La Grand Debacle

Section head text.

Debacle Explained
Here’s what we’re doing tomorrow night. We’ll call up eight lucky contestants during the commercial breaks with a raffle. Those contestants will have to run up to the stage and pour the ingredients of a drink into the blender. Then the clock will stop as we roller-blend the ingredients (sorry, for insurance reasons we have to do the riding). Once the drink is blended, the clock will restart and you’ll have to pour the contents of the blender into cups, load them on a tray, and do a lap around the stage. Once the cups are returned to the blender table (without toppling!) the clock is stopped. Fastest time will win the grand prize, a Cannondale Capo!

All contestants will win a prize, courtesy Sid’s Bikes.

We’ve had a lot of questions regarding tickets, here’s the deal. There’s a strict capacity for the venue, so while tickets are free, once they’re gone you can’t get in. You’ll probably be able to get in without picking up a ticket in advance, but to be safe it’s best to get one. Keep in mind that the attendees of Bicycling’s Tour de France Confidential party will be encouraged to come to the Debacle.


We’ll also be holding a silent auction at the party to benefit the CRCA junior team. Up for auction will be photos donated by James Startt, Bicycling Magazine’s European correspondent and veteran photographer. The photos are 30x40cm framed, museum quality archival C-Prints and are numbered in a limited print run. Come support the juniors and snag yourself a piece of bike racing history.

If this last winter has taught us anything, it’s that three self employed shut-in’s can throw one hell of a party. We’re back at it again, this time with the help of UnWined, Symphony Space, Sid’s, and Vicious Cycles. Symphony Space will screen the Tour, UnWined will provide the food and drink, and Sid’s will bring prizes.

We will debut our Acme inspired party machine, built with invaluable help from Vicious Cycles. We’re still working out where to put the bird feed.

Come watch the Tour and see us in public and totally out of our element. We will drink heavily to offset our awkwardness and maybe ask some girls to dance.


MQ Marco Quezada

That was Marcus Eder. he did the NY Tri the week before.
and he got that souvenear in the hudson river (nice)


If anyone has any results info, I’d appreciate. Wasn’t able to make it this a.m., sadly. . . thanks.


these are the photos that will be auctioned off on Thursday. I’m pretty sure that there are no others.


Hey everyone – Just wanted to urge all of you to come out on the 26th. We have been having a great results this season, most notably a recent 10th overall at Fitchburg and three riders being selected to the Northeast Regional Team to compete in a Junior World Cup stage race in Canada against all the top teams from Europe (Predictor-Lotto Juniors, Belgian National etc…). Unfortunatelyyyy our budget is DONZO and we are broke!! So please come out to support the CRCA juniors. Remember to stay ‘hydrated’ — and to bring some moolah too! The pictures look incredible in person. A big thanks to all who have supported us thus far. See you all on the 26th!

ken s.

sorry, but how does this work? if entrance is free, what are the tickets for? and we have to pick them up at unwined, not at symphony space? do tell–would like to see the tour on the big screen. Thx!


Unwined is a nice spot connected to the old Thalia theater. WIll the tour be projected on the big screen?

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