Kissena Opening Weekend

Section head text.

Wednesday results are here.

from Alan Atwood

Another season of track racing is right around the corner at the friendly confines of the Kissena Velodrome in Flushing.  Opening Weekend is here, and for the NYC trackies that means summer is right around the corner.  

The velodrome has gotten very popular over the last several years, as many road riders have found a second hobby if you will on the fixed gears.  This has made for a lot of good racing lately, and it should continue with this weekend’s opener.  With around 75 entries expected, this should be the start of the best year ever for the velodrome.  It continues next week with the start of the very popular Twilight Series, which is now expanding to 2 nights a week to accommodate all of the participants.  


If you are feeling the need for speed, registration for this weekend is open until Friday night.  Otherwise, come on out and watch the races and have a good time; after all this is why we ride and race our bikes.  Information on the weekend’s event can be found on the Kissena Cycling Club’s track page, which is located at  


Hope to see everyone out for a great time and great fun.



Wow! this is a great start to what is looking like a
great year. I took Matt Pascale to Cali and that energy has transfered to the east coast. Dave Z and Floyd told me they were impressed with the quality of riders coming out of this area. After the first weekend and wednesday twilight racing night
I must say we look like talent has come back to Kissena. I wish I was twenty years younger this is an exciting time to be racing. Thank you all
Brooklyn velo Force, Alan Atwood and his staff,
Tommy Sebago and his crew, my street racers now turned world class, Kevin Bolger and the Cyclehawks.


If anyone is wondering… the races are on today. They are ‘banking’ on the track drying fast. 🙂
See ya there!

put that in your dickies

Drag your ass for 100 hours in your automobubble to pay 100 dollars to sit in sucking 100 wheels for 100 good reasons none of which you can manage to remember because you’re an annon. Watch out your POS.


You know they’re taking down that mural? Lifting it off the wall chemically and it’s going to a museum. End of an era. Not that anyone here would care…

Alan Atwood

84 riders for this weekend at the track; a new Kissena record!! Come on out and watch; should be a blast.



how did will schneider do in the spring series? there are still a few pages on this site where i couldn’t find his results posted.


1. George Gyarmathy
2. Igor Misicki
3. Franklin Burgos
4. Wilson Vasquez
5. Chris Loudon
6. Anthony Lowe
7. Rashad Guerra
8. Gary Steinberg
9. Geoff Bickford
10. Paul Carbonara


Keith Haring is posting from beyond! AS if anyone cares AT ALL about the SS Overall…pluh-eezee my neezee!!!

David Jordan

Wiggins, Ekimov, Zabel, Cavendish, McGee, McCarthy, Nitz, Clark, O’Grady, and now Phinney Junior to the list. Go get a late pass, BOIYEE!!!

100+ mile real racing!!!

track is wack
1.Igor Misicki
2.Franklin Burgos
3.Wilson Vasquez
4.Chris Loudon
5.Antony Lowe
6.Rashad Guerra
7.Gavin Roberston
8.Martin Lechowicz
9.Will Schneider
10.Glenroy Grifftith


Spring Series Category Pro1,2,3 Overall

1.Igor Misicki
2.Franklin Burgos
3.Wilson Vasquez
4.Chris Loudon
5.Antony Lowe
6.Rashad Guerra
7.Gavin Roberston
8.Martin Lechowicz
9.Will Schneider
10.Glenroy Grifftith

Colin P.

thanks for the info. i can’t wait to check it out! i’ll see you some other time, dolan, i’ve got family stuff in PA this weekend.


snore…track guy chitchat day….its like the st. patrick’s parade…we have to endure you lunatics once a year…what gearing should i run..BLA BLA…just put on your Dickie cutoffs and do an alleycat in Greenpoint…


To all the Track Guys that have been patiently waiting for their season to start. Best of luck especially to the DC Racing crew.


if you race on the road you can race on the track. honestly it is not that different. you just take all the good parts of a bike race and cram it into less than 10km. chill, then repeat. kissena even has loaner bikes.

i (as well as others) will happily offer my time and help orientate you to the track. if you want to go this weekend and show up early i will meet you there.


furthermore… kissena is a perfect track to learn because it is flat and relatively uncrowded. plus the ice cream man comes.

Colin P.

I would like to try out some track racing this summer. Are there any clinic-type sessions to learn the basics? I’ve heard that there are, but can’t find info on the website. thanks.

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