Silvermine TT Lengthened

Section head text.

7/31 Update:

Just a quick reminder:

The Silvermine Time Trial will be held on September 16th 2007.

Registration closes on the Friday before the event.  First rider off at 8am.

We’ve added approximately 3 to 4 miles of additional road to the course, our first time running the longer course.  We’d suggest top times to be in the 35 to 37minute range, as a rough estimate.

**TEAM CATEGORY: Also, please note that we just added a new Category, the Team Time Trial Category.  As we all know, the NJ State TTT Championships were cancelled for this year, so we hope this is another opportunity to do battle in team formation.  It will be a “minimum 2 riders, maximum 3, time taken on the 2nd rider”.  There is no restriction on who you ride with, various categories can mix or match.  Its an “Open” TTT event grouping.

Unfortunately, at this point, we can not offer the Team event to the Juniors under 18 years of age.  Yet, the other categories are open our junior participants.

**be sure to remind your friends to register not only for the individual event, but the team event as well. It is going to be a lot of fun.

Steve Goldman
Director, Westwood Velo.

Update: The date of the Silvermine TT has been moved back one week to September 16th. See you there!

On behalf of Westwood Velo, we’re excited to announce that the 2007 Silvermine Time Trial, Sept 8th, is now on BikeReg, and that it will feature an expanded course/length. Previously, we used the Hanawaque turnaround point; This year we will be extending down to the Lake Welch turn (the left-hander off 7Lakes in the Bear Mtn Race), which takes the race from approximately 12 miles to nearly 17 miles. The added section is precisely 1 mile of uphill at approximately 2 percent grade, a big ring climb, followed by 1 mile down at 2 percent…then the turn, and reverse back up 1 mile at 2 percent, and down 1 mile at 2 percent. It will be a fast 4.5 additional miles. We are expecting times to be in the high twenty to mid-thirty minute range but it will be interesting to see how the 2 miles of low grade climbing impact riders late in a thirty minute effort.. Westwood Velo and many NJ/NY riders are fans of time trialing and 4.5 miles more makes it all the more fun!

Further, Steve Goldman and Trade Manage Capital have been developing TT timing software to help capture and generate results quickly and with less error. We used the software at Silvermine last year successfully, generating complete results within minutes of the finish. This year we have added many features the most prominent being the ability to crank up interim reports mid-race. Steve offers this TT software free to all NJBA and CRCA teams that would like to use it to perhaps improve timing speed and results. 

Additionally, we have been speaking with the Bear Mountain race group about creating a combined event, an “Omnium” of sorts since Bear Mtn Race is the day after Silvermine.  Like so many CRCA teams and riders, we are obsessed with time trialing, and road racing. We can not get enough of both.  As such, we want to somehow tie Silvermine into Bear Mtn Fall. We are not exactly sure how this will play out, if at all, but since many riders do both races, it would be fun to have a combined result list. Riders can ride their standard categories, but we’ll track and post an “Omnium” results sheet as well, with additional prizes for winners of the combined class. While many extend their seasons beyond Bear Mtn and Silvermine, for most, that marks the near end of their competitive road season.  Hence, we’re trying to do everything possible to make it a great weekend.

Photo courtesy Otis Sullivan.



I guess for 08′ if Silvermine can happen on Aug.30th and Harriman on 31st maybe prospect or CPK can do a laborday race.


Maybe in 08′ the two races can be held around Labor day wkend so an additional CPK race can get tossed in to make it a 3 day stage race.
Nice wk Westwd. – i always look forward to your TT events.


it would be very cool to have a full fledge stage race in the area. we at wv are reasonably ok at hosting races, but i think road races are a bit outside our experience in terms of promoting. but we could handle the TT, u guys handle the road, and someone could have a Crit in the afternoon as a finale’ . heck, we could do the TT like Friday evening 6pm and be done before dark. or TT in the early AM sat, road race like 1, 2pm, and crit on sunday. i love going to the fun stages like fitchburg and what not. how nice would it be to have it in our backyard? plus harriman is as tough a place to race as any….

fyi, doesnt Sullivan look fast and mean in that photo???? he was my 30 second guy at readington and man, he was flying. it was perfect. i didnt catch him until like the last 2 minutes and then had a tough time opening a very very very meager gap. kid is fast. needs bootie covers. actually i think he has a new sweet rig, a p3c with zipp disc and front. nice to see young guys flying around out there.

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