Lance back argument

Contador’s domestique?


It’s official now – Lance is coming back. But this announcement brings with it many questions. We are going to go out on a limb here and assume that he will ride for Astana – although the team has not yet confirmed this.

What does Lance’s comeback do to the team dynamic at Astana? Will Contador happily ride for an Armstrong win? Will anyone remember to ride for Levi? Will Armstrong be able to call up the French president to ensure that the team gets invited to the Tour?

And who can beat Lance Armstrong (Basso? Landis? Cipo?) at the 2009 Tour – and how will they do it?




What’s funny about this comeback is that the casual fan may be intrigued, but the reaction from the racing community is a collective groan. The pros were pretty happy that Lance was in the rear view mirror – not only because he beat them, but because the overall Lance Obsession and Lance Ego Army just overwhelmed the Tour and American cycling. The idea that he’s coming back to save cycling is a laugh. Yes, the sport has been rocked by some difficult times post-Armstrong — Landis, Ricco, sponsors fleeing, etc – but there have also been some very cool new stars and new intrigue — Fabian, the Schlecks, Cav, etc — that have brought new energy and style. You have the rise of Garmin Chip and Team Columbia, two American teams that are winning the right way and with some panache. Next year this will be pushed aside for LanceMania 2.0, and that is sad and boring (can you imagine what Versus is going to be like next year? I want to throw my TV out the window already). And we haven’t even gotten to the same dominant, dull strategy that will surely be employed to get him the yellow jersey. Forget about the interesting mano y mano battles you saw in the mountains this year — it’s gonna be 7 guys hauling him up the Galiber until he’s ready to make the move. I’m sure he can win it, and maybe we should all just bow to his greatness, but honestly: yawn.

That said, there is part of me that thinks that Frank and Andy will put the smack down next year and that will make it great.


Wednesday, August 27, 2008
The Plodding Line: Altitude training and racing, the desire to win and be on top, the opening to help bring cycling back, an opportunity to take the LAF and cancer fight global, getting out of the gossip pages back on the sports pages and Lance being Lance = we WILL see Lance race in 2009, for Astana in the Tour? I wouldn’t bet against it!

Lance a lot of $

Yes, many of us were glad to see Lancemania die down after he retired. We laughed when he dated Mashley Olsen (not sure which of them he did but who cares). We saw the marathons for what they were- a publicity stunt but now the Uniballer is returning to the pro cycling…what to expect? He will draw enough attention to the Tour of Georgia that he will single handedly save a great American race. The young guns on the pro tour now have a big target in their sights and that can make for some good racing. TV viewers and attendance at races will increase. Lance’s foundation will get millions in donations as will many other cancer charities. And Trek can sell thousands more Madones to those with more money than skill. Now where did I put that yellow bracelet?


i really dont know too much about the watt thing. but Chris Van was rolling about 5.5 on the hills in the tour. Lance was doing well over 6 at his best, and was clean? (not according to Lim)

I think he can win without the dope now. The tour is slower for sure just by the numbers.

So why not if he has the right team. it will be cool to see the third week tt. he usually would win easily. i would also like to see his blood levels in the third week to see if he becomes anemic like he should.

A. Wheelsucker

While most of us in the racing cult can’t stand him for a variety of reasons, it’s probably a good thing for cycling, and especially bike shop owners.


Hang in there NYVC readers, I heard our source who broke “Lance returns” is working on two more that may or may not be related:
-1- more Sarah Palin dirt
-2- new team for an up-and-coming CRCA star. Can’t divulge a name yet but his initials are CJIA.


Anyone out there know if the Van Dessel Cross is happenging this year. It was set for Sept 21 but not up on Bike reg yet.

Also – what about WWV cross?



I think his come back its good for everybody. its good for cycling as a sport. it brings more attention to the sport. so who cares if his ego ir the size of the empire state building.
its good for the bike companies, more people come into the sport they sell more bike,
bikeshops sell more bikes as a result the wana sponsored more riders,
and this what we want.
oh I what to go I have to split more atoms
and go to Switzerland to take care of my little experiment.I dont know if you guys herd about this
The Large Hadron Collider — a $9 billion particle accelerator designed to simulate conditions of the Big Bang that created the physical Universe — was switched on at 0732 GMT to cheers and applause from experts gathered to witness the event.
and this will take about 2 to 3 weeks to get up to full speed.
Im not only a professional cat 3 but Im also a Scientist on the side

Higgs Boson

Marco, I’ll bet you fifty million dollars that the hadron collider will be totally safe and the universe won’t come to a screeching halt in two weeks. Hell, make it fifty billion.


What if LA, FL, TH, RH, FA, GL, GH, JV, etc all had a reunion tour! Does anyone know what the Tour of the Avenir is all about?

I think Manolo Saiz has a team ready for our dear Lance?!?!?!
Riding Cervelo (insert mkting hype), and all the best equipment!

David Walsh


“Lance’s bloated ego cannot tolerate the idea that the world of cycling wants to forget all about him, his dirty wins, the doping arms race he fueled, and his black-hearted mafia tactics. He cannot stand the idea that clean cyclists could overtake his legacy and bury the memory of his malfeasance under something real, authentic, and worthwhile. He has to have the nasty last word. He’s a megalomaniac and we are his victims.”


Exactly. You guys are a bunch of bitches complaining about trivial bullshit.
Almost everyone is on their soapbox talking shit about why it’s bad.
What about the positives?!
He’ll bring new interest and money into the sport. Isn’t that what we want anyway.
You guys are so negative, like catty women.
Maybe I’m in the wrong fringe wing of bikes, maybe it’s time to dust off the MTB.

PS: Please stay consistent and flame MTB’s now…


I see Adler (Reed and Olson) and Affinity (Chaput) have joined the big boys – best of luck. The 3s lost some tough racers… but we will always have the Exodus guys.


Yeah whatever. They totally don’t randomly post stuff about themselves in almost every thread. They should’ve woven a blanket by now. Too bad they still can’t cover up the blatant accusations…


1st to start: CAT 5’s and any career 4’s who don’t care to upgrade – given a 10 min headstart, but not on the same course anyone else will be riding on. Milk and cookies for all at the finish. No results scored or submitted to USAC.

2nd wave: Combined 3/4 field – only riders with no upgrade points and have never placed within the top 20. Ever. No exceptions. If you finished DFL in a 15 person field, 10 minutes down, you cannot ride in this field due to the mandatory “no top 20 results” rule. You are required to ride in field #3. 20 min headstart.

3rd wave: Sandbaggers. Starts 20 min back. No feeds allowed. Must carry 2, 24-oz bottles filled with lead shot.

4th wave: Dopers. Start 35 minutes behind initial field.

All fields complete for same places. Later departing fields must catch earlier fields to place. Any riders from field 2 who place must ride in the sandbagger field for any subsequent events. Any Sandbagger field riders who place must submit to mandatory post-competition blood/urine testing. Any Dopers who place – who cares? We expected it anyway.


“Lance’s bloated ego cannot tolerate the idea that the world of cycling wants to forget all about him, his dirty wins, the doping arms race he fueled, and his black-hearted mafia tactics. He cannot stand the idea that clean cyclists could overtake his legacy and bury the memory of his malfeasance under something real, authentic, and worthwhile.”


Not sure if he won anything but he is constantly in the top7 guys. Seems to deserve the upgrade since he is a better sprinter than most Cat2s in NYC.

And I am not on Adler…


His comments seem to be calling out to various cancer societies to sponsor a team and the Tour of Georgia.

Coming back isn’t his arrogance. It’s ignorance.


no wins, but his results are solid. don’t hate. plus he does those funny wall st journal interviews. adler should have a strong cat 2 squad by next year.


Give those guys credit. They race out of town almost every weekend and race up when they can. Peppo (not friendly at all) always races 1-3s which I give him credit for. They should have a solid cat2 squad once Slokar and Peppo upgrade.


The new cat 2s guys deserve credit, not hate. But peppo started out in the B field this year after winning GMSR 4s last year … very weak


BJ retirement party…Lance had to poop on his podium in 98, and now his retirement party will have to be rescheduled…will be remembered for putting “harmonic” rings on Carlos’ cranks…

I predict Lance creates the Harlem Globetrotters of cycling appearing in 5 exhibition races like:
Tour of Tinseltown, Paris-the Beach, Ride on a Tractor, Dauphine for Freedom, and Tour DAY Bob Roll’s favorite hits…

Riis Rides Clean Cycling Team


Anyone notice that two of the biggest names in Bike Manufacturers seem to be cut out of the top level of cycling next year? Colnago and Look.

Rabo – Giant
Garmin – Felt
Columbia – Giant
Milram – Focus
Astana – Trekstrong
Quickstep and CSC – S
Cervelo – “”
Lampre – Willier
Liquigas – Cannondale (for now) – maybe Colnago
Cofidis – Time
AG2r – BH
Silence – Canyon
Katusha – Ridley
Bougues telecom – Time
Eskadi – Orbea
Did I miss anyone?

How could Milram go from Colnago to Focus. Maybe Ball will sign up his R&R team to Look or Colnago. I just could not imagine a Grand Tour without these two bikes.


Also finally upgraded…

He won a few and was always in the top 5. Is that good enough…

I guess around here you have to win every race to get to cat2. Funny, I doubt many of the Cat2s had more than 2-3 wins in the 3s at most.


if peppo did the B races it’s only because he didn’t have his 3 yet. guy races up all the time. you don’t get 4-3 upgrade points for a GC win in the 4s.


i’m actually glad that we won’t have to race around that huge crack (covered by a movable barrier thing right now) on horseshit alley and the big steel plates across the road up on the east side around 86th street. the loop was not looking inviting this week.


Colnagos suck… it was a matter of time until top level teams got sick of riding shitty bikes that fall farther and farther behind the cutting edge each year.


Agree about Colnagos but I am a Look man and sad to see them out of the big time. Forgot about Columbia and Scott.

But here is the real question… what is Adler riding this coming year? I heard they are leaving Ridley for a better deal with Pinnarello.


Why do the PP races seem more crash and idiocy prone? The course? After racing CP and out of town a bunch this year I have witnessed some dumb riding in PP. Maybe I’m imagining it.


you are not imagining it. PP races are a shitshow. i’ve had so many bad experiences there. it’s one reason i’ll never leave CRCA.


That’s ridiculous.

How many times do we have to go over this? Any Cat 3 complaining about sandbagging should be ashamed of himself – downgrade.


Are there actually mandatory upgrade rules, and if so why aren’t guys automatically upgraded when they renew their licenses?


Anyone know if the black hole is imminent? I’m thinking about maxing out my credit cards on a few new bikes down at Cadence.


I bet lancelot is going to katiusha. tinkoff must have made him an amazing offer. as greedy and self absorbed as armstrong is, he took the bait. isnt it obvious??? katiusha bought geert, robbie, and who else…


Seriously? Greg Olson a Cat 2? Any guy who gets stickers of his own company and puts them his 6 bikes as if he were sponsored DESERVES to be in the 3s. It’s becoming of a weekend warrior to do so. Reed? Good rider and deserves it. Good job Reed. When is Slokar upgrading?


I’m going to make a big push in the offseason this year to make the jump into the Cat. 2 big leagues and want to hire the right coach to help me reach my goal. I really want to be able to hit the ground running with the big boys in the local battlegrounds come March.

I unsuccessfully tried to contact Coach Will Schnider over at and the site is not working. He seems like a qualified guy who can really put his years of racing experience to work for me, so if anyone knows how I can contact him, please post his info here.


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