Remote coach argument

Section head text.

Calling all coaches (or those who play them at home). I’m in the midst of another off-season cold, despite my constant hand washing, Purel dousing and acid gargling. My infection is mostly confined to my head, and I’m in the “coughing up sinus crud” stage. I have no chest congestion. So my question to you couch experts is – should I go for a ride today?



Get yourself some Propolis. 70% extract Propolis in liquid form. Drop a stopper ful into a small shot glass of milk (seriously) and take that three to four times daily. Propolis is known for it’s anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties. Bees use it to seal small tears in their hives. Look it up if you don’t believe me.

If you have No fever or upper respiratory infection then it would be ok to proceed with some easy riding. But as always see your physicians and get a yearly physical for further understanding to something more serious.

Aslo to Sam F. Since you never place, b/c you always lead out….I will lead you out and if you don’t win you will buy me a dinner for two for the next ten months…lol


Hot baths. Pints of Guinness or India Pale Ale, like Brooklyn or Stone’s. Before bed, hot water mixed with tot of whisky. Repeat as needed.

Secret Admirer

It doesn’t matter Schmalz…your level of suck will be the same next year either way. Happy Holidays!


I rode for an hour – moderately,more for mental health than anything else.

I’ve been sleeping fine.

Gain weight? I’m drinking as much as I can here.

Why do you need a helmet to be a dog owner?


pls gain weight.

you seem to do mostly park races. you don’t need to be light to do those. drink & eat up, put on some lbs, and you will get sick less often, recover better, and ill bet your sprint will improve too


Again, as both a racer and a stylishly helmeted dog owner, I must add that this discussion fails to take into consideration that Schmalz is tainted.


Just don’t ride next to me when you snort it all out on the road, Dude. Seriously, take the advice below: sleep, then more sleep. Avoid dairy. Eat your veggies. And wasabi. It takes time. Light riding might be good for clearing. Feel better soon.

Team Handkerchief

Why do my teammates keep blowing their snot rockets at the front of the paceline??? Drives me f’in nuts!


Go as hard as you can for an hour.First you will feel like fever is getting higher but before the end of the hour you’ll be cured*
*these statment has been evaluated by me.


Ride if you feel like it. Don’t if you don’t. And never ride if you’re doing it because you feel like you have to. Missing a couple of rides this time of year will have ZERO effect on your season. Given the weather, it will probably help you.


don’t ride because that could cause too much stress to your heart muscle but if you don’t have a fever I think you could go ride. That is what my brother in law told me. Coming to think of it, he does think I am an ass so I don’t know if the advice was all that objective. He is a doctor though and they do make a promise or something.

aefghi bremer

i think it comes down to whether you can breathe air through your nose while you suck a milky way down your pie-hole. if you can’t eat and draw a breath, i say scrap it!

but, i have read that your immune response is significantly increased during moderate-intensity exercise. Go for a nice spin you will feel better for it.


Go for the ride. It always works for me! Even my son (6 years) who was recently sick) said, “daddy lets go on a ride, I need to get my blood pumping.”
Just be sure to augment your antioxidant intake, drink tons of water, and definitely take a good nap.

Sam F.

A man should know what it is to ride sick!
i have been racing for 2 seasons and never placed in a race (because i am always giving leadouts…). also, i have plenty of coaching knowledge. I have read the cyclist training bible, training and racing with a power meter, andy pruitt’s guide to the human knee and i watch lots of cycling on Versus. I give out advice on the gimbals ride to everybody even if they don’t ask so you can see i am super-qualified t be answering you question.
Seems to me that the great Eddy Merckx would be out riding a century if he was sick. Greg Lemond would laugh at you and give you a wedgie if this was high school. Due to all my cycling success and knowledge i can only express my concern that if you miss training today you will be a pile of dough come spring series and then you will have all sorts of CRCA home coach gurus telling you what you did wrong… this is a fate worse than death!

Go for the ride, Schmalz…

Jere G

I’m using borrowed logic from this sports dr. who stated that there is no problem training on legs already filled with lactic acid from an over threshold workout. Just dont over do it.
Or you could just chill fer crying out load, its Dec.!

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