Onward thanks

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We are going to go ahead and pat ourselves on the back for a great night of roller racing. We would especially like to thank Christian Vande Velde and all the racers. We would also like to send a special thank you to everyone who came out and drank—you are all heroes! Because of your inebriate efforts, we were able to really help out the CRCA juniors program.


It was an action packed night of racing that saw Bobby Lea beat Gui Nelessen and Andrew LaCorte in the 3-up final of the evening. But Gui immediately had his revenge in the post-finale “beer run”. 


We would also like to thank all of the sponsors for the night: Pacifico Beer, Bike Works, Empire Hotels, Chomper Body, Knog, and Fizik.

More pictures to come



Great night of rolling wheels and raising beers. Thanks to nyvelocity.com and the sponsors for a terrific evening.

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