respect other participants and their time by keeping postings clear and to the point.
Note the second one.


Whoops, i thought you meant this:

Guys, here I am speaking as moderator: the terms of use of this group

“Use discretion in making commercial postings. Occasional for-sale ads
are fine, as are offers of services related to bike racing and
training. But please don’t post the same information often. Please
preface for-sale ads with “FS” of For sale.”
There is not a specific rule saying someone can or cannot post
something for which they make money. But participants must use
discretion and in particular do not re-post the same thing (especially
something not cycling related) often. Robert was on or over the edge
with that and I hope he avoids it in the future – leave a much bigger


The lesson is self-evident. In every facet of life, do not provoke people you do not know. Their reactions may not be proportional – at all – to what you expect.


sorry andy. you know how it is … it’s our locker room, we need to snap towels … you left us unsupervised! what’d you expect!


dubya dubya dubya ihidebehindmykeyboardandplaytoughguycauseinreallifeidgetmyfacesmahedinforwhatisayonmessageboardsoremail dot com


David and I have communicated in a civilized manner offline and everything is fine. Details of the incident are irrelevant at this point. Apologies from both of us for the disruption and any offensive behavior.


lattanzi it was funny bro, no worries & all the best. some good entertainment for all of us in the off-season …



This is 5PM Sunday night and a rider is currently at
Hackensack ICU listed as “John Doe”. This accident
happen this morning on 9W. A rider name Rob is calling
around and try to help ID this “John Doe Rider”.
Please do your best to circulate this email.

Rob can be reach at 201-481-5953.

This unfortunate rider is around 40-50 years old male
riding a black carbon Le Mond bike with Bontrager
wheelset. He is short with gray bear.

I am sorry to inform you this and hope someone can


November = wet roads and leaves and possibly summer tyres still on. Bad combination. Throw in a glorious day which brings out every cyclist in the city and things get dicey.

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