Only a couple races on this beautiful weekend, because here in the northeast we like to get all our racing done in the shitty weather in March/April. Good stuff, us!
On Sun, there is the CRCA Mengoni Grand Prix (2015) which is an awesome race and everyone should be doing it. You could race there and then head out west to NJ for the Freedom Tour 2015 crit. Maybe NJ isn’t west enough for you and you head out to PA for the Liberty Criterium (PA BAR)? Either way, enjoy folks and be safe.

What’s the over/under for Mr. “CRCA is racist” Jaun A. Suarez being DQed from an open CP race again?
Dairy Queen,
What pisses me-off is that after a second time they will allow this guy to race. At some point someone will get hurt, maybe a non-racer and than CRCA will essentially be responsible, since they knowingly allowed an abusive rider to race. I would assume this would be grounds for NYC Parks to stop providing permits.
The Liberty Crit is 114 miles from New York.
Depends on where in NY you live. 92 miles according to my zip code.
100 miles seems arbitrary. Most of the best races are outside that radius. Is this site just for local races now?
This site has always been about the local NYC race scene (NY-velo-City). For the bigger races (GMSR, B$&#*$&kill, Catskills, etc) I will still report those results but I don’t have time nor do I get paid enough to report results for every single crit or circuit race outside of NYC. Although my nyvelocity paycheck last week was doubled from it’s normal $0.00 to $00.00, I think Dan just made a mistake.
You need to send us that extra $0 back.