NYVCreed 2010 Tour stage 18

This is where it all goes wrong.

Tune in at 9 AM Eastern time, Monday, July 19th to listen live to NYVC’s Dan Schmalz, Team Type 1’s Mike Creed, and Cosmo Catalano of cyclocosm.com as they try to follow the Tour de France (archives of the day’s stage audio will be available after the stage is finished). Presented by Williams Cycling.

 Direct link

For Mac, try the WMP for Macs or this.


West Coast Reader

I’m always lat to these! Where’s the hidden link or do we guess the url?

Need to find the rest day.

West Coast Reader

So can we listen live or have to wait for it to end?

If live did you get more bandwidth? Otherwise we might crash it?


Audio will be live during the stage and a downloadable archive later (not sure when), bandwidth shouldn’t be a problem (we hope).


“bandwidth shouldn’t be a problem”

methinks you misunderestimate the allurng siren call that is CreeDan’s Clearwater Revival, Stage 9


I can’t hear the music on my mac, we may have some complications here. Anyone know anything about windows streaming audio?

Guillaume Ceramic

Gimme some Zamfir as background music and I’m happy as Lawrence Welk in a pile of oat bran.

Macy Gray

I’m reading ‘stage 9’ in the story, and ‘each day’s stage’ in a comment below. just curious…would love to have an alternative to Vs. until the end.

and I’d like to resubmit ‘2 Degrees Celsius’ as the program name.


I’ve got the Pro version of Flip4Mac, (which is kind of a QuickTime plugin, but that’s neither here nor there) and it doesn’t seem to work.

I did, however, get it to work on Chrome, Firefox, and Safari (all OS 10.6) using MPlayer OS X Extended, which you can download here: http://mplayerosxext.googlecode.com/files/MPlayer-OSX-Extended_rev13.zip

When the .zip finishes downloading, double-click it to decompress, drag the resulting MPlayer OS X Extended icon into your Applications folder, and you’re set.

Clicking on “Direct Link” (should) open a browser message saying something like “choose an application to play this file” or “opening MPlayer OS X Extended to play this file” (if this window doesn’t open, you may need to reboot.) Click “OK” and (after anywhere from a few to 60 seconds) Mplayer should start playing the audio.

You can also try opening MPlayer, going to File>Open Location… and entering “mms://”, which is the address of the server broadcasting the audio.

I was thinking about setting something like this up, but being at least nominally unemployed at the moment, I couldn’t justify shelling out for bandwidth. At any rate, schmalz and Creed will be far more entertaining that me sitting at home alone.



The next stage we will be doing is on Thursday, and after that we are planning to do all of next’s week weekday stages

West Coast Reader

I can hear the music, but I’m on a PC, well RDC to it. Mac’s! Ha they still make those, maybe they have a MacSound to help them out these days or is it the MacTunes. Can’t believe people still buy into that cult.

So back to the music, is there a way for us to turn it off or at least down? Its set to 11!

Palla Locknut

Is this now taking place of the Tour Day Schmalz synopses? I’m a visual guy, not an audio guy.

Gaetan Clearcoat

I’ve got the VLC thingie going, and the music was playing perfectly, but now I’m hearing the garbled strains of Creed and Schmalz being run through the robot vocalizer…

Otis Crackenberry

Speaking of Horner, does Creed have any good stories from riding with Horner on Prime Alliance days ?

Amine O-Ring

Did Cadel forget his blood transfusion on the rest day? Getting dropped like a bad habit…


to no avail, tried everything …vlc via firefox, wmp, reconfigure for rtsp…nothing….must be an office firewall…


Overall great job! Sound could be better, but when dealing with sound over phones, that’s alway an issue. Great stage win call by Creed!

desperately seeking upgrade points

man, those GC gaps are pretty big… with evans and lance out, already looks like a 2 man race. i hope something happens to keep this interesting.


I think the question everyone has is whether Schmalz was tossing back lagers, like the legendary Harry Carey, while doing his commentary?

Clement Skidmark

The next time I get dropped on a climb, I’ve got to remember to use the old ‘I rode with a fractured xxxxxx’ excuse. Seems to be all the vogue at this years tour.

As a matter of fact, Phil just tweeted that he’s been commentating with a fractured skull.

Razzante Torque

can’t wait to see that nifty oh so pro blue tape used by someone in a race in cp, pp, fbf, abc, 123.

Nicolas Seatmasticator

“I know my mother is watching the race, and during the descents she paces back and forth into the kitchen. So I told (Saxo Bank team manager Bjarne Riis) to call my mother and tell her I wouldn’t take any risks.”

Dr Fuentes

I hope that the written TDS will continue. I don’t have time to listen to the commentary but I do have 5 minutes to read the daily update. Thanks

Palla Locknut

Meh. I don’t have time for that audio BS. I’d rather read the TDS. It gives me something to look forward to when I don’t feel like doing my TPS reports at work.

West Coast Reader

I heard the phone ring when I did listen, how do we call in for added banter? Just in case you guys get some quiet time, figuring there’s plenty to add to the chaos.

Jonas Limit Screw

Come ON, you can’t take away the written tour day Schmalz, (if that is indeed what’s happening) that’s horrible!!! I hate audio!!!! And I live in a barn upstate and can’t possibly get the audio to work on my Mac with WiFi rigged by my doddering 75 yr old neighbor. I can’t believe you’re doing this to me!!!! You’re a very bad man!!!!

Arnaud Pulley

looking forward to hearing this when you archive it. Don’t get a chance to hear it live.

about OSX pretty sure mac users can just install mplayer or xmms.

then just type mplayer mms:// (or xmms mms://…….)into a “console” (and hit enter)
or whatever mac lingo is for a terminal window.


Come on guys! You’re killing me.

I’m deployed overseas, and it’s difficult enough to get my Daily Schmalz, but IMPOSSIBLE to get streaming media.

I don’t know how good (or sucky) Creed’s coverage is because I CAN’T GET IT.


Otis Crackenberry

Creed, Freidman, and Pate will back together next year on same team. You heard it here first

John Doe

Editor: Hey there scoop, how’s that Tour duh France bike race going?
Scoop: Uh…Slow Bastille stage, but they went past the place where Armstrong rode across a field a couple years back.
E: Did he stop and pay respects?
S: Uh, no. He finished 15 minutes back in the pack.
E: Bo-rrring! Where’s the bathos? Well what else do you have for copy today? You know, sending you to France ain’t cheap.
S: Well, we got some tweets from Vaughters about the afterparty in Paris.
E: Bono? Clinton?
S: N.E.R.D.
E: Yeah, those sideburns ain’t fooling nobody…Ok….well, what are the bloggers saying?
S: That it was a slow stage.
E: I mean in general, what have they been discussing?
S: Le Mevel going to Garmin. Vacansoleil trying for ProTour, maybe Vande Velde going all in at the Vuelta.
E: What’s the Vuelta?
S: The Tour of Spain.
E: The bike race goes to Spain?
S: It’s a different race.
E: There’s another race? Whoda thunk it? Well how about those guys at NYVelocity. What are they writing about?
S: Quezada’s pictures of girls, plus some retired Italian named Salvatore.
E: Any doping stories?
S: Uh….yeah…a couple.
E: Well why don’t you summarize one of their doping stories, put some hyperlinks to a twitter feed, scan in the PDF of something and then make up some analogies to some other sport.
S: Like what?
E: Something easily understandable, like golf or ping pong.

Alessandro Dropout

No time to listen to live commentary, or even archived commentary, but reading through the Tour de Schmalz was perfect. Apparently written Schmalz, like Vladimir Karpets’ mullet, has passed (Not sure which is sadder).

Benjamin Chainline

Smash lost the green jersey. I imagine he’ll be drowning his sorrows with plates of Lutefisk.

Alessandro Chamois

I did, couldn’t get to the link and my machine has noticeably slowed. Why did you advise against it?

West Coast Reader

He got what he should of gotten (Renshaw) but when are they also DQ-ing the wheel chucker Barredo?

Cav will win only if there’s a crash that he causes to win. Petachhi will wear the Green Jersey home and it will be the longest he ever stays in France for the rest of his life. Thor has been SMASHED, did you see his weak sprint today?

Amine Tigweld

Mark Renshaw looked like Woody Woodpecker out there! Julian Dean should get his head checked for any extra holes!

Jelle Fork

The head butt seemed like the only thing Renshaw could do with Dean running him into the barriers.

But then he glances over, sees Tyler coming up on his left, completly changes his line and zings over to force Tyler into the barriers after Farrar had actually opened up his sprint. That is the reason Renshaw is no longer riding the tour. And rightly so.

West Coast Reader

Yea, Dean was pushing Renshaw into those invisible barriers in the middle of the road, also called the loser barriers if he allowed him to over take him…

Jelle Fork

WCR, watch the overhead.

Dean said it best him self, “I dropped him (Tyler) off on Cav’s wheel and went past Renshaw to try and keep the speed high.” Dean then clearly moves up and left to force Renshaw left. Fine theres a meter or so, but if Renshaw doesn’t push back there is only barrier after that.

Bill montgomery

If you attended my qualifiers on June 7th in prospect park and have registered on the empire state games website, the new your city team can use a few riders we are currently short three riders. if you are interested contact me @ maddmongomery@hotmail.com the race dates are 7/21/2010-
7/25/2010 the fee for food and housing is 25$ racing is free
looking forward to hearing from you

Bill Montgomery


Creed is on cycling news now answering questions. sounds like a different guy entirely. maybe an impersonator.

Morelli Torque

The hardest working cyclist or at least gives the impression by pained facial expressions that he is working hard. Either way, I hope he can hang on.

rah rah

how long can phil and paul play it off as if schleck’s relatively lame attacks that do nothing to contador are somehow “sigh-co-LODGE-ickly” damaging to anyone other than schleck himself?

Svein Rucker

the whole “shoulda have waited” thing at the tour is getting totally ridiculous… here’s the guideline:

It is a bicycle race: Do not wait, ever under any circumstances.

Simple, really.

Maxime Bartape

Today was a bar fight. Schleck threw the first punch. If a guy throws the first punch, you duck, hit back with everything you’ve got, and keep pummeling. Maybe even finish him with a few kicks for sucker punching you. Good for Berto, that was sweet. Even a gentleman wouldn’t have waited for Schleck. He had a minor mis shift, which was his caused by him.

Matteo Tiralongo

1. Saxo blew it by having no one with Schleck with 3 km to the summit. Then Andy added to that by making an attack on the big ring, an amateurish move like Riis’ arrogant EPO-driven display at Huatacam in ’96. His chian came off b/c, as we all know, unless you are spinning, shifting across chainrings can always fail.
2. Did Saxo wait on the cobbles when most of the peloton got stuck behind a serious crash? No, they put the pressure on. Today those seconds went back the same way they came in. It will be a great race. Don’t count Schleck out.

sir crashalot

Hey, if it happens in mile 37, then maybe you ride easy for a bit until he catches back on. However, if it happens at the decisive moment in the race… sorry Charlie. Luck (good or bad) plays a part in every stage win. Thre fact the Yellow jersey was at stake has nothing to do with it. Give Contado props for being able to manipulate his machine. Chains don’t fall off for no reason. It wasn’t a mechical failure, it was shitty technique.

Alexandre Steerer

You can justify Alberto’s move however you want, it was still a dick move. We all knew Alberto was going to take the yellow jersey at the time trial anyway.

This is not the first time something like this has happened, and it’s been handled differently before. By you know who… the one who’s name we dare not speak.

West Coast Reader

What about these guys? Did they wait?

4. MONDORY Lloyd 87 AG2R LA MONDIALE 4h 47′ 41″ + 02′ 50″
5. ROBERTS Luke 146 TEAM MILRAM 4h 47′ 41″ + 02′ 50″
6. REDA Francesco 136 QUICK STEP 4h 47′ 41″ + 02′ 50″
7. CONTADOR Alberto 1 ASTANA 4h 47′ 41″ + 02′ 50″
8. SANCHEZ Samuel 181 EUSKALTEL – EUSKADI 4h 47′ 41″ + 02′ 50″
9. MENCHOV Denis 191 RABOBANK 4h 47′ 41″ + 02′ 50″
10. VANDBORG Brian 49 LIQUIGAS-DOIMO 4h 47′ 41″ + 02′ 50″
11. VAN SUMMEREN Johan 58 GARMIN – TRANSITIONS 4h 47′ 41″ + 02′ 50″


Matteo Saddle

it looks like schleck crossed his chain to the max – from the big ring across the largest cog. but it appears that vino was going faster than schleck when his (schleck’s) rear wheel jumps from the road. contador was caught asleep half-way down the small group at that point, but it is anybody’s guess if he was going to catch up to schleck. that schleck had already slowed down a fraction right before the chain slipped makes me think that he would had been caught.
dick move? it’s a race!

Guillaume Drainhole

he attacked like he should have its a bike race after all-but in the press conferences hes saying he was on the attack and didn’t see what happened behind him? WTF own up to it you fucking pussy. Say you attacked its a bike race get over it don’t say you didn’t know what happened you fucking pussy.

Lennert Fork

The only reason to ever stop is if someone’s steerer tube breaks. Then you stop and just give the race win to the poor bastard. All true, it’s in the race bible.

Daan Bushing

I attacked my male pattern baldness with Just for Men but dropped the container while primping in the bathroom. My date did not wait for me. What should I do?

Loggia Ceramic

Watch the video. Schelck attacks, first vino responds, the contador responds. By the time schleck’s chain comes off contador is in full chase. From the time Scheck’s chain is off until Contador passes him is about 4 or 5 seconds. How are Contador and Menchov et al supposed to figure ot what’s wrong with Schleck or his bike in 5 seconds? I can understand if it’s a Sunday ride and the group doesn’t stop for a mechanical but at the TdF – that’s just petty whining on Schleck’s part.

rah rah

menchov and sanchez would have waited if contador had been a man and made them wait. contador is the champ and he could have stepped up to dictate some of the etiquette, but he acted like a scared little kid instead.


He was not obligated to wait…but after this rather boring game this was the FIRST time we saw Contador really attack. It was just kind of annoying to seem him “dancing on the pedals” only after Andy lost his chain.

rah rah

no, not obligated, but he would have won the tour either way. we could be talking about how he has a little bit of class, but instead we’re talking about whether or not he was right to be a prick. it’s not against the rules, but it sure isn’t gonna win him any fans.

Konstantin Seatstay

How many stages will we have to neutralize for Andy to have a chance? Please, what a freakin’ whiner. He attacked, he cross-chained dangerously, and he paid the price.

Next you haters will say Alberto can’t attack on a descent because Andy’s mom doesn’t want him to go fast down hill. Seems like O’Grady needs to have a little talk with Andy about H-ing TFU.


He didn’t whine too loud…just said it wasn’t something he would do. And that he would seek f’n revenge. Finally something to breath some life into this boring dance up the mountains.


C’mon…you can see a guy that is clearly having bike issues when you go around him. 5 seconds is way more than enough time to see that a competitor is having a mech – especially when you pass him and ya hear the chain skip rattling off of the gear makin crazy noise. If he/she were gonna crash you, i bet you’d notice. SILENCE from your bike is perfection. If my rig makes a peep, I’m pullin over to check sh*t out. Those guys should probably have given a little consideration but in all fairness, why the fck doesnt the yellow jersey have a chain watcher?! Its standard issue these days – wtf.

No chain wtchr? I would’ve attacked on principle – whats up Saxo?

Arthur Pulley

Wouldnt it be funny if berto came out and said “He didnt have a watcher so, he fcked himself. Why didnt he have one? Oh well now I wear his jersey. no more questions”


Kind of funny/weird how LA is like almost 7 minutes up the road right now and nobody cares.

Is LA the new (insert French cyclist name)?


check out how the numbers correlate to Lance’s retirement and comeback and tell me he hasn’t had an enormous and positive effect on racing

Matteo Saddle

13 secs. off at the top of the bales yesterday.
then lost 26 secs. more on the descent. his mama may have take him down from the tourmalet in a stroller tomorrow. what a scared little pussy whiner he is.

rah rah

dude he’s 6-foot something, 130-something pounds, was coming off a 1k effort in which he closed 15 seconds to a group led by the best climber in the world, with no help, and then was chasing one of the best descenders in the tour in sammy sanchez. yeah, what a pussy.

Otis Crackenberry

Didn’t Creed race with Armstrong at Tour of Ireland last year ?
Any interesting conversations with Lance in Ireland ? First race with Lance since his last year with Discovery.


I’ve ridden the Tormalet from this direction. It’s brutal. They’re lucky it’s cloudy. I had to stop at some snack bar 2/3 the way up and suck down 2 cokes and three ice pops. We had already done 2 other climbs so i was bonking. Toughest climb I’ve done.

Stan Clamp

I wish Horner had had an opportunity to ride the TdF for himself. I think he’s probably the most talented U.S. stage racer of his era. If he’d been as ruthless and driven as Lance, who knows?


Good racer but no cleaner than the other guys of his era. Wonder if the Shack pulls out of the sponsorship after the Tour. They are not invited to the Vuelta and Lance is done with grand tours. Really an embarassment that a team with basically 5 Tour leaders could only muster up a 10th on GC and from a guy that did all the work.

Looks like Levi and Lance are holding out for a win in the TT.


back when he raced in france, for a french team, and was an up and coming rider, horner left that behind b/c he missed ‘america’, or as he said in an old interview, “burgers, beers, etc.” what a gringo!
incredible cyclist, all the same.

Dylan Polished

By your logic, Sky, Garmin, BMC, and a whole host of other sponsors will pull their sponsorship. Lance, by just being Lance, has already brought plenty of publicity to Radioshack/Nissan. At least Radioshack has a stage win. If they pull their sponsorship, it’s because they are going broke anyway.


BMC,Garmin, Sky, have riders for the future and are riding future grand tours. The shack suck it up with 5 grand tour contenders, did not race the giro, will not race the vuelta and have only one big race win this year (Pais Vasco). So I am not following your connection.

Lucas Headset

Wiggins is 30, VDV is 34, Evans is 33.
These are “riders for the future”? No, these are CURRENT tour contenders.
And who are the 5 tour contenders on The Shack?
Lance is 38, Horner is 38, Levi is 36, & Kloden is 35.
Poppovych, even though he is only 30, is and will always be a support rider.
If anything, Sky and BMC have been profoundly more disappointing than Radioshack. Garmin had some bad luck, but at least Ryder is looking solid.

Mauro Flange

the best elite masters team at this year’s tour. but could could they match the global locate train?

West Coast Reader

Much like the company the team is composed of 3rd party brands (Countries) with a few American (USA-an) products/riders, most are touted as quality but most customers/fans know its all over hyped and no one buys/believes in it. This year and this years Tour has proven that and from the fact that they’re trying to sell the brand as well the stores will be renamed/rebranded as well, its a matter of time, only the riders will move on to other teams or retire. I’d bet most will retire due to their history or history with the team and others (teams) not wanting to touch that with a 10 foot pole or WADA urine sample container.

Major disappointment RadioShack has been and yes others have also disappointed but none were as hyped up as them, all the pre-tour hype has never amounted to anything. At least Garmin & Sky were only hyped up as possible contenders not powerhouse team with endless threats due to their experience and rider-power.

Therefor in conclusion, major fail, mainly due to the fact that the black cloud over Lance & Joe-Han is still there and we all know is going to ruin anything they had going, aka the stealth doping.

Bernardo Headbadge

Sorry, West Coast Dreamer, but Sky is by far and above the most overhyped team this year. The goal of the team is to put a British rider on the podium of a grand tour, namely Wiggins. Who is their highest ranked rider? A Swede. And Wiggins is in 24th place, right behind Lance. Ha ha. Talk about major fail. Lance is way old, Wiggins is in his prime.

West Coast Reader

Podium placing is less hype than proposing to win the Tour (again) and not winning or even coming close. Not to mention crashing so many times you take yourself out of the race so to speak. Then resort to getting in a break to attempt to win a stage yet are easily beaten by a bunch of French middle of the pack riders in a sprint. Then bumping a spectator and getting mad that he dare exist and even be around at the end of the stage.

Fail. To use the so often used quote, he failed Cancer as well.

At least Wiggins isn’t out whining about it or taking it out on a random fan. Wiggins is still making that dough whether he podiums or sits on the bench, I call that a win for him, the sponsors (Sky) are the crack heads for giving him that much money in the first place.

Nicolas Seatmasticator


explain the system behind the auto generated names on NYVelocity.

Also tell us epic stories about FBF races.

Otis Crackenberry

Anything over 40k I get 20% plus last years bike. Lance wants you back he belives in 2nd chances.

Palla Locknut

Creed sounds like the teacher in Charlie Brown. Can’t understand a word he’s saying.


Or like he’s trying to talk with about 8 marbles in his mouth.

Ooh Castle!! Where’s the drawbridge…?

West Coast Reader

I’d love to listen but the sound is just killing it, maybe some mic covers or turn one down to 50% so it doesn’t go over and ruin the sound, its as if its off or on, on sound record volume. Need a sound engineer to tune up the setup.

Jonas Butyl

“For some it was crazy, for others it was stupid, and others a day of courage and bravery. For me, it was a day to enjoy being on the bike.”

– Carlos Sastre on his ultimately futile attack on Stage 17..

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