Smoothest Argument

Oh so smooth…

Today we have an argument submitted by a special guest, which I adore, as it allows more time for me to hunt and gather.

It’s cheap and easy to accuse each other of being psychos and squirrels on the bike, but who among us possesses a silky wheel, the kind of calm, unrattled, experienced rider with handling skillz that you just want to snuggle up to at 1K to go? Who are the smoothest men – and women – of the local peloton? It’s compliment day at NYVC!


Matteo Bartape

DA can hold such a precise straight line because of all of the years that he was an ASCM land surveyor.

Guido Helmet

Pulla pulled up on our paceline a few years ago and rode with us for a while. Ive never seen such smooth riding in my life. It was like he was gliding down the road, not riding. Truly impressive. Perfect cadence, form, calmness like a damn Budda on his bike! Nice.

Super Mario

Wilson V. That guy can move wherever he wants in the pack without ever putting his nose in the wind. Also Molloy.

Matteo Liner

Ask CJ how smooth his moves were when he hit-up that pizzeria mid race in ’08. That shit will never old yo.

West Coast Reader

Ride rollers and you’ll have the local city street painters using you as the lead out to paint the lines on the road, oh yea.

Ethan Chamois

glad you are going for the irony, cause so many more guys come to mind who are absolute shit on a bike.

i think Molloy knows how to surf the front better than most, Wilson of 5 years ago, Koo back in the day was really good to follow as well.

i can tell you that most dudes do not have to care about this too much cause they race in the park so much where you can ride with your head up your ass and still win

Ergo Crank

DA’s flowing euro-pro mullet creates the perfect drag profile to follow — it actually creates a tail wind.

Jerguen Fastacoppi

James Joseph is a great rider.

But there is nothing smooth about his riding, he has been suspended/DQd many times for dangerous riding, which he usually does approaching the sprint.

Guido Helmet

JJ is some kinda mean sprinter (esp for an old guy!!!!), but smooth he is not! His success, in fact, is attributed to a combo of strong acceleration and raw aggression that implies he could care less about safety for the sake of keeping you from coming around him. He sweeps wheels and throws elbows like a true trackie, and yes, I do resent his methods at FBF. He gets credit for fast, and equal credit for scary and dangerous playing.

Ferre Rubber Hood

Ivo was on the Bulgarian national track squad back in the 70s. He won the CRCA club championship in ’88. I call him the human sewing machine. Even now, he’s slowed down and put on some weight, he still spins smooth and easy.

Ethan Chamois

yo JJ sprints like a garbage truck , Juan Castro rides a crit like he is frightened of getting dropped

Lisban is really fliud so are most of the Empire team


who would have ever thought that this would turn into a stupid joke fest. you guys are the least funny people in the history of unfunny people.

stick to debating crank size


you’re not alone…but these ‘rons are much more interested in retarded inside jokes, not to mention it’s just the same 2 or 3 people posting all day every day….one of whom lives in california.

Benjamin Neck

these excitables wouldn’t know a real smooth pedal stroke if they saw one. too concerned with big-upping their cat 4 teammates and making stupid jokes. eat some humble pie you squids.


When you go to the barber and ask for a straight edge shave, if he’s old school, he’ll ask you if you want smooth, silky, baby’s bottom or, for two bucks more, DA.

Just woke up from a coma

You know who’s not smooth? Bernie Madoff. I heard he got busted for some triangle scheme.

Cece Bushing

king of cat 4 leadouts? what the crap is a cat 4 leadout — ? If you get enough places to upgrade, what happens to your lead-out man — does the cat 4 then hook up with another cat 4 sprinter? Does the new cat 3 become the leadout for a faster cat 3 sprinter?

Remi Tank

the guy spins at 120 rpms like most do 80 rpm. Chuck doesn’t use the big ring until 3/4 through a race and then only on the downhill.

butter cup

Cooper Ray looks good on the road.
Not many strong juniors since Capala’s class moved on to College. What happened to all them junors. The only one I know of still racing is Connor Sallee.

What happened to Pasqual, Ian Harris, Ryan Storm, kid who went to Mengoni from CRCADEV…?

covered in butter

best illustrated by guys who can sprint but don’t really look like they should be able to. see: molloy, gavi, et al.

a certain artificially enhanced rider may have appeared smooth to you because as he was pulling you around, he was 420 watts below his threshold and not actually breathing in recognizable human fashion.

Baptiste Nipple

And catching his saddle in your thigh when he stands up. It if has happened to you and you thought it was an accident…………It wasn’t. That dude is sprint savy!

P.S. He has been teaching his teammates that skill too.

Andrea Kevlar

Beth Renaud, Katie Lambden, Nina Strika, Kimille Taylor. Smooth, strong (when not preggers), and, look great on their bikes!

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