Kit Argument

Section head text.

Since recent threads have delved into class warfare, misogyny, lameness and endless discussions about “numb self love”, I figure we all need a little e-hug. So this week’s argument is an easy one, a softball over the plate: which local team has the best kit? There, isn’t that a nice discussion topic? There’s no way this one can go awry…



Unless they’re going to let him target the Giro, looks like Levi’s going to be a super-domestique in 2007.


Levi would have been top 5 material at best anyway. So does this confirm Lance / Discovery are "juice-friendly", or do people still beleive Lance was all clear, and the team didn’t turn a blind eye to systematic doping ?


I like the simple minimalist approach to kit design. Bold colorful fonts – unique color combo’s. Lampre and phonak 05′ are my fav’s. Coast 03′ had a nice one.

In light of the Basso news what are the odds that Riis makes a play for Jan?


Chances of Jan to CSC – less than zero – have you been paying attention Lee3 ? Its only US and Russian teams that want the druggies now

Someone who knows

I’m looking to get into designing unique kits. Just hit me up with some info and I could make a mock up for your team.


yea…..tis true it seems. One cant help but consider the chess llike oneupsmanship that brews btw. Johan and Bjarne. I think Riis is consumed with it.

Jan will be cleared sooner than you think and many will look to ink something with the german – just you wait. It looked pretty bleak for Basso up until a week or so ago. That thing with a the Swiss will die. The swiss case was basically standing on the legs of the puerto affair and basically nothing else. With this being shelved – the swiss have nothing. They never had anything to begin with and I dont see them declaring Sanchez or whoever else was 2nd in their race the winner.

Yellow Jacket

I, for one, thought the new design is great. Better looking than most sub-teams! Given the longevity of prior designs, I can’t imagine it being redone after just one season. If it ain’t broke…


for some historical perspective on what local riders wore back in the day:

Incidentally, page one of scrapbook has a nice (if rather melancholy) bio of Al Toefield, for some of the younger guys who may be interested in linking names with faces.

Page 4 shows Nelson Vails c1984 in the Toga track kit (elegant even by today’s standards), and also Tom Donahue and Hewitt Thayer, two big guns from the past. To put things in historical perspective: Tom once clocked 3 consecutive sub-13-min. laps in Central Park. Solo. No PowerTap data for that effort, sadly.

Haig M.

Jamie Swan’s Centerport cycle page rocks!!! That brings back very cool memories of the junior days. I was pretty sure Hewitt Thayer was god (That guy was REALLY strong)…and his sister was pretty hot too.


Mike Green

The below message from Judy Miller indicates that only clubs that sponsored races can have sponsor logos on their kits. Technically many local teams are in violation. But since up to 5 teams can technically sponsor a race, I think it would be cool if some non-CRCA teams signed on to co-sponsor Harlem,Bear etc. and to offer to help. For example Deno’s gave a lot of support for Harlem last year. They could have easily been put down as a co-club sponsor of the race. Same goes for Champion and of course Mengoni.

There seems to be some confusion over “sponsored and non-sponsored”. The term started many years ago to mean that a club sponsored a race, and not necessarily that they got sponsorship money from some source. As a sponsored club (one that put on an event in 2006) the members are allowed to wear advertising on their jersey (Joe’s Bike shop, etc). If they did not put on an event or get their club on a permit with another club, then they must wear a jersey that is plain except for the club name and the manufacturer’s name, or logo . This is very hard (if not impossible) for the officials to monitor, so if you can convey this information to your clubs it will help all to understand the terms.

Jason G

If this is true about the sponsor’s, nearly every team on crca will be in violation…

Will this be enforced? Has this been a rule in previous years?

CRCA sub-teams and races

CRCA runs or helps run a bunch of open races each year. Recently, under Mike Green’s leadership, that’s two events in Harriman, Maltese, Mengoni and Harlem (which would be dead as a race w/o CRCA). Plus, I think, one or two small open events for beginners in the context of clinics. Plus assistance with the Grant’s Tomb Crit. Plus a TT at Floyd this year.

Subteams give the club the capacity to do this.


heck, why did racers who contributed to the success of the team leaving? Did other teams offer them more than just one kit? Did the riders find out the true motive behind the team that we don’t know ’bout?


9 man rule is a great idea. There is no reason to have teams with over 9 guys in an A race. For the B races, it might make less sense, don’t really know.

More Clubs More Open Races?

Nope and JT are right. The CRCA sub-teams are covered by being part of CRCA. And I agree with JT that they are not getting away with anything. Merrill was essential for Harlem and a host of teams, Metro, Maj T, JA, foudnation all helped at Bear. Sorry if I forgot anyone.

I would add that having every sub-team and other regional team put on another local race would not greatly help things. There aren’t too many oher areas of the country that have 2-3 local races a week. There isn’t much room for more local races.

As I suggested in my previous post, having greater cooperation between CRCA and other clubs can help create a few bigger and better events. But there is also limited room for more regional events as we saw with the relatively poor turnout for the fall Bear Mtn race.

I don’t think Charlie would mind a little help from some clubs either.

Crowded schedule?

CRCA planned to do a second TT at Floyd. We couldn’t find a date in August or Sept. that didn’t conflict with a CRCA CP race, a Prospect race , Bear Mtn, Green Mtn, and Silvermine.

Justin pulled together the first FBF TT and is missed.

Editing Arbiter

…go with Giordana. We tried Girodana last season and they were awful.

SKNT GM (11:43) needs to actually READ the labels on his kit and the invoices he’s paid. Considering the strength of the endorsement, he shits the bed time and time again with the company name.

Would he have noticed if “Girodana” had spelled Sakonnet with one “n” on the kit? Perhaps not.

More attention to detail, kids. It’s only our LANGUAGE, after all. And if ya diss Dre, ya diss ya’self.


Apologies to the Danny’s chaps. I stand slightly corrected.
amended critique: Within the multi-strips of vert. colors there is a yellowish band however.
All in all I’d say the design is original and far better than most. Cant wait to see whats on the boards nxt season.


Champion: Lycra too thin on shorts. Stitching falls apart. Had a lot of problems with translating the design – they totally screwed it up. Hopefully they’ve figured things out by now.

Impsport: Sizing is inconsistent (shorts we received were smaller than what we tried on for sizing). Good quality. Shirts cut long in the torso. Late delivery.

Curve: Lycra on shorts was thinner than what we were shown in the sample. Ggreat fit and chamois. Customer service ok. A lot of back and forth but eventually got it right. Also were late on delivery. Probably won’t use them again.

Pactimo: I’d definitely go with them again. Good lycra weight on shorts – not too thin. Good colors. Great fit and quality on everything.

Best team kit (excluding my own): Comedy Central. I like their matching bikes, too.


Hands down, no questions about it Girodana makes the best kits on the market. Their stuff fits to size, their graphics are spot on, they are great to work with and they are Pro (if you didn’t know Girodana was the supplier for US Postal and Discovery clothing under the Nike banner).

Their high tech Pro Tour stuff can be found in Sakonnet summer jerseys (meshed sides like the Yellow/Polka Dot/Sprinter jerseys) and its rummored that the 08 clothing will come without elastics on the sleeves and shorts just like Discovery.

If you want the best with prompt delivery go with Girodana:

you know who

it’s plain but it’s not ugly. It doesn’t have a ton of stupid logos on it and the bibs show off our enormous trouser snakes…


You mean if I fold the tab down the zipper will lock? Gee, I’ve never used a zipper before. Or maybe it just doesn’t work.

My Champion hat is very different than last year’s in material and size. It’s too big and the material is uncomforatble.


I like SIDS and Affinity best. They are bold and in your face. Razorfish is nice too, just a little too light weight for my taste. Looks better on the girls than the boys.


Good design:
ML, Razorfish, Sakonnet, Empire, Sids, Comdey Central,

Not so fond of:
Affinity, Organic Athlete, New Foundation, Setanta, Metro, Centerbridge, Radical, Bandits,


Best kit: Razorfish
Worst kit: Setanta

I love the Hincapie stuff. They’ve been great to us (service-wise) and the winter clothes are roasty toasty.


And that isn’t an Ipod pocket, its a radio pocket jackass….you know, for race radios? So I guess you can cut it out, as you probably arn’t allowed to use one.


you do realize that the bootie zipper is a locking zipper…if you flip the tab down it locks. yeah. hats are the same, maybe your head just got fatter.


Champion: 2007 hats SUCK. It hurts to wear. Last year’s was great. shoe covers don’t stay zipped up–that’s really aero. Gloves are fine, arm and leg warmers are fine.

Louie Garneau bibs, jerseys, skinsuits are good. 2 complaints: idiot ipod pocket in center pocket. Cut it out immediately. Chamois cut too low in front–chafes in a BAD spot. Better lube up or tuck down.

Voler – Seems fine, no complaints.


Champ – Like someone said, last year’s stuff were not that great. Zippers broke,color and size not consistent. Chamois was like paperboard. Anything beyond park races, my butt was hurting. But I guess you get what you pay for

Hincapie – Great quality, but lots is issues with size and back end of staff support. The armwarmers are so loose, the kits are too long, and the vest does not correspond with the jerseys in regards to size. Def George was the fit model? Their shipping dep’t and some of the cust reps didn’t have a lot of common sense. Mr. Rich Hincapie was great to work with, though. If you can tolerate some of the logistics nightmare, I recommend it.

Razzy The Chicken

Champ Sys is good, not great, just good. Their cut/proportions are inconsistent (note, their bibs run big), their zippers have sucked in the past and their technical fabrics are, well, not very technical (like Gore, Lycra, yada, yada.) I’ve had winter bibs from them that just didn’t stretch or give. For more on that check out their chamois or winter clothes. However, with all that said they are by far the least expensive out there.

Giordana is great, there fit is very good, materials are technical fabrics, they have decent customer service. However, they are a tad pricey.

Castelli is great too except it tends to be even less durable than Giordana, at least from my experience. They are a total pain to deal with too!

Hincapie quiality looks great, the materials and fabric are very high quality. Although, I have noticed the cut is a bit long in the torso and leg. This is especially true for small riders or women.

Pearl Izumi has been fantastic supplier of custom kits in the past, unfortunately I don’t believe they offer this service any more. I have old winter gear from them that is still completely functional and contemporary in style now going on 10yrs.

Not sure about the others, I am only writing from first hand use….


I like Giordana for fit, detail, and quality. However, the fabric is light weight and not as durable as some others.


I agree with the person who says that Hincapie cuts their stuff to fit George himself. Their stuff is WAY long in the torso and legs, and the bibs are narrow in the waist (no comment) to the point of being ridiculous. If your waist-to-thigh ratio is roughly 1:1 and you’re over 6′, then you’ll be fine. Also, their jerseys’ sleeve openings are huge and are prone to gap: cheesy. Oh yeah: their short-sleeve jerseys (for warm weather) are hot as hell. Team NYVC had a ROTTEN time dealing with Hincapie last year; they totally f*cked up orders.
Champion Sys’ fit is much more realistic in their bibs (but last year’s chamois had only thin spongy material in it), but their jerseys are a size small. Some say they’re not durable, but I didn’t have a problem with it last year.
Giordana makes great-fitting, comfortable gear. For all their history, they should. Cut right with good, breathable materials and good zippers; nice chamois, too.


Hincapie’s been very good to us. I find the jerseys a tad long (but I have short legs and a long torso). None of the guys (including me) have an issue with the bib fit. The arm gathers don’t flap on me, and I barely have arms.


excellent in material and fit. As good as it is is as bad as the bib shorts are with a useless, misplaced chamois (sit bone pads are placed way higher than my sit bones) with virtually no pad. I bruise my crotch on every long ride I do in it.


If you’ve actually tried champ sys recently, you’d realize they’ve turned around their clothing considerably and the clothing is really good now. But don’t take my word for it, just ask the 75% of teams around here that wear it.


Not easy to work with and low quality.

Verge is great but the best is the Canadien co – Louis Garnae.


Hincapie is really good

Vergesport is a very responsive company too

I’ve had team clothes from Giordana and they’re nice too but not durable. If you’re getting new stuff every year that’s OK I guess.


I like the new foundation kits, they’re not too different from CSC’s feather pattern. Most kits around NYC are interesting and different, variety IS the spice of life..


Live-Strong Kit with full accessories including shoe covers, Black and Yellow Madone, etc. – so pro.


Is tribute and hi-jack the same thing? How is taking someone else’s original design and swapping out their logo with your’s a tribute?


Ken Harris

Vice President of Rider Development
Craig Cook

Vice President of Racing
Marc Mauceri

Ben Harris

Christopher Uglietta

Director of Teams
Wendy Cohen

Marshal Director
Wendy Nickerson

Director of Communications
Craig Abrams

Membership Director
Tom Laskey

Directors of Open Racing
Rob Kolb & Anthony Slokar


Great, so do we really have to stay up ’til midnight Friday just to register for the stupid race? It’s not a stupid race, it’s a great race, but at this point it’s stupid that we have to risk the race next morning to get a shot at getting in the 4 field, servers stalling and crashing all around like the field itself up tiorati.


I’m with Homophonous. We are the storm troopers of the language police and you are about to get locked up.
It is ‘what’s’ not ‘whats,’ douchebag.
And calling someone Poindexter? What year is it, 1950?

Not a 4, not in CRCA

Excuse the interruption kind sirs. I am not a member of your vast and belligerent CRCA constituency. However, I would like to race Bear Mtn, and would like to know the start times and categories. I apologize volumes and volumes in advance for your time and consideration.


is you take time out of your apparently intelligent life to correct people on the internet…

who’s the loser, poindexter?


NYC needs to have a twilight crit. racing at night in the city that never sleeps. or maybe a midnight crit. That would be so awesome. Who will organize?


I love the fact that some of the illiterates that feel compelled to answer on this site spell “road” R-O-D-E. Really pathetic. Guys, that’s elementary spelling. “To” used for “too” is also genius. Seriously, what the fuck? Give a damn about the language you speak.


is it just me or do they look like Derek Zoolander and his model friends? everytime i see them i expect to see them break into a slow-mo gas tossing retard fest.


we’re intentionally not discussing the fashionistas, because we know its eating them up on the inside


Old Foundation kit was great because you could spot it a thousand miles away. And the white logo with black lettering inside the red was clear as day.

Now with the new kit if one of their guys is one second up the rode I can’t even tell its Foundation.

America's Best Fat Model

Best looking Kits:
1.Junior Development Kit:
Makes me wish I was a kid again

2.Merill Lynch:
Can easily make one look like a raging homo if worn incorrectly


Worst Kits:
1. Foundation:
No comment…old one was much better

2. Major Taylor:
Orange and Black? What were they thinking? Orange and white would suit them well..

3. Organic Athlete:
Too many sponsors…looks a hott mess


CJ inherits millions from a rich Uncle and decides to sponsor his own cycling team. The team kit will include CJIA jerseys, bibs, socks, caps, water bottles, thongs, maternity shirts, and hankys to wave at passing macho cyclists.


What about Deno’s Wonder Wheel, BVF and WS United/United Homes? BVF has a nice kit as well as Deno’s and United.

Matt P

Our required event per USCF rules was Track States. That was 3 days worth of racing. It was pretty big… You should have come.

I think you are referring to talk of a larger road event for next season in the catskills. We are a small team and we’re trying to figure some stuff out. so right now it is what it is.. just talk.

I don’t get the cjia. not in on that…


is the best kit in every sense:
-good design
-classic colors
-no evil corporate logos
-inhibits dysfunctional fantasizing
-has a long distinguished tradition
-all the very best riders have worn it
-guys wearing it now are either too new to be insecure yet, or too old to care what anyone thinks anymore

wear it with pride!

plaintalker jft

that 4:35 seems to think not being partisan and saying my own crew is the best, whatever is “funny”


….you’re not alone at all. I think the Affinity kit looks messy at best….doesn’t take away from the ultra-hip cool nature of the riders. Speak you’re minds – we’ve got a case of the Emperor’s new clothes here – the kit looks horrible!!


The Mexicutioner’s Phonak inspired kit! Mainly because he wheres it and accessorizes with oldschool oakleys and helmet.


I don’t like the Razorfish or Affinity kit. Maybe if one looks closely, the finer details could be noticed. But on the whole, I find them unimpressive as athletic uniforms.

mr graffix

not so sure it was absolute stupidity. our greatest feat was building a 4 story beer bong up the open part of a staircase using thick clear tubing and a firehose valve at the bottom. you could put 2 cases of brador in it. the record was three seconds of open valve.
always a team effort.
we got busted for that one pretty bad by admin but only after jim took a whole bag of shrooms and then smashed a porcelain toilet bowl to shards using an iron frying pan. expensive. many hours explaining ourselves to the dean of housing.

a few teams are riding in those this year

…I think it is a special chinese-styled technology…sang bang provie, i believe


filling her up took much effort, no doubt. the whole operation was a team effort. but you could clear it in one go. and dizzy does not being to describe the rest of your weekend

mr. graffix

how hard do you have to toke to get the smoke out of 6 feet of piping? you’d be dizzy before anything came out!

are you saying you designed the foundation/ny sketchy kit?



Nice try graffical, but if you had actually read the entire dictionary entry carefully, you would’ve found that graphical is an adjective, much like “idioitic” or it’s variant “idiotical”, or even “defensive”. So using the adjective to modify the noun “standpoint” is perfectly acceptable.

Could I have used “graphic” instead? Yes, but correct me if I’m wrong – this isn’t the congressional record, this is the internets (the is “s” added for silliness – that how I roll).

All these grammatical loops still don’t make my point about Affinity’s Lettermark incorrect – that it would be better suited to a nice Saffron tea bag instead of being attached to a moving object.


graffix please … you must be joking.

6-foot glass. try transporting that back and forth to school and keeping it in your ‘rents basement. shoulda gotten a degree for that alone

or the deer antler bowl. money.


“usually graphical : of, relating to, or represented by a graph”

so still wrong, and not even in a cool napoleon liger kind of way.

on a side note but potentially related to the retardation of mr. graphical, this reminds me of the best bong we had at college – a bright blue 2 foot graffix that had a laughing deaths head on it. mmmm…


To CSA: Good comeback!

Too funny!

Also, I’m impressed that you can google to save face.


Batman — All black is a classic but bad for humid days, excellent utility belt, winged boots = pro as shit
Aquaman — Nice use of orange, good utility belt, could do without green tights and booties
Captain America — Very patriotic, mask is best in business, matching shield is very classic
Wonder Woman — Very nice top, like the stars on the bottom, invisible jet should lose Rudy Project logo, makes it visible
Robin — too close to NYC Sketches
Spiderman — very nice kit, everything works, bug motif is a classic, might try to get red to pop more
Thing — Like the use of brick as a color (is that Conti orange?) but blue pants show too much…crack
Superman — blah. Nice boots though.
Wonder Twins — Rare and daring use of purple but bad haircuts and they bug me since they’re always changing into ice sculptures and wooly mammoths. Plus Gleek has got to go.


too precious

You know in ten years they’ll be thinking “What were we thinking?”

And the bikes are too much


said in offensive faux-accent that maybe I can get away with due to Chinese in my family



Re: Charles S. Anderson
You were joking right?
From a smart alec-al standpoint, that was pretty fucking dumb.

is 4:15 an NYVC PB?

ok, we went 4h 15m before some hate. quality hate, too, getting on someone’s adjectival usage from 3 hours ago. good flame.


maroon is classy?
you mean classy like a lawyer’s bookshelf or a leather chair in a smoking parlor?

Razzy The Chicken

Adler: Cool, retro, loud, pro look (esp. matching bikes)
Affinity: Cool print style design, does it lend itself to racing pics, hmm probably not.
Comedy Central: Very clean design that pops, great branding, pro look (esp. matching bikes)
Mengoni: Some like it, I think it’s a bit boring
Sakonnet: I like it, nice clean look, very much a racer’s racing kit!
Blue Ribbon: Once considered by many the best looking is now in need of an update. One thangs for shure, those colors don’ run boy!
Metro: Uh, wake me when it’s over….
Avenue A/Razorfish: It’s ok, need to pop more, what is a Razorfish anyway?
Radical: New kit is clean, high contrast (it’s black-n-white, need I say more?) and very manly, er wait it’s a womens team right?
South Africa: Hmm, not sure yet
NYSketches: Woah, turn that thing off!
Bandits: Design is great, colors aren’t so much specifically the green, no yellow, no maybe it’s fluorescent
Foundation: Fish scales?
Empire: Hmm, design is ok, color palette is too muted to pop. For a top team they need to stand out more cuz those boys are in pics all the time.
Sids: I like, it’s clean, it pops, it looks good with their bikes too
Sentana: Ok, nothing special, do they have matching shorts?
Organic Athlete: uh, well, it looks kinda organic, like salad–no?

And of course the best kit is riding naked, er, maybe-


I like the CRCA Juniors’ kit. It’s clean and simple, classic yet modern. A more-or-less white kit (Affinity, nyvelocity, Razorfish) seems like a good way to go, but be warned: not even the best Chinese laundry secrets are going to fully remove the effects of racing through Horseshit Alley in the rain.


it’s easy to design kits around one visible sponsor, and I like Adler or Global, but few teams show off multiple sponsors well. For that I like Metro and Organic. Can you name the other sponsors of other teams? Isn’t that the real goal?

Matt P

has the nicest kit for my money… nice simple design with great colors that you can spot from a mile away, but the fact that they pop so much doesn’t come off as garish to me unlike NY sketches.


A few years ago I thought Blue Ribbon was the best by far, now it’s starting to look dated and too busy.
Mengoni is simple but classic, just liven the shorts a bit.
Global Locate also has good new classic kit. Interesting colors. A little dark but a good contrast to everyone else going white.
CRCA should go for that classic look and get rid of the dated swooshy things.


i like the PBR/Human Zoom kits. mostly cause they let me dream about PBR during a race, but also cause i think they’re designed well.


i never see them riding ever, but their kit is pretty cool. i got an up close look at it at Bicycle Habitat, where they are sold (according to the shop, tourists buy them up). Also, I have to say the new Setanta kits are pretty sweet. (Nice job, Forsyth!).


From a design standpoint I think Affinity’s kit is too busy and the colors are ordinary and not used for best impact like Empire’s kit. It lacks any solid graphic element. The scale and relationship of the graphics are off for a bike jersey. Sorry Affinity lovers.

D vB

. . . and I gotta say that DelMonte can link was very funny.

Maybe I’ll write to the producers of “Project Runway” and suggest that one of the challenges for next season be design proposals for CRCA kits. (You can only do so much with green/orange.)

FWIW, I liked the old Edgemont kits (no offense to the South African flag).

Not a Canadien

I have seen this year are the EVA Devinchi Kits with matching Devinci Bikes – Sweet! Plus the win at Battenkill over Empire was still the best finish of the year…


Adler- hip ironic fun. very cool

Affinity- strong design, cool placement of the A

Sids- so pro, and great PR for their sponsors

Empire- power, power colors, and power design

Razorfish- Nice balanced design

SA- smart design incorporating the SA flag

Comedy Central- nice palette


OA- I liked the old crunchy kit better. Appropriate Birkenstock vibe

Foundation- The old kit was better

kit sucks

what funny is the guy who designs them goes around bragging about it and asking if he can design more team kits.


I vote Comedy Central. Second I like the Sid’s/cannondale kit. Just so happens that way. Not Sids biased. Just great designs. Too bad it’s often confused with the Major Taylor’s Iron Riders kit, though. Like Global Locate colors, too.
Dislike Foundation and Sketches. And bland kits like Mengoni.

L. Pierre

The Sakonnet kit is pretty cool – looks very pro. Mengoni jersey is classic, but the shorts need some work.

I like the Bandits shorts. Actually I like what’s in the Bandit’s shorts.

Charles S. Anderson

From a graphical standpoint, Affinity’s logo isn’t legible enough to be recognized from a distance. Which is ok if you’re a design firm or coffee shop, but not so great if you’re a company with your logo on bike or jersey going 20 MPH.


The problem with Affinity is that unless you’re familiar with the kit, it’s hard to immediately recognize the team name


a word of advice dont put any sponsors on your kit who do not pay. equipment sponsors get exposure with the equipment. all you do is whore up your kit. keep it simple like Bicycling and the crca kit.


Best Kit Tie – DC Racing and Affinity
Timeless /Classic Kit – Mengoni
Worst Kit Tie – Foundation and Peddlers Paradise

Nate the Hate

lets go back to flaming JJ, whiney Cat 4s, whiney race promoters, and women’s racing.

Just to make it relevant, I hate the Organic Athletes kits – it looks like the color fairy had the runs. I do like their web design with the photos though.


I see that CRCA FINALLY posted their TT champs results on their website. But what about the masters results???? Oldsters want to know too! We’ve lost too much memory to keep track of how old everyone is.

Comments are closed.