Roller Race January 24th

Section head text.



I’ve been using a supplement called andropenis and I’m wondering if they test for it at these roller races?


Thats too bad. That Q&A link really shines a light on that guy. I guess he really isnt the cycling second chance saint after all. Franke dodged a big time bullet!


me thinks the roller racing events are calender’d to close together. One in Nov. and one on Valentines day should be the dates IMO. Cranksgiving & Lovecranks – Whats up with roller racing in the middle of base building Jan?


but Ball’s manic, almost psychotic rhetoric regarding the bailing of equipment sponsors suggesting he’ll buy the companies and build better products for the team.


I agree that riders that serve out their complete suspension should be given a second opportunity. You’ll have to identify this “positive tested rider”. Rumor spreading isnt exactly a warm bag of puppies for the sport either. That said, win or your’re fired does suck. Is that behavior public knowledge? Do you know of a rider that had such an experience?
Do tell.


Newsflash…Riders that serve their suspension should be given an opportunity to return to racing. It sucks that they resorted to such measures in the first place but to have the “never comeback attitude” isnt what this sport is about. There are many examples or riders that returned successfully. Many that made the Grand Tours fun to watch despite thier past. Bottom line is real sponsors dont cut and run, they support and do what they can to make it clean; or maybe cleaner than before they became involved with the sport to begin with. I’m sure I’ll take heat for my position but thats how I feel.
Lets face it, Tyler’s basically an old fart now so why not watch let’em race? Maybe he’ll own up to his mistakes in the past “on national television” behind the scenes at a race or something. I’d be interested to hear his take on his career in the wake of whats gone on these past few years.


I love Michael Ball’s reaction to the HED, and equipment fall-out. You gotta hand it to the guy; with enthusiasm like that how could you not want to work with’em.


Michael Ball sucks. His attitude of win at all cost in anything sucks. His hiring dopers sucks. And when the story breaks on one of his top riders from last year, he’ll be on his begging to get into races. He encourages the worst behavior in the sport that is threatening to ruin it. He shows no conscience. HED and Andreu were smart to jump. It’s the worst thing that Floyd can do if he wants to maintain any integrity.


Would have loved to race Nelman. Was even willing to pay his entry…. Can’t make the 24th… Sorry NY…


The T-Town fellas will be making the trip to NYC again, prepare yourselves to defnd New York’s honor.


1/24 not a good date for me. I would love to represent NYC. I want Nelman… He knows who this is. I want to wipe that smerk off of his PA/ NJ face…


That’s how we roll here in NYC. We don’t go for that suburban sprawl nonsense. In your face– that’s how it’s done.

Brian G.

Jersey…or I’ll threaten to race again. How’s that? Schmalz can’t get enough waivers to cover my ‘crashiness’


If every Kissena ever, came,
would it be T-town express outa town?

A kissena boy gives his rollers
for CRCA boys to play
He says bring it on


Only riders on the stage correct? We traveled in from NJ last time to race and people were just to close to the riders.


…i recently met the lovely miss hatch & while we can all agree she’s a very attractive woman, i also found her to be an extremely NICE woman…

…so you dirtbags better be on yer BEST behavior…think ya can handle that ?…

…remember, she’s fairly new to the cycling game but she’s already better at it than most a’ you guys…

…just sayin’…


how about rollers ON the bar

bonus feature is likelihood of broken neck if you fall…could make it more exciting

the instigator

How many local womens teams will show up to defend their turf? I’m guessing none. Cmdy Cntrl, will probably be a no show. Maybe Schmalz can race with a CC kit since he is the womens sprint champ. What about Cadence womens? Or Metro?


Substitute Liz Hatch for any 20something chick and that’s no different than any other UES frathole every Thurs-Fri-Sat.

Tristan Downtube

I’d really like to try watching a live roller race since there’s none in my place. I’m curious on how great it is to see one but I heard that it’s quite dangerous, for the racers that is. Since there would be an auction, I’m interested to go see it for myself.

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