Roller Party Naming Contest

VDV coming this December!


We’re bereft of ideas, so we’re asking for your help. We have a roller party coming up in December, and we need a catchy name for it. Here’s the details:


Date: 12/9

Location: Irish Rogue, 356 West 44th Street

Special Guest: Christian VandeVelde

Sponsor: Pacifico beer

The Cause: A benefit for the CRCA junior program

Names we’ve rejected: Goin’ Rogue, Rogue Nation, The Bailout

What we’d like: A name that makes it clear it’s a roller race while still being cute and clever (like Schmalz), one that lends itself to a Toto poster.

What you get: A free entry to the party


Give us your ideas!


Also, classified ads are free and now linked up on the homepage. Easier than eBay, and you won’t have to box and ship if you sell locally.



I don’t have an idea for a name. But if it would possible to have a camera on the races on the TV sets, so folks in the back could see what the F is going on.


We’ll lay out the rollers in a better way for viewing. Will probably also have 2 categories so locals won’t get crushed by t-town guys.


(roller racing!!!!! one more thing Sarah Paling doesn’t know anything about.)
I know its long, but hey I think it could be catchy
Andy did I win? free entry yeah suckas


Toto is racing down a stock chart from Dow 14000 to 5000 on his tricycle with money bags on the back when he hits a bump and flies into the air landing on his head and cracking open his helmet which turns out to be filled with egg yolk. Disturbing? Who said comedy was pretty photo-shop boys?



“Roll to this Joint!” NYVC’s annual spinning charity

“NYVC: All Spin Zone!” With Christian VDV and Bill O’Reilly



How about “Rolling Over Unhelpful Wheelsuckers Who Don’t Contribute Anything to Society and Take Up Precious Air and Bandwidth?”


Poster: Toto as Jesus Quintana
Tagline: “That creep can roll, man.”
Hook: Free white russian for anyone coming in costume. X2 if you wear a pair of jellies.


(Hit the)…Deck the Roll…ers with Bars of Folly!
or, Beer to Benefit Snotty Undeserving Kids…
Will there be missile (camel) toe for lusty labia majorum saliva pervs???
(undescernable ramblings…vapoirzer…)
(high pitched) PACIFICOOOOOO!!!!
(bong hit category) Ready! Toke! Hold It! Race!
(beer bong category) Race! then drink from funnel! Go Go Go…
(oral while racing category) who ever comes first wins!
ok I’ll stop now…
time for mac-n-palin-cheese



maybe this is unintended irony, but why is there an ad for the “rolling machine” from on here? look at the box on the right of this webpage, some sort of google ad.


it must key in to the words “roller” on this webpage and fills its little ad box with whatever is related to “rolling” or “roller” or whatever.

that’s creepy.


Toto, Christian Vande Velde, The Amazon and Angelfood McSpade are playing twister. The Amazon calls “Left foot red!”. Angelfood McSpade calls “Right hand blue!” Toto and Christian poke their heads out from between the women’s thighs both reaching for the spinner and yelling “My Spin!”


Pacifico Bicycle Roller Races for Junior Racers Benefit, or the “PBRR for JRB” sung to Jingle Bells!

Pa ci fi co, Bi cyc le
Rol ler Ra ces,
for Junior Racers Benefit,
Oh What Fun It Is To Ride
on a Fixed Gear Open Sleigh!!!

humbly submitted

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