Season start argument

Is it time yet?

 The 2010 road racing season is fast approaching, and the question is simple this week—are you ready to race? Should we even be racing at this time of year?


Tuur Drainhole

It’s 23 degrees at 9:30. The roads are a combination of salt gravel and snow.

Hell to the no.

I haven’t been outside to ride since November.

Recco Seatmast

which of course I am and will happily, joyfully race quickly in circles with other like minded psychopaths….

Bring it…


Too early, too cold and too lazy to put on all those layers for a park race. These days I just enjoy riding on and off road.


I saw the name of the site as Velocity Nation and thought I’d post. But after arriving and seeing that it is really NY Velocity, I decided I’d keep my California comments to myself. Come on out someday and try our burritos, BikesnobNYC says they’re Epic!

nyc park racer

I’m still recovering from a lung transplant and 2 knee surgeries, but I think after a weekend of low cadence drills with my power cranks ill be more then ready to tear up the cat 5 field for the 3rd year in a row.

Ernesto Skidmark

and has not only given up park racing in the fair weather month of October, but this year has also given up the better part of September!

Recco Seatmast

Cristoffel Prinsloo made sure that everyone knew that Mother was only half a word when he crossed the finish line in first place.

I believe that it rhymed with ‘moosalakka’


Brent Clearcoat

With no Jiminy and Bear a week later the season is a little less front loaded this year. Grant’s Tomb is absurd and then Battenkill are only early season races.

Frank Czech

Dieter is already having some organized pre-rides of Battenkill. The fee is $75 but it comes with half a turkey sandwich and an autographed photo of Adam Myerson.

massive fail

i don’t understand your point. that it isn’t starting early? park races? one fbf already cancelled? and does that in any way address september and october? seems to me like you said “there are really only one or two that I think about”


I agree there should be more races during the fall as the weather is nice, but the cycling season comes to a close at that time and CRCA races are looked as training races to prepare you for the upcoming season.

Kylian Tracknut

CRCA has to work with the dates the Parks department gives it. Nothing to do with the Club’s desired schedules

enthusiastic bike racer

i like the early season stuff when it’s above freezing, because i’m eager to get back to racing, but i agree that it doesn’t make a lot of sense to stop in the first or second week of september when it’s nice enough to race for basically the entire fall.

Brent Clearcoat

Sept and Oct are good times for racing but many are burnt out by then and attendance at races is way down from March and April for Park and open races.


I am waiting for it to warm up or at least have a start that is after 8 AM- too old.

Till then I will do a couple of mountain bike races- later start times and they are less crash prone than the early season road races.


Many are burnt out and the rest are racing CX. You cant have racing from Feb – Nov and expect large turnouts the whole season. You could just ride for fun from Sept – Dec and enjoy riding for the sake of riding or you could race CX. Eitherway, you can race your bike from March – December.

On another note, looks like the Battenkill Pro race is doomed after this year.

Amine Chainsuck

No. I’m way off track in fitness from the goddamn miserable trainer. I need to race myself into shape, but I’m worried about crashing because I also need time to dial-in/get-used-to my equipment. Since many of you are probably in the same situation, I’m even more worried about the upcoming crash festival. Let me just state now for the record that the crash is not my fault. Why can’t you guys hold a line?

Guillaume Crank

With all the snow coming over the next few days I think this is the second race that will be cancelled. Not sure if they plough at FBF but I doubt it.

Kyllian Clearcoat

riding the trainer makes you crash because when you are racing there is no one there to hold your bike up for you

Vespaciano Gel

I’m expecting a little bit of a chubby festival at the first race this year. Too little time to train, too many donuts. Not me, though, I’m totally underweight – 7 wtts/kg

Niels Nipple

“With Spring Series, Bethel and CRCA race is a race at FBF really needed in March?”

not everyone in nyc belongs to CRCA. SS and Bethel are on Sundays, maybe some of us non-crca riders want to race on satudays too.

Alexander Saddlebag

i don’t know, FBF in March sounds like one of the inner circles of Hell. But at least there won’t be any mosquitoes or tall grass growing on the course.

Alexander Saddlebag

same as every year.

some guys totally out of shape and will get dropped.

most in marginal shape but will get stronger as the season goes on.

a few maniacs who have been out there every day all winter long and are chomping at the bit.

oh quit it

no, they don’t plow, but it’s going to be over freezing every day, no way it’s still around a week later.

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