ReMax ends sponsorship

Section head text.

It’s the end of an era. ReMax has decided to end the sponsorship of its local New York cycling team. ReMax was one of the more successful and longest running local teams, and it won’t be the same without their red, white and blue kit in the races.

Feel free to commiserate together and share ReMax stories, especially those that involve Mihael and smoking.



Empire will lose a couple of second place finishes, maybe a Prospect Park victory or two, and a bunch of DNF’s on the days when LQ just isn’t in the mood. They will gain whatever a bunch of young cat 1’s and 2’s can produce. It’s not that tough a call.


I yelled at him in Prospect to ride straight, but he ignored me. Then he crashed in that race or the next one.

For all I know he’s a nice guy. He’s pretty strong and aggressive, which is cool. Just annoying with the fish-style riding


>>>It’s not like Empire placed at Battenkill

if i remeber correctly, Mike Sherry did at least make it interesting


Would have won Battenkill if it wasnt for Lisbon getting too excited too early – Zabeled.

They from what I hear dictated the race with Fiordifrutta and got 2nd. Not bad.


Many people on Gimbels chew him out all the time for riding like an ass. I did hear him and Jaoa got into it on the long ride – not sure about who punched who at all. Fighting on Gimbels is LAME!!!!!!!!!

elbulldog Cintron

Funny how no one has the balls to step to Hamean (USI) and call him a clown…Joao didn`t punch anybody…BTW why do you guys conveniently leave out your name?


somneone can forward this thread to Mark Siega – him vs Badger has produced some of the most hilarious CRCAnet postings in history. C’mon Mark – once more for old times sake ?


Stephen Badger 99, 00, 01, 02, 03
0 – trying to poop at 325am
1 – leaving my house at 330am
2 – idone and rozdilsky at exit 2 4am
3 – Number 10’s at jackson hole at 9am
4 – alessio … lots of memories .. lots of laughs … lots of tears
5 – nationals with brinken
6 – 1st and 2nd in a team cup race and then mannion getting in a car accident on the way home
7 – siega…. haha… where do i start?
8 – winning bethel overall twice. once with mannion. once with idone.
9 – always getting 2nd overall in the team cup
10 – mehi. what a guy.
11 – bonus system to beat Wilson
12 – all the crca people i have met
13 – what am i missing?

I was 29-33, some of the best years of my life were with ReMax.

Thanks Mehi and CRCA.

See you at Battenkill !


Paraphrasing Ken a recent CRCA net post, TT will again be at Floyd, though the contradiction in park policy (forbiding CRCA tt in the park, but allowing triathlons/duathlons) has not gone unnoticed.


Bremer will get chased down by his “teammates” and Empire will put no one into the top 10. You’d also be assuming hes the strongest 2 in the north east, there’s plenty of faster and smart 2s out there.


I’m flattered you’d think so, but I never won a Wheat Thins race. Never even did one. Kyoo Min did some though but he is a year older than me. Maybe you’re thinking of a big pro/am crit at South St. Seaport, which was about the same level. (I think Phinney won that one.) I didn’t do anything there, but my experience in that race was a big part of a big article about bike racing in Outside magazine that year. That was way before ReMax.

I had fun on ReMax. Thanks Mihael and good luck with the new team.


How can a team be rich in history with no riders? That dude races like a jackass, is not fast, gets in the way, adds nothing to a race except entertainment when someone pushes him off the road. I will complain about USI and him, because your riders are representatives of your team and its sponsors, and if you act like a jackass, the team should know enough to release him.


chiropractors aren’t real doctors, I doubt they have the ability to prescribe anything. Just go south of the border.


Lisbon is riding for whomever will give him the most money….My guess would be Foundation, you know they love Tgor.

Liam Quigley

I had always hoped I would get on that team and then slip into obscurity. I can still live out half of my plan.


Of course we deleted your comment – perhaps I should type this comment in your style, so you get the message clearly.

you’re a stupid you’re commment got deletid becuase your dum


Cat 2 – No idea (Bremer or Marcinko)
Cat 3 – Freifelder of WWV is a beast also maybe ODonnell who should have been automatically upgraded (sandbagger!) Maybe Ciocci of Keltic
Cat 4 – Peppo or Tron Witt
Cat 5 – who cares
Masters – Some Targetraining guy or Volkswagon
Pro – Maybe Lindine or Roger A? Or someone from that Devinci team that made a fool out of Empire last year…

So soon yet so far away!


really I miss the racing season. is there nothing else to talk about then an old washed up team….really people
and this is not jaded
they’re boring


can’t vouch for him either way but he did hit curb by himself and do a spectacular endo on the last lap of a PP race. I think he was laughing about it afterwards.


What did he do to get so much hate? I’ve raced/rode with him a few times and I thought he was as tame as everyone else.


USI is a club rich in history that pretty much as no racers. Anyone can join and race under the USI kit. The guy you speak of is a clown named Hammean. Fast and fit but a clown nonetheless. He actually got punched out by Jaoa Correia (Sp?) on the Gimbels long ride. I was there and was sad to see such acts from both. Anyway – dont lump USI in with that one guy. He is a dangerous rider and a total clown.


Although we were thin on results the past few years, we still managed a win or three. However for many years, we were regarded a real threat in all the local races. Battling the CRCA cup was always a goal, and probably finished second more then any other team, we won it once. Jason Snow won race and held up a check for $3,000 in ReMax colors, He also won Summerville


“the fact of he matter is that no sponsor really benefit it for sponsoreon a BIG BIG local team like remax”

You might be right. So what? So we can’t reminensce or honor guys who races hard and well sometimes?

Lame you are.


Ok, so you’re not jaded. But you might be ignorant. If Jason Snow didn’t make you go “oh $&!#”, then you just wasn’t aware of the guy who could win the race by dropping the field or winning the sprint.


maybe not the biggest races, but locally regionally, when the team was “on” they were a threat. Kyoo Min? Any rider who discounted that guy’s ability to win was in for a shock.

Ditto about Alessio in a local race with a sprint – ridiculously fast. Now if he’d only sprinted from 5th place instead of 15th he’d have even more wins. But I think he made it to cat 1!

Guys like Barlin and Gould went on to
do big stuff after ReMex.

And then there are guys like Leon Moser and Dave Jordan who had won really big events before ReMax and brough savvy to the team. Really big. Leon won a Wheat Thins race I think – that’s almost like winning an NRC crit. Though not while on ReMax.

Oh yeah, I heard Deirdre Murphy did the Olympics too


cool. I think I saw those guys like twice a year. Now if only that USI team would drop sponsorship of that crazy kid that everyone hates.


i would just say you’re a loser. the fact a sponsor/team is leaving after being around for a long time creates some content (no matter how un-noteworthy) during the last week of JANUARY. i haven’t even been around long enough to know anything about this team but i read the stories.

at a time when there is no creative content on TV, no racing, no football, no baseball, THE KNICKS… this makes for *some* reading content.

not Jaded

and we care about this team becouse?
they never really won anything big.
yeah they’ve been aroung for a while.
was anybody really scare at the starting line.
wow there goes firts place couse Remax is here… I dont thing so


a little history. When I joined ReMax I was passionate about bike racing and broke, could not afford to move out of my mother house after graduating college. I stayed a 4 and reluctantly upgraded to a 3 as I loved racing and needed to place to pay for my race and travel. After being recruited on to Remax, I was able to afford being a cat 2. CRCA/ReMax is really Nicholas Barson, a local broker with an office in Jamaica Queens. He is a fan of the sport and believed in helping young riders. At 23, when I joined I was one of the oldest. It was a different team then most because Nicholas did not allow for a large roster, 6 was usually the max, although we made an exception for Siega when he came back and took on the role as team mascot. You really had to pick the right rider. Nicholas is an incredibly generous man. He would always take us out for our team meeting to an all you can eat Brazilian place in Queens. The Meatfest, we would call it. No vegetarians allowed on the team. He paid our entry fees, most of the clothing, and he believed in a bonus system to help us with our motivation, and reward success. As I got older and only raced once in a while, the team lost it’s competitive edge. I always tried to get talent, while keeping the small team chemistry. I succeeded all but once. John Moore. I’ve become very close to almost all my team mates, more so then any other part of my life. Although I’m sad to see it end, the saddest part was hearing the sadness in Nicholas


Siega finishing a 100-mile stage at Killington with a broken chain stay.

Leon Moser headbutting a guy who took his space en route to a medal in the ESG point race.

ReMax attacking like madmen in pouring rain in a very cold club race in Sept or Oct one year in a fight with my team for the CRCA team series

Orion bicycles

John Idone


crazy stories. Hard to believe this stuff could actually have happened. Wild. Reminded me of one time I was standing in a bar talking to a girl about Washington DC. Good times.


Not really ReMax (he hadn’t joined yet) – but the type of guy they attacted.

A friend and I were at the road race around Quabbin Resevoir in Massachusetts one summer. We were standing around at our car after the event. We had drinks, but warm, from the car and Anthony Alessio, who we vaguely knew by sight but had never really spoken with, was nearby eating out of a big box of juicy fruit (melons I think). Just out of the blue he offered us some. Nice guy.

Anthony Alessio

I just wanted to say what a pleasure it has been for me to be affiliated with ReMax, and yes believe it or not Mehi. Living in CT, I do not get a chance to see many of you except for the races, which for me have become fewer and fewer as a result of my expaning family. But I wanted to thank all of you for making my racing experience in Central Park one that I will cherish and never forget. I do not beleive that in all my years of racing I have ever been surrounded by so many amazing and good people. Many thanks go out to all of the ReMax racers and especially Mehieal, and Steven Badger who six years ago asked me to come on board. God bless.


With a jersey, it’s often better to pin it off body since that ensures the pins don’t go through an underlayer or skin


In a bar in Oak Bluffs Massachusetts the day before the Tour of Martha’s Vineyard with Mihael and maybe DJ smoking. And Miheal flirting ferociously with some girl. I remember her talking about Newport Rhode Island. I also remember my brother (a traffic cop in the town) almost writing a ticket to those guys for some traffic infraction on bikes.


In the Siega pinning picture, it’s a skinsuit being pinned. It’s certainly possible to pin that off body, but with a team volunteer there it makes sense to do it while worn.

For a jersey, yeah just take it off and do it yourself


Upgrade points need to be from a variety of races against a variety of races, so it doesn’t work that way.


?????there is nothing wrong with asking someone to pin your number on. it usually turns out better than if you do it yourself.


Kind of crazy that winning the Bethel Cat 3 Series with 4 wins could get you an upgrade to Cat 2 but 4 12th places in big regional races will not.


take off your jersey and take responsibility.

one of the great things about jerseys with long zippers is how easy it is to get them on and off. They’re so easy, every racer can pin on their number themselves. No need to shanghai someone into doing something you can easily do yourself. If you don’t like your number flapping in the breeze, I recommend using six pins per number.

Not on any CRCA teams

Sommerville has some strong guys, Megoni, Empire is totally revamped? What about Affinity and Adler with some nice additions. Adler is looking to be a strong Cat 3/2 team by the end of the season.


I’d imagine that if someone was to wear some old team clothes (not blue and gold) in club races, they would have to register that team as a subteam with the club and do a team duty. Even if the clothes were not associated with moeny. I think even if you made your own plain crca jerseys in some special color with no writing except the crca logos you’d have to be a subteam to wear them.


My old team kept wearing our SBCG clothes for a year or two after SBCG left us because they matched, we had a lot of it (including enough for a couple new teammates), and we didn’t want to spend money on new matching blank clothes or time looking for sponsors.

I think we rode Univest in clothes from a departed sponsor.

Chris M

I suppose they could keep wearing the kit, but its kinda the ultimate poser move I think to wear a sponsor kit from a non-sponsor – why do it? ’cause ReMax is such a cool company that you just want to give them free advertising? The only reason we wear these things is to ID team-mates in the pack and because the sponsor helps cover the costs. Otherwise, Id just break out my old under-oos and go all spider-man on you dudes. Of course id have to sew on a CRCA logo to make it cool with the club and USCF.

Id add thats its diff to wear a CSC kit or something from a real sponsor for another team, which is naturally like wearing a Yankees cap – showing support for a fav rider etc.

OK, I never wore underoos, but I did help give a wedgie to a kid who did. I regret that now, since they seem kinda funny and cool to me now. Something tells me that half the CRCA did wear them though, so dont hate me guys, Im on your side now.


I guess you could be a CRCA subteam and use the Remax kit and be ok with USA Cycling but then again you could also rock a Discovery Kit also then and be a CRCA subteam no? Would this be ok under the CRCA rules?


Don’t think 9:37 knows what he’s talking about. If Remax remains a CRCA sub-team and wears their old kit, it’s ok with USCF.


What exactly constitutes a “team” in the local amateur sense, anyway? INO, why can’t they just continue wearing the ReMax kit and continue the tradition? Are there liability issues or something? Or is this just the next illogical extension of life imitating art?


Seems like a few teams are done this year. Any new teams? Also, where did all the Empire and some of the Mengonis end up?


Another victim of the subprime mess? Or they just decided that Mihael wasnt enough of a team in himself to support a whole sponsorship anymore. Not that Id agree- I think Mihaels belly counts as at least 3 riders.

ex Remax rider

I remember this one time, during a training ride, when JT turned to me and said “dude, I can’t believe you aren’t wearing your helmet.”

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