Mix it up argument

Sitting on your hand?

This week’s argument is another reader submitted one, allowing us more time to work up our audition tape for “Flavor of Love”.

Is there any way that a well-rutted race course can be modified to shake things up a bit? Maybe running the race in an opposite direction? Maybe using a different turn? Perhaps by adding a section that mimics the DMZ from the Korean War? Wait – that just sounds crazy…




I’ll tell you what’s shaken things up profoundly at ol’ Floyd — and it isn’t guard towers or barbed wire.

Bathrooms. Right next to registration. Clean, pleasant, with a little electric fan and even a mirror for last minute preening.

I thought I had died and gone to prison. Please don’t let it be a dream that I’m awoken from.


don’t get used to it, those deeeeluxe portajohns will be gone when that movie shoot strikes its set!


The sprint through the faux DMZ added to the whole Floyd experience which includes the ride out and back on Flatbush. Too bad it’s not permanent.


Yea, re-paving the rutted, choppy asphalt on the back nine certainly changes the flow of the course, since you won’t need to single up or ride the gutter anymore.

Not to worry though, still no port-a-johns, so that grassroots “pee in the bushes” vibe is still there.


Is anyone doing this race this Saturday?


2009 Criterium New York
Presented by
Metropolitan Cycling Association | Team Squiggle
Brooklyn, NY
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Online Registration Closes
Thursday, May 14, 2009 at 9:00 PM ET

It looks like it’s at FBF but doesn’t appear to be the normal race course, which may be a good thing.


i want to talk about the schmalz curse. mike creed agrees to do interviews, next thing you know he’s fired. next up, vande velde, breaks his ribs. charlie issendorf wound up in the hospital. and can it be mere coincidence that armstrong broke his collarbone for the first time this spring after nyvelocity trained its evil eye on him?

when will it end? how many more fine riders have to be sacrificed to feed this site’s appetite for destruction?


when you said mixing it up, I thought you meant people mixing into the fields where they weren’t supposed to be. The guy who caused the crash in the 3/4 field at FBF yesterday was somebody who jumped into the field and was in way over his head.


Me and your mom on why we had a nosey packfiller like you.Now go whip your nose and ride your bike.


pretty funny. no.

i just want to know which one of you fuckin animals to stay away from next time i race floyd.


he was an extra in the film who happened to have his bike around. he couldn’t resist.


Creed is now on Team Type 1 which is a considerably more respectable team that Rock Racing. Being fired from Rock Racing was a blessing. However, VDV, Charlie I. and maybe even Lance prove an alarming coincidence that once the victim is featured on the NY Velocity website that they are immediately cursed. I suspect Schmalz is a closet practicioner of voodoo.


are you sure about that? i didn’t see anyone without a number, but did see a lot of people acting stupid who were registered


next thing you know vaughters has a freak shaving accident in which one of his sideburns gets cut off


apparently JV’s ’69 Chateau Cheval Blanc (St Emilion, Grand Cru Classé) was corked last night – “mon dieu! Calgon, take me away” he was heard to rasp breathlessly before fainting


I stopped to help the folks who went down. One of the guys was NYVC, one was BVF, and the third was a guy without a number and even said to the offical that he wasn’t in the race. the BVF guy popped back up, the NYVC guy broke his collar bone, and the third guy probably had a concussion and some road rash.


gotcha. well, that sucks. a cycling film? he just happened to have some team kit with him?


ok, so yours was a joke, but apparently he wasn’t racing, but was wearing kit, ie, arrived too late? so the ‘in over head’ story may not be the case as well. inquiring minds..


After flatting, I was watching the races go by, and I noticed a handful of random riders sitting in on the back of different fields. Stupid and dangerous. Hopefully these guys will learn.


There has been a guy jumping in all the fields at PP for the past two weeks. He actually got in a break and slowed them down last week. Two weeks ago he was in a KOM kit.


are common in FBF and Prospect Park races. I hope you don’t believe this is a recent occurrence.


the 3/4 crash happened pretty near the front of the race, as a break was coming back…so it’s not just the stragglers who are at risk.


I think it’s time to jump the jumpers. It should be known that we mean business and are not to be fucked with. It’s obvious that that behavior is dangerous and puts us all at risk. It is up to us to police our own races. If this were Europe they would be in the gutter.


Just different locations (not just FBF) and less cones, it’s New York for God’s sake!


May 11, 2002

Men 1/2/3
30 Starters 35 Miles Points Laps

1. Arthur Rutte, Win/Holland 21 lead lap
2. Todd Herriott, CRCA/Think Racing 20
3. Wilson Vasquez, CRCA/Mengoni 19 at one lap
4. Frank Van Rooijian, Win/Holland 15
5. Bryce Shapley, Win/Holland 9
6. Walter Mol, Win/Holland 5
7. Inson Wood, CRCA/Ecaps 3
8. Leon Moser, CRCA/Think Racing 3
9. Basil Moutsopouloulos, CRCA 2
10. Eugene Boronow, CRCA/SBCG 2
11. Mark Nicoll, ESSM/GPOA
12. Ray Diaz, CRCA/Gap
13. Juan Pablo Castro, Ideal Tile
14. Haig Marino, EECT/Kreb Cycle
15. Paul Marchese, Team Invensys
16. Eric Juzysta, Team Invensys
17. George Suter, CRCA/Think Racing
18. David Ebeling, WebEvent.com
19. Jelle Mul, Win/Holland
20. Sean Mannion, CRCA/Think Racing
21. Dan S., CRCA/Think Racing
22. Mark Siega, CRCA/Remax
23. Chung Chiang, CRCA/Metro Sanchez
24. John Tomlinson, Century-SBCG
25. Michel Corneus, Win/Holland

Sprint Rider Numbers Points
60 to go 22, 19, 26, 5 5, 3, 2, 1
50 to go 29, 23, 22, 1 5, 3, 2, 1
40 to go 29, 23, 26, 15 5, 3, 2, 1
30 to go 29, 23, 26, 15 10, 6, 4, 2
20 to go 25, 27, 22, 26 5, 3, 2, 1
10 to go 15, 23, 26, 1 5, 3, 2, 1
Finish 15, 23, 26, 12 10, 6, 4, 2

Women Open
23 Starters 20 Miles Points

1. Catherine Powers, Terry Precision 21
2. Laura Summers, WebEvent.com 18
3. Ann Marie Miller, Verizon 10
4. Sara Barker, WebEvent.com 3
5. Randy Sharp, CRCA/Axis 2
6. Sarah Sauvayre, CRCA/Women’s Sports 1
7. Beth Renaud, CRCA/Women’s Sports
8. Jane Berger, CRCA/Axis
9. Kimberly Kaufmann, Unione Sportiva Italiana
10. Frances Harrison, CRCA/Women’s Sports
11. Penny Buchar, WebEvent.com
12. Kira Krenichyn, CRCA/Axis
13. Tara Parsons, CRCA/RLX Polo Sport
14. Leslie Jennings, Century-SBCG
15. Nanci Modica, CRCA/Dash-Renaissance
16. Andrea Grossman, CRCA/Dash-Renaissance
17. Hanna Vasquez, CRCA/Women’s Sports
18. Shelley Reynolds, WebEvent.com
19. Jessica Cherry, CRCA/Columbia

Sprint Rider Numbers Points
30 to go 108, 106, 122, 105 5, 3, 2, 1
20 to go 108, 106, 105, 117 5, 3, 2, 1
10 to go 106, 105, 108, 122 5, 3, 2, 1
Finish 106, 108, 105, 121 10, 6, 4, 2

Men 3
31 Starters 15 Miles Points

1. James McDade, CRCA/Kaplan 14
2. Robert Lattanzi, CRCA/Miya Shoji 13
3. Keith Ryan, CRCA/Axis 8
4. Stephen Jamison, CRCA/Miya Shoji 4
5. Salvatore Abbruzzese, CRCA/MoneyGram 2
6. Chung Chiang, CRCA/Metro Sanchez 2
7. John Caruso, Carl Hart/Festo 1
8. Tarrytown
9. John Morales, Tarrytown
10. Jacek Lewandowski, CRCA
11. Ian Farrar, Sleepy Hollow
12. Michael Gansberg, CRCA/Metro Sanchez
13. Colin Sandberg, ESSM/GPOA
14. John Fox, HVVC/WebEvent.com
15. Paul Carbonara, CRCA/Axis
16. William Canon, CRCA
17. Greg Wheeler, Colavita/MBS
18. Oscar Osorso, Tarrytown
19. David Greenburg, CRCA/Dash-Renaissance
20. Zuishu Hanafusa, CRCA/Miya Shoji
21. Ralph Hussard, CRCA/Axis
22. Greg Avon, Kissena

Sprint Rider Numbers Points
20 to go 210, 207, 230, 206 5, 3, 2, 1
10 to go 207, 210, 206, 226 5, 3, 2, 1
Finish 206, 207, 205, 201 10, 6, 4, 2

Men 4
23 Starters
15 Miles Points

1. Greg O’Brien, Unione Sportiva Italiana 20
2. Pieter Maessen 10
3. Turgut Balikci 7
4. Todd Stodolski, CRCA/Gap 6
5. Tony Pechenik, CRCA/Miya Shoji 1
6. Tim Nilson, CRCA/Run Media
7. Phillip Hershberger, CBRC
8. Alexander Aquilino, Unione Sportiva Italiana
9. Walter Fernandez, CRCA/Moneygram
10. Craig Milano, HVVC/WebEvent.com
11. Tom Chiudina, Unione Sportiva Italiana
12. Jason Williams, Unione Sportiva Italiana
13. Charles Jordan
14. Ferdinand Scharf, CRCA
15. William Andrew, CRCA/Miya Shoji
16. Norman Lu, CRCA
17. Ernesto Paredes, CRCA/Chelsea Bikes
18. Conrad Meyer, CRCA/Setanta
19. Robert Goodlett, Unione Sportiva Italiana

Sprint Rider Numbers Points
20 to go 258, 265, 264, 267 5, 3, 2, 1
10 to go 258, 254, 264, 265 5, 3, 2, 1
Finish 258, 265, 254, 264 10, 6, 4, 2


More great pics – super shots from FBF – we are very lucky to have these to enjoy!

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