Hopeful Friday 4/6/07

Section head text.

There’s two Spring Series races this weekend at both Prospect and Central parks, so un-fit racers have the opportunity to get dropped in two different boroughs. Bethel is taking the weekend off. Flanders is Sunday, along with the U.S. Open Cycling Championships on TV on Saturday.

Rumor Control: Yes, ex-pros Morras and Corraia were spotted riding in the park this week, we predict you will also see them riding together at the end of the weekend races.



Racing age 31. As to my "secret?" I will let you know if/when I actually get fast. 🙂

In the meantime, I blame the results on Chiropractic and Steve Goldman AKA The Spicy Meat Filling of the Westwood Velo Enchillada.

yeah, hungry cyclist. . .

what happened? how about a good recipe for home-made gel, so we don’t have to fork over hard-earned dough for over-priced hammer nutrition supplies? anyway, miss your recepies.


Isn’t Araon Wolfe weights something like 130lb??? A climber. He is already in the 16 minutes mark.


Well.. Had some dinner.and then we TALKED. AND TALKED.
all night :— Yep even I get to Talk sometimes. ;——–
this is a family site. I think?
Can you belive even I get to TALK….
Huh who knew.

Sandy Hook SR Women's Field

Was not twice as long. The times on bike reg should read as
17.19, 19.00, 20.04 and so on.

props to AVD

starts pretty much all on time this year. No or very few laps cut. Nice.

It’s annoying that every other time I go to registration the guy says "I don’t see your name on the list" and then I have to point it out to him, and have him say "Oh, I guess I didn’t see it" Yeah, I guess not.

I don’t understand that.

But overall well done races.

F'in' old guys!!! you ole' guys oughtz to slow down!

enjoy life a little! stop hurrying around.
it looks like everyone in the top 5 to 7 riders was 30+.
WO, what is your racing age?
what was your secret to going so darn fast?


WO, nicely done slice. kudos on your 2nd place in the Sr. Men field at Sandy Hook. Thats something to be proud of for sure. WV had a lot of riders there and it was great going head to head with you guys. The kids from Colavity were awsome as well. Dan Coleman deserves a ton of credit for his efforts there, congrats to all of them. Accardi was flying the 4/5s, and had a great time. I think i saw Goldman took the M35 and had a top 10 overall time as well. Those M35 and M45 guys can move quick despite their age. how old is goldman anyway? towards the 35 side of things or 45?
good thing it didnt snow. overall, a great day of racing.
anyone know if results have been posted anywhere.


Sorry no pics from me. wife kept me up all night. if you know what I mean :—))) She was out of town for a While.
But I’ll be there in the AM so bring your sunday’s best


Sorry no pics from me. wife kept me up all night. if you know what I mean :—))) She was out of town for a While.
But I’ll be there in the AM so bring your sunday’s best

To NY from Will Riff

I think you have the Wills confused. My guess is that the last post was by William O’D. of Westwood.

I rode with no aero bars on my road bike and was not in the mix- high 16:20s I would guess. So it goes.


Showing my worldliness: Arnal is a good bike racer and a good guy. Glad to see he had a big day. Seriously.

Will – – you get 2nd without aerobars?

Sandy Hook 1/2/3

Thanks Potty for the vote of confidence. Can’t you give me first next time? Alvaro Arnal (human zoom) had a time of 14:51. I came in with a time of 14:59. I forget (sorry) the name of the third place finisher, but he edged Mike Gisler (Westwood) into fourth place by .1 seconds. In the 35+, Goldman (Westwood) stomped the field. Anyone else post results??


Sandy Hook 1/2/3

Thanks Potty for the vote of confidence. Can’t you give me first next time? Alvaro Arnal (human zoom) had a time of 14:51. I came in with a time of 14:59. I forget (sorry) the name of the third place finisher, but he edged Mike Gisler (Westwood) into fourth place by .1 seconds. In the 35+, Goldman (Westwood) stomped the field. Anyone else post results??


helmet guy

yeah, about part way through the race he started asking some guys on the side for a helmet


Pics would be nice.

Yeah, any photos from Sandy Hook and/or Prospect Park? The vid’s up from PP, but is anyone submitting photos? For pure vanity, of course. Andy: I want to see the pics of PG and SF in their new togs aboard their geekmobiles.


There was a guy in our race who started without a helmet. You can see him in the video at minute 9:39. Then half-way through the race, he had somehow acquired one. Did he get a helmet handup?


Didn’t stick around in Sandy Hook to check for my official time. Any idea when the result would be available? What is the winning time for cat4/5???


I just looked it up, and it was on April 9 (my training/racing diary dates back to 1991). But there may have been some leftover foolishness from the week before.

that snowy picture if fake!


It was a sunny day. Look at the calendar — the race was on April 1

Dont’ be fooled again!


In that snowy race, Dave Melchior and I were trying to catch Puya, who was alone up the road. I said to Dave that we had to go faster. He responded by saying, "Eugene, I can’t feel…..anything."

Coach Penelope

I want some hard action this weekend. Especially in that 3/4 field. If Dimitri wins again, I will heckle you limp dinks to no end.


Hey, wait a minute…. In your Hopeful Friday picture, there are leaves in those trees. That’s not Central Park being paved– You guys can’t be trusted any more.


I think 2006 was the only time I’ve been to Sandy Hook where I didn’t get soaked or freeze my ass off or both.

I don't know why the repaving is going slowly

But if I was in charge of it I’d postponed it a week or two — it’s not good to repave when it is likely to be freezing overnight at the same time.

Also, I do not believe it is the parks dept doing the repaving — it’s DOT.

Signed: some guy

To K King 2

The parks department doesn’t want to jump into this thing rashly. Since this doesn’t impact the majority of park users (runners, tourists, and cab drivers who test their rally driving skills), why should they do this quickly?

Chris M

Id just like to state for the record that Im not entirely pleased to be riding in the 30’s in April – in the middle of the day! I was mentally packing up the warm weather kit…

To K King

Absolutely correct. 49 – 50 weeks. Add in the holiday periods and snow weeks and they will take 52 weeks easily and by then they will have to start at the beginning again.

Central Park

I was in the park around 9:30 last night, and it looked to me like they were paving the short section they’d dug up, which was just on the largest uphill at the north end of the park. So it’s the same old stuff (with potholes) on all the downhills on the west side and then back up the east side.


Riff is entered in the no aero category- unlikely to figure in the overall. Gaps should be interesting though.


Agree with Aaron on Accardi and Goldman but Riff is doing Eddy so I will put Troy 1st and Will O’ 2nd for senior men.

RE: Central Park

the CP website has the work finishing up on Tues the 10th so there is still hope for the downhills and west side

sandy hook tt

will be awesome. hopefully not too cold and rainy though, this weather we’ve been having is wack.


They basically repaved a section that has no effect on bike racing. First uphill stretch on Harlem hill. All the dangerous holes on the fast sections are still there.


I lurrrve the cold PP races. I get to roll out of bed, and be at the start in 5 minutes. I may even warm up on the trainer indoors.

Anonymously me

For me to win, I need a few advantages. Half of the field not showing up is a good start. I’ll be there.

Captain Ed

We’ll have three guys coming up from South Jersey to do Prospect Tomorrow, two in the 5 and I’ll be doin’ the 3/4. Make sure enough of you New Yorkers show up so I have some place to hide, I need bodys. We will be skipping the "CP Roubaix"; I’ll wait until Battenkill to trash my wheels.

Oh joy

Riding 45 minutes to Prospect at 30F. Racing (which is fun, but will be hard) and then riding home after the race.


half the field not showing up usually does not make the racing any easier. in fact, it’s usually a lot harder. the die hards will always be there and everyone else will think it’s a good time to try to place.

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