Season start argument

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Are you ready to be ready to race?

Racing season is here! Will you be present at any of the area races? You can choose from Branch Brook, Bethel, or the Spring Series in Central Park – with more laps this year! Or you could do them all. The spring trifecta!

I’m sitting in a tub of ice to prepare my man region for the chilling effects of the early races, how are you getting ready?


Alessandro Kreplackie

Yep, the two fields started together, then the field was neutralized and the two were supposed to split, but I’m pretty sure most of the 5s had no clue and stayed with the 3/4 field. It was scary.


Did the 3/4 and 5 fields start together?

If the if the total combined field was more than 75 that’s against USAC rules

Brian G.

the sun is up, the birds are chirping, guys are bitchin’ about the Spring Series, sandbagging accusations are flying, and Holja Line has returned from vacation. It’s like there was never a winter. Countdown to the first Mexicutioner post.


There were at least 4 crashes in 3/4/5 field.3 of them happend on chicanes…
the front of the group rides from apex of first corner to the apex of the next one, shortest line.riders close to the inside have no place to go and crash.
stay on the outside.

Safer Training on my Own

Was it just people trying to remember their pack skills or is there a dire need for a CRCA B & C clinic for the first few races?


LOL so sorry i missed it.

everyone busts on the gimbles ride as being dangerous… maybe a few more people could use weekly practice riding in chaos?

first race(s) of the season always have a lot of crashes.


Movable barriers used in motor racing; sometimes placed before a dangerous corner to reduce speed as cars pass in single file.

…or bike racing. Welcome back gentlemen, lets step our game up.


CRCA/ Metro Sanchez’s Ann Marie Miller wins the women’s race, beating Anna Milkowski (!).

Congrats to Anne Marie for starting the season off with a W!

Small Man -- big balls

Who was that JACKASS that rode off on the right by the kerb, into a corner and then crashed into a pile of riders? What a dopey schmuck?

Regarding the MOTO splitting the field — sketchy on a downhill into a corner, not as smart as Adler


to continue: and that’s why there are 45 million crashes.

at least Adler didn’t crash too much – they rode a smart race.

good for the goose and gander

Plenty of crashes after the 5’s were ridden from the 3/4 peleton – showing we are quite capable of crashing on our own


hey Toni he was a d1 pro (Bresca Lat). and the last year he rode for real he did not have a placing lower than 5th in any road race which included some for real races , and oh yeah i think he he did the Giro, he won like a zillion Kermessss .

it is funny when a guy like Koshara who won Trenton ( buy holding off the entire Motorola team ) could not win in the park by riding everyone off his wheel.

Kevin is right the course and the distance is no where near long enough for even a top pro to solo, and oh yeah the locals around here are pretty freaking good too

Better Luck Next Time

It was a total mess, I think everyone was off their game. I guess that’s why they call it a training race…


yeah I was stunned when they sent the moto THROUGH the 3/4 field trying to separate the 5s (who should never have been there in the first place)
it was a catastrophe waiting to happen.

Pissed Off in the money

Did anyone not crash? AVD totally screwed up on this one. I’ve backed him until now, and respected the fact he does this thankless job even if he can’t turn down anyone’s money. Splitting 5s from 3/4s as a mid race decision? Starting them at the same time at all was a bad idea.

And what’s with the 3/4s stopping in the few semi corners? I’m not risking that again.

Ex Pro

yeah 2’s gotta race p,1,2 sometimes, but usually 1,2,3. And I wasn’t talkin’ bout races…I was talkin bout racers…2’s aint much diff than 3’s. 1’s don’t like to race w/2’s…2 w/ 3’s…3’s w/ 4’s…4/ with 5’s

world of difference

Disagree with that. come on up to the 2 field and you’ll quickly note the difference. when you take a bear race from 60miles, hard, to 90miles in a field that almost always is comprised of pros and 1s as well, its excruciating. the problem i find with the 2 field isnt the 2’s, its that all the good races are p123 combinations, occasionally just a p12 field, no benefit…and at a rare fitchburg, etc. we get to race just 2s. so where 3s can race just amongst other good 3s who could be almost-2s on their way to 1s, as a 2 you battle full-on pro 1s almost always. not crying about it, heck i like it. just saying that that is why being a 2 is proportionally harder than being a 3.
all props to 3s but that jump is ugly one for many.


cat 3s and 4s who cry about someone sandbagging need to get a clue. go race triathlons if you want to break down competition by various and rather meaningless categories. ie:

“well i had the best time for everyone in my age group who has a full time job, at least one child and living in Brooklyn.”

the guy went out and raced the 1/2/3 and won. he deserves PROPS – not hate.

i don’t ever hear cat 2 riders complaining that pro’s are sandbagging when they show up at local races. its a chance to test yourself against someone better. as a competitor you should relish the opportunity not cry about some bullshit “fairness” when you aren’t even racing in the real race.

big difference between category 2 and 3 is amount of training. sounds like this guy put his hours in. i’m not sure that’s “unfair” or “sandbagging”… rather i would argue that’s just good training, preparation and athletic talent.


Does not have a good field for the Cat 1-2 field? Dont tell the Navigators, Aerospace and other Pros that have won that race,. Top Cat 3s (Nick Bruno, Bremer, Showman) are all just fine now that they moved to Cat 2. This site sucks balls as ussual!


He has kicked the ass of many guys last year who are now 2s. He is a legit Cat 2 and should be forced to upgrade. If he raced the 3/4 field at Branchbrook it would be joke this year… Last year he won every BB race 3/4


All of you just shut up, who gives a fuck? go race your own race. jesus christ man, you cant do anything around here. you win, you’re a sandbagger, you don’t and you’re terrible. Truth is, we all suck. If we didn’t we wouldn’t living in NYC in fucking March jonsin’ to race in the park….open your eyes.

bagger not

guy raced the p123 race and wins, how is that sandbagging? a move to the cat2, no disrespect to good 3s is a move to another universe. the cat2 fields at bear, fitchburg, unionvale, hoosatonic, the big races (not bb or CP or mengoni) are nasty brutal events. top 3s wouldnt probably last a lap in the 2 fields in those races. if he had raced the 3/4 field, someone should have broken his arm.


so this will guy is a 3, races the 1/2/3s, wins and gets the sandbagger label (respectfully, apparently).

sounds like he’s moving through the categories at his own pace and cleaning up. good for him. whats the rush, learn as much as you can at each level. i hope he continues to pound you weak, whiny b’tches out of the money


“The local 1-2’s couldn’t stay with Friedman at Grant’s Tomb in 05”

They couldn’t stay with Gui Nellesen either…they were both in Aus for the winter doing big miles and top track comp


He won more than 4 Cat 3 races last year and a handful of TTs and not just training races in the spring. Won Mengoni in a break in August. That is a big win. Also alot of Top finishes. He needs a forced upgrade. Also TTs like a Cat 1. He would be a top Cat 2 in the area tomorrow.

Pure Hate

Racing a 50 mile P1-2 race is a hard but something that can be done by cat 1 or 2 and maybe even place better than a Tommy D. Slap on that extra 4hrs of racing and you’ll know why Tommy D’s a pro. Don’t hate so much.
Sommerville guys are cool and who cares if Will O hasn’t upgraded? He will.


word. Pros are badass. Its the 3s and 4s that haven’t had the pleasure of getting driving into the ground by the real cyclists. Join the men or don’t share your “opinions” about things which you have no understanding.

kevin molloy

the reason smiley didn’t win often in CP was because the races are a rather pedestrian 40-50 miles long. the difference is that danielson can do what he does after 90 miles of racing. it’s not too hard to sit on a wheel at 30mph after 30 miles, but it gets really tough after 80, 90 or 100.


Hey now, sommerville sports had only 1/3 of the field….and even though they didn’t win, put two on the podium and 4 in the top ten, and walked away with most of the money.


but you start out calling the guy a total sandbagger. hard to get throuhg that opening statement to find where the respect is coming from. there’s a world of difference between an event like battenkill and your avg BB race. at least he lined up in the 123 event rather than the 3/4.


yes, will o is a sandbagger: he’s need to start stepping it up at the next level already…where is the forced upgrade?

Adler can beat him though – saw them training in the park today – looking strong.

Not on Sommerville

Starts the Smack Talk already… Sommerville had 50% of the 1-3 field and managed only a 3rd and 4th. At least Sommerville guys are not sandbaggers…


Is a total sandbagger –

Last year he won 3-4 Cat3/4 Branchbook fields all in a breaks. Then he won tons of TTs and the Mengoni Grand Prix. Now the 1-3 field at Branchbrook. He is still racing the 3s (Registered in Battenkill). This guy is a TT force and should upgrade already. No hate just respect. He is on a different level then most 3s in the area. He can sprint and TT.

Pure Hate

Like Lemond said “bike racing never gets easier as you advance, you just move faster”. Local races can be hard, for locals. Not mention…local or otherwise if you’re a cat 1-2 racer you have earned the right to line up with Tommy D. if he choses to do the same race.


will o of wv i believe took the p123 at branchbrook. small field but good weather

the guy is gonna be a force this year


Tom D is on such a different level than guys around here, you have no idea. You guys need to get out more.

It is like comparing the guys who play baseball in the park and thinking they can hit a Clemens fastball. I know for a fact that a lot of guys, pumped up after beating “Tony’s Auto Shop” at the Central Park men’s baseball league think they might have been able to hang with the Yankees if they were given a shot.

This is how you guys sound.

If Tom D did the FBF TT, he would make all you hacks look like chumps.


Upton was a div.1 pro for an italian team,
the fact that he never won park race shows how hard it is to win even a club race without a sharp sprint.


The fact that some of you guys don’t think Tom D would crush all the local hacks around here shows how clueless you all are. Also, all the 1-2 riders around here are local hacks, that is what local hack means, being a local 1/2. The 3s and 4s don’t even count.
God you guys are so stupid. Tom is a top level pro and you guys just ride around doing these easy regional races thinking they are so hard core.

Comparing Tom D, a guy who has won UCI races to Roger A. (a good masters rider) and Upton (a guy who never won a crca park race) is a complete joke. God, I hope you were joking.


this is a great one, i think tommy d would ride kind of like rodger aspholm with no punch and just not quite the top end to crush a field on a flat course

pierce not such a mountain guy he has more of a punch and can hit watts much higher that tommy d (i think)

i think Tommy D would win in cp but would have a very hard time of it just like all the other guys who can not go over 900 watts while attacking. plus he would be marked just like Upton was so often,


a local top guy like Loehner, or Peter Salon or the Amauris kid from Mengoni could stick with Danielson. After all, some local guys (Pineda, Molloy, Boronow and otehrs) rode away from Hincapie ONCE in the Mengoni race. But even in Prospect if a guy like Danielson wanted to go, the field could not hold him.

Plus how often does the field in Prospect go 30mph on the flats? For like a minute once or twice a year.

Like Eugene said, those guys are completely different.

But don’t forget that Pierce has way more guile and technique on the bike than Danielson. He did win the final stage of the Tour de France, for example, and was a crit daddy too.


obviously danielson would crush everyone in a hill climb, but would he definitely be able to solo away from a 30mph field in prospect park? we have some world class wheel suckers around here, and i don’t imagine little tommy has a huge sprint.

Johhny Twelve-Point Wylde

A guy at Danielson’s level would smoke most or all of the cat 1-2s around here on any of our local courses.


What draws such absolute miserable pricks to cycling. Sure I can be a miserable prick, but I’m not nearly as vicious as most of the assholes on this site.


“A week and a half till CRCA races”

I need my numbers. I want to pin my jersey this weekend to practice.

Inaugural future NYS Cup champ

Are any of the three races this weekend NYS Cup races? I only race if there are NYS Cup points to be had.

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