Sniping argument

Section head text.

Is it going to be like this all year?

The first race weekend has passed us by, and Monday morning saw the early birds coming out to pull up the worms of their spite and toss silly accusations. It seems the sourest of grapes now think it’s OK to be slanderous, vicious and worst of all – not very amusing at all. I just need to know whether these foul balls plan on continuing this all year long, because I will have to plan my days around e-baby-sitting and deleting posts, it will dramatically cut into my tanning time, but that’s a sacrifice I will have to make.



On the other hand, when a nice guy like Rashad gets flamed for winning, things have obviously gone too far…..Who said hes a nice guy just becuse you hink so doesnt make so

what difference does it make

stick to your day job. betting aint your thing. could be jesse, sg, tom, dick or harry. so anyone else who all seem to agree its time to change these boards from anonymous posts so this aint an issue going forward. these boards can be an awfully great resource but it seems a change is in order.

Funniest Comment by:

“Thanks Steve, uh, I mean Jesse.” – I second that one. I’d bet cold cash that “Jesse” is SG

yep..still anonymous

It would be just a bunch of sappy douchebags discussing the efficacy of powercranks.


You seriously think toto is the best thing about this site? You’re one of those powercrank dudes aren’t you?

I'll Stay Anonymous While It's Still Available

The good info and the threads are the real attraction.
Reading a thread here is like being a fly on the wall of the locker room after a race. You’ve got your wise ones, the dweebs, and the bullies.
Leave the site as it is, if you’re too sensitive to receive a few snipes then you’re too weak to race.


you can change up your IP, and who wants to spend the time to find out the addresses of the content drivers on this site. I’d hate to say it, but if you got rid of all the negative, this site would not survive….It would be just a bunch of sappy douchebags discussing the efficacy of powercranks. You might as well turn it into a triathlon website at that point. Gaye.

masked bandit

Just delete negative, inflammatory or personal attacks. and then block IP addresses of the offenders. that will address the issues and get things back on track.

Its different that its anonymous. Other sites offer logins. this is different and good, at times.

Sam F.

hey Alan… what is the deal with the track this year? we have not heard a thing! Same old Wednesdays or will Mondays be masters/women? GEEZ i cannot wait…


Someone pointed out last year that guy posts all the time on bikeforums. I went back there today to see what other forums are like.

I wonder who shares more on the internet – Dr. Will on bikeforums or your average college slut on facebook?

Dr. Phil

A chiropractor isn’t a doctor. It’s basically a master’s degree certification. Like a lab tech. 2 years for the D.C. designation…


screw an anonymous free for all. your a pussy and should be a real man. and screw doping. and screw logins. and screw your helmet……so just go ride your bike


Before going public and registered, can we have one more anonymous free-for-all, just for old time’s sake?

Lance Armstrong

Why not modify the comment section into a something simila to where you can opt to reply to a specific comment and then the comments cascade outline style to package the hate in an easy to follow style.

the strong guys!

why is everyone so angry….not like this out west…just good hard racing in the mountains!

Small Man -- Big Balls

It’s pretty simple NYVELOCITY LOVES all this negativity because it boosts its website hits and lots of hits=lots of interest=ad revenue in the future.

NYV won’t change the current free for all — simple!


seriously its all in good fun. i used to tell jared to get off the juice when he won last year. i mean it’s like a pretty common cycling joke.

no results

when no one is ragging on me on Nyvelocity, i know i need to step up my training and get some results.


It’s not a matter of ignoring negative posts (I can do that), The problem is the negative posters prevent the site from having even more positive features and input. I personally wouldn’t submitt anything because I wouldn’t want the abuse. This has been the first forum I have chosen to comment on in a long time.


registered accounts with pseudonymous are wayyy better than anonymous comments. They result in consistency and make it easier to ignore someone who says nonsense.

I’ll all for that.

Also, if someone wants to rag on me in private, that’s their business. Ragging on me in public is worse and becomes my business. Allowing anonymous postings seems to encourage the public ragging.


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Does it really matter if people talk shit about other people? this site’s sole use is to provide that platform. Get rid of the site, or comments all together, no more problems. People will just talk shit on training rides instead.


The message not the messenger, or is the only way to get some attention? Why not have “Ladies Night”, at a Blue Ribbon or Union Square Cafe, etc. type bar/social and you can all cry on each others shoulders about c/s/w-da…in person, or dopo-gara when it is all still steamy and fresh?


you guys are all pansies, just grow a ball-sack and get on with it – the sniping will continue no matter what — boo hoo hoo


some nerd ripped off my name, in the future if you rip off my name misspell a word or two . i know i do

Not Who You Think I Am

Registered accounts will not eliminate anonymity unless you require registered users to use their real name. Yet, you will be able to discover repeat offenders since they will have to login with that account to spout their hate. Also, these repeat offenders will continue to create accounts unless you IP ban them which I am not sure you would want to be bothered with.

Ignoring ignorant comments works for me.


my girlfriend so that when she thinks I’m looking at her I am actually looking at my bike. It’s just so hot…


Brian, so you don’t mind if people rag all over you anonymously? What if they lie or make stuff up?


I hear that, but there’s a difference between wise ass hecklers and people throwing bottles at faces, which pretty much is the case when it gets ugly. Also, I don’t think there’s a lot of whistle-blowing on this site – this ain’t exactly

anonymous coward

Some bulletin boards like Vbb ultimateBB etc for some hobby groups and they work great and require log-ins.

Brian G.

give credence or care what anonymous posters have to say about anything? The only way they get power over the rest of us is when we pay attention to what they write. Silence is the best response to them. I agree with Andy about working a tough room. Plus some of the anonymous postings are pretty funny sometimes.

anonymous coward

Some bulletin boards like Vbb ultimateBB etc for some hobby groups and they work great and require.


to get a forum system with no anonymous posting system. i don’t see what all the hand wringing is about.


Personally, I like working a tough crowd. I like getting called on it when I suck, and when I get a compliment it really means something. I like that people can tell me I suck without thinking that I’ll put them on photo embargo. I know it’s not a lovefest here, but I like that you can’t get away with being sloppy here, and anonymity helps with that.

On the other hand, when a nice guy like Rashad gets flamed for winning, things have obviously gone too far. Our hope was always that people would just grow the hell up and not be idiots, but clearly that’s not working. We’re open to suggestions. But, like I said, I prefer some degree of anonymity, not for repercussion-free flaming, but for whistle blowing and reality checks.

Finally, keep in mind that this site was built from the ground up on a shoestring budget, not taken from a template. You might remember a while back we thought we had this thing licked, but the flamers quickly found a workaround. Any fix will take time.

Alan Atwood

To Dan, Andy, and the rest of the NYVC staff….

Me thinks it’s time to kill the anonymous posters for good. People who can hide behind the rock will say anything and everything; and it really does detract from what is a terrific website and a great publication.

Another thing that can be done; when you hover over the name of the poster, you can’t see their profile information. This is just as good as posting anonymously, as anyone can use a login name and say what they will without any chance for reprecussions.

Anytime someone posts content or comments on this site, the viewers should know whom it’s coming from and where it’s coming from. Without that, how can you take the content seriously? There are a lot of good people in NYC, with lots of good opinions to share. Not everyone will agree with what folks have to say, but as long as one can discuss an issue and know who you’re discussing with, it’s a win/win for everyone.

That’s my 2 cents. What about yours?


I guess owners of this site prefer the flaming over meaningful discussion or perhaps they are the ones flaming…


I dont post here because there is no login too.
look at they got over 100,000 users…


If we thought that this site has issues to resolve we have no idea. I don’t know what to think of this absurd war between the UCI and ASO. It is as if they’ve made a decision to kill this sport with whatever it takes. If it’s not doping, then we’ll try a war between the big players in the sport. Poor cyclists.


I beleive that NYVC would have even more user input were it not for the flames that are sure to follow due to anonymous posting. I know, I for one, am less inclined to contribute because I do not want to voluntarily subject myself to abuse. I am not sure if anyone would care to read a race report of mine, or even my training, but I would be more inclined to submit it without the anonymous abuse. I think that that feeling is pretty universal.

That being said, I think the site is awesome and has some extremely positive features, it just is overshadowed at times by the posters. I know: I don’t have to read them if I don’t like them.


of the year: “Thanks Steve, uh, I mean Jesse” I don’t know if it was SG, but a great comment


The sniping gets petty but let’s face it, if people are talking about you, positively or negatively, you probably did something right (crashes aside). If it bothers you then don’t sit there and obsess over every written word. I thought requiring login for diaries and articles was a good idea. Maybe more people would contribute if they knew the negative comments from the peanut gallery would be limited. For the open forums, keep it open. Its entertaining and easy enough to ignore what’s negative or irrevalent.


Those guys while obsessed with Power numbers and TTing have a great thing going on. I go over there all the time to read training tips from guys like Will O, Roger A etc etc. They are all positive and helpful. No hate. What they lack is the great pictures and interviews the NYVC has.

The site will be taken more serriously

I can’t for the life of me understand why you don’t just require people to sign-in and use the same screen name all the time. Plenty of examples of other sites that have active message boards do this. Road Bike Review, Slow-twitch (ha!), tons of other interest group based message boards…

Yes it will take folks a while to get used to but eventually people will play ball using their names or made up names or whatever but they’ll be accountable.

Pompous A-Hole

One more thing — it’s probably not even worth it to have higher traffic caused by the anonymous fray. I’m sure the owners of this site do it out of love (its obvious they care) and not for the $$$.

Again, stuff like Schmalz’ diary, Andy and Marco’s photos, the great ride re-con stuff, the interviews — all first class and we should all be grateful these guys give up their time to do it. But the ugly stuff diminishes the class. It’s like someone takes a big can of spray paint and splashes over all the hard work.

Pompous A-Hole

The log in thing must be a real love/hate for the owners of NYVC. I imagine traffic drops precipitiously when log in comes back on — people don’t come back as much, there are fewer posts, and of course, fewer flames getting everyone slap-happy. But the time may come to end the ugliness. I suspect the incremental improvement in the caliber of discussion – not to mention the general positivity – will be worth it in the long run. For the NYVC owners: the unfortunate thing is, you guys do such a nice job with so many great, fun, useful articles, but at the end of the day, the thing people remember about the site is the sh-t/fighting. You’re so much better than that. Signed, PompA

PS: Spare me the “its not the site, it’s the posters” comments….the site gives the posters a big, juicy forum, and to run away from that fact is dumb. PompA.


One should not react to sniping. When a negative thought crosses your mind, do not fight it. By creating resistance you validate it. Better it flows away, without interruption. Let is pass like a rainstorm.

As my father said, a man’s destiny is controlled by his father. A son will either love his father and emulate him, or hate him and try to be different from him. In either way, it is the father that has determined his son’s path.

The most positive defense on threads is a long, oddball post to re-direct people’s attention. Negative humor is easy. Sniping about sniping, unfortunately, is easy too. But a well thought-out post like The Good Thursday Agreement takes effort, and can heal all wounds.

Small Man -- big balls

Sniping is for girlie men, get up and ride, race and shut the ***K up.

Sniping is appallingly cowardly.

Sniping is a pathetic expression of a powerless entity.


the sniping is part of the nature of racing in the city. Flat courses raced 15 guys wide, everyone wants to get to the front and thinks they can win.


Seems like most of the hate follows a stupid Prospect Park, CP or FBF race. You dont see as much hate after a big regional race because alot of the NYC guys stay home. The guys that travel out of the city on a regular basis are not the guys making stupid comments on Monday. NYC racing is kind of depressing…

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