New Venue Argument

New places

The big three parks (Central, Prospect and FBF) in the city do a yeoman’s job supporting the many events throughout the racing season, but are there any other venues out there that can help shoulder the load?


Do you noticed any locations that could hold a race? Perhaps at an excruciatingly early morning hour on a weekend? I’ve always wondered if it would be viable to have an early morning weekday race – maybe on a Thursday morning? And can someone put all of that together? As I just can’t – I’m way too busy – doing , you know, stuff…




What about Roosevelt and Randalls island? Seems to me if a promoter was creative about it they could find more spots amenable to a race.

joe mamma bahama

NYC bike racing Utopia is in Greenwood Cemetery in park slope. If you don’t believe me then bike past it and at the roads through the fence… or google earth it.

I thought about roosevelt & randalls but would ambulance have easy access when somebody sprints for 30th place and crashes into #29?


I like the Greenwood Cemetery idea. I like the idea of guys running into to take a dump on someone’s mother’s tombstone…….


at SUNY Old Westbury. That seems like a great (and leg-breaking) course. Fast, smooth amd relentless rollers with a few leg-checks every lap. You wouldn’t be able to just sit in and be guaranteed a pack finish. But I heard that someone got hurt and sued, and that was the end of racing at the college.


There are many other venues. You just have to drive a little. Some like Bear Mtn, Catskills and Unionvale aren’t that far. There has to be a balance between local and regional races. There are plenty of local races and hopefully we can maintain them. The suggestions so far add nothing.


They did do races there in the 70’s and 80’s. Great course-hard enough to break things up but not stupid hard. I remember they did a weeknight series and the occasional weekend race there including an 80 mile race that was brutal.

Like a lot of venues the actions of one person ruined it for everyone.


Long Island and Westchester CO venues are all accessible by train. NYC racers need to travel a bit if they want new venues “close” to home. Otherwise continue racing the shit shows that are PP, CP and FBF.


i still like the idea of mixing up the races in CP a bit. doing the bottom loop or a really short circuit of harlem hill using the cut-off would be fun/hard.. it would also minimize inteference with other park users and lessen the need for as many marshalls.


upper cp crit would be tight. tough to pull off, as it would effectively close top end of the park to other users, and have to be carefully marshalled along the cut-off, but would be a great race.

crca has been great mixing up the formats last couple of years w/ points races, HH points, power points etc


On Sep 24, 2008, at 9:52 AM, mjgreen36 wrote:

Ken Harris broke the UCI 40+ One Hour record last night at the Trexlertown track. He rode over 45.5 kilometers or 28.25 mph. The record is pending official certification and the results of the drug test. More details later. Congratulations Ken!!!

Colin P.

What a well deserved accomplishment! From speaking with Ken, it was clear that he worked very hard and thought out everything. There was no doubt that the record would be his. Again, congrats!

Luis Diaz

World record. Yes.

No one over 40 has ever been recorded faster than Ken Harris for an hour on a bicycle. And it happened right there in Kissena, last night.

100 meters short of 137 laps. 45.5 Km.


Here it comes … the typical NYC type A bulls*it skepticism. The guy set a world record for his age group folks! Awesome job Ken!! Congrats for putting in the hard work and getting it done.


Ken! Awesome! Those guys at Blue Man Group really took a chance in giving you a two-year sabbatical, but man has it proven worthwhile! Congratulations!


yeah they kinda do drug testing when you break records….

if only they did it in prospect when you break the record for most laps cut short and still winning.



to show excessive admiration or devotion to; flatter or admire servilely.
[Origin: 1770–80; back formation from adulation, ME < MF < L adūlātiōn- (s. of adūlātiō) servile flattery, fawning, equiv. to adūlāt(us), ptp. of adūlārī, -āre to fawn upon (of dogs), appar. a nominal deriv., with ad- ad-, of an otherwise unattested base + -iōn- -ion]


last I checked this is a Road(?) racing site and has nothing to do with word history, grammar, and anal retentive issues.

Hey wait, this statement is anal retentive… 🙁


and his personal best is better than yours, or go out and prove it. what the hell, that’s the point of the HOUR RECORD.


“ken’s accomlishment is impressive, but we’re basically fawning over a personal best.”

Maybe you’re fawning over a personal best. I’m fawning over a frickin’ age-group world record. Great job Ken!


PNC training series – Schooleys Mountain Long Valley – Cedar Mountain Vernon – Lifeline Challenge Branchbrook

These guys would have held a major 3 day stage race in Vernon NJ going into Warick NY but the NJBA stopped them.

All new races from Premiere in 08.

Ken Harris

USAC told me not to have the SRM in view, so I pulled it off and ran old campy 177.5s. However, based on testing a few days earlier, I’d put it at around 350w for the effort. I now have an official distance of 45.587 km. I probably also set a record for the number of sponges hit with pedals — 177’s on a cervelo won’t clear the sponges set on the blue band at that speed. I must have kicked up a sponge every other lap.

Also, USADA met me at my apartment when I came back into the city, not in Trexlertown.

The UCI could always bounce the attempt for whatever reason they choose, but I’ve got the national record once the USADA result is through.


How about Liberty State Park for TT’s. I’ve ridden some laps there and it”s ideal. It’s flat. about 3 miles up& back. The roads are in good shape and nobody uses it. For those in the city who don’t have a car. You take the Path to the Newport stop and it’s a 5 min. bike ride south.

How about Governor’s for Crits?

Anybody have contacts with the folks running these parks?

oversize load

I’m a little surprised by the estimated wattages – I’ve raced against ken and figured he’d be a little higher than that, say close to 400. Not slamming him mind you, 350 is definitely better than I could manage.

Question; so 350 is the hour output, what’s output for 10-20 minutes?


Great Job Ken!
(sorry, new to the track and never been to t-town, what are sponges?)
also — did you use the same set up as Kissenna or did you make adjustments?


“What about Roosevelt and Randalls island? Seems to me if a promoter was creative about it they could find more spots amenable to a race.”

I lived on RI for a year, there is NOWHERE to race on it. The police are also some of the worst around.

Ken Harris

sponges are set out on the inside of the track to keep the rider from cutting a short line (aka blue-banding: riding the blue band beneath the pole line).

My best ten minutes is 450w, set last week. I did 380w for an hour last Friday. But that’s not bent over with my head down into my elbows in one fixed position at one cadence trying not to go numb while not riding up the track or off the track. The power isn’t difficult, it’s holding the line and the position and the power relentlessly even for an hour. And breathing at the same time.


“No one over 40 has ever been recorded faster than Ken Harris for an hour on a bicycle.”

Didn’t Francesco Moser, at age 55, re-set his own record on an Obree-type bike?


schmalz — when you are back from interbike (that lance armstrong cyclocross event in the desert) howzabout a Ken Harris interview? Would love to hear about the training, gear choice, position tweaks that made this happen?

The Wheelsucker

2 close by options:
Ft. Tryon Park (just past GWB)- the loop is 1 mile 1/3 downhill, 1/3 flat 1/3 uphill, with a roundabout at the top… so Euro.

Hunts Point, Bronx: Food Center Road is 1.4 Mile flat loop

I For 1 always thought Rockland lake would make a great venue for a TT or Circuit race, but not close enough for a series ala FBF.

Tony Settel

Fantastic!!! Congratulations. What dedication to plan, train for and execute this ride. Really impressive. Can you post a pic of the bike you used for the ride? It had to be non aero, yes?


just how much does a replacement water bottle cost? it looks a little hard to reach, also. i’m not sold. How long before we see the mankinis out on this thing, though. I can’t wait for central park t be full of these. They should really have made an integrated bento box.


Not sure on that but Cervelo *gives* you a spare with the purchase of the frame. It looks, and tested, very fast.


just as fast and way more road worthy. How fast can the hidden brakes, nose-cone headtube/forks be?
…especially if you don’t go and get the best position…
Ken great job! Amazing really!
Do you think for all practical purposes you squeezed out your fastest time?
Double disks? Better breathing? Full body suit? Time of day? Tired just thinking about logistics and variables…
Really great that you put it together! Dr. Stan is no slouch, cat.1, he won Sommerville Masters solo!!!


The place in Wantagh where they held the Tour de Parc Crit is a very nice loop, closed to traffic and accessible by train in about an hour.


I dream of series combining places around…put Harlem or Ft. Tryon, Libery State, Bring back Orchard Beach, Try Hunts Point on a non business day, Over to Flushing, possibly add one of FBF and Prospect,Staten Island (Governor’s great by probably not accessable and real rough by now)and crown those with the most points!

PS My dream is to enter a race on Garrett Mtn. overlooking Paterson & Rt. 80, and racing a fast loop around downtown Hackensack! Hackensack’s like Sommerville but more pro!

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