“Promoter, federation at loggerheads over Georgia substitute”-VeloNews 11/24/08

Support Dieter Drake’s Application

Dear Mr. Rogers,

I read with great interest about Dieter Drake’s efforts in promoting his very popular event as a UCI race this year and of USA Cycling turning down his application. I understand that, according to Velo News, there were at least “three reasons for the dismissal, including the late application, disrespect for the federation’s process, and a lack of detail about the proposed course in the application.”
My initial response to the article about your disapproving his application is that although my national bike racing organization seems to be able to follow rules, it may not represent my interests well. In fact, it seems to me that USA Cycling is working against my interests. In this day of great upheaval it takes people with insight and courage to make things happen. Dieter is one such individual. I don’t know all the facts. But, I hope, for the sake of USA Cycling, that your decision will stand up to public scrutiny which I imagine will be pretty keen.
Please be advised that Dieter is a very popular guy among racers that know and work with him, regardless of whatever else is going on in Colorado. I invited him to promote a race that I worked on from the sponsor’s side this year, the Tour of the Catskills. He delivered and in the process earned the admiration, trust and respect of all participating racers and townsfolk alike.
You may, or may not, have an idea of the pot that you have just stirred. My response so far has been one of shock and awe, even if that was not your aim. What I want from USA Cycling is visionary leadership, nothing more, nothing less. I look forward to hearing how your decision in this case is commensurate with that vision.
Reed Rubey