Lucarelli & Castaldi Renew Title Sponsorship

Sponsorship renewed

With the 2010 Lucarelli & Castaldi Cup still fresh in the history books, the Kissena Cycling Club is pleased to announce the Law Firm of Lucarelli & Castaldi will once again return as the title sponsor of the 2011 Lucarelli & Castaldi Cup Prospect Park Series and the 2011 Kissena Tuesday Night Race Series at Floyd Bennett Field.

"We’re excited to have Lucarelli & Castaldi return as the title sponsor" says Charlie Issendorf, Race Director of the Kissena Cycling Club.  "I’ve been receiving a ton of emails from riders since the 2010 Lucarelli & Castaldi Cup finished just a week ago saying how much they enjoyed the series.  We had a record number of riders with every Category 5 race selling out in advance and 6 of the 7 Pro/Category 1-2-3 races also selling out.  Without the title sponsorship of Lucarelli & Castaldi the overall series competition would not be possible and as always I encourage everybody to support the companies that support your races".
Phil Castaldi, one of the partners in Lucarelli & Castaldi, continued "2011 will mark our third year sponsoring the Kissena Race Series.  This year was our first as title sponsor and we could have not be more pleased.  As many New York City racers know, my brothers and I have competed in all the Brooklyn races for most of our lives and this is my way of giving back to the sport".
The 2011 Lucarelli & Castaldi Prospect Park Series dates will be announced this November and the 2011 Kissena Tuesday Night Race Series at Floyd Bennett Field will start May 3, 2011.


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About Lucarelli & Castaldi 
The Law Firm of Lucarelli & Castaldi is a personal injury law firm that handles serious accident cases in New York and New Jersey. The Firm was originally founded in 1992 and maintains offices conveniently located in Manhattan, Staten Island and Freehold, New Jersey.  Our staff takes pride in being courteous, polite and attentive to each of our clients. In addition to our commitment to securing the best possible outcome on each case we handle, each client is treated with dignity, respect and assured that their case is just as important as the biggest case in the Firm.  For more information call (718) 556-1800 or visit  
About the Kissena Cycling Club
The Kissena Cycling Club was founded in 1963 and is one of the premier cycling clubs in New York City. We are dedicated to supporting bicycling and cyclists of all levels with a special interest in developing new (young and old) racers. We promote road races in Brooklyn’s Prospect Park and Floyd Bennett Field and Long Island’s Cedar Creek Park as well as track races at the Kissena Velodrome in Queens. For more information visit




Axel Steerer

This is great to hear – this rider, at least, is grateful. And more importantly, this rider has all but memorized the L&C number for any legal recs that come my way.

fred herbert

Having a title sponsor for a series of park races whose entry fees are approaching the point of being excessive is a little weird.

Matteo Brakepad

Huge thanks to L&C and to all of the tireless efforts by Charlie I. A fantastic race series that’s sure to become even more popular given the consistency of the events, the promoter and the sponsor! Great job – this racer will be seeing you out there making every conceivable effort to be out front in the break away!! Thanks again

Phil Castaldi

I’m glad to hear that everyone enjoyed the series. I rode all but one of the races and was truly impressed with the hard work that Charlie puts into the series. Between the sprints, the KOM/hill, and the overall leader’s jersey, it certainly puts some excitement into racing in Prospect Park. I am looking forward to 2011.

My office is always available to anyone who needs our services. I represent a lot of the local racers. We will continue to support the sport and hope that the NYC cycling community continues to support us. The consultation is always free.

We handle personal injury claims and property damage claims. I don’t take a fee on a rider’s property damage claim. If your bike gets totalled in a car accident, I understand that you will probably need the money to purchase a new bike. Everything we recover for your bike goes to you.

Phil Castaldi

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