Onward Roller Races




will you play christian rock (n-rollers)??? I’ll bring my (Training) Bible and Rosary (Ben-Wa) Beads…they’re good for checking saddle comfort and seat tube flex! and a Trappist would be appro po po!!!


Free Beer between 7-8pm! And backside tickle when the starters whips Pistols gun goes off! Say that drunk!
Right Turn Clyde!


as in Crusades, or Confederacy, or KKK, Nazis, Stalins Communism, Jammets Bacon, Sommervilles Sports, Adler…along those lines…


$20 entry? Please…. Does that pay for Christians plane ticket and the right to hang with a pro and tell all my friends?


please take some time to stop and honor our fallen comrade. There is a memorial placed on 9W for him (just north a bit of the 5.5 mile marker, where the small rollers flatten and the road straightens…

Could’ve been any one of us.

I met some of his family today, think of them, think of your own, have a safe ride…


$20 Entry Please! Guy:

a) it goes to charity

b) you apparently havent left your house in 15 years because you can’t do jack in this town for $20

c) you’re a Whinerpants


doorprize (if early), open beer bar (if early), great fun…I wonder if Cupcake will wear his jersey? Will Ken get his MWHR record? Will T-town send anyone? Who will show their faces in civilian clothes and catch up/look forward???
I hear Gouldie may show and take photos???



charity or not, do you know how much stuff i gotta sell on ebay to pay the $20 entry fee? i was hoping i’d not have to sell the old dura ace derailleur until branchbrook races, at least.


“Guys, honestly, this location sucks for out of towners coming in from PA and NJ locations.”

Wow you really sound like a spoiled child. This is an event for a charity put on by volunteers and you’re gonna moan about a few blocks of traffic? How about they slide over the Empire State building and the Rockefeller Center skating rink while they’re at it.

Take that suburb guy waa-waa over to Peloton East….

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