Quit it

Section head text.

Enough Already!

Ok, all you Johnny-come-latelys! Unless you are a chemically unbalanced German nutter, we don’t want to see you dressed up in a roadside costume and running up alongside the race as it enters the hills. We’re on to you. We know you just want to get on cable TV, and perhaps parlay that exposure into an interview with Bob Roll or maybe a lucrative gig as a spokes model for stretch pants. It’s over, quit jumping into traffic – or should I say, start jumping into traffic…


This suit has a special pouch for his dignity.


Alex R

I think there is no room for dopers in the sport. But the this whole operacion puerto fiasco is taking way too long. As far as Ulrich goes, what doping controls has he failed? We only have accusations and nothing more. Not the best way to run a sport. Get some solid proof before going public. Same thing with Lance, leaking results from prior years that did not follow proper protocol is lame. It only makes WADA and UCI look bad.


Alternative to Lee3’s post:

Sucks about Ullrich. I would’ve liked him to retire on the good side of DOPING CONTROLS. He did bow out IN DISGRACE AS A CHEAT but now there will always be that WAS HE EVER CLEAN hangin about. It seems like he’s sorta leavin the door open a little IN CASE SOME LAWYER GETS HIM OFF ON A TECHNICALITY. As sure as I am that Lance is A DOPER AS WELL – I guess I dont have that same definitive PROOF THAT Jan COUGHED UP. Hope NEITHER OF THEM EVER SHOW THEIR FACES AGAIN IN PRO- CYCLING


Sucks about Ullrich. I would’ve liked him to retire on the good side of another TdF win. He did bow out with a win as his last ride but now there will always be that ‘what could’ve been’ hangin about. It seems like he’s sorta leavin the door open a little with him stating that he’s still in shape and mentioning of the teams that are interested. As sure as I am that Lance is done – I guess I dont have that same definitive vibe from Jan. Hope he surprises us.


actually lance probably told tony to take him out…payback for winning the stars and stripes jersey…levi better watch his back

Phil Jahnke

Race goofs.
Cool as long as they stay out of the way.
Plus they are easey to mock.
Crying shame. He isnt getting any younger too.


Ule retired because nobody was willing to put up the money he wanted. Yeah, it’s a shame that he had to take the brunt of Puerto while others seemingly escape without repurcussion, but at the end of the day it was a business decision. I have to say that he always seemed like a class act, especially next to the type-A dildo Armstrong could be.


Sorry, last post was in reference to the off-topic Ule reference in the initial comment.
Poor George…. Now THAT guy is a class act. Missing the Spring Classics? Can’t modern medicine do anything to speed that up? GAH!
Also, just to say something on-topic: I’m okay with the costume guys as long as they don’t take riders out.
Uh… thanks.


So, what is the problem? We just make the dangerous crossing by going under. On our way, we carry the corpes and the deads with us. We need companies. We will eventually get sick of the deads and returning ourselves back to the civilization as a new prophet—Overman. 🙂


Super fan up there ran into George at the top of the hill on the day he broke his wrist.

Fans running along the race is fine when it’s spontaneous, but I get the feeling these guys are mostly looking for camera time – it is California after all…

Ule retires

God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? What was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bled to death under our knives: who will wipe this blood off us? What water is there for us to clean ourselves? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we have to invent? Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we ourselves not become gods simply to appear worthy of it?

Chris M

I dunno – I kinda dig the crazy costume guys – makes the whole scene a bit festive – as long as they dont actually interfere with the riders, of course – would be a HUGE shame to have a rider knocked over by a crazy dude, but it doesnt seem to happen much, to my constant amazement. There are always dudes running alongside on the hilltops, so why not wear a funny costume, right?

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