Not that Mengoni Argument

Section head text.

I would like to come up with an argument today that wouldn’t descend into jealousy-fueled tirades against Mengoni, but I don’t forsee that happening. It seems that people are compelled to think that the Mengoni riders were suspended for doping accusations (which they weren’t), and they also feel free to condemn Charlie and Mr. I for nefarious backstage scheming (complete with a big chair and a white long-haired cat for stroking in a menacing fashion) — which is such a preposterous notion that it makes my head smoke more than usual. The information that we have is that the riders in question were expected by their federation to show up at a race that they didn’t know they were obligated to go to or that they even knew about. They didn’t go to the race, and their federation suspended them for a year for, in essence, not taking a plane ride. The heavy-handed tactics on the part of the Dominican Federation should be the source of outrage in this case, not the Mengoni team. That is how I feel about the whole situation, you are welcome to add your own feelings below. And please refrain from: unfounded doping claim(s), slurs against whole races or nationalities, bad grammar (who am I kidding), and any tirades against Ford F150s — as I really like 1970’s vintage Ford F150s.



What gets me is how so many in the NYC racing community suspect guys doping. I think we need the whole story before jumping on one side or the other. For one, how does a racer no know that his country of citizenship has asked him to participate in a major race and to represent the country. I find that puzzling… I would like to think if the USA asked me to race on the national team in the Tour of Missouri I would at least know the invitation was out there and would be able to accept or respectfully deny. Also, does USA cycling have to follow a DR ban? Could the race non-UCI events? If its not doping and only political I would like to know if they have any racing options outside UCI.


Section 9. Suspensions by Other Organizations. USA
Cycling and its Associations shall honor the suspensions or
other disciplinary actions imposed by the USOC, the UCI, UCI
member National Federations, and their affiliates, USA


i don’t think jumping to the “doping” conclusion is far fetched these days when you hear someone is suspended. Fair or not, this is the day we live in. an inordinately large percentage of suspensions over the last few years are due to doping infractions so it’s not hard to assume.

perhaps there was some national team snafu and subsequent snub. We will all know once the uci publishes the reason.

in the meantime – button pushers can continue to say “DOPE!! I KNEW IT” just to get the suckers to react and post 200 word diatribes on the immaturity of this site. the comedians can keep posting hysterical satire on the stereotypes of Dominicans and the world will keep going round.

soon enough it will be friday and there will be cat 4 winner predictions for saturday’s race. “so and so” really needs to upgrade, “this junior” doesn’t challenge himself enough to meet everyone else’s unfair expectations and schmalz doesn’t fix the goddam site errors, put the time stamp back on posts, and censors too much ken harris talk.

so get back at it. i agree with the below poster that we need to think a bit more creatively than to simply repost comments on jared. please post like you are auditioning for The Onion and not like you are writing cartoons for your 8th grade class paper.

i anxiously await


What is the deal with Harlem this year….TV Coverage, ringer fields? Who knows about that race.


Jumping to the doping conclusion is far fetched. One, doping suspensions are not for 1 year. Two, it shows disrespect toward the Mengoni team, Mr. I and Charlie who have earned and desrerve the respect of the local cycling community. If it was a doping violation they would tell us. Hopefully the situation will be resolved and Amaurys and Rafael can resume racing with the team.


it’s hard not to be suspicious about doping when it’s so common, accessible, and acceptable. from average 10th grade body builders to hip hop artists, doping seems like tattoos. once on the fringe of polite society and now nothing special.


Well, they haven’t released anything to the contrary. They skip out on a race thats well known for testing guys, with no contact whatsoever, essentially disappear for all intensive purposes for the DR team, thats somewhat suspicious, not to mention totally fuckin rude. I’d be pissed too if two dudes left me standin at the airport waiting for them to show, after I paid their way.

Even putting the rudeness factor aside for the moment, not showing knowing theres testing, can be considered a positive. its not as bad as actually being caught, hence, 1 year.


If they were intelligent, they would have sent out a statement before it hit the street explaining what happened, saying it wasn’t drug related (assuming thats true). But they didn’t. They didn’t say shit. What do you expect?


“schmalz doesn’t fix the goddam site errors, put the time stamp back on posts, and censors too much ken harris talk”

Fix the errors! Censor! I don’t do everything here, I am just the pretty face of the organization.


I mean let’s be honest local 24-40 year old riders, who cares if someone is doping and taking a spot in front of you. It’s not like we are racing to feed our children. If you are a professional and if you are a young junior who has a “shot” at becoming something…not the dime a dozen 23 year old cat 1-2…a real shot, then you can care. Everybody else should be laughing inside about the guys who dope. It’s like getting mad at the roid head at the gym because he benches 2350 and you bench 300 clean becuase you want to be the strongest guy in the gym…let it go.

Ford 150 or a Bronco 2 with the top off, and a blonde with a cowboy hat in the backseat. Bronco 2 wins.


the Bronco II tops did not come off. The original Bronco produced from 1967-1977 had the fully removable top, and was just about the dreamiest 4X4 ever created.

What the heck

It serves these riders right to have gotten suspended for not traveling to a race where they were supposed to represent the DR national team.

National teams as a whole have little money to spend and you would think the DR National Team has even less. Race invitations are hard to come by at UCI events and that 2 riders who took spots away from other riders decided to not to travel is unacceptable.

That these riders suggest that they didn’t know they were supposed to race is laughable since the DR national team “should of” provided plane tickets to where ever they where supposed to go (which leads to the question; what races did they miss?).

It is however “possibly” true that the riders didn’t know they were supposed to attend said events. In retrospect the better suspension would have been to suspend them from the DR national team indefinately versus suspending their licenses.

That this happened is an example of poor communication by the riders and their federation and the result is the smearing of the Mengoni team which has been around forever and of Mr. Mengoni who has been a patron to the sport locally and internationally.

Very unfortunate.


You’re talking about the original Broncos! Completely different story. Especially when they came with the 289 engine.


facts aren’t smears. Its easy to get around drug testing, basically, don’t go to a race where they test. If they do, drop out, or hide in the back of the pack and pray. Happens ALL THE TIME. How many races where testing occurs has Amaury podiumed? cero. Its not Mengoni, its the riders.


I roll into Prospect park with my 1968 Bronco, top off, sun shining, take a crap behind teh dumpsters, I get told to get out of joggers lane, i kill myself at the top of the hill 2-3 times and never get in a break that works, take my 14th, wait 2 hours to get paid, then as I am pulling out of the parking lot Starry Eyed Surpise starts playing on the radio, some hot blonde girl who is drinking diet coke starts roller skating circles around my bronco, she hops in becuase she saw me place 14th, we roll beach side, she just happens to also ride a fixey to work, “HOT”, and then I spend the rest of the afternoon on the beach wondering whether wilson is on clomid or a healthy matrix of freihoffer choclate covered donuts and stella dora breakfast treats.


Please have some respect – we are still celebrating Memorial Day. Just take a moment and think about that. There are more important issues than idiotic, anonymous name-calling. Does anyone remember who called whom what name on some irrelevant post a year ago? No one is really paying attention and chronicling all this for posterity, folks. Let’s maintain perspective.

28 May. A day to honor those who sacrificed on our behalf. Forget the negativity. Whoever wants to participate constructively in this community, and celebrate Memorial Day with others of a similar mind, please join us for our 3rd Annual Civil War Re-enactment Trip. The bus leaves Grant’s Tome at 5:45 am on Sunday, and registration will be up on at 12 noon today.

Same as years past, we divide into two armies – grey on one side, and blue/orange/black on the other – and travel north to Syracuse, to a “64-mile course consisting of two 31-mile laps and a slight turn-off leading to a steep but somewhat short uphill finish.” Scene of the original, and now infamous, battle – 28 May 2005, NY State Cat 4/5 Inter-Galactic Championships of the Free World – which spawned the NYVeloCivil War of I which I type (or the War of Skyline Aggression, depending on your point of view.)

We will divide into two fields – Cat 4/5, and Masters, and let a break get up the road from each group. And then they’ll mix. And then we’ll mix. Anarchy will ensure. We will then all TT to private residences in Syracuse, commandeer their computers, and begin attacking each other (textually, with snarky posts that is, and wearing helmets just to be on the safe side) on a NYVeloCity thread specifically designated for the event. (Thanks to Messrs. Shen, Ostroy, and Schmalz for their support, as always.) Be sure to start reading that rulebook tonight!

I will play the part of General Steve Rosenblum, and lead the faux-Skyliners in the blue/orange/black. Todd the Father will lead the anonymous hordes. Cap’n Ed will choreograph and oversee all battle re-enactments. VSP will be on-hand as scribe. Uccisore Abejorro will be providing complimentary espressi for all re-enactors. Toni will most likely be behind the bathrooms at the Song Mountain Ski Resort, smoking the chronic. (Keep your womenfolk away from him; after last year’s Harlem race he had the lecherous audacity to tell my mother that “something had gotten real stiff after his race and he could use a warm hand to rub it out for him.” And she did! But I digress.)

Amateur historiographers can see the entire, gripping first-hand account of the NYVeloCivil War here:

(Read carefully, and you will find – oh man, I get chickenskin just thinking about it! – what I have independently verified to be Almighty Todd’s first post, under the pseudonym “Non-Skyliner-er.”)

A condensed summary with helpful historical context can be found here:

(Search ‘classic nyvelocity posts’.)

Never forget the 28th of May, my friends. To this day, you can still find dazed and wounded veterans typing their way out of threads long thought to be dormant. Like Japanese soldiers marooned on some desert isle, unknowing of Emperor Hirohito’s unconditional surrender and the disbanding of the Japanese Military 60 years hence, they come out of old threads and into the daylight unaware that we live in relatively peaceful times. Pale, skinny, malnourished, weak, with sallow eyes and exposed ribcages – pretty much like any other racing cyclist, actually. I guess that’s why we don’t notice them so much.


That the 28th of May below remembers much more about the site than I do? And he’s found the secret way to the links graveyard!


I’m glad we have English teachers around here to fix our grammatical errors. What would we do without them.


what does memorial day have to do with a couple of Dominicans, who I’m pretty sure did not serve in the US armed forces….


She is scouting for Slipstream….sending pics back to johnathan vaughters ……pedal faster!!


wow….i havent seen those guys get so whipped up since they introduced the Aero Razor bottle cage…..


We should have a rumble. Or a grammar competition. Or maybe a spelling bee. Definitely not a team time trial though…


Your example makes no sense. J-walking is annoying, and technically illegal, though its not costing other people any money, or wasting their time, unless you get in the way of a car or something, but now I’m adding details to your example though its still not relevant.

The riders put the DR out money and I’m sure they don’t have it oozing out their ass, other riders missed their chance to do a race, not to mention makes the DR look super unorganized when they show up two men short for a race. Its a dick move, and simply saying “thats OK” is not how it should work, and apparently now how its working. The list of responsibilities giving to a cyclist is rather short, and one of them is show up if someone is laying cash down to get you there; its disrespectful not to show. The DR obviously knows that banning them from the team is not really much of a punishment if they are going to be racing in the states all season, so suspend the license.

This whole argument is mute anyways, as any rider racing in the US is required to hold a USA cycling license. There are exceptions to that rule assholes, so don’t get all technical on it. Point is, they will have to get USAC licenses in the future.


Plus, if they apply for USAC licenses now they probably wouldn’t get them, as their UCI is suspended, Which is why DR contacted USAC direct. Shit out of luck.

jft who'd rather be an asshole than a prolix dope

“This whole argument is mute anyways, as any rider racing in the US is required to hold a USA cycling license. There are exceptions to that rule assholes, so don’t get all technical on it. ”

Wow…you’re an idiot.


Do your homework before spewing your ignorant bull shit. You don’t know dog doody about licenses and you’re speculating about what happened with DR riders without any knowledge. As someone more eloquent than I once said ” Shut up you stupid slut.”


That is cool that Ball is sponsoring that…invite only…TV coverage…what is the deal this year, anyone have details


We’ll see when Amaury comes back as a cat 2, like Edwin, or all the other dominicans who couldn’t get licenses after the pulla fiasco.


Just a reminder for anyone looking for a local race this Sunday the Connecticut Coast Cycling Team is putting on a race in Bethel. The best part is that some of the proceeds will go towards helping families living with and fighting cancer.


Same as it always is, except the pro 1/2 is part of the usa crit series. Invite and riders approved by promoter, 10 grand prize list. what else do you need to know? Harlem is north of central park on the island of Manhattan in the state of NY. The race is 4 corners, one city block, paved in asphalt, complete with holes and manhole covers in the corners. bad music, aggro riders, james joseph…..


Harlem comments are typical nyvelocity cynical bs. Some people on this site wouldn’t see a difference between a pickup basketball game in Central Park and the NBA finals. Just another b-ball game just another bike race.


Ain’t the NBA finals bro.

Its NRC’ish. Its not crit world championships. Same exact race, larger purse. TV cameras don’t make it the hot shit, they’ve had cameras at thater before, do you see binghamton calling that the NBA finals? Get over your city.


Schmalz might have to upgrade to go “head to toe” with R&R. I thought it was head to head, but let the grammar police correct that.


if it’s “NRC-ish,” like a mount holly or something, that’s a huge step up from what it was last year.


Sorta. I think the promotion simply improved. I only hope since its “such a big deal” now they will repave the entire course, as it sucks now.


Even if it has improved significantly, still ain’t the NBA Finals. I’m not sure I’d put it into the same category as mt. holly, but we’ll see.


Enough already about NBA finals….we all know it’s not the pro tour for c-sakes. I think the question people are looking to answer is…part of USA crit series, TV coverage, invite only….sounds like a rather large step up from last year, and potentially one of the more high profile races our area will see this year.


Sounds like it trumps heading to Housatonic.


do you complain about the hills in hilly races, too? christ. potholes are nyc’s kinderhoofd. you don’t like ’em, don’t race ’em.


Bigger than Mt. Holly which is no longer a rode race because it’s part of USACrits Series. Harlem should get the top national level crit riders.
The Cat 3, Masters and Women’s races all pay $1000 which is a major step up too.


Of course Harlem’s not the NBA finals, the Tour de France or the US National Championships. The point was that some of the dips on this site can’t distinguish between anything. Harlem will be at a whole new level this year. It won’t look or feel the same. It’s the highest level race in the City since the downtown race of 4 years ago and is on a better course and includes races for all categories.


I road my rode bike on a rode the other day, after going to the roadeo and watching Patrick Swayze in Rodehouse.

Oh, and ‘it’s not that hard’? That’s what she said.

harlem cat 3 championships

is doing the nature valley grand prix, so probably not doing harlem, unless they have some extra guys from the B team.


If they can refrain from recruiting the DJ from the local Deli, they may have something. As for the pave’, the tarmac for harlem is a huge step up from what it used to be 3 years ago. If any of you raced that course back then, when it was called the “skinscraper classic”, there wouldnt be any mention of the road conditions today. Honestly, harlem roads are better than Floyd and I dont hear anybody whining about Floyd! I hope they also get an announcer that knows the competitors, atleast somewhat. The MC situation is fairly lame as well. CRCA does a fine job putting this race on, there are just those little details that could push the event to something a bit more special.
Television coverage is a pretty big deal for this event and I agree many may forgo Housatonic or atleast try and pull the double!


Crappy roads give the area character. The roads at Somerville were awful. Harlem has to be an improvement.

And speaking of crappy roads….Rockleigh tonight.


So it’s not baby butt smooth, big deal. Use stronger wheels and hold on tighter. What are you a triathlete?


A night crit at Harlem would be epic!! They should try it. I dont think NYC has ever done any night racing. If Harlem wanted to set it self apart from the other races (in the country) they should try this. Considering the cool night life NYC has on offer, I bet many would turn out to watch and I’m certain the local news would cover it – no question.


I’ve been wanting this for along time, but I would have it in Union Square. There’s lots of restaurants and places to booze there. Unfortunately, we only have the budget for indoor racing here at NYVC.


Why doesn\’t Westwood have a women\’s team? Do they only like guys or are they just really self centered? They should broaden their horizons a little and be more inclusive.


Yea Union Sq would be ideal as far as the spectators for sure. That Northwest corner would be a friggen nightmare if the we had to stay outside of the park. If the course went inside the parking lot on the North side, you’d have somethin!! That area has brick paved parts as well. It would be pretty epic also…Make it happen shmlz! use that Phil Liggett, CVV charisma you’re so good at.


Capital for the initial event would be a big hill to climb. The advantages to holding the event annually would be huge.
– huge boost in club membership (huge)
– team sponsorship would be much more appealing to companies, especially in the union square area.
– businesses directly off of the course would gain a crap load of foot traffic.
– CRCA would have a major feather in its cap and balance out the popularity the runners have been holding in the park for ages. Probably gain a little leverage with the TT thing in CPK if Union Square took off.

Win – Win!!


This is what I am envisioning.

Fairly decent crowd…random harlem guys killing 40’s hooping and hollering

Rock Racing banners everywhere

Some hot rock racing models chilling

Probably 2-3 rock racing ringers who didn’t do nature valley

All the best local cat 1-2’s

Television coverage…HUGE

You can go home, and watch yourself in an early break on repeat, and then send to that girl you like on facebook with a tag “check out minutes 2:15 through 3:30” or like me tell your wife to watch it again.

A certain buzz in the air…it’s harlem and it’s televised

Big cash prizes

Probably a decent announcer

And then I heard that Schmalz is going to coordinate a bar post race where dudes can chill and sip cocktails with the rock racing ladies.


Be happy that you live in the area….it’s all about the cache of the name “HARLEM”….Ball is all about marketing, guy gets it! Any other town and you wouldn’t have a stones chance at TV coverage.

Which equals what the earlier poster wrote…It will be the highest level race in the City since the downtown race of 4 years ago.


Comedy — guys get a big sponsor and tv coverage in a local race, and they bitch about location.


Harlem does have a little bit of the “dodgecity” cosmopolitan aura around it that makes Union Sq. seem not as cool and yea this would be the best thing since the crit down in wall st. some years back – probably better! NIGHT CRIT – make it happen!!!!


Which one do you want to sponsor?


UNIOUNSQUAREROCKS…eewww let’s eat at Blue Water post race.

Easy decision….HARLEM! FIRED UP TO RACE.

Don't look at a gift horse in the mouth

I’m totally stoked about Harlem being televised, everyone please stop bitching.


Are they just televising the Harlem P12 or are they actually televising the 3 and 4 races too? If so, LOL….I like the idea of people riding off the front to get some TV shine for Chico’s Bail Bonds and other local sponsors.


“And then I heard that Schmalz is going to coordinate a bar post race where dudes can chill and sip cocktails with the rock racing ladies.”

Sounds good, but I have nothing to do with the race this year. Bars aren’t that hard to find, though.


A rock center crit would rule – include some flights of stairs to make it a bit more challenging


i’m guessing just the pro’s but If I’m not mistaken I believe the televised bmc race downtown some years back televised the amatuer and pro events.


not quite sure why everyone is all excited about a race on tv that 99% of you guys wont be doing.


Daddy got the call….doing Harlem ROCKS!

Gonna whiten my teeth and shine my helmet so I look good on TV baby!


I’m doing Harlemrocks dudes. There is no way that Iwould miss suck a high profile event so close to home. Maybe I will introduce myself to JFT. Or maybe not…


dang, guess my skinny little climbers legs might have to forfeit the Housatonic entry fee for this one


i got the call out to harlem too, but, I’m not creamin my pants about it. Start taking bets on how many non-pros finish….. less than 20.


OK teh odds….figure a full field of 125…..25 ringers, and 100 local 1/2’s….I say 65 guys don’t get lapped….or 40 locals.


Series Calendar
Athens Twilight Athens, GA April 26
Tulsa Tough Tulsa, OK May 31
Harlem Skyscraper Classic New York, NY June 15
AT&T Downtown Austin Criterium Austin, TX June 21
Iron Hill Twilight Criterium West Chester, PA July 5
BC Cancer Foundation’s Tour de Gastown Vancouver, BC July 16
Wells Fargo Twilight Criterium Boise, ID July 19
Presbyterian Invitational Criterium Charlotte, NC August 2
Chris Thater Memorial Criterium Binghamton, NY August 24
USA Crits Finals Las Vegas, NV September 25


I’m not sure I can race harlem – it’s an invitational and I think only 1s are getting in easily.

But, if it’s dry, I don’t see that many guys will get lapped. The course is pretty straightforward and not technical. It’ll be hard for lower-level 2s but if it’s like other NRC crits I’ve done, it shouldn’t be too hard for that sort of guy to ride around in the field.

If it’s super hot or rains it will be another story.


impossible for a cat 4 to do both as housatonic goes off at 9:20 and is 54 mile race. harlem cat 4s start at 12:45. i do see some people pre-reg’d for both, though…


impossible for a cat 4 to do both as housatonic goes off at 9:20 and is 54 mile race. harlem cat 4s start at 12:45. i do see some people pre-reg’d for both, though…


I’m not sure I can race harlem – it’s an invitational and I think only 1s are getting in easily.

But, if it’s dry, I don’t see that many guys will get lapped. The course is pretty straightforward and not technical. It’ll be hard for lower-level 2s but if it’s like other NRC crits I’ve done, it shouldn’t be too hard for that sort of guy to ride around in the field.

If it’s super hot or rains it will be another story.


i got the call out to harlem too, but, I’m not creamin my pants about it. Start taking bets on how many non-pros finish….. less than 20.


OK teh odds….figure a full field of 125…..25 ringers, and 100 local 1/2’s….I say 65 guys don’t get lapped….or 40 locals.


Series Calendar
Athens Twilight Athens, GA April 26
Tulsa Tough Tulsa, OK May 31
Harlem Skyscraper Classic New York, NY June 15
AT&T Downtown Austin Criterium Austin, TX June 21
Iron Hill Twilight Criterium West Chester, PA July 5
BC Cancer Foundation’s Tour de Gastown Vancouver, BC July 16
Wells Fargo Twilight Criterium Boise, ID July 19
Presbyterian Invitational Criterium Charlotte, NC August 2
Chris Thater Memorial Criterium Binghamton, NY August 24
USA Crits Finals Las Vegas, NV September 25


dang, guess my skinny little climbers legs might have to forfeit the Housatonic entry fee for this one


i’m guessing just the pro’s but If I’m not mistaken I believe the televised bmc race downtown some years back televised the amatuer and pro events.


not quite sure why everyone is all excited about a race on tv that 99% of you guys wont be doing.


Daddy got the call….doing Harlem ROCKS!

Gonna whiten my teeth and shine my helmet so I look good on TV baby!


I’m doing Harlemrocks dudes. There is no way that Iwould miss suck a high profile event so close to home. Maybe I will introduce myself to JFT. Or maybe not…


A rock center crit would rule – include some flights of stairs to make it a bit more challenging


Are they just televising the Harlem P12 or are they actually televising the 3 and 4 races too? If so, LOL….I like the idea of people riding off the front to get some TV shine for Chico’s Bail Bonds and other local sponsors.


“And then I heard that Schmalz is going to coordinate a bar post race where dudes can chill and sip cocktails with the rock racing ladies.”

Sounds good, but I have nothing to do with the race this year. Bars aren’t that hard to find, though.

Don't look at a gift horse in the mouth

I’m totally stoked about Harlem being televised, everyone please stop bitching.


Which one do you want to sponsor?


UNIOUNSQUAREROCKS…eewww let’s eat at Blue Water post race.

Easy decision….HARLEM! FIRED UP TO RACE.


This is what I am envisioning.

Fairly decent crowd…random harlem guys killing 40’s hooping and hollering

Rock Racing banners everywhere

Some hot rock racing models chilling

Probably 2-3 rock racing ringers who didn’t do nature valley

All the best local cat 1-2’s

Television coverage…HUGE

You can go home, and watch yourself in an early break on repeat, and then send to that girl you like on facebook with a tag “check out minutes 2:15 through 3:30” or like me tell your wife to watch it again.

A certain buzz in the air…it’s harlem and it’s televised

Big cash prizes

Probably a decent announcer

And then I heard that Schmalz is going to coordinate a bar post race where dudes can chill and sip cocktails with the rock racing ladies.


Be happy that you live in the area….it’s all about the cache of the name “HARLEM”….Ball is all about marketing, guy gets it! Any other town and you wouldn’t have a stones chance at TV coverage.

Which equals what the earlier poster wrote…It will be the highest level race in the City since the downtown race of 4 years ago.


Comedy — guys get a big sponsor and tv coverage in a local race, and they bitch about location.


Harlem does have a little bit of the “dodgecity” cosmopolitan aura around it that makes Union Sq. seem not as cool and yea this would be the best thing since the crit down in wall st. some years back – probably better! NIGHT CRIT – make it happen!!!!


Capital for the initial event would be a big hill to climb. The advantages to holding the event annually would be huge.
– huge boost in club membership (huge)
– team sponsorship would be much more appealing to companies, especially in the union square area.
– businesses directly off of the course would gain a crap load of foot traffic.
– CRCA would have a major feather in its cap and balance out the popularity the runners have been holding in the park for ages. Probably gain a little leverage with the TT thing in CPK if Union Square took off.

Win – Win!!


Yea Union Sq would be ideal as far as the spectators for sure. That Northwest corner would be a friggen nightmare if the we had to stay outside of the park. If the course went inside the parking lot on the North side, you’d have somethin!! That area has brick paved parts as well. It would be pretty epic also…Make it happen shmlz! use that Phil Liggett, CVV charisma you’re so good at.


Why doesn\’t Westwood have a women\’s team? Do they only like guys or are they just really self centered? They should broaden their horizons a little and be more inclusive.


I’ve been wanting this for along time, but I would have it in Union Square. There’s lots of restaurants and places to booze there. Unfortunately, we only have the budget for indoor racing here at NYVC.


A night crit at Harlem would be epic!! They should try it. I dont think NYC has ever done any night racing. If Harlem wanted to set it self apart from the other races (in the country) they should try this. Considering the cool night life NYC has on offer, I bet many would turn out to watch and I’m certain the local news would cover it – no question.


So it’s not baby butt smooth, big deal. Use stronger wheels and hold on tighter. What are you a triathlete?


Crappy roads give the area character. The roads at Somerville were awful. Harlem has to be an improvement.

And speaking of crappy roads….Rockleigh tonight.


If they can refrain from recruiting the DJ from the local Deli, they may have something. As for the pave’, the tarmac for harlem is a huge step up from what it used to be 3 years ago. If any of you raced that course back then, when it was called the “skinscraper classic”, there wouldnt be any mention of the road conditions today. Honestly, harlem roads are better than Floyd and I dont hear anybody whining about Floyd! I hope they also get an announcer that knows the competitors, atleast somewhat. The MC situation is fairly lame as well. CRCA does a fine job putting this race on, there are just those little details that could push the event to something a bit more special.
Television coverage is a pretty big deal for this event and I agree many may forgo Housatonic or atleast try and pull the double!


I road my rode bike on a rode the other day, after going to the roadeo and watching Patrick Swayze in Rodehouse.

Oh, and ‘it’s not that hard’? That’s what she said.

harlem cat 3 championships

is doing the nature valley grand prix, so probably not doing harlem, unless they have some extra guys from the B team.


Of course Harlem’s not the NBA finals, the Tour de France or the US National Championships. The point was that some of the dips on this site can’t distinguish between anything. Harlem will be at a whole new level this year. It won’t look or feel the same. It’s the highest level race in the City since the downtown race of 4 years ago and is on a better course and includes races for all categories.


Bigger than Mt. Holly which is no longer a rode race because it’s part of USACrits Series. Harlem should get the top national level crit riders.
The Cat 3, Masters and Women’s races all pay $1000 which is a major step up too.


do you complain about the hills in hilly races, too? christ. potholes are nyc’s kinderhoofd. you don’t like ’em, don’t race ’em.


Enough already about NBA finals….we all know it’s not the pro tour for c-sakes. I think the question people are looking to answer is…part of USA crit series, TV coverage, invite only….sounds like a rather large step up from last year, and potentially one of the more high profile races our area will see this year.


Sounds like it trumps heading to Housatonic.


Even if it has improved significantly, still ain’t the NBA Finals. I’m not sure I’d put it into the same category as mt. holly, but we’ll see.


Sorta. I think the promotion simply improved. I only hope since its “such a big deal” now they will repave the entire course, as it sucks now.


if it’s “NRC-ish,” like a mount holly or something, that’s a huge step up from what it was last year.


Ain’t the NBA finals bro.

Its NRC’ish. Its not crit world championships. Same exact race, larger purse. TV cameras don’t make it the hot shit, they’ve had cameras at thater before, do you see binghamton calling that the NBA finals? Get over your city.


Schmalz might have to upgrade to go “head to toe” with R&R. I thought it was head to head, but let the grammar police correct that.


Same as it always is, except the pro 1/2 is part of the usa crit series. Invite and riders approved by promoter, 10 grand prize list. what else do you need to know? Harlem is north of central park on the island of Manhattan in the state of NY. The race is 4 corners, one city block, paved in asphalt, complete with holes and manhole covers in the corners. bad music, aggro riders, james joseph…..


Harlem comments are typical nyvelocity cynical bs. Some people on this site wouldn’t see a difference between a pickup basketball game in Central Park and the NBA finals. Just another b-ball game just another bike race.


Just a reminder for anyone looking for a local race this Sunday the Connecticut Coast Cycling Team is putting on a race in Bethel. The best part is that some of the proceeds will go towards helping families living with and fighting cancer.


We’ll see when Amaury comes back as a cat 2, like Edwin, or all the other dominicans who couldn’t get licenses after the pulla fiasco.


That is cool that Ball is sponsoring that…invite only…TV coverage…what is the deal this year, anyone have details


Do your homework before spewing your ignorant bull shit. You don’t know dog doody about licenses and you’re speculating about what happened with DR riders without any knowledge. As someone more eloquent than I once said ” Shut up you stupid slut.”


Plus, if they apply for USAC licenses now they probably wouldn’t get them, as their UCI is suspended, Which is why DR contacted USAC direct. Shit out of luck.

jft who'd rather be an asshole than a prolix dope

“This whole argument is mute anyways, as any rider racing in the US is required to hold a USA cycling license. There are exceptions to that rule assholes, so don’t get all technical on it. ”

Wow…you’re an idiot.


We should have a rumble. Or a grammar competition. Or maybe a spelling bee. Definitely not a team time trial though…


Your example makes no sense. J-walking is annoying, and technically illegal, though its not costing other people any money, or wasting their time, unless you get in the way of a car or something, but now I’m adding details to your example though its still not relevant.

The riders put the DR out money and I’m sure they don’t have it oozing out their ass, other riders missed their chance to do a race, not to mention makes the DR look super unorganized when they show up two men short for a race. Its a dick move, and simply saying “thats OK” is not how it should work, and apparently now how its working. The list of responsibilities giving to a cyclist is rather short, and one of them is show up if someone is laying cash down to get you there; its disrespectful not to show. The DR obviously knows that banning them from the team is not really much of a punishment if they are going to be racing in the states all season, so suspend the license.

This whole argument is mute anyways, as any rider racing in the US is required to hold a USA cycling license. There are exceptions to that rule assholes, so don’t get all technical on it. Point is, they will have to get USAC licenses in the future.


wow….i havent seen those guys get so whipped up since they introduced the Aero Razor bottle cage…..


She is scouting for Slipstream….sending pics back to johnathan vaughters ……pedal faster!!


what does memorial day have to do with a couple of Dominicans, who I’m pretty sure did not serve in the US armed forces….


I’m glad we have English teachers around here to fix our grammatical errors. What would we do without them.


That the 28th of May below remembers much more about the site than I do? And he’s found the secret way to the links graveyard!


Please have some respect – we are still celebrating Memorial Day. Just take a moment and think about that. There are more important issues than idiotic, anonymous name-calling. Does anyone remember who called whom what name on some irrelevant post a year ago? No one is really paying attention and chronicling all this for posterity, folks. Let’s maintain perspective.

28 May. A day to honor those who sacrificed on our behalf. Forget the negativity. Whoever wants to participate constructively in this community, and celebrate Memorial Day with others of a similar mind, please join us for our 3rd Annual Civil War Re-enactment Trip. The bus leaves Grant’s Tome at 5:45 am on Sunday, and registration will be up on at 12 noon today.

Same as years past, we divide into two armies – grey on one side, and blue/orange/black on the other – and travel north to Syracuse, to a “64-mile course consisting of two 31-mile laps and a slight turn-off leading to a steep but somewhat short uphill finish.” Scene of the original, and now infamous, battle – 28 May 2005, NY State Cat 4/5 Inter-Galactic Championships of the Free World – which spawned the NYVeloCivil War of I which I type (or the War of Skyline Aggression, depending on your point of view.)

We will divide into two fields – Cat 4/5, and Masters, and let a break get up the road from each group. And then they’ll mix. And then we’ll mix. Anarchy will ensure. We will then all TT to private residences in Syracuse, commandeer their computers, and begin attacking each other (textually, with snarky posts that is, and wearing helmets just to be on the safe side) on a NYVeloCity thread specifically designated for the event. (Thanks to Messrs. Shen, Ostroy, and Schmalz for their support, as always.) Be sure to start reading that rulebook tonight!

I will play the part of General Steve Rosenblum, and lead the faux-Skyliners in the blue/orange/black. Todd the Father will lead the anonymous hordes. Cap’n Ed will choreograph and oversee all battle re-enactments. VSP will be on-hand as scribe. Uccisore Abejorro will be providing complimentary espressi for all re-enactors. Toni will most likely be behind the bathrooms at the Song Mountain Ski Resort, smoking the chronic. (Keep your womenfolk away from him; after last year’s Harlem race he had the lecherous audacity to tell my mother that “something had gotten real stiff after his race and he could use a warm hand to rub it out for him.” And she did! But I digress.)

Amateur historiographers can see the entire, gripping first-hand account of the NYVeloCivil War here:

(Read carefully, and you will find – oh man, I get chickenskin just thinking about it! – what I have independently verified to be Almighty Todd’s first post, under the pseudonym “Non-Skyliner-er.”)

A condensed summary with helpful historical context can be found here:

(Search ‘classic nyvelocity posts’.)

Never forget the 28th of May, my friends. To this day, you can still find dazed and wounded veterans typing their way out of threads long thought to be dormant. Like Japanese soldiers marooned on some desert isle, unknowing of Emperor Hirohito’s unconditional surrender and the disbanding of the Japanese Military 60 years hence, they come out of old threads and into the daylight unaware that we live in relatively peaceful times. Pale, skinny, malnourished, weak, with sallow eyes and exposed ribcages – pretty much like any other racing cyclist, actually. I guess that’s why we don’t notice them so much.


I roll into Prospect park with my 1968 Bronco, top off, sun shining, take a crap behind teh dumpsters, I get told to get out of joggers lane, i kill myself at the top of the hill 2-3 times and never get in a break that works, take my 14th, wait 2 hours to get paid, then as I am pulling out of the parking lot Starry Eyed Surpise starts playing on the radio, some hot blonde girl who is drinking diet coke starts roller skating circles around my bronco, she hops in becuase she saw me place 14th, we roll beach side, she just happens to also ride a fixey to work, “HOT”, and then I spend the rest of the afternoon on the beach wondering whether wilson is on clomid or a healthy matrix of freihoffer choclate covered donuts and stella dora breakfast treats.


facts aren’t smears. Its easy to get around drug testing, basically, don’t go to a race where they test. If they do, drop out, or hide in the back of the pack and pray. Happens ALL THE TIME. How many races where testing occurs has Amaury podiumed? cero. Its not Mengoni, its the riders.


You’re talking about the original Broncos! Completely different story. Especially when they came with the 289 engine.

What the heck

It serves these riders right to have gotten suspended for not traveling to a race where they were supposed to represent the DR national team.

National teams as a whole have little money to spend and you would think the DR National Team has even less. Race invitations are hard to come by at UCI events and that 2 riders who took spots away from other riders decided to not to travel is unacceptable.

That these riders suggest that they didn’t know they were supposed to race is laughable since the DR national team “should of” provided plane tickets to where ever they where supposed to go (which leads to the question; what races did they miss?).

It is however “possibly” true that the riders didn’t know they were supposed to attend said events. In retrospect the better suspension would have been to suspend them from the DR national team indefinately versus suspending their licenses.

That this happened is an example of poor communication by the riders and their federation and the result is the smearing of the Mengoni team which has been around forever and of Mr. Mengoni who has been a patron to the sport locally and internationally.

Very unfortunate.


the Bronco II tops did not come off. The original Bronco produced from 1967-1977 had the fully removable top, and was just about the dreamiest 4X4 ever created.


If they were intelligent, they would have sent out a statement before it hit the street explaining what happened, saying it wasn’t drug related (assuming thats true). But they didn’t. They didn’t say shit. What do you expect?


“schmalz doesn’t fix the goddam site errors, put the time stamp back on posts, and censors too much ken harris talk”

Fix the errors! Censor! I don’t do everything here, I am just the pretty face of the organization.


I mean let’s be honest local 24-40 year old riders, who cares if someone is doping and taking a spot in front of you. It’s not like we are racing to feed our children. If you are a professional and if you are a young junior who has a “shot” at becoming something…not the dime a dozen 23 year old cat 1-2…a real shot, then you can care. Everybody else should be laughing inside about the guys who dope. It’s like getting mad at the roid head at the gym because he benches 2350 and you bench 300 clean becuase you want to be the strongest guy in the gym…let it go.

Ford 150 or a Bronco 2 with the top off, and a blonde with a cowboy hat in the backseat. Bronco 2 wins.


Well, they haven’t released anything to the contrary. They skip out on a race thats well known for testing guys, with no contact whatsoever, essentially disappear for all intensive purposes for the DR team, thats somewhat suspicious, not to mention totally fuckin rude. I’d be pissed too if two dudes left me standin at the airport waiting for them to show, after I paid their way.

Even putting the rudeness factor aside for the moment, not showing knowing theres testing, can be considered a positive. its not as bad as actually being caught, hence, 1 year.


it’s hard not to be suspicious about doping when it’s so common, accessible, and acceptable. from average 10th grade body builders to hip hop artists, doping seems like tattoos. once on the fringe of polite society and now nothing special.


Jumping to the doping conclusion is far fetched. One, doping suspensions are not for 1 year. Two, it shows disrespect toward the Mengoni team, Mr. I and Charlie who have earned and desrerve the respect of the local cycling community. If it was a doping violation they would tell us. Hopefully the situation will be resolved and Amaurys and Rafael can resume racing with the team.


What is the deal with Harlem this year….TV Coverage, ringer fields? Who knows about that race.


i don’t think jumping to the “doping” conclusion is far fetched these days when you hear someone is suspended. Fair or not, this is the day we live in. an inordinately large percentage of suspensions over the last few years are due to doping infractions so it’s not hard to assume.

perhaps there was some national team snafu and subsequent snub. We will all know once the uci publishes the reason.

in the meantime – button pushers can continue to say “DOPE!! I KNEW IT” just to get the suckers to react and post 200 word diatribes on the immaturity of this site. the comedians can keep posting hysterical satire on the stereotypes of Dominicans and the world will keep going round.

soon enough it will be friday and there will be cat 4 winner predictions for saturday’s race. “so and so” really needs to upgrade, “this junior” doesn’t challenge himself enough to meet everyone else’s unfair expectations and schmalz doesn’t fix the goddam site errors, put the time stamp back on posts, and censors too much ken harris talk.

so get back at it. i agree with the below poster that we need to think a bit more creatively than to simply repost comments on jared. please post like you are auditioning for The Onion and not like you are writing cartoons for your 8th grade class paper.

i anxiously await


Section 9. Suspensions by Other Organizations. USA
Cycling and its Associations shall honor the suspensions or
other disciplinary actions imposed by the USOC, the UCI, UCI
member National Federations, and their affiliates, USA


What gets me is how so many in the NYC racing community suspect guys doping. I think we need the whole story before jumping on one side or the other. For one, how does a racer no know that his country of citizenship has asked him to participate in a major race and to represent the country. I find that puzzling… I would like to think if the USA asked me to race on the national team in the Tour of Missouri I would at least know the invitation was out there and would be able to accept or respectfully deny. Also, does USA cycling have to follow a DR ban? Could the race non-UCI events? If its not doping and only political I would like to know if they have any racing options outside UCI.

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