Naughty or Nice?

What’d you get?

Christmas spirit, Schmistmas spirit. You know you loves you some schwag. So was Santa good to you? Did you get what you want? What was on your wish list? And if you say ‘world peace’, you’re getting a wedgie.

Santa gave me no bike schwag, but I did return home to find that my IRO bike, payment for some work I did for them, had arrived!

…and it’s built.




dare to take out his credit card while being online, she might turn him into Mary Christmas and I have to admit that I make myself sick just thinking about all the cycling shit I’ve acquired over the years, so no, I did not buy any cycling stuff. I did get two sweaters though and that is a nice change from the usual.


On Christmas Day my girlfriend, the ex-stripper, woke me with a demonstration of a new tongue twister she learned and then handed me a huge gift certificate to Cadence. Then she started to shake the certificate at me shouting “take care of this now”. I then woke up in reality and saw my wife waving a Con Ed final disconnect notice in my face…reality sucks…bah humbug!


I asked Santa for some EPO this xmas, and in my stocking was a bottle of Evening Primrose Oil. Will that make me faster?


I signed a mutal non-aggression pact with my wife. I’m saving my nickels, dimes, and quarters for a new bike chain, as a belated present to myself.


I most have been naughty. couse I went on VAKAY and I spend
xmas the next two days with my arms around a toilet (in a third world country noless)
Yep Montezuma lives.
Happy new year to all


Who are you giving oral sex for permission to go to winter training camp? Your coach??? Surely that’s part of your regular warm up with your wife or g/f…


If there was a “race” it might start at Engineers Gate at 7:00. You should check with others that might know more about the race that isn’t happening.


World Peace, Liz Hatch, Armstrong mentioning me on Twitter, A trip to this year’s TDF, a stopover in Amsterdam ;} , VDV wins the tour, Hincapie wins Paris-Roubaix, Danielson wins a stage of something again and that Page really just got mixed up in a not so funny comedy of errors.


Got cash and a bike. Bike was more of a bonus thing. It’s a 29er singlespeed, and I need another bike like I need a hole in the head, but it’s kinda cool.


So – Whats the skinny on Empire, Mengoni and TargetT (see some Target Guys on CCNS for 09)? Kenda is done and it seems so is Fiordi.

Also – looks like Sommerville lost its only good road racers and is now mostly a track and Cat3 squad?

Adler and Empire seem to be the best Cat1-2 teams now….


Avoid this site at all costs. They send you stuff you did not order when your item is out of stock and then charge your account. Then its next to impossible to get them to refund your account.


1) Adler and Empire seem to have the most 1s and 2s on their teams

2) Sommerville seems to be more of a Cat3 and Track team now.

What happened to Sal, Ron and McKinley on Sommerville? Is Mengoni having a team. They have maybe 2 guys under 40 who can race and not on some kind of suspension.

Also – Kraft Genie should be mentioned as a strong team. They have some strong guys (Gavi, Butts)


Yeah, it’s ridiculously long. The one there is barely long enough, only about 1 1/2″ inside the seat tube. Not sure what he’s thinking with the geometry.

brian g

Looking grim for the NYD Non-Ride/Race tomorrow morning…

3-5 inches today with a start time temperature of 16 (-1 with wind chill). Last year it was about 34 degrees and sleet/raining from Piermont up to Bear Mountain and back. Those conditions are positively pristine compared to tomorrow.

Happy New Year Everyone!

Brian G.


Give it a rest. This is lame and only a handful of Cat4s will be there. Plus riding hard in January in below freezing temps on icy roads is just plain stupid. Not good for the mind or the body.

Sleep in and visit with your family and friends. The real racing starts in April.


i love to hate on somebody else’s arbitrary measure of cycling success and claim that my own arbitrary goals are “real racing.” I’m a Cat0 and world champion in barefoot november hobbyhorse racing–that’s the REAL test of a man’s testicular fortitude.


Are you saying a good form of offseason training is to go 100% for 3 hours in temps below freezing on icy roads? Even the fools on the Gimbels ride slow it down this time of year and avoid the icy days.

Putting aside that each person has their own personal goals and motiviations for the season, this kind of ride is not a good idea for this time of year.


the point was that judging other people harshly for what they find rewarding on a bike is silly. Brian G. is a grown adult who can make informed and responsible decisions about his riding habits. You don’t find him bitching and moaning about other people’s methods in the summer. anyway, its not like he is blowing an entire road season by having a little fun in the winter. further more, if it isn’t the best way to train, who cares–its not like anybody on this forum needs the most scientific method to peak for the races and the season that we participate in. Live and let live. Don’t think the NYD ride is smart, don’t show up. You won’t be missed. That being said, I probably won’t be there either, so don’t look for ‘wheelsucker.’

brian g

Brian G. is a grown adult who can make informed and responsible decisions about his riding habits.

Written by someone who doesn’t really know me that well. What I know about riding and training can probably fit into the thimble that CJ uses to personally sew the FGX team kit. But I do know that last year’s NYD ride, with its accompanying weather-based adversity, was a lot of fun.

I’m looking forward to next season already.

This was an interesting piece that I saw this morning. – Suggesting that Lemond call The Tour of Italy if NBC gets the broadcast rights.

Have a good day all


Sweet, you got an IRO, now all you need is a studded belt and you can come live in williamsburg. douche.

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