Is Lactic Threshold dead?

Section head text.

The New York Times is reporting that some smarty pants Columbia scientists have come up with an explanation for muscle fatigue. They propose that the leaking of calcium from the flow inside muscle cells during contractions leads to fatigue. This is opposed to the theory that muscles fatigue because they release lactic acid. The lactic acid is still released, but it may not be the reason for fatigue.

What now? Do we light torches and run like a village mob to all those finger-pricking lactic acid testers? Does lactic acid testing still have benefits because lactic acid is still a by-product of muscle contraction? Does any of this actually matter? And let me be the first to say “shut up and ride your bike”, so we can get it out of the way.



I wish local races were invite only, then I wouldn’t have to listen to cat 4s discuss what they are going to wear pre-race.


Lactic threshold testing is the best thing we’ve got, now, so keep using it. It will take many years for this method, if it is borne out, to be used. And, while the study seems solid, the conclusions are a reach. The interaction between muscles and your other systems are many. Even is we figured out a way to stop the calcium impact, there are many other impacts of exercise.


“1G9. Limitations. Except for invitational races, the organizer must provide an equal opportunity for all qualified applicants to participate without discrimination.”

TdF is an invitational race. Most of our local races are not.


think how hot the discussion on this site would be if local promoters started choosing who could be in their race.

“CRCA-Duane Reade has been denied an invitation to Saturday’s B race due to allegations one of their riders did the night right last summer.”

“We’ve put in place a firm anti-night ride program and I’m dissapointed the CRCA hasn’t recognized that” the distraught manager said.



They were never invited. Gotta get the invite before you’re disinvited. Contador should look for other employment.


Shouldn’t someone mention how much they hate it when people post something stupid and then say “discuss”?



It’s too late but there will be suits, charges , countersuits back and forth making this year another circus.
UCI’s strategy now is to create a world tour for the Pro Tour, if they can.
If they could get money from TV in the US it would be a done deal.


JEsus, so is it too late for the riders to skip to another team for the season that will race in the Tour, or does this just not happen this late in the preparation season?

Cal TH

Today I star my Cal. Threshold training, but first I’m going have a glass of milk to assure that my cal threshold makes my muscles fatigue for hard training


Let me show you the way
Let me break it down
Let me show you how
Im gonna put you out
Watch me show and prove
Watch me make my moves
To get rid of you
You can pack your thangs
You can take this ring
It want be no thang
To the front door, cause
I cant take no more
I cant take no more
Let me show you the way


In my mind and in my car, we can’t rewind we’ve gone to far
Oh-a-aho oh,
Oh-a-aho oh

Power Meter killed the radio star.

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