Schmalz-less Argument

Section head text.

Schmalz is on vacation this week, leaving less combative little me in charge.

Some argument ideas (like these don’t totally get hijacked all the time):
Who you like for Milan San Remo?
What did Michael Ball do to finally drive Cipo back into retirement?
Floyd’s last appeal starts today in New York. Not much more to say on that topic…
And stop slamming Filip and his wheels. All I know is, if my daughter ever became a bike racer, she’d be totally decked out, and her jersey would have a picture of a dog humping a cat. 



Beats your 5 every time.

Someone is busy sleeping with your girfriend while you’re busy fiddling with your computer.


after harlem hill by 72nd street cutoff, 8-11pm, thursday night. ~12 marked and unmarked cop cars + ambulance. what was all that about? everyone ok?


Perhaps the reason why triathlons are allowed, but TTs are not is because the triathlon people are much friendlier than the rude imbeciles racing bikes in this city and posting here?


The parks dept. has no clear explanation why CRCA cannot run a time trial, but triathlons and duathlons are allowed in the park.

Maybe Seinfeld’s cousin Jeffrey who works for the park’s dept. can clear this up.


That’s a very interesting idea. They should do a cannibal ITT as well. I’ll take any TT I can get. I know someone was killed a few years ago, but why are they forbidden when NYTC has them in the park as part of Triathlon?


You have a problem with jft calling out illogical thought, but you don’t have a problem with Helmet Fan making a fantasy claim? WTF? If you’re sick of something, shouldn’t it be the dumbing-down of discourse?


CRCA should do a cannibal TTT. Parks Dept wouldn’t even notice that it was a forbidden TT. It would look like a bunch of shattered fields with riders in groups. Although that would look a bit unusual because they’re used to seeing a big slow moving group of wheel suckers go by. But still.


In most fatal crashed the area covered by a helmet is severaly damaged, whereas the rest of the person’s face, head, neck, body etc is unharmed. Yah, for sure.


What did Ball do to Cipo? Cipo is the ultimate Italian, so I guarantee it had something to do with either a) a reach-around, or b) Ball said something about Cipos mom.


not getting what he wanted. Bet he wanted a real team with real aspirations to ride in Europe and Ball wanted girls, cars, red flagged racers and some bike racing on the side. Also, I think Ball wasn’t ready to give up the decision making to Cipo. I would have loved to see if Cipo would have been able to get to MSR finish line in one piece.


I fell and ripped my pants once

one case only, but I probably would have broken my kneecap if I’d been wearing shorts

helmet fan

speaking of helmet saves, I saw Bertil from NYVC and now Razorfish? and he recounted a recent BAD crash – basically took a car HEAD ON and smashed the front and broke the windshield – just as bad as many fatal crashes of this type, but he walked away. Credits the smashed up helmet for avoiding a massive injury. One case maybe, but thats one potential (local) life saved.


“one where we can actually create topics and threads, not have collective coffee talk over whatever topic they feel to post on a day”

Yeah, it’s called PE and it’s boring as hell.


one where we can actually create topics and threads, not have collective coffee talk over whatever topic they feel to post on a day


Freire wins MSR! He’s on fire right now! Hello? No way Fabian takes him in a field sprint. Thor planning on peaking later in spring.


and you’re right. No way Cancellara takes him in a sprint. Only thing is he won’t be in that 5 man break at the end.


OMG. I haven’t looked at this site since September and you girls are still talking about the same freaking thing! Which sucky NYC Cat 4 “climber” is going to win. As I told you last year there arent any good Cat 4 climbers in New york. And only a couple of good cat 3 climbers. You guys still suck. Moose Nuts.


this board is so frustrating in that we’re talking about CIPO on a post about SCHMALZs vacation. can we have a real NYC message board please?


help to be pretty fast uphill but in the CAT4 race everyone is so scared of getting tired that just about anyone can stay with the pack. Did Nick Bruno race as a cat 4 last year at Bear?


I think this is true although I wish I read that statement before the registartion closed. I can do both (climb and sprint) but I am suffering from a strong case of a weak mind

Cat 2

Cat 4s are basically guys that have not proven themselves. There are 4s that could stay with a 1 or 2 on a tough climb. Some are just new to racing. A guy like Nick Bruno was a Cat4 last year and is now a Cat2. He is a climber now and was a climber at Cat4.


to big Mig. Strengths and weaknesses. How did Indurain get over the big mountains and is it at all conceivable that Cancellara can be a GC contenter in a grand tour or will that simply be the stupidist thing he could ever try to do?


Winner will be a relatively unknown since all the top 4s have upgraded to the 3s. If a guy like Adam Duncan or Kimani Neilson can stay with the climbers they can win the sprint. Maybe a Razorfish.


i’d really like fabian to win, he’s a good guy and he deserves it. plus, he’s been doing great already this season.


4s closed in record time… what are the 3s going to do when all these 4s upgrade? Also – guy in GT racing on Lews is just plain rediculous. I hate you!


will win San Remo in pretty much the way it was explained how Ballan will do it. Ballan will be second though and it will be a sprint finish with 5 guys or so. Cancellara has a big enough kick to beat most of those who will manage to hang on in a small group. He might jump early and just stay out solo.


Vakay again!!!!! Gees
Schmalz go’s on Vacation more then the guy we have in the white house right now.
where to Schmalz?

The Karate Kid...

Alassandro Ballan Attacks up the Poggio and Boonen can do nothing but watch…

Ballan stays away with one or two others all the way to the Via Roma and wins by 5 seconds with Thor winning the field sprint…

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