Prickly Prick Picayune

Section head text.

I’m now going at my Corona (I declined the add on side shot of tequila for $2) in the Prickly Pear airport lounge in lovely Las Vegas. Andy and I are leaving the carcass of the Interbike Show behind. I would have to say my Sophomore recollections of Interbike are less enthusiastic than last year. Lots of stuff looked exactly the same as last year (with the exception of the new Look 595 – which looked very nice), there were even less aerobars than last year, not that I would notice.

@##=#<3,R>@##=#I now know why all the stories out of Vegas just show one or two products (I always found that very frustrating) – not a whole lot changes from year to year. Feel free to congratulate me on becoming a jaded cycling journalist! Now I just have to get one of those fancy vests that hold all of your pens and such.

Famous people sightings (well bike famous anyway):

Thor was there, I didn’t see him, but I did hump his bike, though.

We had our obligatory Eddy Merckx sighting, and after snapping his photo, Andy got his annual Merckx-ian glare down. Good to know some things don’t change.

Zabriske and Hincapie and Jason McCartney were signing stuff at the Power bar booth.

Phil Liggett signed my chest, and I offered him $7 to come and announce a local race in NYC.

@##=#<6,L>@##=#Frankie Andreu was there on his own dime (shocker!) and I offered him $9 to announce a local race, both offers are still out there, so call us guys…

Vaughters was there; insert snarky comment about sideburns here.

We saw Dennis Rodman in the casino – just mentioning as he had nothing to do with the bike show.

We talked extensively with Rich Hincapie and threatened to have a “prettier Hincapie” contest between him and George, but I think it wouldn’t be fair to Rich as all of you cannot be impartial. All I can say is that I can recognize a good looking fella when I see one, that’s all…

@##=#<5,r>@##=#We saw a rocking mullet also, he wasn’t famous, but he should be.

I will say that the paint was very disappointing, lots of branding (ugh, I hate that term) of frames taking the top spot of importance away from the paint job itself. And Colnago should just be ashamed of themselves.

A few things coming around to get excited about:

PowerTap is releasing its wireless system, with improved water proofing-ness goodness on the rear hub.

The Look 595 – I’m now using my mental powers to will the Look rep into sending us one to test. It’s useless to resist.

Andy had an allergic reaction to my mighty man musk. Yes, it’s that hard to take.

@##=#<1,L>@##=#More to come later



Just as Schmalz gets stampeded at the finish line (with Pettacchi scoring a direct hit), Zabel expresses the feelings that dwell within all of us.

Chris M

I just like the idea of Andy and Dan stalking that crazy mullet guy and snapping a surreptitious photo like he’s a cycling celebrity. Cracks me up…

Rekindled Fan

In some weird way, this page encompases the highlights of an entire year(s) of NYVC ramblings and insider jokes.

and yes, I am ashamed that I get all of it….


The mullet man isn’t just one fine mullet, it is the 70’s ‘stash he’s rocking too. It is the synergy created with the proper management of the hair follicles that make this man a SUPERSTAR!


I saw some dude in Prospect on the new white Look. I think it was a tri-guy? I hope he hacksawed off too much seat tube….

mulletrivia: vokuhilaoliba (n.)

the sweet mullet + moustache combo is so bitchin’ there’s an exact word for it in germany: vokuhilaoliba.

comes from:

Vo Ku = Vorne Kurz, "short front"

Hi La = Hinten Lang, "long back"

O Li Ba = Oberlippenbart. "upper lip moustache"

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