Predictions Argument

Section head text.

Pony up!

OK, geniuses, time to put your money where your mouth is! I’ve already called the winner of MSR – I’ve got Boner for Flanders and Thor for Roubaix. Who do you have?

Oh, and Steegmans and Boner are in the group off of the front in Dwars Door Vlaaanderen (a Flanders warm up race) right now with Stuey and Fabian there too.

So give us your winners for Flanders and Roubaix.



Hoste? He’s strong and he made a good move last year. But he didn’t ever try to beat Boonen. He accepted 2nd place without a fight, so I can’t see him as a possible winner.

jon o'b

hmmm… prize of flanders = a three way sprint between predictor, milram and quick step with someone getting head butted, punched or put in a neck brace by a grinning mcewen. "good sport, mates!". boonen wins or celebrates 2nd.

for roobay, boonen’s again a good safety but i think he’ll go in a break and get chased down. discovery wants the rock and helps the chase but a crafty Riis biding his time steals it again – wish i knew his rider list so i could give a name tho.


lee3 can’t catch a break around here. I for one enjoy his idiosyncratic commentary, and hope he proves the doubters wrong.

Is that a picture of real Belgian race bookmakers on the home page?


Hincapie is never going to win, Ghent was it for him. As Boonen said

"Perhaps he needs to switch in his head to become more of a killer"


Hincapie is never going to win, Ghent was it for him. As Boonen said

"Perhaps he needs to switch in his head to become more of a killer"

The Vulgarian

I’ll take Servais Knaven for Roubaix (he will rock this race like ’01!!) and Stefan Wesseman for der Ronde.


so basically hincapie would be riding roobay on sunday and starting tdg on monday

that’s NUTS! i hope his connecting flights are all on time.


I like Unibet, what can I tell ya. All of my other picks that I know of, are taken.
I’ll assure you that my wheel will cross the line before yours the nxt time I race – if it hasnt already.


Lee3 has a better chance of finishing a B race w/ the group than Casper does of winning Flanders.

Hincapie said

during Paris-Nice that he will be able to ride outside soon and that he might still be ready for roubaix.


I didnt Know Klier was out. He was my first choice. I guess I’m gonna stick with the hot rider on Unibet – Casper.

Paris-Roubaix - Sporting bets Australia

Tom Boonen 2.75

Fabian Cancellara 4.50

Peter Van Petegem 8.00

George Hincapie 10.00

Leif Hoste 12.00

Andreas Klier 15.00

Alessandro Ballan 15.00

Thor Hushovd 18.00

Juan Antonio Flecha Giannoni 18.00

Frederic Guesdon 23.00

Roger Hammond 26.00

Stijn Devolder 26.00

Eric Zabel 31.00

Bernhard Eisel 31.00

Florent Brard 41.00

Steven De Jongh 41.00

Magnus Backstedt 51.00


So far, if I’m reading this correctly, for Flanders you have: Schleck, Casper, Klier, Devolder, and the entire Unibet Squad. Are you also picking all the Belgians?


Never met him but that Steve Goldman at Westwood velo comes across as a classy guy. Good luck to him.

For Flanders – Boonen
For Roubaix – J-A Flecha or that crazy Russian on CSC Gustev or somethnig.


I think this team will make some noise. They may not be everyones favorite on paper but, IMO they are the most gel’d squad turning a crank these days, and if they put a guy in final selection? fuhgettaboutit.
I do also like the S. Devolder call as well. Very dark horse.

on Hunt

Yes, the GP Plouay is not a classic. But it’s a damn big race — probably the second biggest one day race in France.


Jeremy Hunt? A guy who’s only placed well in a semi-classic? Might as well as say Roger Hammond…..but it’s better than a Casper call.

The Ballan call is a good one….no doubt that dude is due…

If anyone watched today’s Dwors Door Vlanblaberbab, Enrico Gasperato could be a good dark house….if Pozzato fails.

More dark horses…how about Stign Devolder?

(I’m talking all Flanders here…)

Schleck for sure is not a favorite for Flanders

But it’s possible. If Claude Criquielon (a total non-explosive rider who won Fleche Wallone, among other things could), Frank Schleck could as well. Bike racing is stochastic and that’s what makes it great.


casper crashed at san remo… least that’s what it looked like from the footy.

but come on, Casper? This is flanders, not some little known French stage race (and I’m not referring to his tour stage).


I believe Unibet has’em inked in to start and who else on that team can they count on. I pick them because, as a team, these guys ride like lions and one of the fastest guys on that squad besides Cooke is Casper. I think a hungry team counts for somethin and these guys have hunger by the truckload.


Unibet’s top ten for Flanders:
Boonen, T 3.50
Bettini, P 8.00
Pozzato, F 11.00
Van Petegem, P 13.00
Hoste, L 13.00
Cancellara, F 18.00
Hushovd, T 20.00
O’Grady, Stuart 22.00
McEwen, R 25.00
Flecha Giannoni, J-A 25.00


I would put Casper’s chances at almost none. He’s a sprinter, and i would imagine the races he’s been placing in or winning are stage race stages, which are no where near the length of Flanders (250+k). Flanders is not a sprinter’s race, it’s a big powerful rider’s race. Boonen, Nuyens, Pozzato, Flecha, O’Grady, and Cancellara are who I would imagine being the favorites.


There’s no doubt Eeckhout is a friggen animal and he brains it out pretty good too. good tip there. I like Klier cause he’s always there and he’s got a real kick in the end.
Dont short change Casper because of San Remo results – he’s hot right now and I think he’s got an axe to grind as well.


T-Mobile has a good chance at beating Chocolade Jacques, oh wait Eeckhout will kick their magenta keysters. No chance for T-Mobile…


Specialized must be estatic with Boonen’s summation. "The really expensive bike was literally pain in my back, but this cheaper one rocks!"


Roubaix: L. Hoste

Flanders: I’m a little clouded on this one. I’m gonna run with
T-mobile and select Andreas klier, HOWEVER, my
gut tells me that Unibet will strike big here with
Jimmy Casper – who’s been hot lately.


Have no idea but I agree with Sanjaya going all the way to the end. Steffen Wesemann, Bettini, Valverde (are they saving him for the grand tours), Boonen, Cancellara, Hammond (T-Mobile has a lot of pressure to perform), Thor. They could all win Roubaix and Flanders. Discovery Channel will be there too. If I have to pick one it has to be Boonen for Flanders and no idea for Roubaix


The Roubaix repeat is a really hard thing to pull off. Fabian will have a huge target on his butt. No way he slips off the front again.


oh wait….I’m thinking Amstel Gold for some reason. yea recant on that Flanders pick. I’ll get back to ya on that. I’m leaning T-Mobile for Flanders actually but I’m not 100%…..stand by.


The only way Schleck wins Flanders is if Fabian gets the runs and Stuey breaks his fist on McEwen’s nose before the start. Even then Jens will outsprint him…


In that case I have Boonen for Flanders and Thor for Roubaix, just to steal your thunder in case you’re right.


also, you heard it here first – Boonen gets shut out of the monuments this year… and no green jersey either.


Looks like a fair amout of stuff that comes across my desk – clearly people aren’t reading every letter!


MQ already picked Cancellara repeat at Roubaix and Eugene got pozatto for flanders…, I’ll have to say:

Flanders – Nuyens
Roubaix – Hushovd


you should say "first and last" letter is important, what’s really silly is that Cambridge just "discovered" what’s as old as Chinese writing… go Boonen!


fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too

Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.

i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The
phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde
Uinervtisy, it dseno’t mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the
olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit
pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a
pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by
istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot
slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs forwrad it.


I already won "Century Central" pool Chung Chiang and Mihael set up a few years ago.


And I’m going to win "NYVelocity ‘The Game’" when it comes out.

So there.


for Flanders Its got to be el NiNo Boonen. for Roubaix I know you love Thor. But in order for him to have a silm chance of
beating Boonen on a sprint ..Roubaix has to finish with the Gruppo campacto. when was the last time the race finish with the full field on the line for a sprint finish. so no I dont think Hore will win
my prediction for Roubaix
#1 Fabian
#2 Maggie B.
#3 Juan Antonio F.
there it is

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