Red Rose Argument

Section head text.

News from Pennsylvania has it that a whole load of races (including the Tour de Ephrata and the Tour de Christiana) have been cancelled, as  Red Rose Racing, the race promotion company that runs those races, has seemingly gone under. Since then, Rich Ruoff, founder of Red Rose, has placed blame on David Butterworth (who was involved in shenanigans with NYVC’s own Dave Wiswell) for the ending of the races. He even wrote a long tale about the demise of his company – which has since been removed from the Red Rose racing website. Butterworth has been defending himself, and the waters have muddied. Can anyone explain what the hell is going on here?



I’m going to miss the Shoofly Pie and Scrapple, but not the weekend traffic in Lancaster.
By the way, fix the title.


yeah, those races were pretty epic. maybe it’ll be like astana… they’ll be around after all?!


i’m guessing long winded, weird accusations on your website don’t help you much in a lawsuit.


While I applaud Hincapie’s win in the Dauphine, you gotta wonder what’s up with those black socks…


I’ve looked through Wiswell’s blog but I can’t find any mention of Butterworth messin’. What was the issue?


The Christiana Stage 2 Time Trial was epic. Best TT course in the region in my opinion. Dwarfs Harriman and Cpk in terms of technicality and scenic vista. Its too bad that the people of that community will take a hit this summer with the loss of tourism and all. I think someone will wise up for 09′ after the realization of the loss of revenue sinks in at the end of 08′.


I do not get this forum. You sensor stupid comments about people on this site (posts taken down etc) and now you have essentially created an argument designed to defame this Butterworth clown. I do not know him and he sounds like a dilweed but this argument seems to be a bit dangerous to your site on many levels. Just my 2cents…


Registration seems down for sure due to gas prices and the economy. Jiminy was not full, Battenkill did not fill the Cat 3, Lake Placid which seems to be a killer course has noone registered due to the distance. Sad because these out of town races will stop if noone goes. Then we will have like 300 guys trying to fill 100 spots for PP races at the ass crack of dawn.


Price of gas and carbon footprints probably contribute to racing less out of town for a few people.

I got no problem with the NYC racing selling out. Means better racing for everybody. Sorry guys; Lisban, Igor, Empire, and Mengoni will be doing more stomping locally.

What surprising is that the highly lauded New England region seems to have less racers and less racing, while the Red Rose Races were getting more people attending their races.


Registration in out of town events is down because all the racers who got into the sport thanks to Lance have begun to realize that they actually have no talent for cycling. Instead, they race closer to home. You see them placing in b races in Central and cat 4 races in Prospect every weekend.


is a necessity. Some of us have lives, relationships, and families to maintain. What’s wrong with waking up at the ass-crack dawn, putting in a few intense miles and then having your day start at 9am. Everyone involved is happy.
It has nothing to do with manhood or fitness prowess, just maintaining life with balance.
Let keep some perspective here.


I would love to be able to do PP races more often but coming from 30 minutes away I have to wake up at 4:30am to get to the race ready to go. I get home then at 10am without traffic and now have like 3 hours of sleep in me. Plus, as nice as PP and CP are at times, the course and NYC racing gets old. Its nice to try out different course with different racers. Totally diff vibe in MA/VT/upstate NY vs NJ and NYC. I just hope the great regional classics survive (Battenkill, Jiminy, Tokeneke, Unionvale, Capital Region etc).

Joe Brennan

So, we’ve heard one side of this story. I’d love to hear it from Butterwoth’s viewpoint.
I am also unaware of any issue between Butterwoth and Wiswell.


Is it so hard?

From Wiswell:
“While USA Cycling and ourselves were duking it out to be the top American team, David Butterworth was behind the scenes spinning his own little web. His riders were getting their heads kicked in each night. They were missing exchanges and getting lapped again and again every race. Rather than trying to get his riders back on track and salvage whatever was left, Butterworth, unbeknownst to his riders, turned his back on them. First, a German fan came and spoke to Guy about living in Indianapolis (Guy


How do you explain an NYVC rider 1st on G.C. @ Greenmtn Stg race last year (4 fid)? I’d say there’s some talent here so……
This thread has hit it on the head – traveling out of town has become really pricey on all fronts (gas, food, lodging). How do ya justify going out of town (alot) when the competition within our own club is of a very high caliber? The cpk club races are hard to win – period, no matter what field from 5’s on up the ladder. We’ve got the Westwood crew mixing it up with us along with some strong NJ riders as well. Try living in another state and you’ll soon realize quite quickly that we’ve got it good here in our backyard in terms of quantity & QUALITY.


Follow the link above to Wiswell’s blog entry. Butterworth responds with the following:

Well David it’s certainly unfortunate to read your account of things. As I wrote in my article to Fixed Gear Fever, I thought each of the 3 American teams had one good night; no one left with bragging rights over another at Dortmund. I remember giving you a water bottle after one or two races and I’m the one who helped Jackie stop on the back-stretch when he had a flat tire. I never represented to anyone that you or Jackie or Austin or Guy were my riders. I did have two teams there though, both an American team and a British/Belgian team. On several occasions I’ve offered to help you or have us work together, but you’ve declined. You weren’t in Munich so I don’t know where you get your information, but we actually had 2 invitations and because our Belgian rider had another obligation we could only bring Adrian and Brian, our American team. USA Cycling was there on their own invitation. Our guys went on to Geneva to race which I had encouraged you (through Jackie’s father) to do as well. I understand all of the Americans, you, Jackie, Adrian, and Brian raced very well and the teams were exactly tied after 3 days; the tie was broken by your better finish in the last sprint. It’s hard to call any of that embarrassing in Geneva or beforehand for Adrian and Brian. Just sour grapes and total lies.


So Lee, to which do you attribute your 87th place at the FBF TT: the quantity or quality or the local racers?


The lancaster link was really sad to read. I had no idea how important Red Rose Races was to the Jr development riders. A Jr team from australia were flying in to compete in two of their races! Thats some serious word of mouth. The region has a void now that its gone. Butterworth is hands down the grinch of cycling!


getting over a pretty bad chest cold from the week prior but went out and did it anyway. Probably not a wise choice but I like Time Trials, even if its at sucky Floyds. Not my best tt outing. I’ve done better there in previous seasons.
There was some quality riders out that wkend.


no one really coming to the defense of Butterworth. I’m reading nothing but post after post of pissed off riders and community sponsers on the subject.

Dr. Info

Red Rose Races

Wow! What happened? In the space of three days Red Rose, Inc. went from being the largest promoter of bicycle races in the U.S.A., enjoying explosive growth at all of the races, to being shut down, just like that. If you want the story, read on.

Brief History: Red Rose was formed by myself Richard Ruoff, in 2003 to promote endurance athletic events, (Mostly bike races) in Lancaster County. I am a former amateur bike racer and have always loved the sport. Even as I stopped racing in my twenties and started my first career, I kept my hand in the sport. After starting the Chameleon Club, (A little juke joint here in Lancaster that has had a band or two on it


retard? shitbag?

this one is nice:

I cannot believe how incredibly stupid you are. I mean rock-hard stupid.
Dehydrated-rock-hard stupid. Stupid so stupid that it goes way beyond the
stupid we know into a whole different dimension of stupid. You are
trans-stupid stupid. Meta-stupid. Stupid collapsed on itself so far that
even the neutrons have collapsed. Stupid gotten so dense that no intellect
can escape. Singularity stupid. Blazing hot mid-day sun on Mercury stupid.
You emit more stupid in one second than our entire galaxy emits in a year.
Quasar stupid.


RRR probably had to remove the post because of (gulp) litigation?
Maybe this thing will go to court.


first there was that catfight b/w the giro di new jersey dude and the vernon stage race guy. now this. what next, a sword fight between charlie i and AVD?


AVD and Charlie I are both good guys, making a little money, putting on OK to excellent events, and working w/each other and other people in the area

It’s not like this Lancaster situation


Former world cycling champion Tom Boonen has been barred from this year’s Tour de France after testing positive for cocaine

amazed by the whole thing

I would def continue to attend any race that Ruoff promotes – they are always well done. Still, the apparent lack of control over his business, exhibited by co-mingling personal and business accounts and going deep into arrears ahead of events does show a fairly shocking level of poor business practice. That along with the possible inclusion of an asset (trailer) into the business listed as an asset when it was owned by the bank financed by a personal loan again underscores his need to get his act together if he gets back into a new promotion gig. Not that bike promoters are supposed to be famously astute business people, but this guy acts like he is running a lemonde stand with third grade skills.

Without doubt, though, the Butterworth dude sounds as slippery as his name. Wouldnt trust him as far as I could throw him. The Wiswell account kinda seals any last shread of trust that one might extend the guy after this Ruoff story. I wouldnt attend his race if it had a $500k prize. No way. If it were the last bike race in the region, id sooner do the Tour de Spoon and hope somebody else got into bike race promotion the next year.

Anti TDF

Does anybody care about this race anymore? You can thank the Tour organizers for turning this event into the least popular cycling event of the year.


i was kidding about charlie i and AVD.

but also what about the dieter vs. USA cycling situation. why so much intrigue?


we have it pretty good. being able to race without blowing an entire day is rare, or unheard of elsewhere.


Did anyone see Hincapie’s win at the Dauphine yesterday? 10 k to go, he hears in the radio that Greipel idoesn’t have it, so he gets to the front and escapes ala a Cancellara (with a Gerolsteiner guy helping, though) in the last ks. Great win.

hincapie impressed

Can someone pls explain why having coke in his system a few days before a race didn’t amount to perf enhancement? If it stays in the blood for a few days, won’t it stimulate the HR?!?!


Sunday should be the most fun cycling day in NYC in this century and will rank among the best in the city in the last 50 years.


Lets hope Michael Ball and the local Harlem promoters dont butt heads. I cant wait to see how the bodega dj, lame announcer, and all of the other crappy shenanigans that usually take place @ the skinscraper plays itself out this sunday. We may have our own little Butter-schuck scenario play itself out.

Police Chief Spiewakowski

These bike races are a waste of resources. Also the racers are to damn cheap to buy anything in our crappy little town. Therefore Palmer Sturbridge is cancelled.


Good job. Make fun of cops. I spent some time talking to a Jersey cop watching over the course at High Bridge. Great guy. Excited about the race. Excited to help, even after standing in the sun for 6 hours.

Are these races worth the trouble for smaller towns/communities? Most of us don’t buy antiques. Maybe some motels make the dough. But I was pleasantly surprised by High Bridge. Folks sat on their stoops and barbecued while watching the race. Kids even took the time to write funny things on the course. They seemed genuinely interested.

Not a great joke.


Tom Boonen tests positive for cocaine

new boner fan

what a lame-a55 sport this has turned into. boonen gets booted from the tdf for a little blow … wha? are you kidding me? guy’s a rock star … belgium chicks be lining up to give the guy a titty bump


there are only 30 riders in the 3/4 and only 2 days till reg closes. what gives? sounds like a good event.

don't like it at all

Why are they closing reg on this 1 week prior to start…so they can pull the plug because not enough signed up? Most don’t sign up till Wednesday week of. Heck 25 signed up for the $10k televised local super race just today. I don’t like the smell of his prize list as “cash”.


What other mainstream cool company is promoting like this guy…he gets it…dudes on Ebay are buying kits for over 300 bones. Marketing people…Buzz…style…marketing. Guy ain’t stupid. Local riders should be thrilled this guy got involved…freaking dedciating pages on his website and his fashion site to bike racing. Fantastic


Ummm…that chief actually said that about Sturbridge/Palmer. Unless Norton can talk em’ out of it the races are history.

that ain’t no joke.

Hey maybe now Bear can get its old date back and scrap the Mothers Day fiasco, Alan you listening.


If the promoters of Giro Di Jersey want a successfully race they will keep registration open until late next week. Especially for P1-2.

David Jordan

Halfpipe that is 70 feet/containers high!
Show is at 7pm tonight, so come out, or if nothing else, be careful training in the park…


Harriman was *once* the last weekend in April. That’s not its “old date”.

The race has been the mother’s day weekend for years – a long time ago it was a two-day with races on Saturday and Sunday. Later it became a one-day with just Sunday. I don’t know why and as a racer Saturday would work a little better for me. But to call a race with mainly quality fields that are mainly full a “fiasco” is just dopey.

Now, I don’t know whether the comment about what that police chief said about Palmer/Sturbride are true or not, but I’d like to hear who specificially heard that.


I believe it was an actual in print quote.


Friday, May 30, 2008
Warren to cancel bike races

Officials say riders messy, spent little




It might turn out to be a shame they took two really good races and wrapped them into what might end up a giant disappointment while taking out another race in the process.


Jill Kintner, 3-peat World Champ in MtnCross/4X, switched back to BMX and is USA sole qualifier for Beijing, will be there tonight at 7pm, where a world record 60 foot halfpipe aeriel is being attempted…
enjoy! maybe some free samples???


I see there is a new race (Schooley’s mtn rr). Course sounds nice the problem is that many locals are doing Fitchburg that weekend. Not the best planning. I will do this race as it is close and I dont have the time to leave town for Fitchburg. Speaking of which, the Pro1 field is stacked this year. Fully Team Type 1, Bissell, Colavita (top guys on the team) and Harley to name a few. Looks like that race is getting back to where it was in the past.

Chris M

Theres a world championship for girls BMX riding? How many do this? About 10 in the world, all of whom are from CA?
Dan! Erase spam now please!


jo mama, spank yo-self
I love dem bmx girls

Like there are road cyclists out there worth watching (coke heads and dopers), don’t mistake the quality, if it were easy even you could do it, you don’t have any balls! I bet those bmx girls would totally kick your butt!

Chris M

No question, i could not do it. Wouldnt even try. I guess they are cool to be able to do it, but Im not glued to the TV channel surfing for the girls BMX world champs on a Sun afternoon either. Sorry.


bmx is far more lucrative for athletes and sponsors. sadly, this thing of ours is a fringe curiosity by comparison.


Make huge salaries with Sports drinks endorsements, video games, movies, bike deals and clothing deals. BMX is very MTV like it or not. I do not see Kirk Obee promoting Mtn Dew and having his own charachter on a PSP game.. These guys are making a good living.


1) Kids hate lycra. Kids like big ass shorts, skate shoes, and Mountain Dew. 2) Road Racing is really boring unless you’re racing. This’ll never change. So let’s adapt and figure out how to support great races.


Yea….I heard from many riders that the town is a complete washout. Absolutely nothin goin on other than the race. totally boring. no where to go to even get a “titty bump”!


At least the guys in the first video had some skills. And the music?! Kill me. Shoot me. BikeJerks?

These little towns upstate should be happy to have us show up. Imagine if 200 of those hipsters rolled in?


you just wasted 30 seconds outta our lives for that link. If I’m ever in a break with you, I’ll be lookin to collect!


Reading Rich Ruoff’s account of the blowup…

I’m not sure most of us really appreciate what goes in to putting these events on. We can do our part by filling up our cars in town, having lunch, not pissing on lawns, etc.

You’ll eventually find more and more events disappear, unless it is a win/win proposition for the promoter, the racers, and the hosting community.

You maybe have 40 prime weekend slots between April and November. Dividing up the market between the New England, NY/PA, and Washington D.C. riders, that means bandwidth for 100 decent sized races.

Once a race is blacklisted from a particular town, that is one less place where you can host one of those 100 races.

For the most part, putting these races on is thankless, not lucrative, and done out of love of the sport. Keep that in mind.


true……Its really unfortunate that the Christiana stage race was becoming VERY popular in this region. It was perfectly dated on the calender, the town had everything to offer tourists, the stage courses were top notch and the locals were nothing short of fantastic. The actions of an individual or in this case I guess two individuals that couldnt make the growth flourish, is a lowdown dirty shame. Rich should contact michael ball and get some serious backing. Of course the town would have to deal with scantily clad chickas on the podiums.


true……Its really unfortunate (because) the Christiana stage race was becoming VERY popular in this region. It was perfectly dated on the calender, the town had everything to offer tourists, the stage courses were top notch and the locals were nothing short of fantastic. The actions of an individual or in this case I guess two individuals that couldnt make the growth flourish, is a lowdown dirty shame. Rich should contact michael ball and get some serious backing. Of course the town would have to deal with scantily clad chickas on the podiums.


That’s my cousin Vinny’s niece Tyler. Different guy – he is unaffiliated. You have too much time in your hands. Hold and shake something else with that.


That’s my cousin Vinny’s niece Tyler. Different guy – he is unaffiliated. You have too much time in your hands. Hold and shake something else with that.


true……Its really unfortunate (because) the Christiana stage race was becoming VERY popular in this region. It was perfectly dated on the calender, the town had everything to offer tourists, the stage courses were top notch and the locals were nothing short of fantastic. The actions of an individual or in this case I guess two individuals that couldnt make the growth flourish, is a lowdown dirty shame. Rich should contact michael ball and get some serious backing. Of course the town would have to deal with scantily clad chickas on the podiums.


true……Its really unfortunate that the Christiana stage race was becoming VERY popular in this region. It was perfectly dated on the calender, the town had everything to offer tourists, the stage courses were top notch and the locals were nothing short of fantastic. The actions of an individual or in this case I guess two individuals that couldnt make the growth flourish, is a lowdown dirty shame. Rich should contact michael ball and get some serious backing. Of course the town would have to deal with scantily clad chickas on the podiums.


Reading Rich Ruoff’s account of the blowup…

I’m not sure most of us really appreciate what goes in to putting these events on. We can do our part by filling up our cars in town, having lunch, not pissing on lawns, etc.

You’ll eventually find more and more events disappear, unless it is a win/win proposition for the promoter, the racers, and the hosting community.

You maybe have 40 prime weekend slots between April and November. Dividing up the market between the New England, NY/PA, and Washington D.C. riders, that means bandwidth for 100 decent sized races.

Once a race is blacklisted from a particular town, that is one less place where you can host one of those 100 races.

For the most part, putting these races on is thankless, not lucrative, and done out of love of the sport. Keep that in mind.


you just wasted 30 seconds outta our lives for that link. If I’m ever in a break with you, I’ll be lookin to collect!


At least the guys in the first video had some skills. And the music?! Kill me. Shoot me. BikeJerks?

These little towns upstate should be happy to have us show up. Imagine if 200 of those hipsters rolled in?


Yea….I heard from many riders that the town is a complete washout. Absolutely nothin goin on other than the race. totally boring. no where to go to even get a “titty bump”!


1) Kids hate lycra. Kids like big ass shorts, skate shoes, and Mountain Dew. 2) Road Racing is really boring unless you’re racing. This’ll never change. So let’s adapt and figure out how to support great races.


Make huge salaries with Sports drinks endorsements, video games, movies, bike deals and clothing deals. BMX is very MTV like it or not. I do not see Kirk Obee promoting Mtn Dew and having his own charachter on a PSP game.. These guys are making a good living.


bmx is far more lucrative for athletes and sponsors. sadly, this thing of ours is a fringe curiosity by comparison.

Chris M

No question, i could not do it. Wouldnt even try. I guess they are cool to be able to do it, but Im not glued to the TV channel surfing for the girls BMX world champs on a Sun afternoon either. Sorry.


jo mama, spank yo-self
I love dem bmx girls

Like there are road cyclists out there worth watching (coke heads and dopers), don’t mistake the quality, if it were easy even you could do it, you don’t have any balls! I bet those bmx girls would totally kick your butt!

Chris M

Theres a world championship for girls BMX riding? How many do this? About 10 in the world, all of whom are from CA?
Dan! Erase spam now please!


I see there is a new race (Schooley’s mtn rr). Course sounds nice the problem is that many locals are doing Fitchburg that weekend. Not the best planning. I will do this race as it is close and I dont have the time to leave town for Fitchburg. Speaking of which, the Pro1 field is stacked this year. Fully Team Type 1, Bissell, Colavita (top guys on the team) and Harley to name a few. Looks like that race is getting back to where it was in the past.


Jill Kintner, 3-peat World Champ in MtnCross/4X, switched back to BMX and is USA sole qualifier for Beijing, will be there tonight at 7pm, where a world record 60 foot halfpipe aeriel is being attempted…
enjoy! maybe some free samples???


It might turn out to be a shame they took two really good races and wrapped them into what might end up a giant disappointment while taking out another race in the process.


I believe it was an actual in print quote.


Friday, May 30, 2008
Warren to cancel bike races

Officials say riders messy, spent little




Harriman was *once* the last weekend in April. That’s not its “old date”.

The race has been the mother’s day weekend for years – a long time ago it was a two-day with races on Saturday and Sunday. Later it became a one-day with just Sunday. I don’t know why and as a racer Saturday would work a little better for me. But to call a race with mainly quality fields that are mainly full a “fiasco” is just dopey.

Now, I don’t know whether the comment about what that police chief said about Palmer/Sturbride are true or not, but I’d like to hear who specificially heard that.

David Jordan

Halfpipe that is 70 feet/containers high!
Show is at 7pm tonight, so come out, or if nothing else, be careful training in the park…


If the promoters of Giro Di Jersey want a successfully race they will keep registration open until late next week. Especially for P1-2.


Ummm…that chief actually said that about Sturbridge/Palmer. Unless Norton can talk em’ out of it the races are history.

that ain’t no joke.

Hey maybe now Bear can get its old date back and scrap the Mothers Day fiasco, Alan you listening.


What other mainstream cool company is promoting like this guy…he gets it…dudes on Ebay are buying kits for over 300 bones. Marketing people…Buzz…style…marketing. Guy ain’t stupid. Local riders should be thrilled this guy got involved…freaking dedciating pages on his website and his fashion site to bike racing. Fantastic

don't like it at all

Why are they closing reg on this 1 week prior to start…so they can pull the plug because not enough signed up? Most don’t sign up till Wednesday week of. Heck 25 signed up for the $10k televised local super race just today. I don’t like the smell of his prize list as “cash”.


there are only 30 riders in the 3/4 and only 2 days till reg closes. what gives? sounds like a good event.

new boner fan

what a lame-a55 sport this has turned into. boonen gets booted from the tdf for a little blow … wha? are you kidding me? guy’s a rock star … belgium chicks be lining up to give the guy a titty bump


Tom Boonen tests positive for cocaine


Good job. Make fun of cops. I spent some time talking to a Jersey cop watching over the course at High Bridge. Great guy. Excited about the race. Excited to help, even after standing in the sun for 6 hours.

Are these races worth the trouble for smaller towns/communities? Most of us don’t buy antiques. Maybe some motels make the dough. But I was pleasantly surprised by High Bridge. Folks sat on their stoops and barbecued while watching the race. Kids even took the time to write funny things on the course. They seemed genuinely interested.

Not a great joke.

Police Chief Spiewakowski

These bike races are a waste of resources. Also the racers are to damn cheap to buy anything in our crappy little town. Therefore Palmer Sturbridge is cancelled.


Lets hope Michael Ball and the local Harlem promoters dont butt heads. I cant wait to see how the bodega dj, lame announcer, and all of the other crappy shenanigans that usually take place @ the skinscraper plays itself out this sunday. We may have our own little Butter-schuck scenario play itself out.


Sunday should be the most fun cycling day in NYC in this century and will rank among the best in the city in the last 50 years.

hincapie impressed

Can someone pls explain why having coke in his system a few days before a race didn’t amount to perf enhancement? If it stays in the blood for a few days, won’t it stimulate the HR?!?!


Did anyone see Hincapie’s win at the Dauphine yesterday? 10 k to go, he hears in the radio that Greipel idoesn’t have it, so he gets to the front and escapes ala a Cancellara (with a Gerolsteiner guy helping, though) in the last ks. Great win.


Once again, we should all give thanks that in NYC during the height of the season one can race 2 to 4 races a week (including track), all accessible without a car. Many have been run continuously for decades.

And many more great races within 3 hours of the city.

this situation, where one promoter goes up in smoke and everyone for hundreds of miles around is screwed, underscores that.


we have it pretty good. being able to race without blowing an entire day is rare, or unheard of elsewhere.

Anti TDF

Does anybody care about this race anymore? You can thank the Tour organizers for turning this event into the least popular cycling event of the year.


i was kidding about charlie i and AVD.

but also what about the dieter vs. USA cycling situation. why so much intrigue?

amazed by the whole thing

I would def continue to attend any race that Ruoff promotes – they are always well done. Still, the apparent lack of control over his business, exhibited by co-mingling personal and business accounts and going deep into arrears ahead of events does show a fairly shocking level of poor business practice. That along with the possible inclusion of an asset (trailer) into the business listed as an asset when it was owned by the bank financed by a personal loan again underscores his need to get his act together if he gets back into a new promotion gig. Not that bike promoters are supposed to be famously astute business people, but this guy acts like he is running a lemonde stand with third grade skills.

Without doubt, though, the Butterworth dude sounds as slippery as his name. Wouldnt trust him as far as I could throw him. The Wiswell account kinda seals any last shread of trust that one might extend the guy after this Ruoff story. I wouldnt attend his race if it had a $500k prize. No way. If it were the last bike race in the region, id sooner do the Tour de Spoon and hope somebody else got into bike race promotion the next year.


Former world cycling champion Tom Boonen has been barred from this year’s Tour de France after testing positive for cocaine


AVD and Charlie I are both good guys, making a little money, putting on OK to excellent events, and working w/each other and other people in the area

It’s not like this Lancaster situation


RRR probably had to remove the post because of (gulp) litigation?
Maybe this thing will go to court.


first there was that catfight b/w the giro di new jersey dude and the vernon stage race guy. now this. what next, a sword fight between charlie i and AVD?


retard? shitbag?

this one is nice:

I cannot believe how incredibly stupid you are. I mean rock-hard stupid.
Dehydrated-rock-hard stupid. Stupid so stupid that it goes way beyond the
stupid we know into a whole different dimension of stupid. You are
trans-stupid stupid. Meta-stupid. Stupid collapsed on itself so far that
even the neutrons have collapsed. Stupid gotten so dense that no intellect
can escape. Singularity stupid. Blazing hot mid-day sun on Mercury stupid.
You emit more stupid in one second than our entire galaxy emits in a year.
Quasar stupid.

Dr. Info

Red Rose Races

Wow! What happened? In the space of three days Red Rose, Inc. went from being the largest promoter of bicycle races in the U.S.A., enjoying explosive growth at all of the races, to being shut down, just like that. If you want the story, read on.

Brief History: Red Rose was formed by myself Richard Ruoff, in 2003 to promote endurance athletic events, (Mostly bike races) in Lancaster County. I am a former amateur bike racer and have always loved the sport. Even as I stopped racing in my twenties and started my first career, I kept my hand in the sport. After starting the Chameleon Club, (A little juke joint here in Lancaster that has had a band or two on it


no one really coming to the defense of Butterworth. I’m reading nothing but post after post of pissed off riders and community sponsers on the subject.


getting over a pretty bad chest cold from the week prior but went out and did it anyway. Probably not a wise choice but I like Time Trials, even if its at sucky Floyds. Not my best tt outing. I’ve done better there in previous seasons.
There was some quality riders out that wkend.


So Lee, to which do you attribute your 87th place at the FBF TT: the quantity or quality or the local racers?


The lancaster link was really sad to read. I had no idea how important Red Rose Races was to the Jr development riders. A Jr team from australia were flying in to compete in two of their races! Thats some serious word of mouth. The region has a void now that its gone. Butterworth is hands down the grinch of cycling!


Follow the link above to Wiswell’s blog entry. Butterworth responds with the following:

Well David it’s certainly unfortunate to read your account of things. As I wrote in my article to Fixed Gear Fever, I thought each of the 3 American teams had one good night; no one left with bragging rights over another at Dortmund. I remember giving you a water bottle after one or two races and I’m the one who helped Jackie stop on the back-stretch when he had a flat tire. I never represented to anyone that you or Jackie or Austin or Guy were my riders. I did have two teams there though, both an American team and a British/Belgian team. On several occasions I’ve offered to help you or have us work together, but you’ve declined. You weren’t in Munich so I don’t know where you get your information, but we actually had 2 invitations and because our Belgian rider had another obligation we could only bring Adrian and Brian, our American team. USA Cycling was there on their own invitation. Our guys went on to Geneva to race which I had encouraged you (through Jackie’s father) to do as well. I understand all of the Americans, you, Jackie, Adrian, and Brian raced very well and the teams were exactly tied after 3 days; the tie was broken by your better finish in the last sprint. It’s hard to call any of that embarrassing in Geneva or beforehand for Adrian and Brian. Just sour grapes and total lies.


How do you explain an NYVC rider 1st on G.C. @ Greenmtn Stg race last year (4 fid)? I’d say there’s some talent here so……
This thread has hit it on the head – traveling out of town has become really pricey on all fronts (gas, food, lodging). How do ya justify going out of town (alot) when the competition within our own club is of a very high caliber? The cpk club races are hard to win – period, no matter what field from 5’s on up the ladder. We’ve got the Westwood crew mixing it up with us along with some strong NJ riders as well. Try living in another state and you’ll soon realize quite quickly that we’ve got it good here in our backyard in terms of quantity & QUALITY.

Joe Brennan

So, we’ve heard one side of this story. I’d love to hear it from Butterwoth’s viewpoint.
I am also unaware of any issue between Butterwoth and Wiswell.


Is it so hard?

From Wiswell:
“While USA Cycling and ourselves were duking it out to be the top American team, David Butterworth was behind the scenes spinning his own little web. His riders were getting their heads kicked in each night. They were missing exchanges and getting lapped again and again every race. Rather than trying to get his riders back on track and salvage whatever was left, Butterworth, unbeknownst to his riders, turned his back on them. First, a German fan came and spoke to Guy about living in Indianapolis (Guy


I would love to be able to do PP races more often but coming from 30 minutes away I have to wake up at 4:30am to get to the race ready to go. I get home then at 10am without traffic and now have like 3 hours of sleep in me. Plus, as nice as PP and CP are at times, the course and NYC racing gets old. Its nice to try out different course with different racers. Totally diff vibe in MA/VT/upstate NY vs NJ and NYC. I just hope the great regional classics survive (Battenkill, Jiminy, Tokeneke, Unionvale, Capital Region etc).


is a necessity. Some of us have lives, relationships, and families to maintain. What’s wrong with waking up at the ass-crack dawn, putting in a few intense miles and then having your day start at 9am. Everyone involved is happy.
It has nothing to do with manhood or fitness prowess, just maintaining life with balance.
Let keep some perspective here.


Registration in out of town events is down because all the racers who got into the sport thanks to Lance have begun to realize that they actually have no talent for cycling. Instead, they race closer to home. You see them placing in b races in Central and cat 4 races in Prospect every weekend.


Price of gas and carbon footprints probably contribute to racing less out of town for a few people.

I got no problem with the NYC racing selling out. Means better racing for everybody. Sorry guys; Lisban, Igor, Empire, and Mengoni will be doing more stomping locally.

What surprising is that the highly lauded New England region seems to have less racers and less racing, while the Red Rose Races were getting more people attending their races.


Registration seems down for sure due to gas prices and the economy. Jiminy was not full, Battenkill did not fill the Cat 3, Lake Placid which seems to be a killer course has noone registered due to the distance. Sad because these out of town races will stop if noone goes. Then we will have like 300 guys trying to fill 100 spots for PP races at the ass crack of dawn.


I do not get this forum. You sensor stupid comments about people on this site (posts taken down etc) and now you have essentially created an argument designed to defame this Butterworth clown. I do not know him and he sounds like a dilweed but this argument seems to be a bit dangerous to your site on many levels. Just my 2cents…


The Christiana Stage 2 Time Trial was epic. Best TT course in the region in my opinion. Dwarfs Harriman and Cpk in terms of technicality and scenic vista. Its too bad that the people of that community will take a hit this summer with the loss of tourism and all. I think someone will wise up for 09′ after the realization of the loss of revenue sinks in at the end of 08′.


I’ve looked through Wiswell’s blog but I can’t find any mention of Butterworth messin’. What was the issue?


While I applaud Hincapie’s win in the Dauphine, you gotta wonder what’s up with those black socks…


i’m guessing long winded, weird accusations on your website don’t help you much in a lawsuit.


yeah, those races were pretty epic. maybe it’ll be like astana… they’ll be around after all?!


I’m going to miss the Shoofly Pie and Scrapple, but not the weekend traffic in Lancaster.
By the way, fix the title.

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